Chapter 267  

“Looks like it ripened deliciously well.”

That might not have seemed like the most appropriate thing to say upon seeing the dreadfully expanded labyrinth exuding gloomy energy, but to Kim Jin-Woo, it was. The thought of the Counts working so hard to polish and sharpen their blades, not knowing that the tips of those blades would be put against their necks, was rather pitiful.

However, he wasn’t soft-hearted enough to be swayed by cheap pity and be ignorant of the feast that was laid out in front of him. Clearly, before him was the labyrinth of his enemy. The fake Grand Labyrinth, which Parthenon of Despair—the mastermind and culprit behind inciting the 10th Floor Nobles to start a war—had painstakingly developed, awaited him.

“It’s time to make my move.” Kim Jin-Woo looked at the entrance of the fake Grand Labyrinth with its wide-open mouth and stepped forward.


Multiple despicable priests were guarding the entrance. Their bodies were draped in black robes, but that couldn’t hide their ugliness. Their skin, which occasionally peeked through from under their hoods, resembled the withered grain of old wood, and their unsightly fingers of odd lengths were twisted and ugly.


Kim Jin-Woo knew exactly who these disgusting beings were. They were the elite soldiers of Parthenon, called the Priests of Despair. They were beings that resembled living plagues, spreading curses and disease.

“Halt!” A hoarse, phlegmy voice called out to Kim Jin-Woo. However, he continued to stride closer as if he hadn’t heard that voice.

The conversation ended with that brief warning. When the priests noticed that there was no sign of Kim Jin-Woo stopping, they immediately cast curses and sprayed foul-smelling poison.

Any ordinary enemy would have melted into a pool of blood. Unfortunately for the priests, however, Kim Jin-Woo was no ordinary enemy, and he casually passed through the mist of death filled with curses and poison.

“I’m sorry, but even a curse many times more terrible than this didn’t work on me.” Kim Jin-Woo smiled. It was a terrifying smile, and his blue eyes shone.magic



The Priests of Despair screamed. They started to struggle, their limbs shaking like insects caught in an invisible spider’s web.


Their screams didn’t last long. They soon disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only their ragged robes.

“Oh my, maybe I should have left at least one alive?” Kim Jin-Woo shook his head at the annihilated Priests of Despair. However, contrary to his words, there wasn’t an ounce of regret on his face. In fact, he ate up every single priest he met afterward.

After annihilating the entire priesthood, Kim Jin-Woo looked at the empty square and said, “Stop me if you can.”The fake Grand Labyrinth bowed to his colossal presence and quickly retracted its own presence.


The sound of the wind, resembling a suppressed moan, filled the air. The fake Grand Labyrinth sounded frightened of Kim Jin-Woo.

“Lame.” Kim Jin-Woo lost his appetite upon hearing the lackluster reaction.

If the real Grand Labyrinth that tried to devour even its own owner was like an untamed wolf, the fake Grand Labyrinth was like an obedient dog. The fake Grand Labyrinth, sensing the energy of the ferocious predator dormant inside Kim Jin-Woo, couldn’t even bring itself to wag its tail; it quickly flopped over and surrendered.

A blocked wall collapsed, and a twisted passageway straightened out. Beyond that, Kim Jin-Woo could feel the labyrinth’s heart beating. “Well, this isn’t so bad either,” he muttered. The fake Grand Labyrinth’s cunning obedience made it possible for him to avoid wasting time in needless struggle.

However, it seemed the master of the fake Grand Labyrinth didn’t intend to introduce him to the depths of the labyrinth so easily, as he called out, “O Undefeated Commander. What brings you here?”

Parthenon of Despair blocked Kim Jin-Woo’s way, accompanied by hundreds of his priests.


If the Drakans had been tainted with the malice of the Underworld, was this how they would have looked? Parthenon had an ugly and hideous appearance, like his Priests of Despair. A strange substance dripped from the black leather of his curved back, and his three heads each had a bizarre reptilian appearance that looked nothing like a dragon, a snake, or anything else Kim Jin-Woo could think of. Despite that, there was quite a bit of dignity in his voice.

“Ah, I have a matter to attend to,” Kim Jin-Woo said nonchalantly. For him, that level of dignity was below his feet. To him, someone who had already defeated the Dukes, this Count was nothing. That mindset clearly showed in his insincere attitude.

However, Parthenon didn’t act hastily. Given that rumors of what had happened to the four Dukes on the 9th Floor were circulating in the Underworld, he wasn’t so presumptuous as to let his pride get in the way of his own survival. He said, “Tell me what the nature of your business is. Even though you are an uninvited guest, I will assist you with my honor.”

Kim Jin-Woo snorted as he watched Parthenon ramble on while hiding his true feelings. He replied, “There’s nothing you can help with regarding my business.”

By then, even Parthenon must have realized that Kim Jin-Woo wasn’t there with the best of intentions. Unless he was a fool, he must have known that the purpose of his uninvited guest’s visit, who had trespassed into his labyrinth by annihilating the elite troops he was so proud of, was nothing but trouble.

