Chapter 187   (Part 1) Wanyan Kang and Su Mei’s wedding

“Ah….” The doctor didn’t make a sound yet, he already fell head first on the floor and died. If this doctor knew that he would be killed after the examination, perhaps he wouldn’t have take this trip.

“Why did you kill him?”

The housekeeper of the prime minister’s residence was anxious after seeing Duyi like this. “He saved somebody just now. Why did you kill him?”

“Housekeeper, don’t you know the word ‘kill them to keep their mouth shut’? If he gives us all away, then it will be troublesome! At that time, it isn’t just us who will be unlucky, but also your master….” Duyi pulled out the dagger from the doctor’s back and rubbed the blood of the dagger on the corpse. Only then did he put away the dagger.

Kill (them) to keep (their) mouth shut: murder somebody to prevent them from revealing a secret.

“You guys…ay….” The housekeeper didn’t know whether it was good or bad for Mu Hua to cooperate with these people. Just as he didn’t know what to do, Mu Hua returned to the prime minister’s residence.


When he saw the injured Taji Guli and Duyi, Mu Hua was very surprised. “Why are you all here?”


“She was injured. I couldn’t find her comrade, so I brought her here.” Duyi shrugged his shoulders. Only now did Mu Hua saw Taji Guli’s broken left hand. He was very startled. “Princess Guli, your hand?”

“It was Feng Qi Qi that bitch who injured me!”

Taji Guli gritted her teeth at the mention of Feng Qi Qi’s name. This woman was too heartless! She (FQQ) actually cut off her (TG) left hand! What else could she do without a left hand? Wasn’t it the same as being a rubbish then?!

After listening to Taji Guli said that all this was done by Feng Qi Qi, Mu Hua was even more surprised. He more or less knew about the abilities of Taji Guli whereas Feng Qi Qi was so delicate and sweet. A moment ago, when she was shedding tears in front of Feng Cang, she was so pitiful. It didn’t show at all that her martial arts was actually so outstanding and her method so vicious.


“I must take revenge! I must!” Taji Guli’s face was pale. The pain from her broken left hand constantly reminded her of everything that happened today.

“You shouldn’t think about these things now. Let’s talk about the revenge things later on. Because you went to the regent’s palace today and almost injured little shizi1, Feng Cang has already let people seal off the city gates. He even mobilized the Eagle troop to search the city! Presumably, it won’t be long before they will search here!”

“They even dare to search the prime minister’s residence?” Duyi was somewhat unconvinced. After all, Mu Hua was the prime minister. How insolent was Feng Cang that he wouldn’t not give face? Wouldn’t it cause any criticism for searching a first rank high official’s residence?

It must be said that Duyi’s thoughts were silly and naive. Mu Hua could already see his (DY) naiveness from the face of Duyi.

“Duyi, you really don’t understand Feng Cang. As long as he cares about it, even if he needs against the heaven, he will still do it. Today, Princess Guli touched his forbidden spot. Don’t mention my prime minister’s residence, even if it was the Imperial Palace. Feng Cang will make people search it!”

“Search the city?” As soon as Taji Guli heard it, she wanted to stand up. “My brothers are still in the inn of the city. Aren’t they in danger? I have to go find them! I….”

Before she could stand up, Taji Guli was hit by a wave of dizziness. Duyi quickly stepped forward to hold her. “You are already like this. Why are you still so impulsive! If you go out now and was caught, aren’t you throwing your life away?!”

“But they are my brothers who have been following me for years from the cradle to the grave. I, I can’t abandon them!”

From the cradle to the grave: go through fire and water/willing to risk one’s life

Taji Guli struggled to stand up, but she who had lost too much blood, was less capable than desirable.

Less capable than desirable: not as strong as one would wish

Duyi sighed after seeing Taji Guli like this. “Don’t torment yourself anymore! I’ll take a look for you! Where is the place? I’ll go inform them!”

“It’s the Hengtong Inn in the west of the city.” Taji Guli’s forehead was drenched in cold sweat. Today’s move was nonetheless a mistake. But what Taji Guli didn’t expect was that Duyi would rescue her. Now, he was even willing to take the risk to inform her people. Previously, she was always arguing with him for some trivial matters. “Thank you….”

“Don’t mention it.” Duyi waved his hands and turned to Mu Hua. “Prime minister, is there anything you can do to help us? If by any chance we are caught in the prime minister’s residence, it won’t do you or us any good.”

