Chapter 196: The Price Owed to Her  Chapter 196: The Price Owed to Her  


Altakas burst out in the first truly delighted laugh he’d had in a while. The Lord of Nerman’s outstanding skills did indeed live up to the rumors. His swordsmanship was capable of killing Death Knights in one swing, he had a wide variety of spells at his disposal, and his ability to adapt to new circumstances was once again surprising.

“No matter how much you hop around, you can’t escape from here. Just like those guys.”

Everyone else had already fled, but five Gold Wyverns were still fighting to the very end in the sky. He had heard that there were Skyknights skilled in magic other than Kyre in Nerman. It had to be those guys.

Even without a communicator, the Death Knights had a mental connection with Altakas. Of his subordinates, the Death Skyknights had Kyre’s men surrounded and were unleashing intense fire on them. A few spears had lodged their shafts in the black hybrid wyvern that was just as famous as Kyre. Any other wyvern would have crashed to the ground already, but the hybrid wyvern was still screaming in rage as it flew. Altakas thought with satisfaction that it would be a perfect mount for him once he turned it into a Death Wyvern.

“Kyre, I will also do you the honor of turning you into a Death Knight. A Death Knight so strong that no one other than me can stand up to you. Kuhahahahaha!”


Altakas stood on top of the highest palace steeple and oversaw everything. He watched Kyre, who was exchanging spells with the Tower Masters he had turned into liches.

And then, he flew towards Kyre, his mantle fluttering behind him.

* * *


I couldn’t catch a break. The moment I thought I got away from the Death Knights, the Tower Masters showed up and rained down attacks on me. I didn’t know what kind of black magic had made them this way, but they were firing upper-circle spells at me like machines. Even now, they had me locked down with Lightning Rain, Flame Cannon, and the 7th Circle Ragna Blast.

I couldn’t even run away. The Tower Masters were using mana in an extreme manner, so all the naturally-formed mana in the surrounding area was oscillating irregularly, preventing the use of Blink or any of the other warp-style spells.


And so, our spellcasting confrontation continued. I blocked several attacks in a row using only pure mana.


They were truly vicious and underhanded bastards. The Death Skyknights were attacking the beastmen and Bebeto, who could not abandon me and leave, like they were cats toying with mice. My heart thumped like it was going to explode. Since the day I dragged Bebeto out of his hangar in Kirphone Covert, I never thought for a second that a day like this would come.

Bebeto’s cries were full of pain and rage. He was looking for me. He was telling me to hurry and get on his back and crush all these unpleasant nuisances.

“Hurry and run! Take Bebeto and run!”

I had given the command to Hasifor and the beastmen several times already.

“Master… we cannot.”

And yet, their response was the same. They couldn’t leave me.

‘You idiots…’

Their mana already depleted, the beastmen and their wyverns were taking one injury after another from the incoming spears. It was the first time in my life that I realized how powerless I was. The people of my paradise, people I needed to protect with my very life, were dying right now.

They were dying an absolutely meaningless, terrible death.

“Kukuku. Give up already. If you do so, I will give you and your subordinates a painless death.”

Altakas had appeared 50 meters ahead of me in the sky.

‘You son of a bitch!’

My rage found a target in Altakas, the abomination who brought a storm of death upon this land, throwing aside the laws of destiny prescribed by the gods.

I raised my sword, pointing it at Altakas’ heart.

“Huhu, Altakas. If you’ve got the confidence, let’s have a duel.”

“Confidence? Puhahahaha!”

He guffawed in delight at my provocation.

“Shut the fuck up. Why laugh like you’re all that when your body isn’t even yours, you inbred son of an orc.”

“Kukuku… Looks like you don’t want an easy death.”

Murderous intent gushed out of Altakas, as if the 200 years he spent in the shadows had left a scar on him.

“If you call yourself a magic swordsman, come down and fight not with magic, but your sword.”

I had zero confidence in winning with magic. The gap between the 5th and 6th Circle was still barely surmountable. I was able to gain enlightenment to go to the 6th Circle to the 7th by resolving myself to die and fighting with everything I had. But the 7th and 8th Circle were completely different levels, like a firefly’s glow vs. a seaside lighthouse. That was why I incited his desire for victory with the sword.

