Chapter 120  : The Most Expensive Meal in the World

“It’s delicious!”

“Truly? Hoho, I am relieved to hear that it suits your palate.”

“Will you not eat, Princess?”

I only wanted to drink one cup of tea before heading back, but the tea was nowhere to be found, it was replaced by a full-course meal. Thus began a meal with royalty. I had heard that Havis’ finances were tight these days, but the long dining table was lined with dishes I’d never seen or heard of before. With a little exaggeration, you could say that there was enough food here to rival a buffet.

“Gobble gobble.”



‘Sigh, what should I do with those morons?’ My only saving grace was that only Rosiathe and the maids delivering the food were there to witness it, but any nobles would have glared at me with eyes of loathing if they were here. The beastmen, who gave zero fucks regarding etiquette and manners, were chowing down as fast as their hands could grab. ‘You’d think they’ve been starving all this time. Tsk tsk.’

I shook my head inwardly at the outstanding appetite of the beastmen as I looked at Rosiathe.

‘What’s got her so happy? Why is she smiling at me like that? It’s making me nervous.’

Rosiathe, the woman rumored to be the greatest beauty in the northern continent, was watching me with a radiant smile after barely eating a few bites. It was almost as if she was full just watching me.

“It seems there was an especially large amount of snow this winter.”

“It does seem that way, yes. The Havis Kingdom normally does not receive much snow, but quite a lot of it fell here as well.”


Sitting in a warm room with a full belly, I was totally relaxed, and Rosiathe’s silky smooth voice sounded as sweet as ice cream to my ear.

“How is it going in the kingdom?”

“Thank you for your concern. The situation is greatly improving.”

“That’s a relief.”

‘That’s not what I wanted to say…’

Actually, on my way here, I wanted to ask her to give me the slaves locked up in the Havis prisons. But somehow, I felt too embarrassed to ask that now, so I kept talking in circles.

‘I even had a meal, so I should go back now.’

I didn’t have to be the one to make the request—I could order Derval—so it was fine anyway.

“I will remember today’s feast for the rest of my life. Please allow me to invite you next time.”

“Truly? Hoho, I’ll look forward to it.”

Rosiathe smiled happily at the mention of an invitation. Her smile was so charming that for a moment, it felt like a hundred roses had bloomed.

Knock knock.


“Your Highness, I have an urgent report!”

After two knocks, the door of the banquet hall burst open in a considerable breach of etiquette. However, looking at the pale face of the Royal Knight who came inside, it seemed something serious had happened.

“Speak, what is the matter?”

“T-The Roen Principality crossed the border and captured Fort Zarelon.”


Rosiathe was so shocked that she jumped up from her seat. Her chair fell backwards with a loud crash.

“The castellan of the fort, Viscount Antkain, and his knights and soldiers were all killed in battle.”



Rosiathe clutched her head and began tipping over. I hurled myself forward and caught her before she could hit the ground.

As I took her in my embrace, she let out one stricken sob and began to cry. The reporting knight’s face went from pale to pure white.

“Pray tell, how many of them are there?” I asked.

In the confusion, the Royal Knight quickly responded to my question. “They have at least 100 wyverns and around 30,000 cavalry and infantry.”magic

‘100 wyverns and 30,000 men.’

Those numbers were too great to be called insignificant.

“How many wyverns and soldiers can be dispatched in the kingdom right now?”

“That is… The only wyverns that can be called upon immediately are the 20 wyverns possessed by the Royal Skyknights protecting the Royal Family. Most of the soldiers are dealing with rebel forces, so they cannot be spared. Around 3,000 soldiers are protecting the royal castle, but to remove them from their posts would be…”

‘You serious? Just 20 wyverns and 3,000 men?’

That was none too different from the forces I had commanded in Nerman in the beginning. There were the 100 wyverns I had brought over, but they couldn’t serve immediately as fighting forces. They weren’t just emotionless weapons a Skyknight could pick and use willy-nilly, after all.

‘You call this ‘greatly improving’??’

Rosiathe put on a strong facade, but it was obvious how extraordinarily difficult the management of her country had been. How could a place called a kingdom only have 20 wyverns available for battle?

‘They’re taking advantage of the fact that Havis’ forces are divided from subjugating the rebels.’

