

A ground shaking explosion occured.

Raven woke up from his stupor only to find out that there was an elderly person standing before him while erecting a thick barrier. He found out that they were at least a few meters away from where the altar was. Apparently, this person took him and retreated back while protecting both of them.

"Old Lee." He whispered, but the old man didn't hear him, he stared fixated at the screaming maiden on the platform with a sad expression on his face.

"Mistress! Fight it! Don't lose to it! Steel your heart and remember who you are!" Old Lee roared on top of his lungs. Sadly his voice didn't reach the maiden's heart as she still wailed away filled with anguish, fury and sadness.

"Mistress. . ." Old Lee sadly whispered, his heart was bleeding as he stared at her condition. It was during these moments that he felt that he was so useless.


"Allow me."

Old Lee's body shook when he heard this insane remark. That's right, it was Raven who spoke just now.

"Young man, I am incredibly flattered and highly appreciative of your willingness to help my mistress but what you just said is downright insane." Old Lee shook his head and refused to move from where he was. The truth is deep in his heart he knew that it's pointless.

This wasn't the first time that something like this happened and every single time it was a disaster. His mistress will lose every single trace of her sanity and this. . .this creature will emerge. It wails and will attack anything or anyone on sight. If she does not see any living being in front of her, then she will just cry tears of blood. The scenario was just too heartbreaking even for a veteran like him.

"Don't worry Old Lee." Unexpectedly, Raven only smiled at his remark and patted his shoulder. "I'll turn her back. I won't die."

"You-!" Before Old Lee could even say something, Raven already walked past his barrier and marched towards her.


His gaze was filled with a profound sense of sadness, bitterness and relief. He was biting his lips as get closer and closer to the wailing maiden. 'So this is why you didn't accept me back then.'

'This is the reason why you constantly pushed me away even though it's obvious that you want me too.'

'For the longest of time, I thought that you were thinking that we're worlds apart and your family won't agree to us.'

'I'm such a bastard, a fool, an idiot! How could I judge you like that?'

Thankfully his back was facing Old Lee, blocking his face full of tears and agony. The maiden was roaring threateningly as he stepped closer. Raven paid it no mind and just looked at her eyes with a deep longing and loving expression.

The once he stepped onto a certain threshold, the maiden condensed countless of golden swords and thick golden chains once more. As these things materialized, Raven raised his hands and roused his soul.

Old Lee's heart was about jump from his throat, he was preparing to take the boy back but the next scenario left him petrified.

Raven's hand shone with a blue flickering light. Weak as this might look but if a speck of this light landed onto someone, they will feel a deep burning sensation on the very depths of their souls. That's right, this light was his own Soul Fire. The very essence and vitality of his own soul.

Raven's hand swiftly form one hand seal after another while taking one step closer each time a seal was formed. Unknowingly, the maiden's howl and attacks froze and she only stood there looking at him with a confused expression on her face.

Just a step away from her, Raven stopped and lifted his hands. He reached for her face and brought his forehead to touch with hers. His voice suddenly boomed with a heavenly tremble.

"Forbidden Spirit Seal: Salvation."

Old Lee watched as the clouds parted and a beam of light shone on the two people. This light brought unspeakable comfort and unquestionable holiness. The light embraced the previously wailing maiden and comforted it with unspeakable love and understanding.

For the first time ever in it's existence, the cold and uncaring maiden smiled and shed tears of joy. The golden tribal marks receded on the maiden's body but it did not disappear. It instead floated behind her and formed an image of an 8-winged Angel that has an incomparable grace and beauty. The angel's gaze softened and lifted her hand, she placed a finger on Raven's forehead and retreated it back.

Her silhouette faded a bit, moments later she became a constellation and receded back to the maiden's body. The maiden's consciousness returned and so is her original appearance. Her eyes fluttered open and saw Raven's face too close for her own comfort.

"Kyah!" Her mind blanked out a bit as she instinctively pushed him back while placing her soft and delicate hands on her chest.

Raven landed on his butt and let out a pained cry, he pouted and was about to say something but Old Lee interrupted him.

"Mistress!" His body basically flickered on to existence in front of her. "Grandpa Lee!" The maiden was about to jump in his embrace but she suddenly remembered something and stopped. magic

"Mistress! Thank goodness you are fine! Oh thank the heavens for opening their eyes!" Old Lee was incredibly emotional that he didn't notice the maiden's hesitation.

"Mn!" The maiden bit her lip and nodded.

"Allow me to introduce you to. . .uh-excuse me young man what's your name again?"

"Vendrick Valorheart, Raven's fine." He said while rolling his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Ahem, this is Raven! The one who saved you just now." Old Lee said while drying up his tears of joy.

"Eh?" The maiden was confused, she looked at him and saw that his face was pale and his breathing is a little bit labored. She knew that Old Lee won't lie to her so she stood up and bowed properly at him. "Thank you so much for helping me."

"Young Master, thank you so much for helping my young mistress on her curse. This truly is a big favor that wouldn't go unrewarded. If you have any requests, the you can tell me, as long as it's within my power, I'll provide it to you." Old Lee bowed as he said emotionally.

Unexpectedly, Raven stayed silent and just stared at the maiden. The maiden and Old Lee saw this and was a bit perplexed, they have no inkling of clue on what's going on in his head. After a while of silence, Raven sighed and stood up, he then spoke:

"Remove that hairpin of yours, that might be a precious heirloom to you, it will only kill you."

Old Lee and the maiden's eyes bulged as he heard his words. They were finding it hard to believe his words. Seeing the maiden hesitate, Old Lee decided to probe even further.

"I apologize for the offence but old me just want to know, why is it so?"

Raven shook his head and said: "You guys are very stubborn. You are the ones who caused her to suffer like this. I believed you guys received a warning but you didn't listen." His words carried a deep irritation that was very obvious to them.

In truth however, that hardly matters. When they heard him speak like this, it was like a bomb exploded in their heads which caused them to reel in shock. Old Lee's gaze became sharp and threatening, the maiden suddenly became very afraid and was looking at him cautiously.

"Who are you and how did you know of this?" Old Lee seemingly went under an earth shaking change, his voice became incredibly frosty and he was even gripping his cane tightly right now.

Raven however paid no regards to Old Lee's animosity and just continued staring at the maiden. His gaze was sharp but also carries a trace of concern.

"You're still not strong enough to unlock that part of yours. Take my advice and remove it. And for the record, don't misunderstand me. I helped because I could but I also see through it that who I save shouldn't be harming themselves because of stupid reasons or flat out ignorance."

"Besides, I just spent 10 years of my life expectancy just to perform the seal. I don't like my efforts going down the drain because of simple selfishness."

Raven's words stunned both of them, but before they could even speak, Raven was already leaving the place. They stood there unmoving, still confused about this whole matter.

Meanwhile, Raven was finally out of the lavander fields. He trekked the road back home with a sad expression on his face. He can't help but to be a bit empty inside. The memories of his past life was constantly playing in his mind, each memory caused his heart to twitch in pain.. Upon his return, he closed the door behind him and plopped face first in his bed.
