Savannah watched Zack and his wolves fight the werecats from a safe distancewhen Naya got her a phone. Her heart was still in pain, seeing her mate overthere. What was he trying to do? To get her back or to just kill her before shecould tell Gideon what was going on? She wasn’t sure she wanted to know histrue motives.Someone wrapped a piece of fabric around her and something similar was givento Naya who immediately turned it into a stylish wrap dress. The werecat seemedconfident and maybe even slightly arrogant. She did not have any doubts aboutwhat was going on. But Sawy did not care about anything at the moment as shedialled her brother’s number. It went to voicemail and she called Reid instead.“Pumpkin, it’s not the best time,” her uncle told her, but she had to stop him.“I need to speak to Gideon! It’s urgent, Reid! Zack is the traitor you all werelooking for!” she practically screamed into the phone.“Are you all right?” was the first question that she heard, “Did he hurt you? Areyou safe?”“I got to the werecats territory and asked for asylum. They are fighting Zack now,”Savannah explained quickly, “Reid, I am serious, I need to speak to my brother.Zack is the least of our problems now!“Got you,” the Beta said firmly, “He doesn’t have his phone with him. But I willforward the call to one of the warriors by his side who should have one with himat all times.”“Good,” she breathed out, watching two pumas tear one of the wolves to pieces.Zack’s black wolf was fighting too, but she caught him looking at her from time totime. It pained her that he was her mate. But it was even worse that he didn’taccept her rejection now. She couldn’t be tied to a man like that. She had to setherself free from him. One way or another.

“Sav,” she heard a familiar voice on the phone and felt a little bit better that shegot through to him on time.“Gideon, listen to me very carefully,” the princess said, “Don’t say anything until Iam done. Zack is the traitor. He has been working with Castiel this whole time.There are others too...”“Are you okay?” her brother seemed really worried, forgetting her instruction atonce.“Yes,” she didn’t let him ask more questions not to lose time. “It’s all irrelevantnow, G. So, pay attention, please! This is a trap! And not the kind that youanticipated while going to get Riannon back. Right at this very moment they areattacking our kingdom, Gideon!”She heard her royal sibling swearing on the other end of the line but he got overhimself quickly.“That’s fine, Sav. Kyle is there and so is the Gamma with most of our warriors.They will defend it,” he said firmly.“I wouldn’t be so sure,” she bit her lip nervously, “They are bringing a whole armythere! This is exactly what we’ve been worried about this whole time.”“But now we know that they will attack now. We knew that for a while,” Gideon’sconfidence was giving her strength. “We were warned so we are ready. I will getRiannon and we will be there soon to join the fight. Now, tell me quicklyeverything else that you know.”She started giving him names she learned one by one and every other little detailshe could remember“Savvy,” Gideon said when she was done.”I am so proud of you. I am sorry for...” Prove to everyone inat true mates still mean something. I need to know this nowmore than ever.

She switched off the phone, not wishing to hear anything else. He needed to act,not to console his little sisterAnd she... she had things to do too. But the silence stopped her. She did nothear the sounds of battle anymore.Savannah turned slowly on her feet and saw that the werecats were licking theirminor wounds there, notorious for being able to speed up their healing but shecouldn’t see any wolves around.“Cowards!” Naya snorted, folding her hands on her chest and looking atSavannah with interest.“No,” the princess whispered. She had to find him. She needed to break theirbond and she needed him to accept the rejection. He couldn’t have run awaywithout a trace!“What are you going to do about your mate?” Naya sighed and Savvy clenchedher lips, thinking of her next step.“I need your help,” she said quickly. “The kingdom will be attacked soon. I needwerecats to help us.”“Oh, really?” The girl co.cked her snowy brow. “You went very quickly frombegging for Asylum to demanding things...”Sawy wanted to explain to her why it was so important and necessary when sheheard an authoritative, firm voice.“Naya! Manners!”A gorgeous tall woman with sleek black hair was walking in their direction,wearing a red dress which looked like it was made out of another long piece offabric and just draped around her perfect athletic body. Savvy caught herself atthe thought that this was actually a genius idea. One swift movement of her handand she could shift without ruining the garment. But she immediately felt guilty