“An easy matter. Allow me to teach you why I am an 8th Circle black magic swordsman.”

As he spoke, Altakas extended his hand in the air. At that moment, a sword made of black materia appeared in his hand like a magic trick.

‘Pocket dimension…’

Only a mage of the 7th Circle and up could make a pocket dimension. I could also make one, but I couldn’t open it with such ease.

“This is a sword made of black dragon bone.”

The sword made of black dragon bone gave off the same oppressive force as the Staff of Despair said to be made by Tarkania. It was a little larger than a longsword and a little smaller than a greatsword. The moment Altakas’ hand gripped it, an enormous amount of mana whirled around it.

‘G-Grand Blade Master.’

I had expected it, but the Dark Blade imbued in his sword matched my level. No, it was at an even higher level than me. The blade was burning pitch-black, as if it could suck in all the world’s light.

‘I have to settle things in one hit.’

For this one-on-one gamble, I drew out all of the mana dwelling in my mana core.

My sword was enveloped by clear mana swaying with blue light.

“Kuhahahahaha. Good! Very good!” rejoiced Altakas, like a crazy bastard.


I kicked off forcefully.


Still laughing, Altakas’ sword moved to meet mine.


Even before our swords clashed, my heart and body were overwhelmed by death energy.

‘H-He’s strong…’

It suddenly occurred to me that I might be doing something as reckless as trying to crack a boulder with an egg.

The Aura Blade on my sword collided with the Dark Blade on his, causing a light hissing noise.

And then, with a pop, the collision between forces transcended time and space.

A huge wave of energy burst out, and it felt like a thousand bells were tolling in my head.


My lips parted on their own. The powerful impact knocked my airplate helmet, which had lost mana supply, off my head.

And then, red blood fountained out of my parted mouth.


The bastard’s crazy laughter never stopped.


He must have been watching me, because Hasifor’s cry of rage buzzed behind me from the helmet on the ground.


A single curse echoed in the chaotic mess that my mind had become.

It was then that I felt the remaining mana in my body being sucked out.“Ah!”

Altakas’ laughter halted, turning into a short cry.

Through my closing eyes, I saw Bebeto flying towards me.


The last thing I saw was a woman.

She appeared donning sacred silver armor, her long, silver hair fluttering in the wind.

The archspirit of wind, Sylphiria.

My eyes closed. And then, the darkness took me, painting the entire world black.

* * *

Altakas fiercely attacked Kyre, who was running in without a hint of fear. Despite being a 7th Circle magic swordsman, Kyre looked to have as much mana as an 8th Circle mage. Inwardly, Altakas was shocked, but he didn’t let down his guard and proceeded to beat down Kyre, going as far as to imbue his attack with darkness aura. Just as he expected, Kyre buckled under the darkness aura and was losing consciousness. Right as Altakas was about to draw out all the blood from Kyre’s heart and turn him into a Death Knight, the archspirit of wind, Sylphiria, appeared.

As far as Altakas could remember, archspirits had only appeared in the human world a handful of times. Wearing spirit armor that gave off a silver gleam that mithril armor could not even compare to, Sylphiria was looking at Altakas with indifferent eyes. In her arms, lay the unconscious Kyre.

“H-How can an archspirit…”

“Your foul stench has spread all the way to the Spirit Realm.”

“Do you wish to defy the dimensional order created by the Great God?” yelled Altakas in anger, sensing that his plans were going awry. “You may be an archspirit, but you cannot come out without a contractor’s summons!”

The current situation could not be explained, not even with his wealth of knowledge. He knew the man named Kyre was a high summoner, but he didn’t think he would have a connection to an archspirit. In addition, Sylphiria, who had opened the Spirit Realm Gate on her own without being summoned, was an existence that even the 8th Circle Altakas would find difficult to face.

“Kyre is my contractor. An archspirit is permitted the freedom to make their own judgements. Your words hold no ground.” responded Sylphiria frostily.

“C-Contractor? Him…?”

Altakas looked at the bleeding Kyre, who was as limp as a corpse in Sylphiria’s arms. He felt a chill run down his spine. If he didn’t end this man here, just how much would he grow the next time he appeared? He had to kill Kyre now, without fail.

‘Huhuhu. A spirit whose contractor is unable to use mana is hardly an issue anyway.’


