"You shouldn't have said that." The oldest one said in a grim voice as the entire place started to tremble.magic

It felt as though a major scale earthquake was coming but the four souls knew that this wasn't a common earthquake. It was something caused because of taking the name greed.

"Kai, can you hold our souls in your body?" The oldest person asked as Kai shook his head.

"I am already connected to so many souls and having four more at once might overload my body. However, I can still do something." He replied and looked down at his pendant.

In a matter of seconds, all of the souls were sucked inside the pendant. Kai then looked at the cracking room before he quickly went towards the door.

He removed his blood from the door just in case someone got it and he then vanished from the place. A few moments after he left, the entire place came crashing down.

In a matter of seconds, the room had been completely buried under dirt and rock but the surface looked the same. But a few seconds later, a growl resounded in the entire place.


"Now that we are done with that, will you guys tell me what just happened?" Kai took out the souls after reaching a safe place.

The safe place however was just a random tree Kai had found before he covered it with formations.

"That happened because someone said greed." The oldest of the four souls stared at the person who was guilty of the crime.

"I said it by mistake!" He protested as the other three souls shook their heads."Even after so many years, how can you make such a mistake? That would simply imply that you are an idiot."


The person couldn't say anything to that as Kai rolled his eyes.


"You guys can bicker later on. For now, tell me what happened." Kai replied as the oldest in the group nodded.

"The moment this idiot said the word 'greed', the sin of greed living in the cemetery woke up." The oldest person slowly said while looking at Kai's expression but didn't see any changes in it.

"After you and Rias vanished, the entire demon realm was thrown into chaos. If not for Kin, the entire place would have been destroyed. But Kin couldn't take care of the entire place for this long so he passed the throne to her."

The oldest person pointed towards the third person, a pretty woman in her thirties.

"After she got the throne, something suddenly happened to the entire kingdom. The merchants increased their prices by a large number. Farmers started selling their crops at a much higher price. Basically, everyone became greedy.

At first, we had no idea of what was happening but we still took steps against it. Little did we know that it was the worst thing that we could have done. The people in the entire capital and the continent retaliated.

And for some reason, their cultivation could match the level of cultivation the people from the royal family had. Wars started raging around but after a few weeks, everything suddenly went back to normal. And the weirdest thing? None of them knew what had happened or what they had been doing.Everything went smoothly for many centuries then. But when it was her time to pass the throne, the greediness came back and this time, it affected every single person on the continent except the royal family.

All of us were killed during that time but for some reason, our souls stayed there." As the oldest soul told the story, Kai remembered that Kosma had told him something about the demon realm.

She had told him that the demon realm and the angel realm were in a mess and that he shouldn't go either of them. At first, he had thought that the two realms were at war but that was not the only case.

"After that, we lived around the palace for a really long time and we saw the corruption taking place. Kin had already separated himself away from the royal family after we had died but I wish he hadn't done that.

A dark age had come over the demon realm and no one was safe. Killing became so common that you could step on any random street and see people attacking and killing each other.

And we could only watch it happen in front of our eyes without being able to help anyone. But that's when we saw her. The person responsible for it. The closer one got to her, the more greedy they became.

And that was enough for us to know that she was the sin of greed." He then went silent and let Kai think what this meant.

Kai then realized that the souls in front of him weren't left behind. They simply never left and stayed there. And they would stay there unless…

"We want you to go find that sin and kill her. Then everything will return back to the way it was." The last person in the group, a small six-year-old boy with dark red hair, said with a cold expression.

"Who are you?" Kai hadn't seen this boy before so he had no idea who he was.

"He is my child. Both of us died at the same time." The woman, who had been passed the throne to by Kin, said this in a voice that reflected the boy's cold expression.

"I don't think I can do that. She is a sin after all. I could only rival her with Hellbringer when I had all of the sins powers and then too I couldn't defeat her. You expect me to defeat her in this way?" Kai then raised his eyebrows as though he couldn't believe how stupid these people sounded.

"We know that you can defeat all the sins and archangels combined singlehandedly." The woman replied again as Kai's expression didn't change.

"And we also know why you won't kill the sin of greed."
