Chapter 905: Mark   – The Crimson Death

“…how did it go?”

“He gave me the go signal. I’ll be leaving pretty soon.” Mark turned to his wife and told her about the decision.

“Do you need me to go with you?” Anne asked.

“No, I’ll be fine on my own. Don’t worry about me. You stay here and take care of Jeanne, alright?”

“Okay, I’ll do that. Take care, come back as soon as done.”

“Will do.”


After saying this, Mark turned into a streak of light and disappeared in her view.

Mark didn’t dare to waste time. He flew at his top speed towards his destination…the Eternal Division Wall.

It’s been a month since they felt the looming threat of their enemy’s arrival. The once idle Dawn Council had burst into activity once more resulting to a very busy schedule of theirs so far.

Mark himself had been running around, trying to help with whatever he can. He even visited some old allies and personally warned them about this distant threat. magic

Although Raven did say to not tell anybody about it, its fine to let Divine Knights know what’s coming, after all Divine Knights all had keen senses, they too could feel the faint killing intent in the horizon and the stifling presence coming closer, it would be a bad idea to keep them guessing so they might as well know what’s coming.

Of course, his activities aren’t limited to just that. Mark has been proactively fixing and eliminating all sorts of hidden threats. For him, it’s better to be safe than sorry. He didn’t want the cause of their downfall to come from their side.


As of right now, Mark tasked himself with another mission. And that is o fortify their defenses even more. He had suggested to make a trip to Eternal Division Wall with the intent of making traps for their upcoming ‘guests’. Of course, he needed Raven’s permission for this, which he acquired without any problems.

It was Raven’s avatars who gave him the go signal. Of course, these Avatars asked Raven’s decision about this so they only relayed the response. Raven’s already in seclusion and he’ll be in there for a good amount of time.

Mark knew that his good brother is definitely going to try his best to crack down the path towards Transcendence. He wishes him all the luck with his goal and thought that he himself couldn’t just sit still.

He has to do something…

Which what lead him to this idea.

Mark didn’t use the Realm Door of the Dawn Council to make this trip faster. He didn’t need to as he’s very fast and to be frank, he prefers it this way.

He’s not currently in a hurry. Believe it or not, Mark needs time to prepare himself with what he’s about to do and flying towards there gives him just enough time to be ready so it’s better this way.

It took him about a week of flying at his top speed to arrive at his destination. By the time he arrived there, all of his preparations were done.

The Wall Guardians welcomed him, they’ve been informed about the situation and aware of what Mark intends to do here so they didn’t bother him a lot.

Mark was grateful for that since he really didn’t have any desire to socialize too much. He’s always been like this, cold and indifferent to people he doesn’t know. It’s a bit eccentric but at his status, nobody can judge him for that and this was natural for him so he didn’t pay too much attention towards it.

He approached the Eternal Division Wall and inspected it closely. This wall was massive, it is complete spherical barrier that encased the whole Divine Realm.

Mark was awed by its structure, even more so with the added runes that Raven placed in it.

As one of the people that had stood by Raven’s side for so long, Mark isn’t ignorant about runes. Especially considering the fact that Raven takes every chance he gets to tell them how they work and explain what they do.

Mark could recognize Raven’s work even with his eyes closed, that being said he could only recognize it, he would never dare claim that he can understand it.

Is there anybody who could, though? Hmm, food for thought.

Anyways, the formations laid in every brick of this wall was on a completely different level than what Raven usually shows them. It would take years, even for someone like him, to completely decode this thing.

Raven went all out on this. If it weren’t for the fact that their enemies are real troublesome, he wouldn’t even imagine them getting past this net. The only way for them to invade Divine Realm is by using a force that could wipe out an entire realm just to break the reinforcements he placed in this or by deciphering it.

Either way, even for their troublesome foes, they were bound to be in pickle if they’re met with this. Mark hesitated to even add on to this because he thinks that this already as good as it can get, but then again, the more the merrier. The more they messed-up with their enemies, the higher their chances at survival so all hesitation of his were gone as soon as they came.

Thankfully, Mark didn’t have to be knowledgeable of every formation there is to do his work. He already received a guide from Raven on how to insert his traps in the formations and he only needs to follow that.

Following the guide, Mark decided to start working as soon as he could. The earlier he begins the faster he can come back home.

Mark condensed small orbs filled with his Divinity – The Crimson Death, and inserted it on several spots all over the formation. He did so in a methodical way where the formations fuses with the orbs he placed.

Since this was his first attempt, the process slow. Mark didn’t rush it, instead he did it slowly and used a step-by-step approach. This way, he can get familiarized in the process.

The first fusion was a success. Mark was expecting this to be more difficult but it went smoothly, probably because of Raven meticulous arrangements and his detailed guidance.

Once the fusion was done, a faint crimson aura started dyeing the bricks, it didn’t spread too far, only affecting a small portion of the wall, but Mark could feel that the wall just became even more dangerous with the addition of his Divinity.

If someone from the outside decided to be smart and try to approach this specific spot, they will be greeted with a nasty of explosion of Crimson Death.

As a reminder, Crimson Death is the deadliest form of Death since it is irresistible. It defies the Laws of Immortality, the tougher it is the enemy to kill, the more persistent Crimson Death will become.

Once afflicted, the target could do nothing but to wait for their eventual demise. Of course, this can be countered through several means but such methods are extremely strict that 99% of people would fail in doing so. Which makes the Divinity even scarier.

Also, there’s no need to worry if this is going to work on Outsiders or in this case, Abyssals. Crimson Death does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter if they were a local of the Divine Realm or not, it will impose Death without fail.

It is precisely because it is so fierce that harnessing its powers requires sacrifice. A sacrifice that Mark paid for just to make sure his loved ones stay safe. It’s an equivalent exchange.

Still, Mark’s work was far from done.

This is just a tiny corner of this wall. It doesn’t even amount to a percentage of it. Thus, without further ado, Mark proceed to the next spot he has chosen.

As the fusion spreads, Mark isn’t required to fuse his Divinity with every single brick there is. He just needed to fuse it smartly and the spread will take care of the rest.

Eventually, by the time he’s done, the whole Eternal Division Wall will be covered by a thin veil of Crimson Death. Another layer of defense that will make their enemies suffer a lot.

Mark knew that this work will take time but he’s prepared for it. Raven handled heavier burdens compared to this one yet he managed to complete it, his work isn’t as difficult so there’s absolutely no reason to fail here.

Just like this, time started to pass by without Mark’s knowledge. He mechanically followed the same process over and over again but as he did so, he became faster due to repetition of the same action again and again.

Slowly but surely, the areas covered with a thin crimson veil of light started getting bigger. This will slowly spread until it completely covered the entirety of the Eternal Division wall.

Mark took regular breaks to rest in between at the behest of his wife, still years passed before Mark completed the whole project.

But, while he was busy adding another layer of defense to their home, the others weren’t so idle themselves…
