"Wha… Wha… did you do?" Mila muttered as she looked at the two figures standing in front of her. Her arms were covered in blood, some of which was her own blood while some of it was the blood of her two captors.

"We just freed you," Kai said with a small smile and bent down towards Mila. But the latter released a scream.

"Don't get close to me!" She shouted and slowly started moving backward. Seeing her, Kai got reminded of the time he had met Risea on the Central continent in the mortal realm.

Compared to then, he was keeping his feelings in check but seeing the terrified expression on Mila's face, he started doubting whether he did the right thing by killing everyone, that too in front of her eyes.

However, he didn't regret it.

"For now, sleep. I hope you don't have nightmares." Kai directly teleported in front of Mila. He gently placed a hand on her forehead and put her to sleep.

Her body hit the ground gently as Kai turned to look at Sahara. He could feel his own mood and expression being reflected in her eyes.


"I hope she recovers from that," Sahara muttered as Kai nodded. The duo had a lot of research to do about this village of humans that they had found.

However, one of the biggest things to notice was that Mila was still a human.

"Did you check any of their memories or anything like that?" Sahara asked as Kai shook his head.

"I think I can ask someone to check that. We need to go and visit death once again." Kai replied as the two then looked at Mila's sleeping face.

"Do you think she would be having nightmares?" Sahara asked as she bent down and gently caressed Mila's head.

"I think so. I think what was happening here and only started a few minutes before we had arrived. But the thing is, why did they do that?" Kai muttered but the only one who could answer his question was asleep.


"Living beings do extreme things for their beliefs," Sahara replied and the two then remained silent.

Kin on the other hand had watched the entire thing unfold from far away and he was in awe and fear.

'Those two managed to wipe an entire village of people at the soul realm and also defeated three people at the semi-divinity realm. And the entire time, they didn't even release their cultivation.'He thought with a sigh as he was reminded how powerful Kai and one of the sins were. They did the entire thing in a matter of minutes and didn't even use their cultivation.

They just used the power of their bloodlines and managed to defeat the enemies using that. Kin could only stand at his place and look at this enfold.

But now, he was wondering what would happen. Kai and Sahara had said that there were only two sins in the demon realm. And now that one of them was gone and the other one was found, would the two of them remain on the demon realm?

Kin had been hoping that he would ask both Sahara and Kai for some tips but it looked as though he could no longer do that.

'But I can't ask them for such a huge favor either.' He thought with a sigh before he walked through the entire village and reached the duo.

"Um Kai, will you be going now?" Kin asked as the person being questioned nodded.

"I will be taking Mila and Sahara with me back but I have a special job for you."

"A special job for me?"

"Yes, and you have to do this job without dying. Keep a check on the demon realm and make sure that the royal family doesn't do anything excessive. If they do that, make sure to tell me." Kai finished as the latter looked surprised.

But he regardless nodded. It was a task that he had been thinking about doing but now that he knew that Kai would be behind him, he felt relieved.

"And I thought you hated me."

"Don't think too much about that. I don't like you but I don't want someone who is related to my past to die." Kai replied with a small smile before he looked towards Sahara.

"Let's go back."

And with that, he teleported himself, Sahara, and the sleeping Mila back to Death's library.

p ***"Can you not let me have some time off in peace?" Azrael asked the moment Kai, Sahara, and Mila appeared in front of him.

Sahara carried Mila in princess style and started walking towards her.magic

[ Why didn't you heal her injuries? ]

[ I will tell you later on. For now, take her back there. ]

Sahara then went away as Kai looked at Azrael and raised his eyebrows.

"What did you expect?"

"I expected to have you gone for at least 10 centuries."

"Well, at least you got 10 days of peace."

"But that is not enough."

"It's enough for you. Stop sounding like an old man who is tired of his life. You don't even do enough work to be tired with your life."

Azrael's jaw twitched a little when he heard Kai's words.

"What did you say? The entire place has been chaotic ever since I can't send souls to the Darkness. The reapers keep bringing me more souls and I am ambushed at any time so I can't even enjoy my reading time."

"Well, I need a few of those souls," Kai added as Azrael's jaw twitched again.

"You know that there are more than a hundred thousand souls there? Heck, the number might have crossed one million."

"I don't care about that. I want some souls and I will take them. Take out your scythe please."

"You get my blood pressure really high sometimes."

"You don't have blood pressure Azrael. You haven't been a human for a long time."

"You know what I mean."

"No, I don't. Now take out your scythe and shut up."
