Chapter 23: Half-Assed Interface, A way to earn High-Grade Crystals  

After arriving at home, Tiana fell asleep while still feeling shocked over what she experienced today.

And per his plan, He fed his Psychic Energy to the black whirlpool before falling sleeping.



Athan woke up after 5 hours and went to check his Psychic Realm as usual.

But as soon as he entered, He felt a connection with something powerful, He then saw that there was an unfamiliar energy present near the black whirlpool.


Athan neared the Energy that felt similar to the psychic energy, He thought to control the energy to take the shape of an eraser just like he did with his psychic energy to clean the grey impurity and results?

It exceeded his imagination...Psychic energy only took the solid form of Eraser without any color or visibility, Athan could feel the solidness but he could not make it colorful, BUT this energy...When Athan transformed it into the eraser, It literally turned into an Eraser, With colors, covers, brand name, The eraser turned into the exact thing he imagined.

Then he dissolve the eraser and felt the energy closely again and guessed, ' This might be the so-called Mystic Energy, So it means I can get the mystic energy if I feed my psychic energy to the black whirlpool, but it seems my Psychic Realm won't change into Mystic Realm, I'll still have to rely myself on that it seems, Anyway, It's better then nothing hahaha. '

Athan now could try to create a simple interface with this mystical energy but how?

' Anyway Let's try to make an interface in the blank state first. ' After deciding this, Athan imagined a simple interface and commanded the mystic energy to turn into what he imagined.

Indeed, It turned into a Slate with things written in it, but the stats did not have any values in them.



<Athan Long:~ Elemental Overlord ( HALF ) >


Strength: ---




[~Psychic Realm: Cleansed~]

-Psychic Energy: 64%/100%

[~Energy Realm: Fire, Lightning~]

-Fire Energy: 90%/100%

-Lightning Energy: 100%/100%]


" I could gauge my Energies because I can clearly see them and know how much reserve I have left so I could display them in this interface but what about stats? " Athan hit the wall here, He did not know how to calculate his stats, like what numbers is his strength? Speed? etc...

After thinking hard about it, Athan still could not find the solution, " Never mind, I'll leave things at this, for now, I will later find a way to gauge the stats. "

" I also don't need any more mystic energy since it will not be a permanent solution, What I need to do now is to increase the reserve of my Fire Energy and Lightning Energy, Looks like it's time to get that big black crystal and sell it. " After deciding this, Athan thought about what should he do in the next month.

Athan thought for a while and decided, " For the next month, I will go outside of the Thunder-Fire Valley and try to see if I can get another element affinity while adventuring."

He then suddenly remembered Tiana, ' I think I should ask her if she wants to come with me. ' Athan then left his and room and arrived in front of the door of Tiana's room. '

He raised his hands and knocked but, the door actually pushed back a bit from that, " looks like she forgot to lock the door. "

Athan peeked inside the room only to see that Tiana was fast asleep, Looking at her Athan couldn't help but think, ' Damn, She is really a beauty. '

' I should get out of here, for now, I will ask her if she wants to come with me for adventuring after she wakes up. '

Athan then went outside, flew down from the island, and arrived at the Forest that was near the Inner Thunder-Fire Valley.

It didn't take him long to discover the underground pathway in which the Black Crystal was located.

He went inside and found the crystal but did spot that Ape, Athan then picked up the crystal and then flew towards the Town while thinking, ' I should buy a Spatial ring first because I will need it when going outside tomorrow. '

He arrived in the Town and some people pointed at him as he was flying with a big black crystal in his hand, some even showed greed but they can't do anything while in the town.

Athan just sped up and arrived at a Big Shop with the name Clear Sky Treasures.

magic Athan walked inside with the black crystals, As soon as he entered, A Staff saw Athan and the big crystal in his hand before he approached Athan and asked, " Please this way.." Saying this he led Athan to the 2nd floor.

It was pretty obvious that Athan was here to sell the big black crystal so he directly led Athan to the 2nd floor.