“Hero Duyi, you can rest assured. This old man has a way to send you all out of the city. Go and return quickly. Please don’t stay too long. I’ll let people inform His Highness Longze. As soon as everyone is here, this old man will send you all out of the city.”

With the things being like this, Mu Hua could only do this.

If Taji Guli didn’t act arbitrarily, there wouldn’t be such a big mistake. However, the problem had already happened. He could only send Taji Guli and Duyi away from the city as soon as possible. In case the Eagle troop searched the prime minister’s residence and found clues, then not only would they be finished, even the things he and Wanyan Hong had planned would be exposed. Then the gains do not make up for the losses.

The gains do not make up for the losses: more harm than good/ not be worth the effort

Duyi left the prime minister’s residence and went to the west of the city as Taji Guli said. He had yet to arrive at the Hengtong Inn, but he could already hear the sound of fighting. Duyi was shocked and immediately rushed forward. As he turned to the corner of the street, he could see the bloody ground.

It was already dusk now. The red glow of the sunset spread over the earth and had dyed the black armor of the Eagle troop warriors with a layer of orange radiance.

There were more than ten bodies lying on the ground. Among them was a bearded man. Duyi had seen him before. He was Taji Guli’s left and right-hand and had always followed her. After seeing these dead bodies, Duyi sighed softly and turned around to leave.

As soon as Duyi arrived at the prime minister’s residence, Taji Guli immediately asked him the whereabouts of her comrades. Duyi was silent for a moment and shook his head. “When I went, they were already dead. A total of eighteen people, eighteen dead bodies.”

“No….” Taji Guli held her head and shouted. Tears started to roll down from the corner of her eyes. “Why was it like thus? They shouldn’t have died! It’s me, it’s me who wanted to show off! It’s me that harmed them!”

These eighteen people followed Taji Guli for over a decade. They had experienced big and small battles with her, and were very loyal to her. Now, it had turned into eighteen cold corpses. How could Taji Guli accept this?!

“It’s all my fault! It’s me who harmed them!” Taji Guli kept hitting herself on the head. Because of the severe movement, the wound of her bandaged left hand started to bleed again.

“Hey, have you had enough?!” Duyi grabbed Taji Guli’s hand to prevent her from hurting herself again. However, Taji Guli kicked Duyi to the ground. “I’ll take revenge! I’m going to find them to get revenge!”

Taji Guli supported herself to get up. She had just taken two steps but was roared by Duyi. “Enough! Taji Guli, don’t make a fuss, please! You have already harmed yourself and harmed your men! Do you want to kill us too?! Are you not done yet? This is not your desert! You are also not that noble princess of the Jurchen clan anymore! Wake up!”

Duyi’s words made Taji Guli froze there. Afterwards, she burst into tears. The image of Taji Guli had always been quite rigid. She wasn’t like this even when her younger brother was killed and her clan fell apart. Now, she was crying like that, made Duyi somewhat bewildered, as if he had done something evil.

“Instead of crying, wipe off your tears and run for your life. Afterwards, come back for revenge!”

Longze Jing Tian appeared in the room and looked at Taji Guli with a calm face. “Didn’t we say to act together?! Because you decided on your own, we were almost exposed. Please calm down next time and think clearly. Don’t go harm others!”

“Your Highness, she already knows she’s wrong. You don’t have to say that.” This time Duyi helped Taji Guli speak in turn.

“Humph!” Longze Jing Tian humphed coldly and turned to Mu Hua. “Thank you, prime minister, for your warning. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be standing here!”

“Don’t mention it, Your Highness! By the way, everyone, it’s getting late. You all better follow me to get out of town!” Mu Hua took Longze Jing Tian, Duyi and Taji Guli to his study. He opened the secret door, stopped at a spot and then lifted open the blanket on the ground. There revealed a locked wooden board.

“This is a secret passage that this old man had dug before, leading to the outside of the city. Now that Feng Cang has sealed off the city, you all can’t get out. It’s safest to leave from here!” As he spoke, Mu Hua had already opened the wooden board and walked down the secret passage first.

Longze Jing Tian brought two people with him, plus Duyi and Taji Guli. A total of five people followed Mu Hua and went into the underground passageway.

This passageway wasn’t dug very high. You must walk inside by bending your back. If you weren’t careful, you would hit your head. After walking through the passageway for a long time, they finally reached the other exit. To the surprise of Longze Jing Tian, this exit turned out to be an abandoned dry well.

