Chapter 316  

The message felt more like intimidation than solicitation.

[The potential of the Wish Stone is more valuable and greater than any other powers.]

[The Mysteries of the Underworld will never fail to acknowledge your hard work and determination. Perhaps for the first time in Underworld history, it will recognize you as the one and only ruler.]

[The Usurper has reigned as the sole ruler for a long time, and you too have been called the Tyrant and have gained the dignity of a King. But that dignity and authority is only partial, as half of it was earned through sheer overwhelming violence.]

[If you receive the recognition of the Mysteries of the Underworld and the Underworld Tree, you will be able to obtain the other half as your own.]

[Would you like to return the Wish Stone to its origin and receive the reward of the Underworld Tree?]


As Kim Jin-Woo stared at the messages, unable to make any decision, more messages appeared.

[Becoming the true King of the Underworld will truly be an unimaginable feat. Thousands of beings will live out their lives wary of you, and you will be in a position to directly or indirectly influence all the labyrinths and inhabitants of the Underworld.]

[You can participate in the birth of a new clan.]

[You can bring endless misfortunes to those who oppose you, and you can set them down a path to ruin.]

[You can claim anything that exists in the Underworld. No one will be able to object to your opinion.]

[With your decision alone, the Mysteries of the Underworld will gladly recognize you as the sole King of the Underworld.]


[Would you like to return the Wish Stone to its origin?]

Kim Jin-Woo wasn’t sure if it was because of his mood, but for some reason, he felt there was a sense of impatience behind the messages. Contrary to the passive position the previous messages held, this time, it seemed to be actively nudging him to return the Wish Stone to its origin.

It was to the point that even the authority of the absolute King of the Underworld, which it touted as a great feat, felt cheapened.

[Reigning as the King of the Underworld means you will be able to live in the Underworld without any threat to your survival or danger to your life.]

[As long as the Mysteries of the Underworld exist, this absolute authority and influence will never disappear.]

Until that moment, Kim Jin-Woo had a worried expression. However, the look on his face began to change as he muttered, “As long as the Mysteries of the Underworld exist, authority will be guaranteed, huh…”

[The roots of the Underworld Tree will never rot, and its branches will never break. Even the smallest leaf hanging from its tip will never fade and will last forever.]

[The Mysteries of the Underworld, too, will never disappear unless the sun itself rises in the Underworld and the darkness disappears.]

Perhaps his musings sounded as if he were worried that something might happen should the Underworld Tree or the Mysteries of the Underworld disappear, and incredibly appropriate messages came to his mind as if in response.

“Alright. I’ve decided,” he said.

At that moment, the messages, which had been buzzing away like an active drug dealer at a black market, paused and waited for him to continue. The silence that followed somehow felt funny to Kim Jin-Woo, and he couldn’t help but break out in laughter.

“Guide me to where the Wish Stone’s origin is.”

[An excellent choice. The Underworld Tree and the Mysteries of the Underworld marvel at your choice of restraint over mere greed. They are also appreciative of your dedication and commitment to the Underworld, and have decided to reward you appropriately.]

As soon as the message finished, the small roots and blades of grass that had filled the Floor bent down in the same direction.

“So, I just have to follow this path?” Kim Jin-Woo asked.

[The place where the Wish Stone should have originally been is the branch that grows at the highest point of the Underworld Tree. By right, no one should have been able to reach it, but the terrible war changed the Underworld so much that it even made the Wish Stone roll off its original position.]

[You have gained the honor of being the first to step onto the stems and branches of the Underworld Tree.]“Wow, what an incredible honor.” Ignoring the grandiose messages, Kim Jin-Woo made a sarcastic remark. He then looked back, saying, “Then, I’ll be back.”

“When you come back, it looks as if you’ll be a true King,” Angela said.

As she had held onto the Wish Stone for a long time, Angela seemed well aware of the rewards it offered. She rejoiced on behalf of her master, reacting as if those rewards were her own.

“May everything work out according to the will of the King.”

“We pray that our King will accomplish all he desires.”

The summons, including Quantus and Rikshasha, also gave their congratulations and quietly saw him off. Kim Jin-Woo listened to all their congratulations and send-offs with a nod.

“Master.” Dominique only appeared at the last moment, hurrying forward and calling out toward him. However, she was the only one who looked nervous, unlike the other summons who were excited about their master’s victory.

