Chapter 154  

‘S-Something’s off!’

While chasing the Nerman-affiliated Gold Wyverns, the Laviter Empire’s Skyknights had naturally shifted into attack formation. With only the dim lighting of the crescent moon to guide their path, they maintained a wedge-shaped attack formation. That was the result of bloody training. If another kingdom had seen this, they wouldn’t have been able to hold back sounds of awe at the imperial troops’ incredible skills.

However, the Commander, Count Lukence, tasted a surge of bitterness in his mouth. He could draw a picture of Nerman with his eyes closed. In no time at all, he could see Nerman’s central city, Denfors, in the distance.

‘There are no lights…’

Nerman’s lively central city should be dazzling with the light of magic lamps and fires at this time, but Denfors was dark and quiet, like an uninhabited ghost town. More alarmingly, the air above the city was seething with a taut, sharp energy. Anyone who could use mana knew what this feeling was. It was bloodthirst.

‘I-It can’t be, they lured us?’


He had struggled to ignore the ominous feeling he’d had before coming here. However, he could feel it clearly now.


Whatever it was, a certain something was waiting for them in Denfors.

“Attack the covert first!”

They could not stop. This opportunity was too perfect to follow his instincts, which warned of danger. Even if the enemies knew they were coming, he wasn’t afraid.

As long as that man named Kyre wasn’t here, before the night was over, Denfors would be burned to ashes.


* * *

As the darkness crept in, I could feel the still-cold air settling over my airplate. I was protected with magic, so I didn’t feel the cold, but because of the fierce rage simmering inside my heart, a frosty air filled the inside of my armor.

And then, I saw them—the Laviter invaders, transitioning into ground bombing formation and pouring mana into their spears, unaware of the wyverns looming over their heads. They were crossing the pitch-black Denfors’ castle walls and charging towards the covert.

‘There’s no better position.’

In Weyn Covert, a gift had been prepared for the invaders.

“All forces, turn upwards and look to the sky!”

“As you command!”

My Skyknights had formed an array high above Denfors. I gave an order to the flight leaders, then closed my eyes. All of the wyverns and Skyknights followed suit, turning their heads upwards.

In Weyn Covert, as well as various places on the Denfors castle walls, defensive magic arrays had been rigged in advance. Some of them were glowing blue, absorbing mana in preparation for ignition.

* * *


The attacking Lukence and Laviter Skyknights saw a few forms looking like wyverns in Weyn Covert. The Gold Wyverns of the mages that had attacked them and fled had disappeared into thin air. And Denfors, the target of their attack, clearly appeared to be in a defenseless state. The fact that the lights were off was suspicious, but the sight of the wyverns resting outside their hangars in the darkness gave them a sense of relief.

‘T-That is—!’

However, that feeling of relief was short-lived. Lukence and the Skyknights, who were filling their Blessed Spears with mana in preparation for a salvo, were able to clearly make out the wyverns lying down motionlessly.

They were bales of hay used to feed horses, cut into wyvern shapes.


Before anyone could be alarmed, blue light suddenly began to glow in the covert and the nearby surroundings.


He wasn’t a mage, so he didn’t know exactly what kind of magic it was, but it was obviously the light and mana flow of some uncommon magic.


His mouth opened in an unconscious moan. He had the defensive array on his wyvern’s armor and there was still at least 200 meters of distance in between, but the mere glow of the spell made his heart thump.


And then, having finished its initiation, the magic array activated.


A score of magic attacks surged into the air, drawing a long trail in the dark night. The eyes of the attacking Skyknights naturally followed the magic.


The rising magic exploded in midair. However, there was no explosion, only an enormous burst of light that instantly turned the world white.



The Skyknights blankly watching the magic instantly clenched their eyes closed. They could not see. Their vulnerable eyes were burned by the white light several times brighter than the sun.

KUAAAAAGH! KIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!Suffering damage to their eyes right along with the Skyknights, the wyverns screamed as they flailed in panic.

‘T-They got us.’