After the others climbed up the fallen vines, Duyi squatted down in front of Taji Guli. “Come on, I’ll carry you!”

Taji Guli was a bit surprised and didn’t say anything. She stepped forward to lie on the back of Duyi, and the two finally went out.

At this moment, the sky was already dark. Mu Hua cupped his fist towards Longze Jing Tian and the others. “The recent circumstances are bad. Everyone, please stay away from trouble! My prime minister’s residence will always welcome you!”

“Thank you very much, prime minister!” Longze Jing Tian and the others cupped their fist to express their thanks. Everyone knew clearly that if it weren’t for Mu Hua who had this underground passageway, Feng Cang might had already found them. These people at present wouldn’t stand here safe and sound.

Inside the regent’s palace, Feng Cang had a serious face. “Eighteen people? No Taji Guli? Where would she go then?”

In one day, the Eagle troop had searched more than half of the capital. The only ones left were the houses of the high officials and nobles at the east of the city, and the Imperial Palace. Those eighteen people were obviously accomplices of Taji Guli. But what surprised Feng Cang was that Taji Guli didn’t go back. So where would she hide?

“Wangye, tomorrow is the turn of the eastern region and the Imperial Palace. Should we search or not? Forgive this subordinate’s direct words. If someone in the court is really in collusion with Taji Guli, then it’s still possible to hide a person. Even if we try to look, we may not find her.”

Feng Cang knew clearly that Nalan Xin’s words were reasonable. If he couldn’t find her in the common people’s homes, then Taji Guli was definitely in the official’s home. But there were so many officials in the capital. It would be time-consuming to conduct inspections one by one, and there were also many family members and servants in the high officials and nobles’ homes. It was originally a very easy thing to hide a person. This matter was really difficult to handle.

“Withdrawn the people. Return everything to normal tomorrow. Just check carefully all the people that go outside the city. Afterwards…let the people of Fo Sheng Men look for the whereabouts of Taji Guli. At the same time, look for Longze Jing Tian. I’m worried that these two people will gang up together. At that time, it won’t be a good thing.”

After these arrangements, Feng Cang went to Tingsong Building.

Although Feng Xiao experienced those things during the day, but he didn’t seem to have been frightened at all. He had drunk his milk and entered the dreams with Feng Qi Qi’s ballad.

“Slept?” Feng Cang came to the bed and looked at Feng Xiao who was in Feng Qi Qi’s arms.

“Hm!” Feng Qi Qi nodded and carefully put Feng Xiao in the bed.

“This brat didn’t even cry today! I don’t know if he’s brave enough or what.” Mentioning his son, Feng Cang had a special feeling of proudness. He thought that Feng Xiao had performed well today. It was very unusual. He wasn’t an ordinary child.

After seeing the proudness in Feng Cang’s eyes, Feng Qi Qi chuckled. She put the curtains down and pulled Feng Cang to the side.

“Did you find her?”

“Only found her accomplices but didn’t find Taji Guli herself.”

“Oh?” Feng Qi Qi frowned. “Where did she hide then? Could it be that there is someone sheltering her? Who will it be?”

“Alright, Qing Qing. Leave this matter to me. Don’t think so much! You must be frightened today! Let’s take a rest earlier. This is a man’s business. Let me solve it!”

Of course, Feng Qi Qi was happy that Feng Cang took the matters into his own hands. She nodded and said, “Alright.” Feng Qi Qi leaned into Feng Cang’s embrace. “Cang, when this matter is over. Shouldn’t we let Ah Kang and Su Mei held their wedding? We mustn’t delay them because of our affairs! After they get married, let’s go to Nan Feng. What do you think?”

Feng Cang naturally fully supported the suggestion of Feng Qi Qi. He had always taken Wanyan Kang’s marriage to heart. Originally, he intended to quickly let Wanyan Kang embrace the beauty. Now that Feng Qi Qi mentioned it, it was just what he thought too.

“I have someone looked for a date. The 18th of the second month is a good day! I also don’t want Ah Kang to always come bother our two-person world. Let Su Mei go over to take care of him the sooner the better!”

. Shizi: heir of the first-rank prince/ crown prince by the main wife

Chapter 187  (Part 2) Wanyan Kang and Su Mei’s wedding

At the same time in Xiaoyao’s wangfu1, Wanyan Kang sneezed. He touched his nose after sneezing. He absolutely didn’t know that Feng Cang and Feng Qi Qi had already decided his future for him.