When Kyre fainted, five Gold Wyverns flew fiercely to the ground.

“Kill them!” he barked, his mind cold and calm.

The Death Skyknights reacted to Altakas’ will, hurling the Blessed Spears in their hands at the beastmen.

They had been surrounded and couldn’t even run. A hundred spears plunged into the bodies of the beastmen and their wyverns as they plunged headlong to the ground.

Without even a cry, the five wyverns crashed to the ground, the impact shaking the ground. The beastmen riding them collapsed lifelessly onto their wyverns, skewered by three or four spears apiece.

They bravely met their end, not abandoning their master in an act of absolute loyalty. And yet, not a single person was there to acknowledge their final moments. Even Sylphiria merely cast them a single glance as they died.

After the beastmen fell, the black hybrid wyvern who was roaring as he followed them was next. A wyvern without a Skyknight was no different from a wild wyvern. With five spears sticking out of his body, Bebeto flew desperately to his master for one last futile struggle. Even if he died, he wanted to die with his master.

“Huhuhu. I’ll send you all off together.”

Sylphiria’s unexpected appearance had angered Altakas. He whipped his hand up at Bebeto.


Dark Flare Spear was one of the 7th Circle black magic spells. At Altakas’ incantation, a 5 meter long spear of death dressed in black flames whizzed off towards Bebeto’s heart.

However, that was just Altakas’ vain hope. The Dark Flare Spear flying towards Bebeto crashed into an Air Shield that suddenly appeared, shattering into a firework.


At the unexpected interference, Altakas glared at Sylphiria.

“My contractor has shared his soul with that wyvern.”

Bleeding continuously from the spears that had penetrated his wyvern armor and had lodged themselves in his body, Bebeto flew to Sylphiria’s side as she floated in the air. His sad cries seemed to be calling his master.

“A mere spirit dares…”

Well and fully enraged, Altakas activated the darkness mana filling his mana core.

The cold darkness mana filling the Imperial City gathered at his call.

Even so, he could not pierce the Air Shield made by Sylphiria.

“Wait. Soon, my contractor will guide you to God’s embrace…”

“What are you saying! Drop him! ”

Raging at Sylphiria’s words, Altakas unleashed an 8th Circle black magic spell.

At that moment, Sylphiria disappeared from the air, along with Kyre and his wyvern.

Having lost its target, the 8th Circle spell cut through the air and crashed into a massive palace.

Under the sudden onslaught of an 8th Circle spell, the palace began to melt down. Despite being a massive palace seven stories high, a single spell made it melt like a candle.

“GUAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH…..!” His frustration reaching a peak, Altakas screamed. “KILL THEM! KILL ALL THOSE WHO LIVE IN THE CITY!!!”

And from his mouth, came a terrible order.

The Death Knights and Hell Soldiers mentally linked to Altakas opened the gates of the inner castle and advanced upon the regular citizens living in the Imperial Capital.



“Th-The devil has come!”

“Where is the Capital Guard?!”

For a while, the city echoed with miserable screams. The Imperial Capital of the Laviter Empire, a city with a storied history, turned into hell. All because the Black Magic Swordsman of Destruction, Altakas, was enraged…

* * *

Reaper Scans

* * *

The storm that started in the Laviter Empire struck the Continent.

The Dark Empire announced its existence. The former Emperor of the Laviter Empire, Hadveria, cast away the Laviter Empire name and announced the Dark Empire to all nations.

The new empire also informed all who lived on the Kallian Continent that if they did not submit to the Dark Empire, any who resisted would be put to death.

At first, no one believed it. But the people who escaped the Laviter Imperial Capital through the sewer system revealed a shocking fact. The one million people living in the city were all killed in a single night, in an indiscriminate massacre carried out by Death Knights and Hell Soldiers.

The more shocking news was that Emperor Hadveria was a black mage, and the Shining Magic Tower, a black magic organization, and even the Temple of the Evil God, Kerma, had announced their alliance with the Dark Empire.

On top of that, there was another rumor spreading more speculatively—that the Lord of Nerman, Kyre, had taken a group of wyverns to attack the Imperial Palace and had perished.

Everyone trembled in fear.The resurrection of the terrible Death Knights of legend, an indiscriminate, large-scale massacre, and the appearance of black mages and priests of the Evil God Kerma.

