"That's going to be a nasty thing to watch," Kai muttered when he saw Sahara's blood dropping inside the old man's mouth.

"It's just her blood. What's so nasty about that?" Kin asked in a confused tone as Kai shook his head.

"You should just watch it for yourself. I am not going to spoil it for you." Kai replied and the two of them looked at the old man.

"Why is he that still?" Kin narrowed his eyes when he saw that the royal physician's body was lying completely still on the ground.

But all of a sudden, the man stood up and looked at Sahara.

"What is your order, my lady?" He asked with a slight bow but when Kin looked closer, he could see that black blood was coming out from the man's ears.

'Could it be…' Kin then realized that what he had been thinking to be just normal demon blood had come from one of the seven deadly sins. There would definitely be a special property in it.


"Each of the sins have a special blood property. Sahara's blood can make the other person believe that Sahara is his or her master and this allows Sahara to make the person do anything that she wants. But it only works if Sahara's pride over something is higher than the other person's pride over the same thing or something else." Kai explained.

The two of them then kept looking forward and Sahara asked some quick questions. But after she was done, a pool of black blood had been formed near the man's feet.

"But since her blood is this powerful, the person who swallowed it would slowly start losing their own blood and would eventually die. It will take a normal human about five to ten seconds to die. But this man was on a different level since he managed to survive for ten minutes." Kai commented as Kin suddenly had a question in his mind.

"Then how long will I live for?"

"Depends on the thing you have pride over. Even a normal human being can last up to ten minutes if his pride is strong enough to survive against Sahara.""Does that mean that she fights against a new type of pride every time someone swallows a drop of her blood?

"If she is using her blood to control the other person, yes. Sahara can battle hundreds of prides at once though it will be taxing on her mind. But that is why she is called the sin of pride. She has some of the biggest prides to ever exist."


The royal physician then coughed blood in front of their eyes before collapsing on the ground. He was free from Sahara's control but after ten seconds, he would die.

But Sahara instead raised her right hand and stabbed his stomach with it. She then did it for three more times before a normal fire ignited her fingers. She threw the fire on the physician's body and burned him.

"Let's go." With her right hand dripping black blood, Sahara rose in the air and started moving towards the direction of another sin.

Kai and Kin on the other hand exchanged glances.

"Does she behave this way after the battle of prides?" The latter asked while raising his eyebrows but Kai shook his head.magic

"No, I have never seen Sahara like that." He replied before the two of them rose and started following Sahara.

Kai flew ahead and decided to find out the reason behind what Sahara did.

"He would have died automatically in a few seconds. Why did you do that?"

"That was a too painless death for him," Sahara replied while staring down at her bloody hand.

It was currently evening time and the sun was slowly setting down. However, Sahara looked far from sleepy."You know, I am only flying beside you so that you can tell me what you saw. But if you are not going to talk, I will throw you down this instance and then sit on top of you until you talk."

"Pfft." Sahara snorted when she heard Kai's words. "How do you come up with such unique lines?"

"They just enter my mind randomly."

"I guess that's just the way you are." Sahara then fell silent before sighing.

"I will tell you when we stop for a break."

"We are going to take a break?" Kai asked in a surprised tone as Sahara raised her eyebrows.

"Well, we can keep going on like we have been but I don't think that anyone would like to meet us in the night. So it's better to just take a break. And we are going to use your teleportation tomorrow so there is nothing wrong with taking a break."

"Fine, I guess." After that, the trio traveled until night came before they settled down in a forest. Kin decided that he will keep watch the entire night and left Kai and Sahara alone.

'It's better to stay away from their area just in case they decide to have sex here.' Kin thought with the a glance at Kai before leaving.

But the moment he left, Sahara started telling Kai about what she had seen.

"The reason he can regenerate any organ of his body is because he has a collection of fresh organs that he took by killing young demons. His pride was how he preserved them and could live for a very long time with them." She then sighed as Kai sighed.

"I think that's still one of the milder prides you have seen."

"I agree with that. The most horrible pride I saw… Well, let's not talk about that." Sahara said with a sad look in her eyes as Kai suddenly had a very good idea.

"Sahara, remember that bet you made with where the loser would have to give the other person a striptease on command?"

"We are in a forest you know and Kin can technically come back at any moment," Sahara said as she realized where Kai was going but she didn't sound as though she was protesting.

"When will my formations come in use then?" Kai said with a grin. "I cash in my request and want you to give me a striptease right here."
