Chapter 118  : Writhing Continent

“Is everything done?”


Lucia’s mom, who had ventured back into the kitchen, let out a long sigh of relief when the kimchi was finally finished.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

“Hoho, please teach me how to make kim-chee from the beginning next time.”

Aramis’ intentions were written all over her face. She must have realized it was one of my favorite foods, because she looked determined to learn it.


“My lord, how is this eaten?” asked Lucia’s mom, looking at the cabbage and radish kimchi piled up neatly in the large wooden container. It was a natural question for the chef in charge of my meals.

‘Right… kimchi is tastiest when eaten with white rice. I don’t have ramyun, either…’

TN: Ramyun is Korean-style instant noodles, different from ramen.

I ended up making kimchi, but the best way to eat it was unavailable to me. It couldn’t just be eaten as is, and it didn’t suit bread at all.

‘I’ll eat it with grilled pork belly then. It’s still a thousand times better than not having any.’

If you don’t have teeth, eat with your gums! I felt like going out right away and catching a pig.magic


“My lord, the Rubis Merchants, led by Jamir-nim, have come to see you.”

Holding his nose, Derval came into the kitchen and announced the arrival of the Rubis Merchants with a nasally voice.

‘You think this is fierce? Just you wait. I’ll get you hooked on the taste of kimchi.’

For a Korean, kimchi was almost like a drug. I felt a vicious feeling welling up within me upon seeing Derval’s scrunched up face.

“Ask him to wait a little. I have to finish up here first.”

The kimchi was done, but it still needed to be stored in the earthenware pot. Right now, there was only one thing more important to me than making kimchi, and that was Aramis.


Terrified by the various smells filling the kitchen, Derval hurriedly fled.

‘Why have the Rubis Merchants come in the middle of winter?’

A caravan would be difficult with all the snow, but Jamir had come to see me anyway. Even as I moved the kimchi, I had my doubts.

‘Could it be that something happened on the continent…?’

Getting an ominous feeling, I began to move faster.

* * *

“Haha, thank you for coming all this way during the winter.”

“Greetings to you, Lord Kyre.”

Conversation flowed naturally between us now. In the past, it bothered me a lot to speak down to Jamir, who was many years my senior, but my body had grown much more used to noble mannerisms.

“Please sit.”

“I give you my thanks, Your Lordship.”

Jamir constantly maintained the perfect posture of a merchant. He was wearing his usual undecipherable merchant smile.

“I trust that the merchant group has met with no issues?”

“Thanks to Your Lordship, we have become one of the top three groups on the continent. Please allow me to bow my head once again with my heartfelt thanks.”

“Haha, it’s not all my achievement…”

‘Mister, if you’re thankful, show it using ‘warm affection’, not just words.’

“Therefore, we have brought you the promised present.”

‘Present? Huhu, his quick-wittedness is terrifying, as expected.’

“What present, no such thing is necessary between us…”

Despite my words, my eyes sparkled like a hawk spotting prey. There wasn’t a single person who didn’t like free things in the world, after all.

“It is nothing valuable, but I acquired some for Your Lordship because you asked about kotiv in a prior conversation.”


“A grain that, unlike wheat, can be eaten with a spoon once the husk is removed and is boiled in water. Have you forgotten, Your Lordship? During the meal when I last visited, you spoke at length about a grain similar to kotiv.”

“Eh? R-Right.”

I didn’t have a bad memory, but I couldn’t remember such a minor detail. I probably said a few things while eating bread because I longed for rice.

‘My god, such a small thing didn’t escape him.’

A merchant was a merchant, through and through. They had a knack for perfectly scratching the customer’s itch. It was no wonder how Jamir had become an executive at such a young age.

“It is not a very widespread grain, but I heard that it is cultivated in the Araktch Empire in the eastern continent, so I did my best to acquire some. Because the husk has not been removed, as long as the climate is right, it can be cultivated next year.”

‘Wooow! He was even thinking about cultivation?’

He extrapolated steps two and three from one piece of knowledge. I looked at Jamir in a new light.

“Thank you. I accept your gift with gratitude.”

‘What an unexpected surprise.’

I’d have to eat it to be sure, but if it was rice, no present would make me happier. The feeling of eating kimchi with steaming hot rice… Just thinking about it made me drool.

“I am glad to hear that my gift pleases you, Your Lordship.”

‘Trading with the eastern continent is supposed to be difficult because of the Kesmire pirates, so he did well getting some.’

