'She really isn't Sahara.' Kiana thought while standing still. Her body wasn't obeying her commands and it was as though someone had frozen her in her place.magic

But if she had to guess, she would say that it was the woman's doing. She was observing Kiana with a dangerous look and the latter could only hope that someone would soon come to get her.

'But what if there are multiple imposters in the library…' If what she was thinking was true, there was a chance that no one would come to her rescue and she would remain trapped in the place she was in.

And the fake Sahara looked downright murderous in front of her.

'Take a deep breath and maintain a calm expression. Don't let the enemy think that they have won by catching you.' Kiana took a deep breath as she remembered what Riang had taught her in the mortal realm.

She replied and then started forming a plan to fight back but all she could think of were ways to delay the fake Sahara.

"Looks like I was right." Kiana managed to speak even though she felt as though her throat was slowly being crushed. "You are not sister Sahara but are just someone impersonating her."


"Who could have thought that a trophy like you would be smart." Fake Sahara muttered in an annoyed tone.

"What do you mean trophy?"

"You and all of the other girls here are just trophies to that Kai. What else did you think?" Fake Sahara asked back while cocking an eyebrow.

"Looks like you are one of the women who tried to prove that Kai was just a man who tries to get in every single woman's pants. But he proved you wrong." Kiana thought of some random bullshit story to delay the woman but her expression changed.

'Wait, did I just guess what had happened in the past?' Kiana felt confused as the woman's expression turned blank.

"Looks like you know a whole lot of such things." She said and suddenly raised her right hand towards Kiana's throat. "You need to die here."


'Oh shit.' Kiana thought as she realized that her death was near.But her body suddenly unfroze and she was able to move it again.

"Phew, that was close." A pink-haired woman was standing at the door with a small smile on her face. Risea then looked at Kiana for a few seconds and the two of them immediately switched their positions.

[ Go and see whether the others have found any other imposters. I set them on that work while coming here myself. Make sure to steer clear of dangerous situations. ] Risea said through a spiritual message as Kiana nodded and moved away.

"Not so soon dear." Risea then said with a small smile as her right hand moved forward and she grabbed the fake Sahara's right hand.

The two of them however suddenly felt a connection as Risea pulled her hand away. They stared at each other as the fake Sahara's appearance started to change.

Her hair turned to white color and her eyes turned gray. Her face turned even younger and her height started to shrink. Her body also grew small in size alongside both of her curves.

She was now wearing a white dress that hung loosely on her body.

(Check this paragraph comment for her image.)

'She looks like what I do in my loli form…' Risea narrowed her eyes as she shifted her form. Her entire body soon changed down to her loli form as she was now wearing her pink dress.

The two of them then locked gazes as they tried to guess what was happening. But both of them reached the same conclusion in the end.

""Are you a Nephilim?"" They asked at the same time. The white-haired loli looked in shock when she heard Risea asking the same question.

This meant that she had been lied to.

"They told me that I was the only Nephilim alive and the rest had been killed because of Kai…" She suddenly muttered to herself while staring at the ground but Risea heard her words."Killed because of Kai? He is the reason I am alive and standing here." She said as the white-haired woman looked into her eyes.

"No, you must be lying and this is some illusion. There is no way that another Nephilim would be here especially where Kai's harem is." She added as Risea snorted.

"What a way to be in denial." She said as two white wings suddenly appeared from her back. The two lolis then locked their eyes as six white wings appeared behind the white-haired loli.

However, the wings were much smaller in comparison to Risea's wings and it could be said that the white-haired loli's six wings were equal to Risea's two wings.

"So you really are an angel…" The white-haired loli muttered as Risea changed back to her twenties form.

"Why did you think I was lying? I even changed my form down to the bone you know."

"But they said that I was the last one…"

"One thing I have learned after living this long is that you should not believe most things without seeing them. Like there was a rumor going on that Kai's dick was extremely small though they had no idea how wrong they were."

"That's irrelevant." The white-haired loli replied as Risea shrugged,

"I was just giving an example and by the way, how old are you?" She asked back.

"I am nine centuries old."

"So you are not even a millennium-old huh. No wonder you were fooled so easily. And let me guess, you haven't met many people and those who you met are the only ones who you believe."

"How did you-"

"I know that because I have experienced it myself and let me tell you, it was not a good decision." Risea sighed. "Though I met Kai because of that."

"I…" the white-haired loli was at a loss of words as Risea smiled.

"First change into the form I am in and then we will talk."

The white-haired loli nodded as her appearance started to change again.
