Chapter 193: The Appearance of Aidol  

“What’s with the sudden imperial mandate?”

“What in the world are we supposed to do here?”

The Laviter Skyknights who had been assembled to attack Nerman were still in shock after the significant blow Kyre dealt them by crossing the border. Kyre and the Nerman Skyknights made light work of the Empire’s Skyknights with a force several times smaller than the Empire’s. It was said in secret among the imperial troops that Kyre was an invincible knight. The rumor spread throughout the entire army, stemming from the soldiers and knights that were captured as soldiers and returned to the Empire.

As a result of their repeated losses, the Laviter Skyknights were in a state of dejection. But then, they were issued a sudden imperial mandate and made to gather on some nameless hill in the middle of nowhere.

“Have you heard the rumor?”

“Which rumor?”


“The one about the Yukane and Baerkain Kingdom Skyknights getting dragged off to somewhere and not having come back yet.”

“I’ve heard of it, but what does it have to do with us?”

“Of course it has to do with us. We could also disappear into thin air just like them.”

“Pshaw, as if His Majesty the Emperor would do that to us. Why would he? That’s utter hogwash.”

Quite a lot of time had already passed since they arrived, so the Skyknights were scattered around the clearing, engaging in idle talk. They exchanged the most recent information they’d heard and tried to figure out why they had been gathered here today. However, everyone knew the same things. In addition to the regular territories, the entire army had been locked down. Since they weren’t allowed to move without imperial command, the Skyknights hadn’t been able to go out on a single patrol flight.

“But isn’t it about time for someone to show up?”


The ten Imperial Guard Skyknights who had appeared to relay the mandate were standing stock-still at the front of the clearing with their helmets on.

“This can’t all be to tell us to return to our original stations, right?”

“I don’t think so, no. His Majesty isn’t that kind of person.”

Once he started something, Emperor Hadveria would see it to the end. The Skyknights were well aware of that side of the Emperor’s personality.

Kaaaauuuuuuu! Kuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

While the Skyknights were whispering to each other, they heard the cries of their wyverns at the foot of the hill.

“Wh-What’s going on?”

“Why are the wyverns freaking out?”

The Skyknights panicked upon hearing the cries of their wyverns. The winged beasts were more precious to them than their own lovers.

“Nobody move!” screamed the Imperial Guard Skyknight who had been silent up until now.

“What are you saying?! Are you telling us to rest here at ease when we don’t know what’s happened to the wyverns?!”

“Just what in the world is the imperial mandate about? Why have you brought us to a place like this?!”

The Imperial Guard might belong to the Imperial Family, but most of the Skyknights here were titled nobles. They approached the Imperial Skyknights while unleashing the frustration they had been suppressing.


As the Skyknights drew nearer, the Imperial Guard Skyknights drew their swords without hesitation.

“Wh-What do you think you’re doing?!”

“Hmph! Do you think you can be so unscrupulous just because you’re from the Imperial Guard?”

Of the Skynights who were the elites of the army, the most elite among those elites were picked out for the Imperial Guard. As a result, the Skyknights of the Imperial Guard were subjects of envy and jealousy by the regular Skyknights. So when the Imperial Skyknights unsheathed their swords, it was like pouring oil onto an already smoldering tinder.

“Huhu. Poor sops who’ll soon breathe their last sure have a lot to say.”

“How dare you! Who do you think we are?!”

Despite facing hundreds of Skyknights, the Imperial Skyknights weren’t at all cowed.

“You bastards will all die here for the crime of defying an imperial command.”

“Stop spouting bullshit. His Majesty the Emperor would never issue such a command!”

“Let us punish these bastards and go to the Imperial Palace ourselves. His Majesty the Emperor will tell us the truth.”

“That’s right! Let us all—gugh!”


The Skyknight standing at the front jolted mid-sentence, pierced where he stood by a spear that had whizzed through the air, glinting in the sun.


And at the same time, colorful mana lights began to glow on the ground where the Skyknights stood.

“Wh-What’s going on?!”

“Uwaahhh! There’s a magic circle set up under our feet!”

A massive magic circle was spread out over a staggering amount of space on the hastily-made clearing. The moment the array activated, the intense flow of mana rendered the Skyknights unable to move.

“Kukuku. Enjoy your last moments alive while you can. Very soon, your lives will be forfeit.”


The Imperial Guard Skyknights burst out in noisy laughter. One of them pulled out a mana staff glowing with black light from his bosom.

“Death’s Sleeping Hand!”magic

The Skyknights were shocked into a daze when they heard the 7th Circle black magic curse.


The mana particles whirling above the magic array transformed into red fog before immediately covering the Skyknights.




The accursed crimson fog rushed through their noses and mouths into their bodies. The moment they breathed it in, the Skyknights clutched their throats as they fell over.


Shortly afterward, blood began to pour from every orifice in their bodies.


A pillar of red light immediately shot into the darkened sky from the magic circle that had been created for this moment.

“Haromoia gevestroi anahumadian…”

Dozens of Kerma priests appeared in every direction around the knights that had been instantly killed by the 7th Circle black magic and consigned to the afterlife. The priests recited a sacred chant of darkness designed to create soulless Death Knights.


The blood spilled by the Skyknights became an offering, rising into the air as a pillar of blood and whirling in the air a few times before crashing back down, like the tormented dance of the sad souls of the Skyknights resentful of their sudden death.

* * *

Reaper Scans* * *

“You’ve turned all the Skyknights into Death Skyknights?”

“Yes, oh great King of Darkness. By now, the Tower Vice-master should have taken care of all of the Skyknights dispatched to the border.”

