"Stop! Lauren, I am not ready yet." After she let go of Mike's lips, he pushed her back and broke free of her embrace. Fortunately, Lauren never used her strength when he pushed her back.

"Come on! Don't be girly. Who are you trying to fool?" Glancing at Mike's little brother, she spoke with disdain as she moved closer to him.

"I am not being girly. Listen up! If I get in that kind of relationship with you, I'll die. At least for now!" Instead of waiting for her to make her move, Mike grabbed her shoulder and shouted at her face. Finally, a red glow appeared on his face as he bowed down his head and said "And I've already accepted you."

"Really?" Lauren was shocked by his domineering attitude for a moment. After she heard his last words, she pulled him in her embrace and lifted him in the air like lifting a baby.

"Hey, I am not a baby. How come you treat me like a toy every single time?" Mike looked at her face and shouted with embarrassment.

"Hehe! I thought you were ignoring me. Now that I know you love me, I'll definitely wait for you." As she placed Mike down, she giggled with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Alright! I should go now." Mike tried to escape because his little brother had no intention of staying silent. Even he felt it was getting harder to control himself. At this moment, he really needs to run away.


"Wait!" When Mike turned his head to another side, she called. After she called him, he turned the back. But he was greeted by another of her sneak attack. Her lips tightly locked at his lips as she sucked his tongue inside her.

This time Mike didn't resist but he was still shaking with fear. If he loses control now, it would be really bad. He looked down on something and ran away giving him a meaningful smile.

"Hoh!" Suddenly, a chill went down his spine as he took a deep breath. He was really at the end of the road. If he proceeds any further, he would die, if he doesn't, he was feeling down.

'Is this how a girl feels when her boyfriend forces for the first time?' "Slam" Just after thinking these words, he slapped his own face and muttered "How could I even try to compare? My life depends on my virginity. Man! This sure sucks."

With a long face, he walked towards his home. But suddenly a panel appeared in front of him. And the contents on the panel shocked him.

"Hidden Quests- Locked (Please become a man)


"Holy Fuck! Did you just get hacked, system?" Mike couldn't help but ask. Unfortunately, he didn't any reply as usual but he did get a slight reminder.

"Slight Reminder: Hidden Quests are extremely rewarded but they are also unique. Since these quests are common...….hidden, it depends upon Host's luck to access one." "By the way, open my status" While walking on the street, he commanded.

"Yin-Yang Harmony System- Beginner Mode

User- Mike Tyson

Innate Ability- Brute Force (+5 STR), Fire Element

Physique- Divine Sun Body (Rank-1)

STR: 13 (Divine Sun Body +5)

AGI: 6

INT: 5

STM: 2.2

DEF: 10 (Divine Sun Body +5)

Unique Ability- Yet to awaken

Conditions to awaken: All attributes 20

Skills- None

Yin-Yang Partners- Yet to achieve magic

Stats Points: 5

System Points: 8

Inventory- Free Skill Card

"Holy Hell! My stats changed so much! And, did I just get a physique? What kind of physique is this? My strength improved so much. But the system, why did you hide the quest description?" "Slight Reminder: Please be a man and proceed"

"What do you mean by be a man and proceed? For your information, I am eighteen." Mike shouted with anger flashing in his eyes. But he soon calmed down because he didn't get a system reply.

'I shouldn't bother thinking about the quest. Instead, I should be thinking about rewards.' Mike fell in silence and thought for a while.

"I have five free stat points. As long as I use them wisely, I should be able to lessen the distance between these stats. Let's think about distribution."

"Agility, Intelligence, and Stamina, two of these stats are related with physical strength while intelligence is related with ability energy. Through cultivation, my physical strength is sure to improve, more importantly, I can create a movement style which can aid to my agility."

"So, I don't need to add stats points to my agility. That makes, intelligence and stamina remain. For a short run, I think I would rely on my brute strength and do not expose my fire element. That means intelligence won't be much of an effect except improving the quality and quantity of my innate ability."

"On another hand, I desperately need stamina especially to complete my daily quests with ease. The number can vastly affect certain areas. I wonder what would happen if I make stamina and intelligence almost equal."

"Each stat has a different number when it comes to a normal adult person and seems to be measured based on a certain comparison. Although stamina seems lowest, considering the difference in stats, it should be equal to my defense, if they are measure with equal rate."

"But that would be impossible since each stat has its own respective function. So what should I do?" Closing his eyes and putting his hands on the back of his head, he kept thinking while walking.

"System put four stat points to stamina and one to intelligence!" After thinking for two minutes, Mike finally decided to go with his previous thoughts. Suddenly, he felt a powerful burst of energy. It might be because of the kiss, he actually didn't feel anything when his strength and other things improved.

After all these hours of thinking, he finally came to a conclusion when he reached in front of his house gate.

STR (Strength) - It was a pure form of his attack power. Whenever he launches an attack, he uses his muscles, skin, and bones to their fullest extent to create an impactful attack which would be his STR. It depends upon his own physical condition. STR and AGI overlap each other whenever he attacks.

AGI (Agility) – It was the pure form of his reflexes and speed. It depends upon his legs and brain. His agility was determined by how much faster his brain can work under several abnormal conditions and how fast his legs can run. STR and AGI overlap each other when it comes to speed rather than reflexes.

INT (Intelligence) – It was the pure form of ability energy and mental strength. With higher INT, he can memorize many things while creating something on his own. At the same time, the quality and quantity of ability within a rank would be determined by INT. After all, even in the same rank, there are several high-quality abilities and low-quality abilities.

STM (Stamina) – It was a pure form of mental and physical endurance. A person can be exhausted mentally by using ability and also physically while fighting. Stamina is one of the main factors for all kinds of Innate Abilities.

DEF (Defense) – It was the pure form of physical endurance. However, it is different from Stamina. While Stamina was a physical endurance against exhaustion, the defense was a physical endurance against heavy attacks. A body strong enough to block bullets and swords, defense makes a person invincible.

This was his normal way of interpreting his stats. So when his stamina improved, he felt a qualitative leap in his endurance against the exhaustion.

"Mike!!!" Just when he opened the door, he saw a figure standing in front of him with an angry expression. Suddenly, he closed his eyes and opened them again. The next moment, he kneeled on the ground and said "Mom! I'm really sorry. I forget to inform you."

He touched the ground with his head, showing his guilt. At this moment, he could feel the chill coming out of her body. He shuddered just by the aura alone. He didn't look up until he heard her words.

"Get up! I'll heat the food." Saying so, his mom walked towards the kitchen. Just when Mike was about to sigh, his mom glared from the kitchen door and snorted "And, wash that lipstick from your mouth. I need a son with a clear gender."

'Oh shit! I forget to wipe it away.'