After Arriving on the 2nd floor, The Staff gave a professional smile to Athan and asked, " Sir, Do you only want to sell this crystal or also want to buy something? "

Athan put the big crystal on the table as he said, " Let's first see how much is this crystal worth. Then we'll discuss the thing I want to buy. "

" Sure, Sir. " Saying this the Staff picked up the Crystal and started examining it, After 2 minutes he said, " Sir, This Crystal is of Peak-Grade and the size is also big. "

After that, He asked Athan, " Which type of Elemental Crystals would you like as payment? If you want the payment in Fire or Thunder High-Grade Elemental Crystals then we can pay 20 of them, But for other elements besides Thunder and Fire, We can pay 15 high-Grade Crystals, Other elemental crystals we have are, Water, Earth, Air, and we also have Dark element high-Grade Crystals but if you want them then we can only pay 10 of them in exchange for this black crystal. "

Athan was surprised that they had Dark Element crystals, but before deciding that he ask, " Do you sell Spatial Rings ? "

The Staff gave a smile and nodded before saying, " Yes we also sell Spatial Rings but We only have 2 of them right now, one has a space of 10 cubic meters and another has space of 25 cubic meters, The price of 10 cubic meter ring is 30 High-Grade Fire or Thunder Elemental Crystals, If you have Water, Earth or Air Elemental Crystals then it will cost 24 High-Grade Crystals, If you have Light and Dark elements Crystals then it will cost only 16 high-Grade Crystals. "

Athan then stopped the man from voicing out the price of 25 cubic meter ring and just said, " Give me 10 Dark-Elemental Crystals. "

The Staff Smiled and said, " Sure sir " He then opened a drawer on the side and picked up 10 high-grade Dark element crystals before handing them over to the Athan.

After receiving them, Athan asked the staff, " Do you know a fast way to earn high-grade crystals? "

The Staff thought for a moment before replying, " The fast way to earn high-grade elemental crystals is to receive requests from Guild Halls or Join a faction and complete the missions posted by them. Another way is to Kill powerful Grade 5 and Grade 6 Beasts as their bones and skins can be used to make armours and other things, but..." at the end he hesitated did not speak because he thought that Athan might not be able to kill such powerful beasts.

" can you tell me more regarding guild halls? " Athan asked as he wanted to know more about guild halls.

" In the Guild Halls, People can put their requests and rewards, Which is jointly managed by Powerful Factions such as Thunder-Fire Valley, Sky Lark Pavilion, Thousand Seas Palace, Cloud Fantasy Palace, etc. There are various kinds of requests there such as escorting, hunting specific types of the beasts for its unique traits for example Poison sac of Three-Eyed Dark Frog, etc. "

Athan nodded hearing as he understood the working of Guild Halls.

He then asked, " Does your store have requests? "

The staff hesitated for a few seconds before nodding and said while resuming his smile, " Actually Yes, we have posted a request in the guildhall, The request is about bringing back a flood dragon alive, Alive as in it must not be too injured, From the information we got, A Flood Dragon was spotted recently at a big lake that is 140 KM away from here in the south. "

Athan was intrigued as he asked, " What is the Grade of that Flood Dragon? and what are the rewards? "

" That Flood Dragon is grade 6 and the reward..." The Staff hesitated once again for a few seconds before saying, " The reward is 100 high-grade thunder or Fire Elemental Crystals. "

Athan's eyes went wide hearing about the reward but he discerned something from the behaviour of this staff and bluffly asked, " isn't the reward a bit low? like you want that flood dragon alive without much injury, right? "

" This..." The staff hesitated a bit and lowered his voice before saying, " Indeed I also think the reward is a bit low, but the boss is not willing to increase the price, that's why nobody is accepting our request. "

Athan then smiled asked, " Where is your boss? I would like to discuss something with him, Don't worry, I have an Elder brother who is a very powerful Elemental Archmage, If I can talk to your boss about certain things, My brother might accept this request. "

The Staff was surprised hearing that and said, " Oh, Then wait a few minutes, The boss is on the 3rd floor, I will go relay what you said to him first. "

Saying this, He went upstairs.