“Please be careful,” she said. Judging from her choice to caution him, she hoped only for his safe return and nothing more.

Looking alternately between the Underworld Tree and her master with a puzzled expression, Angela intervened, saying, “The Nagas might originate from the Abyss and Master might have the power of Night, but the feat of sealing the monster and finding the Wish Stone can’t be understated. Considering such a feat, the Mysteries of the Underworld would be forced to acknowledge it even if it were a prisoner from hell who had accomplished it.”

There was some truth to Angela’s words. The future the One-Eyed Lord had seen with his one eye was the destruction of the Underworld due to Night. Kim Jin-Woo, however, was the savior who had sealed the monster of destruction in his right hand, and he was also holding the Wish Stone that the Usurper had intentionally released to the surface.

It was precisely because he held such a merit that the messages had also mentioned the rightful throne of the Underworld as a reward, wasn’t it?

“Please come back safely,” Dominique reiterated, still full of concern.

Kim Jin-Woo was also uncertain about the promise of a huge reward, and soon, he found himself hesitating for some reason. He looked as if he were getting ready for an upcoming battle.

There was nothing but confusion on Angela’s face, but neither Kim Jin-Woo nor Dominique said anything to clarify the situation for her.

“Then, I’m really setting off now,” Kim Jin-Woo remarked quickly, then turned around. The forest stood in front of him, bowing as if to worship him.

“What is going o—”

“For now… For now, don’t ask anything, and just quietly pray that Master returns.”

Kim Jin-Woo heard Dominique consoling Angela behind him. However, he didn’t look back again. He simply followed the directions without saying a word and walked toward the Underworld Tree.

The Underworld Tree was massive. Its trunk was so wide that it was impossible to figure out how long it had existed, and no matter how high up Kim Jin-Woo looked, he couldn’t even guess where the highest branch was.

“It sure is massive,” he remarked, amazed by its incredible size.

However, he showed no signs of being crushed by its overwhelming divinity and majesty. He wasn’t sure whether it was because the Mysteries of the Underworld was guiding him, or because he was in possession of the Wish Stone.

[The Underworld Tree has existed since time immemorial, when it was so small that even the smallest of imps could lie atop it and cover it completely. As the Underworld grew, so did the Underworld Tree, and now, it has become so huge that one can see it from anywhere in the Underworld.]magic

At some point, the messages had begun to speak directly to Kim Jin-Woo and answer his messages. Due to that, he was able to conclude that the mysterious messages were coming from the Mysteries of the Underworld themselves.

By now, nothing was too surprising for Kim Jin-Woo anymore. The Mysteries of the Underworld had probably been operating that way in the Underworld all along. Even if it didn’t get involved directly and just presented appropriate rewards and penalties, numerous labyrinth masters and summons had no choice but to be led as intended by the Underworld Tree.

He, too, had made many decisions based on the information provided to him by the messages so far, and one thing that was certain was that many of his decisions must have been in line with the intentions of the Underworld Tree.

While he was immersed in his own thoughts, a staircase appeared out of nowhere before his eyes. Stairs made of thick stems and leaves continued endlessly around the trunk of the Underworld Tree.

“Looks like it’ll take quite some time just to head up,” he remarked.

[No one has ever climbed the Underworld Tree. Your name will be remembered in the Underworld just from setting foot on even the smallest and most insignificant stem.]

[Embrace the supreme glory, and be reverent within your own heart.]

A message entered Kim Jin-Woo’s mind as if to rebuke his careless remarks. However, he was still nonchalant as ever, muttering, “What a killjoy.”

[It is not recommended to climb the Underworld Tree with such a negative attitude. The Mysteries of the Underworld can grant unprecedented blessings and rewards never seen before in the Underworld, but conversely, they can also bestow unimaginable terrible curses.]

This time, the message came out quite strongly worded. However, the ball was in Kim Jin-Woo’s court.

“Don’t you want this?” Kim Jin-Woo remarked tauntingly as he held the piece of rock, which looked much too average compared to its real value, precariously, as if he were ready to throw it down at any moment.

The messages never appeared again. They seemed to be aware of who was in control.Only then did Kim Jin-Woo finally look satisfied, and he began climbing the stairs created by the Underworld Tree.

He climbed and climbed for a long time. He climbed for so long that he reached a height where even the biggest Nagas and Einherjar couldn’t be seen. However, he must not even have been halfway up, as the highest branch of the Underworld Tree was still nowhere to be seen.