They didn’t want to believe those things could truly exist, but they had to.

Because the one million people who used to live in the Laviter Imperial Capital were proof of such.

* * *


My heart was on fire. My eyes flew open at the vivid pain of a sharp, cold sword appearing out of the darkness to slide into my heart.

“Hah, hah…”

My whole body was heavy, like I was being crushed by a boulder, and I was sticky with sweat.

“Th-This is…”

My memories returned to me bit by bit, like a film reel continuing to play. I was unable to take a single strike from the Black Magic Swordsman of Destruction, Altakas. I closed my eyes to oppressive darkness, but when I opened them again, I found myself in a strange and fascinating place.

The first things I saw were two suns, one large and one small. Like twins, both suns were shining down their warm rays in the sky, positioned a little ways apart from one another. The second thing I noticed was the air. The air on the Kallian Continent was clear, but the air I was breathing now seemed to lack a single mote of impurity. I filled my lungs with it, the suffocating pressure I felt from my nightmare dissipating with each breath.magic

That wasn’t all. They were simple in appearance, but small flowers I didn’t know the names of were blossoming all around me, and birds were covering the area where I was laying. The air was suffused with a wondrous fragrance.


I took a deep breath. Here, the pain, sadness, and rage in my heart felt entirely meaningless. I closed my eyes and breathed in the energy of this land pulsing with vitality.

“You’ve awakened.”

My ears heard a quiet woman’s voice.

Her silver hair gleamed in the sunlight, scattering gently in the light breeze and casting a shadow next to me.


You could easily call this place heaven. No honeyed phrase other than “she’s beautiful” could describe this goddess next to me. The archspirit Sylphiria was gazing at me, the blinding sun framing her.

“It’s a beautiful place, isn’t it.”

Instead of her silver armor, she was wearing a dress that glinted with a blinding silver radiance every time it moved.

“Where is this place? Does a place like this exist on the Kallian Continent?”

I knew my fair share about the Kallian Continent, but I’d never heard of a place with two suns.

“This is the Dimensional Valley, where the Spirit Realm and Middle Realm overlap. One of the suns you see over there is the sun of the Middle Realm, while the other is the sun of the Spirit Realm.”

“Th-The Dimensional Valley…”

Such a place didn’t exist even in Master’s wide wealth of knowledge.

“It is a place humans have never been permitted to enter… Until now.”


I couldn’t help but exclaim in wonder at Sylphiria’s words. No wonder the pure mana I was breathing felt so unfamiliar.

“Do you remember what you said to me when we first met?”

“What did I say?”

All other things aside, Sylphiria’s way of speech had clearly changed. Before, she had spoken with a stiff, knightly manner, but for whatever reason, she now gave off the impression of a courteous, noble-bred woman.

“You asked if I wasn’t curious about the Middle Realm, about the dynamic life humans were living. You tempted me with those words.”

“Right, I remember now.”

They were just things I had said to make a contract with Sylphiria, who appeared out of the blue. Her words brought back that scene in my mind.

“I was truly curious. From the moment I was born, I was destined to become an archspirit, and I lived thousands of years in the Spirit Realm. The peaceful Spirit Realm, where nothing happens day after day. I thought that this quiet peace granted to us by the blessing of the Great God, this tranquility that does not exist in the Middle Realm, Demon Realm, or even the Heavenly Realm, was all there was to the world. But I wondered about the happiness the contracted spirits showed when they returned to the Spirit Realm after being summoned by their Middle Realm summoners. From what I heard, the Middle Realm was essentially a hell because of the greed of all beings, but I wanted to know why those spirits were so happy whenever they returned from a summoning.”

The two suns in the sky were shining brightly, but it wasn’t hot or uncomfortable. Sylphiria’s gentle voice swayed into my ears like a ballad.

“And then, you appeared.”

I could guess what she wanted to say next. Sylphiria had taken my ridiculous bait of her own accord.

“Thank you for everything.” She suddenly thanked me. “I apologize, but I have been privy to everything you have seen, heard, and tasted all this time.”

A gasp escaped me at those words, which couldn’t be explained in any way with my common sense. No summoner, even ones with incredibly close connections with their spirits, had said anything about sharing one’s senses with a spirit during everyday life.