“Kukuku. Well done.”

“I am deeply grateful, oh Lord of All Death and Life.”

After slaughtering the nobles, the black mages and priests of the Evil God, Kerma, now freely roamed the Laviter Imperial Palace grounds. All of the knights and soldiers of the Imperial Guard residing within the castle were all drained of life and turned into Death Knights and Hell Soldiers. The idiots who had flung themselves headlong onto the road of death with one “imperial command” were reborn anew in moments as soldiers of darkness through black magic and darkness sacred magic.

“Tomorrow, all the humans of the world will see what true darkness is. They will see that the great King of Darkness who shall rule them has descended. Kuhahahahaha!”

“Felicitations, oh King of Darkness and Master of All!”

“Ohhhh! Felicitations, oh Master of All Mana!”

The black mages inside the throne room bowed, offering a chorus of praise. Since they served a god, the Kerma priests did not bow in worship. However, they did not ridicule the genuflecting mages.

Recently, an oracle was passed down.

According to the oracle, the black mage on the throne was the Apostle of Hell sent by Kerma himself.

* * *

“Haah… the one thing this place has is good air.”

In a secluded village in a barony of the Pakinch Kingdom overlooking the faraway Central Mountain Range said to be the middle point of the Kallian Continent, an old man appeared wearing a robe that gleamed with a unique luster. Like a real mage, the benevolent-looking elder had a dignified beard that went all the way down to his waist, and the beard swayed as the man cheerfully strolled towards the village.

He took in several deep breaths with an expression of delight.

“Tsk tsk. It would still be nice to have a car. What a shame, the one made by Maybach is a fairly luxurious and decent ride.”

The old man walked into the village while muttering repeatedly about a “car”.

“Where did you come from, sir?” asked one of the guardsmen of the village, stopping the old man. Because the village was close to the Central Mountains, unlike other villages, they had walls and a village guard to check the people coming and going.

“Oh! How long it’s been since I’ve seen people like you. Haha.”

The guardsmen had been observing the elder ever since he came into sight. When the elder looked at them with fascination, they shared looks of bewilderment. Because of the plague that had spread through the Continent, even merchant visits were infrequent these days, and travelers were even more uncommon. Yet this old man appeared swinging his arms cheerfully, compelled by whatever foolhardiness to travel alone. The outfit he was wearing was also problematic. It looked like a robe, but it gleamed with a shiny luster they’d never seen before. It looked similar to the robes worn by mages, but the shape and cut differed greatly.

“Oh, do you guys recognize this clothing? It’s a brand name item specially made for me by Armani. I’m told it’s a very special piece of clothing made with specially produced Chinese silk and nanotechnology.”

When they heard the elder spouting incomprehensible words, the expressions of the guardsmen quickly changed to ruefulness. From his way of speech and behavior, he looked like an elder from a fairly rich family, but they were sure that he had lost his way or had dementia.

“Sigh, where did you come from, sir?”

The captain of the village guard, Hanson, sighed as he inquired about the elder’s home. He felt sorry for the old man. Many of the people who were driven out of their homes by the plague and famine ended up dying on the road. His sympathy was amplified by thoughts of his dementia-stricken grandfather who had passed away not long ago.

“Me? Hmm, I’m not sure you would know even if I told you where I came from,” answered the elder with dementia, his expression honest.

“Then may I ask what your name is?”

No matter how rampant the spread of plague was lately, the village wasn’t in such dire straits that they would chase off an elderly man. Therefore, Hanson and the guardsmen were kind to the man.

“My name is… Ai…” The old man suddenly stopped, falling into thought for a moment. “That’s right! Aidol! That’s my name. Hahaha. What do you think? It has a good ring to it, don’t you think?”

The old man clapped with mirth as he uttered the unique name. The guardsmen felt their eyes becoming moist with tears. Most of them had had a father or grandfather like this old man in their households, and memories of the past made them look at the elder with even more pity.

“Have you already eaten, sir?”

“Food? Ah, come to think of it, I haven’t. Haha. Right, that reminds me, there are things I want to eat. I’m really craving wild honey smeared on wheat bread made with a dough of yolks, milk, and salt. Ohhh! I’m suddenly getting hungry.”

This old man was well and properly gone. They strongly suspected that some rich son had dropped him off a carriage and driven off. He was mumbling about precious foods only nobles or merchants at least could eat.

“We don’t have bread like that. If it’s alright with you, please come in for a moment and have a meal of barley bread and potato soup.”

“Barley bread? Alright, that’s fine as an occasional diet food. Come to think of it, I’ve lived eating only tasty things. I should eat some common fare now and then, too.” The old man mumbled to himself. Then, looking up, he asked, “Right, do you happen to know a certain young man I’m looking for? It’s my disciple who left home…”

“Pardon? Who?”

“He’s got black hair, he’s decently tall, and his face is fair enough to make a gigolo cry in shame. His name is Kang Hyuk…”

Upon hearing the beginning of the elder’s words, Hanson and the guardsmen looked at each other. All of them had thought of one name when they heard the dementia-stricken old man. That man was someone even kids knew about on the Kallian Continent.

“Shucks, why do I bother to ask. There’s no way you’d know a fellow like that out here in the boonies. Sigh… it’d be enough of a miracle if he didn’t become orc poop somewhere.”

Paying no heed to the shocked expressions on the guardsmen, the old man with dementia looked up at a cloud drifting by as he thought of his disciple.

That man was Aidal, the archmage who had dimensionally teleported from Earth.