“Looks like the Underworld has truly merged into one,” Kim Jin-Woo remarked.

Standing at such a height, he looked around and was finally able to see the changed geography of the Underworld with his own eyes. Of course, he couldn’t see the Underworld beyond the deep darkness, but just looking at the endlessly stretching Underworld without any division of Floors gave him a sense of its vastness.

He suddenly stopped and looked down at the Underworld beneath him.

[It will be by no means easy to rule and manage this vast Underworld. There are innumerable labyrinths and many more creatures that are living beings with their own individual will, and it will take tremendous effort to rule them all.]

[If you wish to accomplish all of that on your own, complete dominance of the Underworld will still be far away.]

[However, the Mysteries of the Underworld can help you with that. If the Mysteries of the Underworld grant you protection, no one in the Underworld will be able to avert your gaze, and no one will be able to oppose your will.]

It was definitely a valid statement. It was close to impossible to rule the Underworld alone, as it had expanded as far as it possibly could.

Each of the numerous labyrinths and labyrinth masters was greedy and ambitious. No matter how much Kim Jin-Woo opened his eyes and pricked up his ears, there would always be something he would fail to see or hear.

That was how the Ancient Lords had succumbed to the monster birthed from the Abyss, and how even their glorious names had been marred. Nothing would prevent the same from happening to him as well.

[You must hurry. There is still a long way to go. If you delay here, you will never be able to reach the summit in time.]

Having had his train of thought disturbed, Kim Jin-Woo frowned. Looking at the messages that seemed to be telling him what to do now, it seemed the Mysteries of the Underworld were bent on antagonizing him.

However, he also had no intention of wasting time in a place like this; thus, he began to move once more and picked up the pace.

After walking for several times longer than he had already climbed so far, he was finally able to reach the place where the highest branch of the Underworld Tree was.

[Finally, your journey has come to an end. Place the Wish Stone on the branch in front of you and it will all be over.]

Upon reaching the highest branch of the Underworld Tree, Kim Jin-Woo held on tightly to the Wish Stone, as if embracing a small fruit.

[All you have to do is to stretch out your hand and place the Wish Stone on the branch, and you will be able to obtain great glory.]

Seeing the message that almost seemed excited, Kim Jin-Woo smirked and said, “But let me ask you something. Is the King’s authority really eternal?”

[As long as the Mysteries of the Underworld exist, the King’s authority will be eternal. No one will be able to deny the authority and dignity recognized by the Mysteries of the Underworld.]

“Is that so?” Kim Jin-Woo replied.

However, just as he was about to place the Wish Stone on the tree branch, Kim Jin-Woo withdrew his arm and asked, “Then what about the Mysteries of the Underworld?”

Perhaps the Mysteries of the Underworld did not understand his question, as the chain of messages that had flowed continuously up until that moment suddenly didn’t answer him.

Kim Jin-Woo continued, “Are the Mysteries of the Underworld able to deny the King’s authority?”

[The majesty and authority of the true King is certainly great, but the Mysteries of the Underworld are not bound by anything. The Mysteries of the Underworld are the Underworld itself, and they are the foundation that supports this dark world.]

[However, that does not undermine the authority and dignity of the King. The Underworld does not rule itself, and all living beings in the Underworld will be under your direct rule and control. Naturally, no one will be able to deny your dignity.]

Despite all that had been said, it appeared that nothing was ranked higher than the Mysteries of the Underworld. And that was no different from saying that the Mysteries of the Underworld could take back the King’s throne at any time if they wanted to do so.

Kim Jin-Woo had been aware of that even before he climbed the gigantic ash tree. Nevertheless, the reason why he had come so far was because he had other plans in mind.

“You see, for me…”

He slowly began to speak again.

“All my life, I’ve been abused. From the beginning, even until now, there’s never been a time in my life when I was free from the influence of others.”

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand and waved the Wish Stone that was in it.

“So for you to tell me to claim a puppet king’s position and gratefully accept it, how do you think I would feel?”

[The Mysteries of the Underworld…]

“The Mysteries of the Underworld this, the Mysteries of the Underworld that, how sickening.”

Kim Jin-Woo’s hand suddenly turned black, tightly gripping the Wish Stone.

“So, fuck off from my life.”
