Chapter 183: The Missing Tower Masters  

“Th-The Tower Master and Vice-masters are still missing?”

“We really cannot find them anywhere. They personally inputted coordinates and flew off with teleport magic in their labs…”

“Gods, how can this be…? It’s already been close to a month since they’ve disappeared.”

The meeting of executive mages of the Ildorian Magic Tower was tense. It wasn’t just the Tower Master who was gone—even the 7th Circle Vice-masters who followed the Tower Masters were missing. Upon realizing that, the 6th Circle mages equivalent to executives of the tower convened a meeting.

“There is great unrest among the lower mages. If the Tower Master and Vice-masters disappear, the upper-circle magic tomes and various important magic research and magic items here will also disappear.”

“What an incredibly frustrating conundrum.”


Despite assembling an executive meeting, the 6th Circle mages could not reach an obvious solution. The organization that was the magic tower had very strictly set hierarchies. It was a pyramid organization where mages at higher circles held the most power and were fawned on based on their enlightenments, regardless of their age. Like the phrase ‘a merchant will sell their children and wife for profit’, a mage had to sell their pride for magic tomes and greater enlightenments.

But now, the very core figures of such a hierarchical system, the Tower Master and the 7th Circle Vice-masters, had disappeared. The 7th Circle mages were at the peak of a mage’s endless aspirations for the upper circles. They were the center of the magic tower, the highest authorities, and the gatekeepers for the treasure warehouse. Important magic ingredients, as well as the magic tower’s collection of tomes and research data, were held exclusively by the tower master in a pocket dimension only a 7th Circle mage could make and access. Of course, as a safety measure to prevent the loss of those treasures, the Vice-masters had a contract for the natural transfer of the pocket dimension’s ownership in the case of the Tower Master’s death. However, with the Vice-masters gone at the same time as well, that safety measure became a calamity.

“We have no choice.”

The direct disciple of Tower Master Avaion and the person among the 6th Circle mages thought to be closest to breaking the 7th Circle wall, Klomant, made a determined expression.


Ildorian’s executive mages looked at Klomant in confusion.


“We have no choice but to ask for their help.”

“Their help? Someone who could help us in our current situation would be… Ah! Y-You can’t mean—!”


“Y-You’re right. We can ask them for help!”

Comprehending Klomant’s words, the faces of the 6th Circle mages immediately brightened.

“We must ask the esteemed Golden Magic Tower mages who have transcended the secular world for their help.”

“Yes! This is the first time the magic towers have been in such danger ever since the Golden Eyed Aidal incident. We should contact each of the magic towers and contact the mages of the Golden Magic Tower together!”

“What a relief that the mages of the Golden Magic Tower are there.”

The mages rejoiced, as if everything had been resolved. The mages of the Golden Magic Tower were like the dragons of the magic world, the recipients of respect and adoration from all mages of the 7 Magic Towers. The fact that the person who eliminated the Golden Eyed Aidal in the past was the then Tower Master of the Golden Magic Tower was a not-so-hidden secret known by most mages.

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Reaper Scans

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“The Golden Magic Tower?”

“Yes. Each tower will ask for help from the mages of the Golden Magic Tower.”

Szzzzzt, szzzzzzzzzzzt.

The kimchi pancakes made with 100% all-natural fully organic flour sizzled. The kitchen I was using had been elegantly fitted from top to bottom with dwarven-made luxury kitchen implements, like a massive ventilator and several dozen magic braziers. I was frying the pancakes with Aramis, Derval, and the admin knights. Ryker, Janice, and the mage Hassias, who was receiving plenty of my love lately, was also there, having coincidentally come to the castle at the right time.

The kimchijeon was being grilled with plenty of olive oil in a mithril-coated frying pan. If other people saw this, they would probably think us crazy.

Lately, everyone had become addicted to kimchi and had reached the stage where they could eat it without washing it in water first. As such, they were all drooling as they watched the kimchi being beautifully fried in the flour batter.

Of course, as the food cooked, we discussed various matters pertaining to the territory. It had always been the case that people could speak candidly while eating and drinking. That was why companies used meals as an excuse to have important discussions.

‘Right, I forgot those guys existed. The mages of the Golden Magic Tower.’

