"Then why did you bring me here?"

"To take off the seal on your mind," Kai replied as Mila suddenly looked stunned.

"So there really is a seal on my mind?" She asked in a low tone as Kai looked surprised. He hadn't expected Mila to know that there was a seal on her mind.

But regardless of that, she still knew about it.

"How did you know that?" He asked while raising his eyebrows as the brown-haired girl averted her gaze away.

"I don't remember anything about my childhood except the moment when my mother left me. I had asked my father about it one night when he had been drunk and he had said that he had placed a seal on my mind to block the memories of the devil inside my mother's body."

'Could I have been mistaken? No, the seal on her mind is big enough to hold a ton of memories and there is no way that it grew that big with just a single month's memories.' A wild theory then suddenly entered his mind.


"Mila, you only don't remember the memories before your mother abandoned you or you don't remember your entire childhood?" Kai asked as the latter tilted her head in confusion.

"My mother abandoned me when I was twelve years old. I don't remember anything that happened before that." Mila had no idea why she was telling the man in front of her about her past but she felt something inside her open up.

'I think I have gone mad. This man killed my father and the rest of the village just because he wanted to do that and here I am talking to him about my past.' Mila thought while gritting her teeth as a voice in her head suddenly reminded her of something.

'Those villagers knew what happened to you and yet they didn't do anything about it. They blindly worshipped the man who was your father. Not only that but your father didn't even think of you as his child. To him, you were just someone he could use to pass on the title of the village chief to.He hit you so many times and you nearly died most of those times. It would have progressed into sexual abuse had you not hit him back but that just seemed to make things worse. He would hit you even harder next time but your cultivation slowly rose to a higher level.

Remember that you had always been alone during those times and was about to be executed when those two came and saved you for no apparent reason. They have done more for you than anyone from that village or your father has done.'

The voice had been inside her head for as long as she could remember. It would sometimes guide her to do the things she wanted while most of the time, it would make fun of her for being weak.


But every time the voice made fun of her, she would always try to get stronger. That was why her cultivation was at the divine soul realm and she could endure her father's blows while sometimes hitting him back.

'What else do you think I should do?' She asked the voice back as she heard laughter echo inside her mind.

'The answer is standing right in front of you Mila.' The voice replied as Mila felt it slowly fade into the background.

Mila started thinking about what she would say to Kai and started planning multiple scenarios inside her head.

Kai on the other hand was thinking about what happened to the seal on Mila's mind the moment she was born. There was a chance that both the seals had merged together and had given Mila a trauma seal.

This meant that there was a chance that the seal placed on her mind was different than the one that had been there the first time.

"Mila, would you like to get your memories back?" Kai suddenly asked since the only way to undo the seal was to make Mila overcome her trauma and for that, he needed her to agree with him.

"No, I don't." Yet she shattered his plan. "Why would I like to obtain memories about the woman who abandoned me and about a father to beat me for as long as I could remember."Mila forgot what she was trying to say and instead said no to what Kai had asked her. This was because she knew that there was no way that she would like to know about her parents who had both been equally terrible.

Her mother had left her behind to a father who got drunk and hit her really badly but the drunk father was easier to handle than the sober one.

"She didn't abandon you though." Kai suddenly said as Mila looked confused.

"You don't know that."

"I have seen your father and his subordinates' memories. I know what I am talking about."Kai replied as Mila stood still.

"Then why did she leave me behind?…" She asked in a low tone as she could that she didn't want to know the answer. Yet she kept her ears opening.

"Your mother had been attacked by the entire village and she had two babies with her. Many of the men lunged at her and stole you from her yet she tried extremely hard to get you back.magic

But she realized that at the rate things were going, there was a chance that both she and her second child were going to die. And because of that, she left you behind while crying and left the place." Kai explained with a serious face as Mila's mouth opened slightly and hung that way.

"I… I… don't believe you." She replied as she could feel her blood boiling. She knew that her father was a liar but she had no idea that he could lie about something like this.

"I can show you the memories if you want," Kai replied as Mila gulped nervously.

"How do I know that they will be real?"

"You have my word that they will be real," Kai replied as Mila took a deep breath and nodded.

"Then show me." The voice had said that Kai was the answer and she trusted the voice just as she was going to trust Kai.

But little did she know that Kai was a liar.

He was someone who could make a lie the truth