Along with what Jamir had told me about the Havis Kingdom’s situation, it seemed the Roen Principality scum were trying to burglarize an empty house.‘They must have gotten permission from Laviter.’

The picture was clear—Laviter, which had been exercising its influence in the Havis Kingdom, was using Roen to stab Havis in the back after the nobles supporting Laviter were cast out.

‘What an expensive meal.’

It would be one thing if I didn’t hear anything, but I couldn’t just go back to Nerman after hearing about the invasion.

Rosiathe stepped away from my embrace, trying her best to stay calm. “I-It is alright. The matters of our kingdom will be settled by—”

“Shh.” I brought a finger to my lips, interrupting her. “If you are struggling, say so. I believe you and I are close enough acquaintances to say that much.”

At my words, Rosiathe’s pupils trembled.

“The wellbeing of the Havis Kingdom is closely related to the safety of my territory. So if you tell me to go home now, it will be like telling me to abandon my territory.”

It was a bit of an exaggeration, but this was what I wanted to do.

“Men, did you have a good meal?”

“We did, Master.”

“Time for battle?”

The beastmen had eyes and ears of their own and had figured out the gist of the situation. Their fighting spirits were blazing.

“How should we go find them?” I asked the frozen Royal Knight.

The Royal Knight glanced at Rosiathe and stammered, “That, that is…”

“I will guide you there.”

“!! Your Highness, that is—!” began the Royal Knight in panic.

“Alright. Please show us the way.”

It would be laughable for the ruler to stay in the palace, sighing worriedly, when their kingdom was in grave peril. This level of resolve was necessary if you were someone responsible for a kingdom.

“Please wait one moment. Sir Shellot, assemble the Royal Skyknights.”

“As you command!”

“No. There is no need for the Royal Skyknights. It will be just the princess and us.”


Rosiathe went silent at my words, then looked into my eyes before finally nodding.


‘Huhu, 100 wyverns, you say.’

This wasn’t my first rodeo, so I wasn’t even afraid anymore. For me, 100 wyverns was like a bunch of elementary school kids only just starting to grow. I was actually delighted by the prospect of 100 wyverns.

Nerman was always hungry for more.

You’d have to be a goddamned idiot to miss out on a free feast.

* * *

* * *

“Zarelon was captured?”

“Prince Remitar of Roen is said to have personally gone into battle. He is moving deep into the Havis Kingdom with the momentum from the victory at Zarelon.”

“Kuku. That greedy prince is moving very nicely for us.”

Duke Yanovis, who had secretly received an order to invade the Havis Kingdom from the emperor, smiled with satisfaction at the war reports getting swiftly delivered to his ear by messenger lumikars.

“How would you like to move, Your Excellency? Should we simply watch as those Roen bastards swallow the Havis Kingdom?”

Count Davesyen, a retainer of the ducal household of Yanovis de Vermillion, cautiously probed the Duke’s intent.

“That’s fine, too. We were planning on taking care of the principality soon anyway, so using this opportunity to blow our noses without raising a finger would be fine as well.”

“Ah… That is true.”

Davesyen felt a swell of admiration at the Duke’s judgement. Previously, he thought that the robustly built Blade Master wasn’t very intelligent, but he soon realized he was wrong. In fact, he felt that he should be even more careful.

“The preparations to dispatch troops are going well, I’m sure?”

“The 3rd Army and 7th Army in the Western Corps are preparing as instructed. They will be ready to move as soon as the imperial mandate is given.”

“Got it.”

Duke Yanovis nodded, his large, cow-like eyes flashing. He smiled, thinking of the dramatic shifts that would soon shake the continent…

* * *

‘I think we’re nearly there.’

The Havis Kingdom was only a little bigger in size than Nerman. After flying for three hours, we must have gotten close to the border, because I saw people evacuating.

‘What hardship to face on such a cold day.’

It didn’t feel like a stranger’s problem. If Nerman was not able to defend itself from enemy invasion, my citizens would have also been reduced to such a state. However, it would be worse than this, because at least the people of Havis had somewhere to flee to. If Nerman residents were to flee, there would be an ocean on one side and mountains full of monsters on the other.