Lukence opened his eyes to figure out the situation, but his damaged retinas saw nothing. This unimaginable method of attack using what was certainly the 1st Circle Light spell had rendered 500 Skyknights blind in an instant.


Kuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Kiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

While blinded, they heard a mana-charged cry above them, followed by the fierce cries of wyverns.

Schwiiiiiiiiiiiiip! Sch-sch-sch-sch-sch-schwip.

Because they were blinded, the whistling of the spears coming towards them sounded louder than ever.


Lukence clearly realized the situation, all too late.

He was back.

Nerman’s Lord, Kyre.

The God of War had descended from the heavens to protect his land.

* * *

* * *


The 1st Circle Light spells instantly burst into effect. My eyes were raised upwards, but my eyes briefly lost function from the incredible light that seemed to melt even the moon away.



Below, came the screams of Skyknights and wyverns. If the magic had this much effect on people looking away, it was possible that those who looked directly at it would be permanently blinded.


Using my experience fighting wyverns with light and sound magic, I had installed defensive magic on the castle walls long ago, making Light magic arrays using Grade 3 magic crystals. They were defensive arrays only I knew about, kept a secret from the other knights, and I had set them right and proper. The Light spell might only be 1st Circle magic with no offensive power, but if it was made with a mana amount corresponding to the 6th Circle, the effect would be on a different level entirely. Add the fact that it wasn’t just one array, but dozens of them, and anyone on the receiving end would be rendered hopelessly blind.

‘Shall we start the harvest?’

After the brief moment of blurriness faded and my original eyesight returned, I turned Bebeto to look downwards.

‘What a mess.’

The Laviter Empire wyverns that had been flying in perfect order just moments ago were now flailing haphazardly in the air.

Baaam! Crash!

There were wyverns crashing into each other, as well as a constant stream of wyverns that flew downwards at full speed and crashed.

“ATTACK!” I commanded.

“YES, SIR!” the voices of my knights piercing through my helmet, their voices full of loyalty.

Sch-sch-sch-sch-sch-schwip. Schwiiiiiiiiiiip.

As commanded, Nerman’s wyverns plunged into a fierce plummet, like a hawk chasing prey. They had been surrounding the enemies in every direction except for the one in which they had come.

Fwip fwip fwip fwip fwip fwip.

Blessed Spears cut through the air, long trails of mana unfurling behind them.

Ba-ba-bam. Kuaaaaaaaaagh!


A cacophony of screams filled the air. In the midst of that, knights and wyverns that had barely managed to recover a little eyesight began to flee, driven by their survival instinct.


However, our Skyknights were not the only ones setting their sights on the enemy. In no time at all, Nerman’s knights and soldiers had taken their places at the anti-wyvern ballistas and were firing magic bolts at the fleeing wyverns.


The sound of heavy impact as the wyverns crashed into the ground could be heard again and again.


Their dying screams rang out endlessly. And at some point, the wyverns that had blackened Denfors’ skies disappeared.

The short, but fierce battle had ended.

Today as well, the Goddess of Victory, Ormion, was gracing me with a warm smile.

* * *

“I-It’s coming! Dodge!”

Kweeeeeeeeegh!A wyvern that was speared in the elbow joint of its right wing joint wobbled as it came crashing down on a covert hangar. Denfors and the covert had already been lit by magic lamps and various lights. At the warning shout of the garrisoned soldier, people scrambled to evade the wyvern as it fell.


Because of the great weight of its body, the wyvern crushed an entire hangar in its haphazard crash. Amidst a cloud of dust, the wyvern gave a miserable cry, showing off its powerful vitality.

“Pour the sleeping drug!”

Their preparations were perfect. Holding holy water and powerful sedatives produced through alchemy, the soldiers ran towards the wyverns.

‘My liege! You are amazing!’

Derval was watching yet another legend unfolding today. All of the enemy wyverns that had endangered Denfors up until moments ago had disappeared. The sky was instead full of Nerman’s courageous wyverns.