They were the ones who sent Master to Earth and indirectly led to me dimensionally teleporting all the way here. Mages who reached the 7th Circle but had no interest in power and simply wanted to seek greater enlightenments left their towers or the imperial or royal palaces to gather in the Golden Magic Tower. Even Master said he didn’t know where they were based, nor did he know how many they numbered. Since they had reached the 7th Circle, that meant they could also reach the stage at which age was just a number, like Master Bumdalf, so everything about the tower was kept strictly under wraps. It was said that they hadn’t made a single appearance on the Continent after making Master take a big L 100 years ago. You could tell just how intense the bastards were.

“Will they really make a move? It’s a known rule that they won’t appear unless the Continent is under threat of complete destruction.”

Ryker, who was tearing off and eating pieces of steaming kimchijeon with his fork, looked rather doubtful.

“If the Tower Masters have simultaneously disappeared, isn’t that a crisis of its own right?”

“Huhu. That’s the problem of the magic towers. There’s no way the noble mages who cut all their past ties and left to walk the path of mana will show up. I’d bet my wage this month on it.”magic

‘Guess Master really was amazing.’

The secluded mages showed themselves only when the Continent was under threat of annihilation. They personally took a stand to remove Master from the Continent. As I thought, Master really was an evil mage equivalent to continental annihilation.

‘But where’s that confidence coming from? He even bet his wage on it.’

Ryker was formerly just the regional guildmaster of a Mercenary Guild branch, yet not only did he know things I didn’t, but he definitely also possessed reliable information.

“Still…” murmured Hassias, unable to counter Ryker’s cocky words.

“Like I said, let’s bet our wages on it,” provoked Ryker over big bites of kimchijeon.


As soon the wage he secured upon becoming a territory mage was threatened, Hassias shut his mouth.

“Sir Ryker, how can you be so sure?” Derval asked, perhaps out of suspicion.

“My family’s always known a lot of stuff, so it’s something I’ve been familiar with since I was a kid.” Ryker put on airs as he flaunted his family’s matters.

‘Think I can guess what that family is.’

Looking at Ryker gave plenty of hints as to what that family was. It was immediately obvious what kind of family could have given birth to Ryker, this master of wine, women, playing, money, and all manner of debauchery.

“But I wonder why the Tower Masters disappeared?” asked Aramis, who’d been quietly frying kimchijeon while copying my movements.


The kitchen instantly quieted. What could have possibly called away the Tower Masters, who had nothing to want for in the world? Everyone shut their mouths at the question so puzzling it could be the final question on Jeopardy.

“Haha. What reason would there be? They probably just went to sightsee a nice(?) place as a group. It was awkward to go alone, so they got together and… huhuhu.”

Ryker gave a sly grin, thinking of who knew what. I couldn’t just overlook him anymore.

“Ryker,” I said quietly.

“Yes, my liege.”

“Shut up and eat.”

Ryker gaped wordlessly at me.

“If you don’t wanna eat, suit yourself. I’ll help sign you up for a full course of night patrolling tonight.”

A lovely full course of night patrol on a day with torrential rain. How nice.

“I-I’m eating, sir.”

The thought itself must have been terrifying, because his face turned white as he hurriedly shoveled kimchijeon into his mouth.

‘Did they all get dementia together or something? Why run away from home at such an age?’This concerted runaway incident of the Tower Masters wasn’t directly related to me, but thinking about it soured the taste of the kimchijeon in my mouth.

‘Something bad always happens at times like this…’

An ominous feeling overtook me, making the beer I swigged taste bitter.

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“So… He wants me to go to the Empire and give an explanation.”

“Your Eminence, this is completely ridiculous. How can an emperor command you, an agent of the gods themselves, to come and go at his whim? Your Eminence must never agree!”

Cardinal Avekior served the Goddess of Fate, Pallan, the first daughter of the Great God and the senior-most goddess among all the gods. He fell into thought while holding a golden letter sent in the name of the Laviter Emperor, who demanded that Cardinal Avekior come in person to give an explanation for the priests who were implicated in the death of the 1st Prince of the Empire and the tragedies that had occured in temples all over the Empire.

Such a vulgar incident had never happened in the history of the Temple. Even the emperor of a great empire had to take one step back before the gods, and that concession put the minds of the people at ease. In life, they had to be loyal to the emperor, but after they died, the people had to rely on the gods, so many prioritized their faith over loyalty to the emperor. However, with this letter, the Emperor of the Laviter Empire broke the invisible taboo.