“If you drop your arrogant attitude, I will respond with my utmost sincerity,” Parthenon said. He wasn’t a fool. He was rather cunning. The raccoon-like Count knew all too well the difference in their powers, and he was doing his best to avoid a confrontation. He enthusiastically responded that if there was anything Kim Jin-Woo wanted, he would do his best to fulfill it.

But that solution was only possible if the other party was willing to negotiate.

“Even if what I want is your head?” Kim Jin-Woo replied. He had nothing to gain from Parthenon’s offer, and intended to settle an old grudge. Thus, he tilted his head and threatened Parthenon directly.

“Urgh…” Parthenon couldn’t easily come up with a reply. He was well aware that no matter what he said, he wasn’t going to get a favorable answer. It would have been best to not even open his mouth, if possible, but it was Kim Jin-Woo who was holding the trigger, and Parthenon had no choice but to somehow drag out the conversation as much as possible.

“Playtime’s over,” Kim Jin-Woo suddenly said. He had no intention of fooling around with Parthenon any more. It was fun to watch the Count of Despair, who had once looked down and trampled all over him, now trembling before him, but he had other places to visit afterward.

“Parthenon of Despair. I’ll take your life as the price for starting the war on the 9th Floor and trying to destroy my Nagas and me,” he said in a cold voice, as if he were decisively handing down a verdict.

Parthenon’s ugly face twisted and he muttered, “Why now…”

“Now that the tables have turned, have you forgotten what happened?” Blue streaks of light flowed from Kim Jin-Woo’s eyes as he continued, “Do I really need a good reason? Is there a reason for Underworld beings to kill or be killed? Just as you’ve tried to kill me, I’m simply trying to kill you now.”

“Back then, the Crow of the Battlefield…” Parthenon began.“If you find it difficult to understand, think of it this way. The bonds of fate were formed between you and me that day, and today, I’m here to end that,” Kim Jin-Woo said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Highlord’s presence burst out of him and the Priests of Despair found themselves crawling on the floor all at once. It was as if something invisible were pressing down on all of them.

“Urgh…” Parthenon tried his best to resist at first, but soon found himself unable to hold out any longer due to the sheer difference in their powers and existence. His twisted legs bent and broke with a gruesome crack, and soon, he too was crawling on the floor.

“Don’t be too upset. The other Counts will soon follow,” Kim Jin-Woo remarked.


Parthenon was soon slain, and countless priests met the same fate as their master. The fake Grand Labyrinth Parthenon had painstakingly built was now completely owned by Kim Jin-Woo.

After that, the other Deep Floor Counts who had contributed to the growth of the fake Grand Labyrinths soon fell at his hands one by one. Among them, there were Counts who had shivered like Parthenon and disappeared without a trace, while there were others who had escaped with their Labyrinth Cores, like the shrewd Queen of Corruption.

Anatolius, however, didn’t hide himself. The Iron-Blooded Count came to him willingly and swore his allegiance, saying, “As for the past incidents, I too had a purpose, so it’s not something I can be proud of. But even so, it can’t be said that I’ve given you nothing. If you are indeed the real wise king of the Naga clan, I trust that you won’t reject my allegiance.”

The iron giant kneeled to Kim Jin-Woo, something he had never thought would happen.

Just as Anatolius said, he had provided Kim Jin-Woo with decent benefits in the past, and it wasn’t as if his current situation would improve from devouring one more Count. Besides, Anatolius was too useful to simply be eaten up like that.

Thus, after much deliberation, Kim Jin-Woo accepted Anatolius’ offer, replying, “We shall see.”

With that, Kim Jin-Woo came to completely control the 11th Floor. From the beginning, the Other Underworld’s Floors that had connected to the 11th Floor were Lesser Floors; thus there was no change in power even after the annihilation of the Counts.

[Amazing. There has never been a being in the history of the Underworld who has conquered not one, but two Floors.]

[Even the Mysteries of the Underworld admire your incredible feat.]

[The Mysteries of the Underworld grant you a new title; the effects of your previous title of ‘Conqueror’ have been upgraded.]

[The privilege of the Conqueror, which is the ability to offset the inter-Floor penalty, has been further strengthened. Now, your army will not lose its valor anywhere in the Underworld, with no limit to the size of your army.]

[Everywhere you go, Labyrinth Cores are destroyed and kings are slain. You are indeed the most violent and fiercest Conqueror.]

[The Mysteries of the Underworld can find no title more suitable for you than that of ‘Tyrant’.]

[The Lord of Greed has earned the name, ‘Tyrant’.]

[Most enemies will immediately surrender in the face of the Tyrant. Beings lesser than Counts will be terrified upon your declaration of war and will automatically surrender their Labyrinth Cores.]

[Your army will no longer feel fatigue after winning a battle. No matter how arduous and difficult the battle may be, as long as you continue to be victorious and maintain the Tyrant’s Majesty, your soldiers will never grow weary.]


The day he conquered the 11th Floor, Kim Jin-Woo couldn’t even afford to enjoy his latest gain, however. As soon as he jumped through the portal, his entire body started to tremble.

“No way,” he muttered.

He remembered the terrible catastrophe he had once suffered. There had only been one earthquake so far that was strong enough to shake the sturdy Grand Labyrinth: The Restoration.

The second of the four Restorations had begun.