Bebeto, whose senses were keener than mine, roared towards the front. I couldn’t see any wyverns, but he must have picked up their smell in the crosswind.

I raised my hand high into the air, and the beastmen fell smoothly into crane wing attack formation.

‘She’ll be safe enough as long as she doesn’t get into close combat.’

I told Rosiathe to always stay 1 km away in the rear.

‘Those must be patrol wyverns.’

In the darkening sky, I could see a formation out on patrol, around 20 wyverns strong. That was a perfect number for a hunt.‘No need to drag things out. I’ll finish it in one go,’ I thought, looking at the special bag on Bebeto’s body. I always brought around dozens of bottles of top-grade holy water just in case a situation like this came around. The wyverns ridden by the beastmen were also loaded with holy water.

‘Preparation complete!’

This wasn’t my first or second time hunting—I was now a seasoned pro. Bebeto and I flew directly towards the wyverns, who had discovered us and were flying over in formation.

I held up two new-model Blessed Spears, one in each hand.

The dusky sky made it look like a perfect day for catching some sparrows.

* * *

‘Why are there Gold Wyverns here?’

Count Cartione, the leader of the Roen Principality patrol flight, was bewildered by the abrupt sight of Gold Wyverns flying from the interior of Havis. The sun was about to go down, but he would recognize the official wyvern of the Laviter Imperial Family, frequent visitors to Roen, anywhere.

‘Seven wyverns… but what in the world is that Black Wyvern?’

At the lead flew a Black Wyvern with golden stripes that glittered in the setting sun, with five Golds behind it, and at the very back was a Grey. Just looking at the motley crew made him feel perplexed.

‘!! I-It can’t be!’

And then, he suddenly remembered a certain rumor. A rumor about the man who had massacred the wyverns of the Havis nobles who invaded Nerman.

‘Count Kyre! Is it really him?!’

Despite his growing panic, Count Cartione quickly raised his hand to signal the attack.


It was then that he saw it. A flash of light 3 km away, a distance too long for attack.


Even before he realized the danger, Cartione let out a gasp at the Blessed Spear that was shooting towards them.




Dull impacts rang out, as five wyverns flying ahead of him screamed and began to fall to the ground.

“Everyone, retreat!”

They had the advantage in numbers, but the mere thought of his enemy filled Cartione with horror.



Those were the last words he ever spoke.

He was unlucky enough that a Blessed Spear plunged deep into his chest, instead of his wyvern’s. The spear punched through his airplate, the shaft quivering in the air. After that, the Count’s eyes could no longer see.

* * *

Rosiathe saw everything while flying behind Count Kyre.

When the 20 enemy wyverns first appeared, she hesitated, unsure of whether she should warn him and help. But before she knew it, despite the distance between them and their foes, Kyre and his Skyknights were throwing spears. She watched, dumbfounded, as they did something that broke the common sense of Skyknights entirely.

Rosiathe witnessed an unbelievable sight. The spears left their hands and shot forward at an incredible speed that far outstripped that of the Blessed Spears used on the continent. They had no special homing devices, but a single volley shot down five wyverns in an instant.

And that wasn’t the end.

While she was still in shock, before the enemies could muster a response, Kyre and Skyknights immediately fired a second volley. No, Kyre was even able to fire one in each hand.



She heard the continuous screams of wyverns.

And just like that, it was over.

Kyre flew into close range, firing spears at the enemy wyverns that were drawing a parabola in their attempt to flee. In mere moments, 20 wyverns crashed into the snow fields below.


And without skipping a beat, Kyre and his Skyknights descended to the crashed wyverns. They hurriedly took out bottles, removed the spears in the wyverns’ bodies, and poured holy water on them right then and there. Then, they cast magic.

‘What in the world… is this?’

Everything had happened so fast. After putting 20 wyverns to sleep, Kyre and his Skyknights rose into the air once more. As if nothing had happened, they circled once and flew onwards.

‘Kyre, just whoareyou?’

Only then did she remember. She remembered the fact that 250 Havis Kingdom nobles and wyverns were wiped out in a single battle by the man in front of her.


Indifferent to the question in her heart, the cold winter wind, Kazofune, swept past the girl looking intensely at the man ahead and disappeared.