Mu Hua originally thought that Feng Cang would definitely turn the capital upside down. He didn’t expect that the next day everything had returned to normal. Except for the Eagle troops at the city gates checking the passing pedestrians, everything else vanished like smoke in thin air. It was as if yesterday’s fierce search of the city was just ‘a false alarm’.

The behavior of Feng Cang was even more confusing to Mu Hua. According to Feng Cang’s past personalities, he would never give up if he hadn’t catch Taji Guli. Could it be that this man had changed his temper after marriage and had become gentle?

How could Mu Hua know that outside Yan capital, the people of Fo Sheng Men and Moyu had already put out an inescapable net? The portraits of Longze Jing Tian and Taji Guli were sent to every province and every county. Those people who left Yan capital lived a life of hiding and dodging every day. Whether it was from the court or the jianghu2, there were people looking for them.

An inescapable net: a trap

Feng Cang used the ‘beat the grass to scare the snake’ method to deal with Taji Guli. Since they (FC) didn’t know where they (TG) were, they (FC) simply created an anxious and desperate situation, which made these people (TG) unable to sleep calmly day and night. The soldiers of the imperial court were in the open, whereas the people of Fo Sheng Men and Moyu were undercover. There would be a day where they (TG) would reveal themselves. At that time, they (FC) needed only to catch everything in one net.

To beat the grass to scare the snake: to act rashly and alert the enemy

To catch everything in one net: to capture them all in one go

When Feng Qi Qi told Dongfang Lan to prepare the wedding of Wanyan Kang and Su Mei, this great empress dowager was very happy.

Dongfang Lan had seen Su Mei many times and liked this natural and poised girl very much. However, what made Dongfang Lan most pleased was the tall figure of Su Mei. In her words, Su Mei had an appearance of good breeding (can bear offspring).

When Dongfang Lan said this, Wanyan Kang and Su Mei were beside them. Wanyan Kang was smiling foolishly the whole time, while Su Mei was blushing.

“Girl, quickly join the household! After joining the household, you can call me grandmother!” Dongfang Lan held Su Mei’s hand. The more she saw Su Mei, the more she liked her. In the end, she simply took off a bunch of gold bracelets from her hand and put them on Su Mei.

“Great empress dowager, this can’t be done….”

Su Mei wanted to refuse but was stopped by Wanyan Kang. “If imperial grandmother gave them to you, just accept it! This is a gift! After accepting this gift, you are the daughter-in-law of my Wanyan’s family!”

For the first time, Su Mei didn’t bicker with Wanyan Kang. Instead, she blushed and showed the loveliness of a young girl.

Time passed quick and the 18th of the second month arrived quickly. Early in the morning, Su Mei was woken up. Feng Qi Qi personally did the makeup of Su Mei, while Su Yue tied up her hair. The phoenix coronet with the wedding gown and jewelry had already been prepared by Feng Qi Qi. After being tortured for a long time, Su Mei had finally become a bride.

“Really beautiful!” After Feng Qi Qi put the finishing touches to Su Mei’s eyebrow, she put down the eyebrow pencil.

“Our Su Mei is the most beautiful bride of the world today!”

“Miss….” Su Mei stood up and knelt in front of Feng Qi Qi. Feng Qi Qi was taken aback for a moment by her (SM) sudden action. She then quickly helped Su Mei up but was rejected by Su Mei. “Miss, Su Mei can exist today is inevitably because of you! Su Mei is very grateful to you!”

After saying that, Su Mei kowtowed three times to Feng Qi Qi. “Su Mei thanks Miss!”

“Su Mei, get up quickly!”

There were also some moist in Feng Qi Qi’s eyes. Last time, when Su Yue got married, Feng Qi Qi wasn’t so sad. This was because Nalan Xin was a subordinate of Feng Cang, so Su Yue was still married into the wangfu. However, Su Mei was different. She was now getting married off and, in the future, she also couldn’t meet her every day.

“Don’t cry! The bride can’t cry!” Feng Qi Qi carefully wiped the tears from the corner of Su Mei’s eyes and reapplied her makeup. “Ah Kang is a good man and will certainly love you dearly! Moreover, we live so close to each other. You can still come back often and we three can still meet up frequently. It’s not like we’ll be apart and will never see each other again! Don’t cry, dear!”