At first, I wondered why the rulers of the sea, the Kesmire pirates, or rather, the Kesmire Kingdom, were hard to take down. Could people scattered over tiny islands really overwhelm all the empires and kingdoms to dominate the sea?

Derval explained it to me. Empires and kingdoms alike had invested a ton of effort into occupying the sea, even now, their warships and merchant ships exceeded the number of pirate ships by far. However, the issue wasn’t the number of warships one had. The biggest problem was that most decent captains and sailors were massacred in the constant battles with the pirates. Sailing was not something that could be grasped in a single day, so there was a dire need for skilled crewmen. But skilled crewmen were constantly slaughtered in the fierce battles, killing all motivation. Moreover, the seas of this world were populated by sea monsters and demon beasts. If things went awry, even a ship armed with holy water would be sent to the depths.

After several generations of losses, only merchants putting their lives on the line to strike it rich or those who did not value their lives would go out to sea. The empires and kingdoms only maintained enough naval forces to protect their coasts. Even if they didn’t trade with the eastern continent, there were more than enough nations and goods to work with on the continent.

Jamir had managed the commendable feat of acquiring rice in such difficult circumstances. He was really worthy of praise.

“That aside, how is the political landscape of the continent these days?”

“To be frank, that is why I have come to see you, Lord Kyre. In the winter, we normally avoid most trips because the monsters grow fierce with hunger.”

‘Hooh, so there’s something he needs to tell me.’

“Thank you.”

“Haha, what thanks. The stable development of Nerman is equivalent to the future of our merchant group, is it not?” said Jamir, like a comrade on the same ship. “Also, I was once again struck with awe towards Your Lordship on the way here.”

“How so?”

“How can Nerman become so different every time I come visit? I was anxious to hear that the Havis nobles attacked, but rather than taking damage from the war, the territory has become even more developed. You are even completing a main road, the first of its kind on the entire continent. I truly respect you! Your Lordship.”

“Such flattery for such a minor thing… Ahem.”

In Korea, it was said that even a whale would dance to praise. Jamir’s compliment lifted my mood.

“A minor thing? If not for the snow, if you ran the horses, you could arrive at Denfors from the border in a single day! Without the road, such a feat would have taken an entire week.”

As expected of a merchant, Jamir knew the value of a road, the crucial element of distribution. His eyes sparkled like gems.

“This is only the beginning. Next year, you will see something even greater than what you are imagining.”

“I look forward to it, Your Lordship!”

From the first time we met, Jamir trusted me. If I thought about it, the me of today only managed to get this far because of his help. He allowed me to repay my debt to the people of Luna Village, who saved my life, and back when I was sent to Nerman, I was able to get spears in the empire using his executive token. Even now, Jamir and the Rubis Merchants were the only company willing to trade with Nerman.

I was determined to make Rubis into the top merchant group on the continent. It wasn’t an issue of the Rubis Merchants, but an issue of my pride.

“Then, let’s return to the matter at hand. How is the continent these days?”

Because I formally chased out the Information Guild, I was clueless about the political state of the continent. Or rather, I didn’t have the spare energy to pay attention to it. Our internal issues were already so draining, so I couldn’t spare the time to look into continental politics. However, because of that, it was all the more important to find out about it. Nerman was no island—it was part of the continent, and wedged between two empires at that. That Jamir had come bearing information was something I could only be thankful for.

“I am sure you are already mostly aware, but I believe that something big will happen next year. As I said last time, every merchant group is preparing for war. In addition, I believe big changes will occur in the Bajran and Laviter empires, the nations that can be called the two rulers of the northern continent.”“Bajran and Laviter?”

I expected it, but hearing that something would really happen next year made me tense. Nerman was like a shrimp wedged between two whales. If things went wrong, it could be sent to the afterlife in an instant.

“Between them, the Bajran Empire is the most dangerous. There are rumors that the current emperor, Emperor Havitron, will not be able to live past this winter. Actually, from what I have personally found out, his passing is certain.”


‘I did hear that the emperor is in critical condition.’

I hadn’t been thinking about the Bajran Imperial Family. The Emperor and I were not well-acquainted, but that wasn’t true for the young prince and Princess Igis.

‘It will definitely be dangerous if that scumbag Crown Prince becomes the emperor.’

I told Igis to come to me if something happened, but coming all the way to Nerman would be problematic. Because power was a ruthless thing that would not hesitate to kill siblings and even one’s parents, I was worried.

