
An eventful week for Raven and his crew passed.

The girls are now training with the boys everyday. The boys work on handling their steel weapons while the girls polished their foundations.

Raven provided them another set of advices, particularly to their weapon choices. With Anne as an exception, he made Ellen and Luna try out other weapons to see if they are more suitable with handling other. Ellen picked the standard choice which was a sword, she had received training with this already and she doesn't feel quite comfortable with other weapons according to her.

Originally, Luna also intended on using the sword, but she felt an attraction with a spear. Raven saw how her eyes glitter when she picked it up and told her to follow her heart. Then she made an exclusive decision to choose the spear instead of a sword. True that her previous lessons with Old Lee will be a waste but he hadn't taught her much anyways, what's more Raven was here to supervise their training and give pointers every now and then.

With this, the atmosphere on the stone house became quite lively. The girls learned to remove their wariness to these boys, they knew if this continued, then they might be stuck with each other for a very long time so there were no need to develop any hostilities. Despite this however, Anne brought a maid with her so that she will be the one who will help the girls when it's time to soak in the medicinal bath.

All in all, everything was going great for them.



"You guys prepared?" Paul asked while rubbing his palms, everyone let out a grin and nodded. "Well then…Onwards! My brave companions! To the venue we go!"

The rest laughed with his antics and decided to move along. Deep down they can't really blame him for being excited since they too share the same feeling.

Once a year, the Heavenly Cloud Institute had a specific event where it let it's students tour some important placed of the Kingdom. This event was called Field Trip, and one of the most anticipated event by the students. And today was that day.

The students were gathered in front of the gates, waiting for them are their instructors along with some staff members as well as enormous carriages that could at least carry thirty people without limiting their movements inside. It was also being dragged by Warhorses, which were known to be the favored ride of the Knights due to it's endurance, power and stamina. Raven's group along with their classmates went on to their carriages and waited for it to move.

Raven and the rest gathered at the back of the carriage, the scenario was quite strange since there were some vacant seats near them but no one decided to seat on them, creating a division between Raven's group and the rest of the students. To this, Raven didn't care and so was the others. They were too busy discussing many things that more important, so much so that they couldn't be bothered.


Everybody's attention was gathered in front upon seeing three people come in. It was their instructor Old Lee and two other people beside him. Old Lee cleared his throat and said:

"Everyone, on my left is Mr. Arnold Song, and on my right is Mr. Jackson Herd, they are tasked by the school as our guard for our travels. Remember that some of the places that we will visit are dangerous and if I am not present, then you have to obey their instructions. Are we clear?"

The students nodded at his words. Old Lee then nodded and allowed the other two to introduce themselves properly to the children.

"Hello everyone, I'm Arnold and you could address me as such. I've been in service for at least five years now and just recently became the Vice Captain of Squad 9 under General Fiore."

Almost everyone glanced at Anne at this point, which made the young lady blush in embarassment. Arnold saw this happen and saw that the General's daughter was here which made his eyes shine, he can't help but think:

'So that's why I was sent here! It turns out that Young Missy is in this class. But shouldn't Captain be here instead of me? Man, I have to cancel a date just for this and who knows when I would have another vacation like this…'

Arnold retreated and nodded to Jackson, who then introduced himself properly as well. "Good Morning everyone, I am Jackson, a Lair Hunting Knight." His words drew collective gasps at the crowd of students, "I've been out of the Kingdom for multiple times now and I just recently came back after reporting the recent activities of the Lairs that are close to our location."

Jackson's voice was a bit cold yet shy at the same time, this must be due to his occupation. Lair Hunting Knights are always exposed to danger, their jobs is to go out of the kingdom and observe the Lairs of Demonic Beasts nearby and report back to the kingdom so that they could be prepared and assume the size of the next horde.

The outside is cold, unforgiving and extremely dangerous. The kingdom is located beyond a huge patch of forest filled with stray demonic beasts, carnivorous plants, dense fogs and lairs that could take someone's life in a blink of an eye, to top in all off, the base of the Black Curtain Guild is also located somewhere here and this is the path that these Lair Hunting Knights have to traverse. They have to endure this cold and lonely road, and there's no telling if they will ever come back or not.

Raven's eyes flashed, he then thought: 'It's been a while Uncle Jack, so that's what you look like when you aren't wearing a mask and drifting though the shadows.'

Jackson was an old acquaintance of his. In his past life, he was missing an arm and always wore a mask. Nevertheless, he was a trustworthy fellow. He was the one who trained him and his brothers despite all of the rumors and disdain of the crowd. He might not be aware of what happened as to why he lost an arm but he will try his best to repay the favors that he got from him.

After their introductions, the carriage moved and the adults took turns discussing the places that the class will be visiting. The field trip will last for an entire week, their first destination is the Heroic Museum.

It is located at the Inner Division of the Kingdom. Despite being large, the carriage moved quickly allowing them to reach the area before it was noon. The crew went down and followed the adults as they went inside the hall.

Beyond the majestic doors of the hall lies an ancient air filled with solemness. The place was quiet but it radiates a brilliant aura that made the students a bit suffocated. magic

The Heroic Museum is the place where the remnants of those who fought and contributed to the kingdom, lies. That being said, most who made it here were iconic figures that are very well known to the kingdom.

"Everyone, welcome to the Heroic Museum." A tall and fair lady greeted them. "My name is Jenny, one of the caretakers here and will be your guide throughout your stay. Glad to be of service!" She said cheerfully.

Jenny was a sweet lady, she wore some traditional clothing and a pair of glasses. She walked and talked patiently while explaining every remnants that they encounter.

"Everyone, this is Patriarch Bruce Violentsun, also well known as the 'Hero of the Sun'." Jenny introduced as she pointed at a portrait behind her.

"The remnant that you see here is his sword named: 'Sunlight Sword'. He is the patriarch of the Sun Warriors Clan and fought against a horde of beast that managed to penetrate our defences, alone. Legends said that he faced at least 100,000 beasts on his own to cover the civilians' path of retreat towards the Royal Palace. His heroic deeds were carved up to the hearts of many people that's why his sword remained here to remind everyone of his deeds."

The eyes of the students gathered shone in admiration. This wasn't the first time that they heard about Bruce Violentsun and his tales, but seeing his sword up close is another thing on it's own. The appearance of the sword was simple, linear arm guard that has a image of a sun at the center, straight edge and a handle that was covered in leather. There were signs of rust and dried blood on the surface of the sword which added more to it's fearsome aura.

Everyone tried to look closely but something unexpected happened. The sword suddenly reacted, it released a solemnly thick killing intent that caused everyone to go pale. Some students lost footing and slumped to the floor. Paul, Mark and the girls swallowed hard, Raven's face was dumbfounded and the adults quickly went forward to intercept the aura.

"What the hell is going on here!"