“Still, this is a very grave matter. We are linked to the death of none other than the person next in line to become the emperor of the nation, and in light of the various incidents occurring in the Empire, going to the Emperor to dispel the doubts is one possible option, is it not? As our Goddess Pallan said, one must act transparently and in a manner unmarred by suspicion in order for one to have a good fate in the next life.”

“Even so, this is no way to act towards an agent of God, the Cardinal. If we allow a precedent to be set, in the future, it will be left in history that the Church’s authority is below the throne’s.”

“I think that is an overreaction. It’s simply a matter of telling the honest truth to clear doubts, so I don’t think there’s any need to bring up anything about the church’s authority versus the throne’s.”

The heated discussion between the highest level priests echoed within the temple councilroom. Deep in contemplation, Cardinal Avekior knit his brows. In the past, when they were in communion with the gods, oracles would descend, granting them foresight over many matters and allowing the Church to handle them adroitly. But for some reason, there had been no real oracle for decades. Moreover, the holy power of the priests and paladins had become weaker and weaker, to the point that it made one think that what was beginning in the Laviter Empire might truly be God’s rage.

“I will leave for the Imperial Capital, so prepare at once.” Having made his decision, the Cardinal gave a command to the high ranking priests. “In addition, I will take priests and paladins with outstanding holy power in order to resolve the incident occurring in the Laviter Empire, so make preparations for that as well.”

“By your order.”

Of course the Cardinal knew. He knew there was a possibility that this action could push the Church’s authority, which had remained superior as of yet, below the throne’s authority.

However, he had no choice but to go meet the Emperor. Because this was a crisis, one where the Church’s missionary work and freedom of religion could be stripped from the Empire.

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“You would acknowledge our church as the state religion?”

“Huhu. Of course. We are all brothers walking the same path of darkness, are we not? The time has come for us to walk freely in the world as well.”

“I couldn’t agree more with your words. Our temple has a duty to give succor to the ailing souls starved of God’s love by the hypocrites who clothe themselves from head to toe in lies.”

“Let us join forces. Our combined strength will be able to turn the Continent into a world overflowing with the Great Kerma’s mercy.”

The Main Temple of the Great Evil God, Kerma, was located underground. The Evil God Kerma held the 12th month of the year, yet He was reviled and rejected by all of the Continent’s people.

One man came to the head temple serving such a god, and with him came the astonishing proposal to change the world with the power of darkness.

“If you say it like that, we can indeed lend our assistance. However… it will be difficult with the Empire’s strength alone.”

The underground temple of the Evil God Kerma hidden from the world was, surprisingly enough, located under the Royal Castle of the Defort Kingdom. The servants of Kerma had chosen this ingenious hiding place in order to ensure their survival. They had been here for hundreds of years before the Royal Castle was ever built.

“Worry not on that point. I am an 8th Circle black mage capable of annihilating anyone.”


As soon as he said those words, the 8th Circle black mage activated his mana.


As one who was greatly blessed by the Evil God Kerma’s love, Cardinal Lukardion considered himself to have quite an impressive amount of evil power. However, even he could not suppress a cry of surprise at the powerful darkness energy that instantly filled the room.

“This isn’t all. Thousands of Death Knights and Death Skyknights shall follow my command. In addition… my black mage army made of 7th Circle mages can crush any and all enemies under their heel!”

Upon hearing that maniacal shout, Cardinal Lukardion jumped to his feet. “W-We shall help! Tell me, how can I offer my services?!” he shouted, having realized that he was facing an incredible opportunity that would never come again in his lifetime.

“I wish to ask that you temporarily entrust me with full authority over the black merchant groups in the Temple’s possession. At the same time, please cast the curse of death full of the Great Kerma’s love in various places over the Continent.”


The 8th Circle black mage knew more than expected. Not even the people of the Continent knew that the source and root of all black merchant group ventures was the Temple of Kerma.

“But the other temples will recognize the curses…”

“Huhu. I think you won’t have to worry about that. Soon, all temples on the Continent will lose their cardinals and return to God’s embrace after running around in chaos… Huhuhuhuhuhu.”

A sinister laugh swept through the room.

And so, another ruinous scheme came to be, along with whispers of a cold curse that would find all who breathed…