“Will Poltviran become the emperor?”

“I believe so. Even if His Imperial Majesty wants to give the Second Prince, Razcion, the throne, he can’t do that right now. Most of the empire’s nobles and knights are already supporting the Crown Prince.”

“If that happens, what do you think will happen to Prince Razcion and Princess Igis?”

“…The Second Prince most likely be killed, and the Princess will be sold off in a forced marriage for an alliance.”

This was the prediction of a merchant who conducted trade on a continental level. I could only believe his words.

‘That’s a damn shame.’

I would like to fly to the capital and rescue Igis and the young prince, but I didn’t have the time or the ability.

‘Jamir probably has his hands tied too, right?’

I wouldn’t be able to get Rubis’ help, either.

I breathed a long sigh. With my current strength, I was helpless, so I could only entrust their fate to the heavens.

“Bajran aside, is there some kind of problem with the Laviter Empire? There are no surrounding kingdoms that would mess with them.”

I heard that the Yukane, Baerkain, Defort, and Lialion Kingdoms that bordered the Laviter Empire acted almost like vassal nations. If they got on the wrong side of the strongest and most aggressive nation, what was left of their kingdom would be wiped out, so they bowed down to Laviter.

“That is… because of you, Your Lordship.”

‘I expected it, but is it really because of me?’

I wanted to ask, but I resisted the urge. If I were the Laviter prince, I would have taken a huge army to crush Nerman long ago.

“Most organizations with a certain level of information gathering capacity are all aware. The person who will next assume the crown of the Laviter Empire, 2nd Prince Alskane, nearly died, and the fearless Lord of Nerman stole the symbol of the empire, Gold Wyverns.”

“Is that so? The rumors are true, for once.”

I didn’t want to deny it. Nothing would change even if I tried to justify myself.

“In the spring?”

“I believe so, yes. There are reports that they are already moving troops near the border of the Havis Kingdom in preparation for war. They will certainly move this spring, when the snow melts.”

It was all but certain.

“Their forces are likely no joke…”

“Of course. The honor of the empire is on the line, so at least two armies will be dispatched, and prestigious nobles who wish to look good in front of the 2nd Prince will also participate.”

‘Haah, next spring could be my last.’

Two imperial armies meant 200,000 men, plus a minimum of 300 wyverns. If prestigious nobles participated on top of that, those numbers could reach 500 wyverns. Such a force could annihilate most kingdoms, much less Nerman.

“Will you be alright? It’s not just other merchant groups who know you have been trading with us, but the empire, as well.”

Nerman was in trouble, but I feared that the flames could spread to the Rubis Merchants, too.

“It is alright. There is a reason why the merchant group could withstand hundreds of years. And I am acting with that reason in mind.”

Jamir looked at me with eyes shining with trust.

“I wonder if the Havis Kingdom will be alright.”

“It will be dangerous. Laviter has stirred up such a large force, so they will not be satisfied with just Nerman. They are a nation who seeks to dominate the continent anyway. Conquering the Havis Kingdom is a necessary element in order to further compound on the current instability of the Bajran Empire.”

“Will the Bajran Empire stay still? Anyone who isn’t an idiot wouldn’t tolerate the Laviter bastards going wild right next to them.”

“They are idiots. After the current emperor’s passing, the Bajran Empire will fall into tremendous chaos. Also, anyone with half a brain would not have left Nerman to grow like this either.”

Jamir wasn’t Derval, but we were able to converse openly.

“In conclusion, Nerman must block the Laviter Empire with its own strength.”

“I think so. It is said that 2nd Prince Alskane has developed a new habit of saying that he will strip you of your hide if he catches you, Lord Kyre.”

‘What a shame. This happened because I’m too soft-hearted.’

I should have properly stamped out the roots when saving the beastmen. It would have been better to not just block up the cave, but collapse it.

“Sounds like fun.”


“Doesn’t it sound exciting to fight one round with the Laviter Empire? Well, I don’t like those bastards either.”

“Haha, hahahaha. As expected, you’re a real odd one, Lord Kyre. You’re the only one in the entire continent who would think of fighting a round with the Laviter Empire.”

‘How should I cook those bastards up?’

I was expecting a confrontation anyway. Attacking from the sea would limit their scale by too much, so if they attacked, it would be through the Havis Kingdom. It seemed I would have to start preparing for a marvelous battle from now on.

“But did you know, sir?”

“Know what?”

