<Welcome to the Tower of Lightning God>

<Would you like to enter alone or as a team?>

<Solo> <Team>

As soon as they entered the tower from a door, they appeared in a white space. Suddenly, the blue panels appeared in front of them. Seeing those panels, Mike suddenly got interested. He didn't think he would see a system panel.

"Is this also your first time?" Bing Lan asked him when she saw his interest.

"Yes," Mike nodded his head. He knew this was the first time for Xiao Je as well.

"Since this is your first time, let me introduce the tower to you. The tower has unknown numbers of floors but currently, only seven floors are successfully conquered. Okay, conquered might be overrated since only team person has ever reached the seventh floor."


"They believe there are more floors in this tower. But, just the seventh floor was unpassable. Once you enter the tower, these blue boxes appeared. We don't know how they appeared but apparently, they record our every move."

"So, there is no such thing as cheating inside this tower. Let's keep it simple for now. I will explain more when the time comes." Bing Lan spoke as she clicked on the team.

<Scanning...… Scan Complete! Three Challengers Detected!>

<Scanning Power Level..... Scan Complete! Martial King Power Level Detected>

<Please enter the Advance Grade of First Floor>

As soon as those panels appeared, three doors appeared behind them as well. Each door had a word labeled at the top.


"Basic" "Intermediate" "Advance"

"We should give up." Bing Lan spoke while biting her lips. She knew just how difficult the advanced grade was. She knew the only reason behind this evaluation was Mike."Don't worry, we can cross it and if we can't then we'll retreat." Mike suddenly placed his hand on her shoulder and reassured her. But his move only made her shy. Even Bing Lan was confused why she got shy all of sudden.

But soon, her expression returned to normal as she spoke "That's the problem. We can't retreat without killing the monsters on the ground level. Our only way to retreat is by taking the stairs that show us to the bottom floor."

"But, that only appears when we clear the floor. Of course, there will be another stair that takes us to the higher land. Remember, the higher land doesn't mean a higher floor. It only means the greater danger on the same floor."

Listening to her, Mike touched his chin and thought for a while. He didn't expect this tower to be so complex. But, he still believed that he could pass the tower.

"Alright, how about this? You two move along together while I move solo. Once we cross the highest floor that we can, we would be able meet and spend time together." Mike knew he needs to pass this. He didn't hesitate to go solo.

Hearing his words, Bing Lan and Xiao Je hesitated. First, they ditched those two boys so that they can spend time together with Mike. But now, it was becoming more dangerous for them.

"No, let's go together! As a cultivator, I must face danger and improve my strength. Only in the face of death, we can tap our potential." Bing Lan shook her head and walked aside him as she spoke.

Xiao Je hesitated for a while. She had just reached the Martial King. And, if she dies, then that would be the end of her. She was just starting the beginning of her life.

"I'm sorry but I can't go." Xiao Je shook her head and rejected. Her words startled Mike. Since Bing Lan agreed to go, he thought Xiao Je would be even more excited to enter. But, it seems he was wrong.magic

Hearing her words, Bing Lan looked at her with contempt but that didn't appear in her eyes. After all, she didn't want to make an enemy with Xiao Je. She silently glanced at Mike and stayed silent.

"It's okay! You can return back and come solo or with those two. We will be waiting for you." Mike said as he turned around without wasting another second. He was little disappointed on her. He knew why he felt this way.

When you try your best, you expect your people to do the same. He was the same. He knew he just have to crush his enemy and leave everything to his woman. And, even during fights, they weren't willing to retreat. At this moment, the tournament of geniuses reappeared in his mind.

He had rewatched everything and that's why he trusted his women so much. They had a chance to run. But, everyone was there for their dreams or a certain goal. Some wanted recognization, some wanted to achieve their goal, some wanted a chance.

No matter what was the reason, all of them were fighting for something. And, they were fighting together no matter how hard the obstacle was. Yeah, he was the one who saved them at the last but still whether it was against the Half-Elf or Sword Demon, they didn't back down a bit.

Some pushed past their limits and tried something new. Some showed their most powerful hidden trick. And, some simply used every bit of their willpower to fight.

Xiao Je also saw the disappointment in his eyes but she didn't change her decision. She didn't want to risk her life like Bing Lan.

"You can say 'Quit' to leave." Bing Lan said as she turned around as well.

"Leave!" Xiao Je didn't hesitate for a second. She felt a little embarrassed staying with them for a longer time.As soon as they left, Bing Lan spoke once again "Reevaluate!"

<Challenger requesting for Reevaluation! Request Granted!>

<Scanning...… Scan Complete! Two Challengers Detected!>

<Scanning Power Level..... Scan Complete! Martial King Power Level Detected>

<Please enter the Basic Grade of First Floor>

"We can reevaluate?" Mike turned his head at Bing Lan and asked with confusion.

"Yes, my strength is around the peak of Martial Lord Realm and your strength must be at the middle of Martial King Realm, it has chosen the Basic Grade. Previously, we had another Martial King so it chose Advanced Grade."

"Of course, this is only my understanding. We truly don't know the truth. Or, how it works?" Bing Lan explained as she walked towards the Basic door.

Mike hurriedly followed her as understood a bit more about this tower. As soon as they entered the tower, they appeared in grassland. The grassland was spread wide and there was no sign of any other life form.

"Do you know anything about Xiao Je except for what she told you?" Suddenly, Bing Lan asked as she found a proper chance. There was nothing coming at them for a moment. She took a silent as a chance to speak.

"Nope! I just met her two days ago. She said she fell in love with me. But, I know she was mainly after my Space Law." Mike shook his head and revealed a bit of knowledge that he had about her.

"So, you only accepted her as Dao Companion as well?" Bing Lan asked.

"Yep! I didn't know anything about her. And, even if I had some good feeling, she didn't seem to be my type. You are her senior sister. You must know a lot about her. Do you think you can reveal something to me?" Mike asked.

"Of course, I can. Since I also want to be Dao Companion, it can be a favor as well. If I have to describe her, then a spoiled greedy princess would be a nice alias. Originally, she was a normal person but later got found by the OG King."

"Only few people know that she possess Heavenly Cauldron Body. But, no one knows what kind of body is that. We only know that once she has enough resources, her cultivation can breakthrough without any bottleneck."

"Due to that, she had the habit to user beauty to make the new disciples as her slave and loot their fortune. Even though most of the sect old members knew about that, nobody could say anything. Since the entire Heavenly Sword Sect is alive due to the prestige of OG King. And as her disciple, her prestige is even higher than sect master's children."

"Unlike her, I never had a good background even though I had a good talent. I had to walk my way to the top. The reason why I am good to her was because of her background."

Listening to her words, Mike stayed silent for a moment. It's not that he didn't want to her trust her rather he had no reason to trust her.

He knew she was partially desperate to become his dao companion and this could be a reason. But except that he doesn't find any reasons for her to say all this.

But suddenly, she continued "She possesses an art that could give her a a chance to extract all of your life essence and even your cultivation. Of course, she won't use it now but later when she actually feels that you are useless to her."

Hearing her words, Mike lets out a smile and nodded his head at her.. At this moment, he had no reasons for not believing her.
