Chapter 851: Lenna Of The Broken Badlands  


The woman felt extremely conflicted. He stared long and hard at Raven as if she was trying to gauge the truth behind his words. Raven basically ignored her and went on with his business. Whether this woman decides to join him or not, it truly doesn't matter to him.

Seeing as the man in front of him was mostly unbothered by her presence, the woman felt somewhat safe.

Strangely enough, her being ignored was a sign of security for her. At least that what she would like to think, hopefully this man would abide his words.

She slowly approached him, eventually sitting at the other end of the table. Raven gave a brief glance before passing a cauldron filled with scrumptious food her way as well as clean water to drink.


The gesture was shocking for the woman. She didn't expect him to easily give her this much food without asking or demanding for anything in return. Her upbringing made her think that there's a possibility that this food was poisoned.

However, her grumbling stomach prevented her from thinking too much about it. Which is why she unceremoniously started devouring the food given to her.

Her eyes sparkled upon tasting the meal. It would be a lie if she said that the food was bad because it really wasn't. It's probably the tastiest meal she ever had in her entire life – that, or she's just really starving.

Once again, Raven mostly ignored the woman. He just allowed her to eat his food while he reviewed some information he received just now from the Outposts that he sent away.

After a few minutes, the woman finished emptying the cauldron. Raven had to hand it to her though, at least she knew some manners. She wiped the cauldron clean before returning it to him alongside the empty jug where she drank from. She also audibly expressed her gratitude for the food.

"…y-you also cured me, didn't you?" The woman asked tentatively.


It was obvious that she felt somewhat uncomfortable but she was trying at least. She just can't bring herself to look at Raven in the eye.

"Yes, I did." Raven answered her question, plain and simply. "You were a few seconds away from dying, though."magic

"T-thank you for saving me." The woman stood up and bowed deeply at him.

Raven raised a brow when she saw how she trembled while performing the act. From the looks of it, this woman isn't used to bowing like this. She was stiff and clearly uncomfortable. If anything, this might be the first time that she actually did this.

"A simple thank you isn't enough to pay me back though." Raven replied, he rested his back against his chair as he went over some documents. "I'm going to need your help with something."

"I'm sorry, I don't think I could offer my body to you." "Huh?" Raven sharply raised his brow upon hearing that response.

"I-I said I can't – "

"No, I heard you." Raven shook his head and said: "I'm not after your body. No offense but my wife is prettier and sexier than you. I need your help to search for someone, not you help in alleviating my physical needs."


The woman felt slightly appalled and mostly embarrassed. She hid her face using her hands out of shame. She couldn't believe that she just made fun of herself by saying that. Beneath her embarrassment, she's also mildly offended. The way how Raven ever so casually dismissed her womanly charm was slightly offensive.

That being said, at least Raven isn't like those predators one could encounter out here. At least, by how he's acting so far, he's not that type.

"…that reminds me, we got a bit distracted aren't we?" Raven looked at the woman and said: "I've cured you and you've already eaten my food and all but we still haven't introduced ourselves."

"Right…my name is Lenna." The woman replied, "Lenna of the Broken Badlands."

"Raven of the Divine Realm. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, you're from there." Lenna looked surprised upon hearing his response.

"You know where I come from?" Raven too was surprised.

"Not really." Lenna shook her head. "I heard of it somewhere. Kind of difficult not to know when everybody basically wants to live there so bad. Haven't seen it in person, but I heard it's beautiful there and less…dangerous, compared to everywhere else apparently."

Raven stared at Lenna for a brief moment before replying with,

"I see." He nodded, "Well, I can't really say whether that's true or not. But in terms of living conditions, yeah, I think I agree with that."

"May I ask what kind of help you need from me?" Lenna inquired.

Raven was silent for a bit. Then he placed his documents down. He raised one finger which released a few strings of light.

Said lights began weaving and twisting around, turning into a vivid picture of an old man.

"I'm searching for this man. He's my Master…kind of. Have you seen him?" Raven asked.

Lenna stared at the picture whilst in deep thought. She started frowning, probably searching the deepest recesses of her mind to recall if she ever met someone who looked just like this. After a while of thinking, Lenna shook her head.

"I don't think I've seen him. Sorry."

"I see. That's fine." Raven released a sigh.

Well, nobody said that this search would be easy right? He wasn't expecting to get a lead right away anyway.

Even the picture that she showed Lenna wasn't something he's certain of. After all, who could say what Geezer truly looks like nowadays? For all he knew, the old man might changed in one way or another. This picture was something from his memories only so it's not a proper lead to begin with. "I-uh…well…"

Raven was briefly startled when he heard her speak. She looked somewhat hesitant, fidgeting on her seat and unable to look at him.

"You may speak freely." Raven softly said.

"That…uhm…well." Lenna took a deep breath in and asked: "Maybe we can go to my home and ask people there?"

"I-I mean, well…maybe, just maybe you know? Somebody out there can give you clues for your search. T-that's if you don't mind of course." Lenna added, still looking a little uncomfortable.

Raven stared at Lenna for a good while. His gaze made her feel greatly exposed, addition to the uncomfortable feeling she already has. After a brief moment of silence, Raven shook his head and said:

"That suggestion doesn't sound bad." He hummed, "You're intentions are very different though. You just wanted a ride back home. You could've just told me honestly you know?"

Lenna wanted to melt on her seat due to embarrassment. She didn't even bother retorting to that since she can't lie to save her life.

Raven didn't lie. That was her intentions behind that suggestion for the most part anyways.

Who could blame her honestly? She surely have a reason as to why she's willing to go this far. Raven only need a simple glance to see what kind of person Lenna is.

She wasn't a horrible person per se. Sure, taking advantage of one's kindness doesn't sound good but her intentions were harmless anyways. She even thought of a viable suggestion which Raven could certainly use.

"What happened to you anyway?"

Hearing his question caused Lenna's expression to turn somber. Her shoulders fell and she looked really depressed for some reason.

"Stupidity…that's what." She replied. "Forgot the basic rules when venturing the Outer Worlds. Some assholes took advantage of it. Nearly died in the process. In that order."

Well, that wasn't much but Raven understood what she's trying to say.

The basic rule when venturing the Outer World: Do not trust anyone.

This is an unsaid rule for the most part. Mostly established due to the harshness and unfairness of the Outer World. Trust is a very valuable thing here. Unless you're with someone whom you shared weal and woe with, never trust your back with anyone else.

Both Raven and Lenna didn't trust each other. The former was experienced while the later was recently a victim. They have reasons why and both are valid.

Lenna dropped her guard, causing her to be taken advantage of, she even nearly died in the process. Thankfully Raven arrived to save her.

"…I see." Raven nodded, "Well, your suggestion doesn't sound bad. Why not? Tell me the coordinates of your home."

Lenna celebrated inwardly. She nodded at Raven and handed him a set of coordinates which will lead to her home. Raven registered the coordinates to her spatial shuttle and drove it towards the location. He briefly inspected their route and an interested expression appeared on his face.

"…huh, that's interesting." Raven mused softly. It was heard by Lenna.

"What is?" She asked.

"Well, the path were following is the same path where those who attacked you are heading. We might meet them on our way."

"How did you…forget it. I won't ask." Lenna shook her head immediately. "Well, if we do meet them on the way, please let me handle them. I can't let them get away with what they did to me. Don't worry it won't take long."

Raven looked at Lenna and shrugged.

"Up to you."