“The response of the temples is also unusual. Because a holy war raised in the name of the Cardinal of Neran resulted in defeat, the cardinals of the other temples will most likely assemble soon.”


“I believe they will announce an Inquisition.”


‘I feel like I’ve heard that word a lot somewhere.’

In the Middle Ages, countless innocents were burned to death by inquisitors under the pretext of subjugating witches. My mood plummeted upon hearing that word.

“The rumor that you have gained the strength of demons is spreading through the continent. That is the testimony of Neran paladins who survived and returned to the temple.”


Most of Neran’s true paladins stayed behind to serve Aramis. But the blackhearted paladins who had been living by selling god’s name were sent back because they were too dirty to keep around. I was flabbergasted to hear that those ungrateful bastards were causing a huge mess.

“If an Inquisition is announced, not just the Temple of Neran, but every temple that serves the Great God will come forward. It would be the first time they have joined forces since the black mage subjugation 250 years ago.”

‘Every temple! You’re killing me here.’

There were around 10 temples other than the Temple of Neran. If they all dispatched paladins, the situation would be much more troublesome than expected.

‘Dammit, I wanted to live on the straight and narrow, but why are they tripping over themselves to kill me?’

I was just a pure soul who wanted to live a kind life, but there were people who couldn’t bear to see that. I wanted to go up and punch them.

“The problem is, if an Inquisition is announced against you, the noble peerage you received in the Bajran Empire would be revoked, and you will be blocked from receiving the support of merchant groups, magic towers, and even mercenaries. It is inevitable, because anyone who helps those labeled in an Inquisition will be punished in the same way. That includes our merchant group as well.”

“Will an Inquisition be announced right away?”

“No. Judges will come first. After seeing you, they will make the judgement.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

It was important information.

‘We have to quickly achieve independence.’

I didn’t want to, but the world was determined to cut Nerman away, I would have to come up with a solution. To be honest, I wasn’t very afraid. I was someone who dared to pick a fight with an empire, so I wouldn’t agonize over one or two more enemies.

“We will resume trading as soon as the snow melts. Please tell me all the things you need,” said Jamir. Behind his words was an unspoken implication that I should prepare for the worst.

Nerman wasn’t the only territory he was dealing with, so this was the most he could do.

“I understand. Let me know as well if there’s anything you need.”

“Understood, Your Lordship.”

“By the way, you haven’t eaten yet, correct?”


“Then come have a meal with me today. I’m thankful for many things, after all.”

“If that is your wish, my lord, it would be an honor.”“I’ll see you soon.”


Reading the air of dismissal, Jamir got up, bowed, and left.

‘An Inquisition on top of the Laviter bastards… Heh, how fun.’

The worry that we might have to fight the entire continent at this rate sprang up within me.

‘Well, come if you will. I’ll bury you.’

I wasn’t afraid. When was my life ever easy? Also, since things were already like this, there was nothing I could do. Rather than trembling in fear, it suited me better to win a refreshing victory over my foes.

A man’s fists spoke louder than his words.

My current life was evidence of that one phrase.

* * *


Pop! Crackle! Pop!

‘Sounds good!’

It was time for lunch. For the first time in a while, I called all my beloved important knights for a meal: Cedrian, Ryker, Janice, Berketh, and Atisann, who had no escape from constant patrols because of the monsters that went wild with hunger in the winter. I also invited Derval and his friends, Andriave, Thevedian, as well as Aramis and Jamir. I sprinkled coarse salt with flashy movements in front of all of them.

‘Huhu. If you make kimchi, you really do have to eat grilled pork belly.’

Bossam—a boiled pork dish—was also a mighty contender, but it didn’t reach the godly level of grilled pork belly. All of the knights and guests who ended up sitting here because of my deeply-rooted Korean mentality were staring blankly at the meat as it grilled on a slab of rock I found rolling around in the covert.

‘Just you wait. I’ll show you a taste that’ll take you to heaven.’

I used strengthening magic to prevent any chance of the big stone slab breaking, and underneath, charcoal lit by a Salamander was burning red-hot.

“Haha, it looks about done.”

The thick slices of pork belly cooked into a golden hue, sizzling on the hot slab. The grilled meat, well-seasoned with black pepper and salt, was seriously exciting my hungry stomach.

“What are you all doing, raise your glasses.”

Soju was supposed to be the official compliment to grilled pork belly, but beer was not inferior. Thanks to the dwarves, we always had Nerman beer around. The hoppy dunkel beer boasted a properly refreshing taste in the cold weather.