“The other spirits do not feel it as directly as I do, but they also share a certain degree of their summoner’s feelings. That connection is stronger the higher in rank the spirit is.”

“I see…”

It was news to me. I could see now why the first condition for summoning a spirit wasn’t mana, but spirit affinity.

“And that… dynamism you mentioned? From the happiness imparted from such dynamic emotions, I was able to spend countless days feeling the emotion called joy.”

At Sylphiria’s words, I looked back at the emotions I had felt in the last year. I had a black heart that would make me hang my head low in shame if anyone were to find out about it, but Sylphiria had shared even those emotions. And yet… it didn’t feel foreign, nor did it feel bad. She quietly stated she had been sharing my senses, but I hadn’t felt her at all. Hearing that she had been able to enjoy a joyful time through me without causing any interference to me made a part of my heart warm up.

“It is a shame. The fact that I can no longer experience the diverse sensations you showed me ever again is something I would like to express as sadness.”

“What do you mean by that…?”

“In order to save you, I defied the law of the Covenant all spirits are bound to. I may be a spirit of wind and a guardian knight serving Lady Minerva, but I must receive the punishment for violating the Covenant that even the Spirit Kings cannot defy. The moment I leave this Dimensional Valley… I will never be able to have a connection with you or any other being of the Middle Realm.”


Sylphiria had gone so far as to defy the Covenant to save me. I was both thankful and sorry. We made a contract, but I was never able to summon her to the Middle Realm myself. Even so, I was truly thankful for her feelings in saving my life. In light of the nature of spirits, who were unable to lie and hated defying the rules of the Spirit Realm more than death, her act was truly extraordinary.

“The injuries you accrued have all been healed. When you leave the Dimensional Valley, your wyvern, Bebeto, will appear.”

‘Bebeto… is alive!’

I was already grateful that she had defied the Covenant to save my life alone, but she had even saved Bebeto.

“May I ask about the beastmen who were with me…?”

Though I was grateful and apologetic, I couldn’t help but ask about the beastmen.

“They have returned to God’s embrace.”


I closed my eyes, my heart stinging in pain. She might be an archspirit, but saving the beastmen in that situation would have definitely been too much to handle.

“Do not anguish. All existences eventually return to God’s embrace. There is neither true birth nor true death. That is the natural law of existence that you and all other humans are unable to realize.”

Sylphiria knew much more about the laws of existence than I did. And yet, I could not stop my heart from grieving. The beastmen called me their master and carried out my every order faithfully. The thought that I could never see them again sent me walking the path of sadness.

Though I tried to hold back, hot tears ran down my cheeks.


Clenching my fist, I stowed my rage towards Altakas deep in my heart. With these tears, I vowed that on the day we met again, I would throw him into a sea of pain where he could not die without my permission.

“The time has come for you to return.”

As she spoke, her voice became wet with emotion. Although she wasn’t a human, because she had shared my experiences with me, she was influenced by the emotions of human nature.

“I will never forget that you saved me.”

There was nothing else I could say. She had violated the law of the Covenant to save me. I could only hope that one day I could repay her.

“Kyre…” called Sylphiria quietly.


“Please… hug me once.”

I looked at her, puzzled by her sudden request.

“I want to feel it. The feelings of the women who felt happiness in your embrace… I, too, would like to feel that.”


I held back an exclamation. A spirit was asking me to hug her. And it was the archspirit Sylphiria, whose transparent beauty could not be matched in a thousand years by any other.

I silently opened my arms. Then, she quietly stepped into my embrace headfirst, her eyes full of anticipation.

‘The smell of the wind…’

The refreshing taste of wind that only those who loved the sky could experience came from her hair, no, her entire body.

I unconsciously found myself putting a hand onto Sylphiria’s face, cupping it gently. Then, I paid the price I owed to her for making her break such a rule with a kiss.


Her face reddening like a normal woman, Sylphiria breathed a long moan into my hot lips.

Her two smooth arms wrapped around my neck. And my soul, which sought comfort from someone for the deep sadness it felt, passionately devoured her lips like a young lamb seeking its mother’s teat.

In this moment, where a ‘next time’ might never come again, I threw myself fully into leaving my mark on her soul…

So that even if I were reborn, I would remember her.