While the three master-servant were talking, the palanquin to escort the bride had already arrived at the regent’s palace. Wanyan Kang rode on the tall horse and was dressed up in all red. He looked full of joy and handsome.

“The bridegroom has come to pick up the bride!” Along with the arrival of the voice, Feng Qi Qi quickly put the red veil on Su Mei. Su Yue also stuffed a red and big apple in the hands of Su Mei. “Hold the apple well. Don’t lose it!

Apple symbolizes peace in China. The word for apple in Chinese is ping which is a homonym to peace.

The matron of honor helped Su Mei out of the room. Then they walked all the way through the wangfu and finally got to the entrance.

After seeing Su Mei come out, Wanyan Kang immediately dismounted. He wanted to go support her but was stopped by Feng Qi. “Wangye3, it isn’t your turn yet! Wait till you get to Xiaoyao’s wangfu, then you can be more active!”

Feng Qi’s words made everyone laugh. Wanyan Kang also got a big red face and could only look at Su Mei entering the palanquin.

After the bright red curtain of the palanquin was put down, only then did Wanyan Kang’s heart settled down.

“Raise the palanquin!”

A grandiose team of bride’s escort moved towards Xiaoyao’s wangfu. Su Mei who was in the palanquin clenched the apple tightly, and her heart jumped like the jolt of the palanquin, up and down.

She never thought that she would one day marry the person who loved her, and never even thought she would marry a country’s wangye. Things that she had never dared to think about, had now become a reality. Her beloved man was now out there. They are going to her new home. All these things made Su Mei feel very happy.

In order to welcome the new mistress, Xiaoyao’s wangfu had been decorated anew. Wanyan Jie and Dongfang Lan had already arrived here. Wanyan Jie was sitting upright on the chair. Although his face was pretending to be calm, the excitement in his eyes couldn’t hide his childish heart.

This was the first time that Wanyan Jie had attended a wedding ceremony, and he was also to officiate the wedding of Wanyan Kang. It made him feel fresh and very happy.

“Emperor, great empress dowager, wangye has brought wangfei4 over!” Wanyan Kang just arrived at wangfu, there was already someone notifying them.

“Great-grandmother, zhen5 wants to go and see!” As soon as he heard this, Wanyan Kang couldn’t sit still. He was eager to know how the welcoming of the bride looked like. He was very curious and wanted to go ahead to see.

After seeing Wanyan Jie’s excited appearance, Dongfang Lan took his hand and patted it gently. “Emperor, you are the marriage officiant today and a marriage officiant shouldn’t walk around!”

“Oh….” Wanyan Jie was a bit disappointed. He couldn’t go out, so he could only stretch his head and kept his eyes on the outside. He wanted to see Wanyan Kang and Su Mei sooner.

After waiting for a while, Wanyan Kang finally appeared in front of the crowd. He led the red satin that connected him to Su Mei, while the matron of honor carefully supported Su Mei. The two people came in one after another.

“The first bow to heaven and earth! The second to the great empress dowager and the emperor! The last for the husband and wife! Ceremony completed! Bring them to the bridal chamber!”

After Su Mei was sent to the bridal chamber, she finally woke up from the dream. She got married! She had become the bride of Wanyan Kang! Su Mei who was holding the apple, was somewhat nervous. From time to time, there was some laughter from outside, and Su Mei could feel that there were several maids in the room. Fortunately, the phoenix coronet on her head was modified by Feng Qi Qi. It wasn’t so heavy, otherwise, she would have a sore neck and headache after waiting for so long.

After waiting for a long time, so long that Su Mei didn’t know what time it was. Only then a voice came over. “Wangye has come!”

Wanyan Kang came?! Su Mei’s mood was somewhat complicated. The extreme excitement was essential, but apart from her happiness, there was still some nervousness. At this moment, Su Mei felt a thin layer of sweat in her hands. Due to her head being covered by a red veil, she couldn’t see the outside. She could only lower her head and look at her fair-skinned finger on the apple.

“Congratulations wangye! Congratulations wangfei!”

“Hm! You all… withdrawn!” Wanyan Kang waved his hands to let everyone go. After only he and Su Mei were left in the room, Wanyan Kang took a deep breath and went to Su Mei.

Su Mei knew that Wanyan Kang had come. At this moment, her heart jumped so hard until the moment Wanyan Kang’s shoes appeared before her. Su Mei’s heart almost stopped beating.