“M-My lord? What is this?”

The always courageous Ryker stepped forward to ask about the grilled pork belly.

“You’ve got eyes, isn’t it obvious? It’s pork.”

“No, what I mean is, I just don’t understandwhypork is being grilled in this way. Wouldn’t it be tastier to roast or smoke it?”

“Ah. Have a taste.”

There was no need for words. I shoved a well-grilled piece of pork into Ryker’s mouth using some tongs.


Ryker was forced to awkwardly open his mouth.


At my command, Ryker began to helplessly chew, all while bearing a frown, as if I asked him to eat orc meat or something.

However, his reluctance lasted but a moment, and after a few chews, Ryker’s face filled with a shocked expression.

And then came one word.


He needed no further encouragement. With the grilled pork belly in his mouth, Ryker energetically moved his jaw.


I recommended a drink of the icy dunkel beer in his wooden mug.

Gulp, gulp.


Suffering the charms of dunkel beer hot on the heels of grilled pork belly, the typical reaction of a drunkard came from Ryker’s mouth.

“M-My liege, this is fantastic! I’ve never eaten such delicious and tender pork overflowing with such juiciness!”

‘Huhu. Grilled pork belly seasoned well with salt and pepper can send two out of two people directly to heaven.’

“Let me try, too…”

The second person to bravely pick up his prepared fork was Cedrian, the former mercenary.

“Hooh! It’s truly delicious. There’s none of the particular smell of pork, and the combination of fat and meat produces a very uniquely savory taste,” exclaimed Cedrian, pinpointing the virtues of grilled pork belly.

As soon as his words fell, the forks of my knights whizzed towards the grilled meat with terrifying speed.



Exclamations rang out one after another. These people only knew simple methods of cooking meat—roasting, smoking, or boiling in a soup. Meat was sometimes grilled, but a particular region of the animal was not specified, and they didn’t use precious salt to season it. For such deprived fellows, this grilled pork belly, which was not only salted, but also seasoned with black pepper, was a flavor they could never have even dreamed of.

‘Too bad I don’t have ssamjang with lettuce or sesame oil dip.’

TN: Ssamjang is a spicy dip typically eaten with grilled meat dishes.

This grilled pork belly meal lacked a lot of things.

‘Huhuhu. But Idohave…’

However, I would be a greedy bastard if I wanted more than this in this world. What Ididhave was freshly made, spicy kimchi, and white rice made from the grains I got thanks to Jamir. The rice was even made in a cast iron pot. Using a Korean-style spoon I had made by the dwarves, I took a heaping spoonful of properly cooked white rice.

And then, I moved the rice into my mouth.


Intense emotion swept through me, bringing me to the verge of tears. As I chewed each and every grain of rice, I was immersed in the mighty taste imparted by nature.

And then, while still chewing the rice, my hands moved to the kimchi on a wide plate, and I ripped off a long piece by hand.

The napa cabbage kimchi went into my mouth.


I screamed internally. I felt the touch of my mother from the kimchi. The ramyun my mom cooked for me as a midnight snack, and her kimchi… a single tear welled in the corner of my eye.

I also grabbed a piece of grilled pork belly. For this feast, I specially went out and caught two female pigs. Giving my thanks for the pig that nobly gave its life for me and my knights, I chewed down on the pork.


I couldn’t resist a moan. This heavenly flavor that I had forgotten, which made me emotional a hundred-times over…

Unable to endure my feelings, a tear ran down my face.

And finally, my hand moved towards the hoppy dunkel beer.

Gulp, gulp.

The dunkel beer followed the perfect combo of white rice, kimchi, and grilled pork belly. Today’s banquet was surely granted to me by the gods. I fully savored the lingering taste of the dunkel beer washing down the greasy pork as I opened my eyes, which I had unconsciously closed at some point.


Unbeknownst to me, everyone had stopped eating and were staring at me.

‘You lot, have you never seen a dude eating pork belly before? Jeez!’

“Please have some more…”

Aramis, who had been driven to tears by the sight of me crying as I ate the meat and rice, passed me another piece of pork. Her eyes, no, the eyes of everyone here, reflected endless pity.

They wouldn’t know. Any Korean citizen would be able to understand my feelings, but not them.

Even so, I was happy.

Today, I got to eat kimchi with white rice.

I was happy, even happier than I would be if the whole world became mine.