However, Derval was only following one wyvern—a black wyvern with golden stripes that gleamed in the moonlight. On top of that wyvern, the Lord of Nerman, Kyre, was standing with the reins in his hands, drawing a long arc in the air as he flew around the city.

“Knights and soldiers, capture the enemy wyverns that have crashed outside the city!”

Despite the swell of emotions he was feeling, Derval did not forget to give timely commands.

His liege, Kyre, brought about a landslide victory using an outrageous method no one could have imagined.

After today, a warning would ring across the continent.

Anyone who invaded Nerman carelessly would suffer a miserable disgrace, just like the Laviter Empire.

* * *

‘Just what is your identity?’

Formerly a princess of the Bajran Empire, but currently merely a political exile, Princess Igis joined the battle with Nerman’s wyverns.

However, before she could hurl a single spear, the battle ended. She was in the rear in the first place, but hundreds of wyverns turned tail and crashed into the ground like meteors before she could even take part.

“All Skyknights, land in the new covert!”

A whirlwind of commands was echoing in the air. The enemy Skyknights didn’t know about the communication magic installed in the helmets of the leader-rank Skyknights. That magic was incredibly helpful during an aerial fight. Instead of individual flights making judgement calls on their own, the entire force could respond organically in perfect order under one person’s command.

And that, too, was part of today’s landslide victory.


Igis called Kyre’s name once, her voice low. She stared at the sight of his dashing back as he flew under the moonlight.

As she did so, she believed that he would protect not just Nerman, but her forever…

* * *

“Congratulations on the overwhelming victory.”


Knights jumped down from the wyverns landing one after another in the expansive covert inside the new unfinished castle. And then, they saluted me as I landed, sending me hot gazes.


I let out a long sigh, feeling at last like I had returned home.

‘It’s nice that it’s big.’

The new covert wasn’t formally being used yet. The hangars had been made at least twice as large as standard hangars, and the runway and massive clearing were plenty big enough for hundreds of wyverns to land simultaneously. My knights were gathered in the central clearing of such a covert.

“Well done, everyone.”

A crisis had come because of the traitor, but we gained much because of him as well. Wyverns that could nearly make up two regiments had been reduced to mincemeat. No matter how much military power the Laviter Empire had, they wouldn’t be able to attack Nerman for a while after the damage they took today. There was no way they wouldn’t know that if things went wrong for them, even the existence of their empire could be at stake.

‘We’ll have to recruit more Skyknights.’

As long as they didn’t die, the wyverns could be reused. It was possible they had lost their vision because of the Light spells, but with a little holy water, most of that could be healed.

“My liege, please punish me.”

I hadn’t yet jumped down from Bebeto’s back because I was looking at all the knights coming this way. At that time, Janice stepped forward and bowed low. She knew that because of the betrayal of one of her former subordinates, Nerman had faced great danger.

“If I am to punish you, I should first punish myself.”magic


At my words, Janice raised her head, her eyes wet with tears.

“Berketh was… my knight. This happened because I lacked virtue as his liege, and I cannot fault anyone else for it.”


In fact, I felt more pity for Janice. She had relied on him all this time, believing he was her retainer. His betrayal had probably shocked her more than it did me. Punishing such a person did not stand to reason.

“My liege, how about it? We should have a festival today, no?” said Ryker, this scoundrel who only ever had eating and playing in his heart.

“Everyone, you have done well! Because you are here, I can be happy today as well. My knights! Let us raise the glass of victory to our hearts’ content today! I permit you all to raise a toast to the Goddess of Victory, Ormion, and the Goddess of Festivities, Sapphire!”


“Long live Nerman!”

“Long live Lord Kyre!!!!”

The knights cheered, rejoicing like little children.

A small moment of joy had come on the heels of the violent wind of battle.

A tranquil smile appeared on my lips. If I was with these people, Nerman would always be full of mirth.

Tomorrow, we would run again… Towards the paradise that would be completed for me and all who lived in Nerman.