Time was so static, and the surrounding was so quiet. So quiet that Su Mei could hear her own heartbeat and Wanyan Kang’s breathing from afar.

Wanyan Kang’s eyes slowly filled with love and looked at Su Mei under the red veil with deep love. After a long time, he uttered a long sigh. “Little Mei er6, I have finally taken you as my wife!”

Accustomed to Wanyan Kang mischievously face, Su Mei didn’t know that he also had such a calm and deep side. Wanyan Kang’s hand reached out and placed Su Mei small hands on his own palm. He laughed softly after he felt the sweatiness of Su Mei’s hands.

“Little Mei er, you are nervous!”

This laughter made Su Mei very embarrassed. She wanted to pull out her hands, but it was tightly held by Wanyan Kang.

“Let it go!” Su Mei scolded softly.

“No! Not going to let go. I’ll never let go of it!”

Wanyan Kang grabbed Su Mei’s hand. Then he searched his body blindly for a while and pulled out a golden box. Didn’t wait for Su Mei to understand, Wanyan Kang had already knelt down in front of her. “Su Mei, are you willing to marry me?”

The appearance of Wanyan Kang made Su Mei think of the situation when Feng Cang proposed to Feng Qi Qi. She once said to Wanyan Kang that she was very envious of Feng Qi Qi! It was said that the man has gold under his knees, but Feng Cang was willing to kneel for love, for his beloved woman. This was really not easy to do. She (SM) didn’t expect he (WK) took her unintentional words to heart.

The man has gold under his knees: a man should have dignity and not grovel or bow down. In ancient times, men would only bow to their ancestors and someone of a higher rank. Kneeling to anyone other than that, especially kneeling towards women was a shameful thing.

Wanyan Kang opened the box with a sapphire ring inside. Only by looking at the style, Su Mei knew that this was designed by Feng Qi Qi. Could it be that Feng Qi Qi also participated in this matter? When she thought of the good things that Feng Qi Qi did to her, Su Mei’s eyes became moist.

“Su Mei, would you like to marry me?” After seeing Su Mei didn’t utter a word, Wanyan Kang was somewhat anxious and moved the box closer to her. “Are you willing or not?”

One sentence, Wanyan Kang repeated it three times. This made Su Mei couldn’t help but uttered a ‘fool’ in her heart. She had already sat in the palanquin and did the wedding ritual with him. How could he still say such foolish things?!

Su Mei deliberately made things difficult for Wanyan Kang. Anyway, she had a veil covering her head now. Wanyan Kang couldn’t see her expression and didn’t know that she was doing it intentionally.

The beauty behind the red veil didn’t say a word made Wanyan Kang completely anxious. He simply picked up the ring and directly put it on Su Mei’s ring finger.

“Aiya, you’re using force!” Su Mei was happy in her heart, but her mouth was shouting.

“Humph, I don’t care so much! You got into my household, so you’re mine! Even if you don’t accept it, you have to accept it. You accept it, then that’s the best!” Wanyan Kang stood up and patted off the dust on his knees. He then sat next to Su Mei, clutching her left hand with the ring and smiled foolishly.

“You rascal….” Su Mei quietly sighed.

“Yes. I’m a rascal. I’m set on you! Don’t even think of dumping me, I’ll keep bothering you!”

Don’t know why, but only after Su Mei put on the ring and didn’t refuse, was Wanyan Kang able to have a peace of mind. It felt really good to lean so close to Su Mei and held her hand tightly! He hadn’t felt this happiness for a long time!


After waiting for a long time, Wanyan Kang didn’t make a sound. Su Mei couldn’t help but use her elbow to nudge him.

“What’s wrong?” Su Mei’s ‘bump’ caused Wanyan Kang to wake up from his dream.

“Quickly take off the red veil for me! You want me to wait until when?!”

Su Mei’s shouting made Wanyan Kang jump up. Only now did he realize that he hadn’t lifted the veil. He hurriedly lifted open the bridal veil and then that pretty face of Su Mei appeared in front of Wanyan Kang.

“Really beautiful….” Wanyan Kang praised her from the bottom of his heart. His eyes fixed on Su Mei, and the burning passion in his eyes, made Su Mei felt a burst of heat.

. Wangfu: the residence of the prince of first rank

. Jianghu: the martial arts world

. Wangye/wang: the prince of first rank

. Wangfei: main consort of the prince of first rank

. Zhen: I, used by the emperor

. Er: term of endearment