about thinking of such trivial matters now. She knew instinctively that the womanwas Alpha Ramina. And she was followed by her beloved Luna Aisha and theirtop warrior, Alexander. The names she learned because she had to. And judgingby the snow-white colour of his hair, Sawy knew that the rumours about who wasNaya and her sisters’ father were probably true. This must have been aninteresting relationship“Alpha. Luna.” Savannah bowed to each of them respectfully. “I have to ask foryour assistance. The enemy is about to attack the Western kingdom’s capitaland...”“How is it our problem?” Naya snorted but one glare from her mother wasenough for her to become serious.“It is our problem, daughter,” Ramina gave her child that look that made her closeher mouth again.” We are members of the Union pack and if we want them tocome to our help when we are attacked, we need to fulfil our part of the deal.”“We can protect ourselves!” Naya gritted her teeth and this time her motherfrowned.“And this is why I would never be able to pass on my title to you, Naya,” theAlpha said harshly, “You never see the full picture! We are the best warriors, yes.But our clan is not that big and there are bigger threats out there. We need thisUnion. And this why we are going to help princess Savannah now.”“Thank you, Alpha,” Savvy held back a smile, “We need to hurry then. Since Zackis gone, they are going to attack sooner.”“Gather the warriors!” Ramina told the man behind her and then turned to kissher Luna gently. The two women couldn’t take their eyes off each other.“Keep our home safe while we are gone and I will,” the Alpha brushed her palmover her mate’s cheek and Savanah felt a prick of pain in her heart. She wouldnever have that... Not anymore.

She was surprised by how quickly the warriors were gathering and she nowstood in front of a little army. The best thing about them was that they were hardto notice. Some men and women were jumping from tree to tree with grace,others were walking out of the bushes and it seemed like they didn’t disturb asingle brunch. Yes, there was something about those cats and their abilitiesdifferent from other shifters. out there.“Lead the way,” Alpha Ramina told Sawy when they were ready. And the princesswas happy to oblige.Castiel had that smug smile on his already broken face and Gideon couldn’t waitto wipe it off once and for all. But he had to make sure. The foxes weren’t thestrongest of warriors compared to lycans but what made it really hard to deal withthem were their constant schemes. This was where they were definitely andundeniably the best. So, he had to be sure that he wasn’t missing a piece ofcrucial information.“Another trap?” he smirked, trying to agitate the enemy more. “Castiel, did you doanything else this past year other than think about me? Seems a bit obsessive,don’t you agree?”The fox king coughed blood but the grin on his face only grew wider. “You haveno idea,” he hissed.“About the attack on my kingdom that’s going on this very moment?” Gideonchuckled. “Don’t be naïve, Cass. Of course, I know.”He could feel his mate’s shock through their bond and tried to send a wave ofreassurance to her. He had this under control. Gideon wished he could turn andgrab her in his arms, but now he had to be a leader first.He wasn’t breaking eye contact with Castiel, who was scanning his face to findout if this was the truth.“You f***king sister!” the fox spat and the lycan nodded, enjoying the moment.

“Finally outfoxed,” Riannon joined him, fixing the red shawl on her that one of thefemale warriors that caught up with them brought for her. It probably belonged toone of the red girls. The Luna did not hesitate to support her mate’s game. “Andtwice in one day.”“Shame you didn’t mention the bomb in your packhouse, Ria,” Castiel tried togive her an arrogant smile, but it came out as a scowl.“You are lying,” she looked at him with so much hate that his heart clenched. Henever had a chance with her... He desperately wanted to believe that he did, buther eyes were telling a different story. And he hated that story so much. Why washe never getting what he really wanted? Why was it always like that? It wassupposed to be his win, his triumph... But now his brother would have to finishwhat he started and win this war instead. Him. Again.He could bet that his brother would even find a way to make Riannon stay withhim if he wanted her. That bastard... He looked at her again and this time hatefilled his heart. For his brother, for the lycan king before him, for the woman whodid not fall for him, for the life that was slipping away through his multiplewounds.He had seconds to make the decision... And he made it. He couldn’t go downlike the loser king who got outsmarted by a woman and didn’t take all the creaitfor nis work, ne would know tnat tnis achievement was nis!He opened the link with his last spy in Riannon’s pack, the one she didn’t figureout. Their eyes met and for a second he felt as if she understood what he wasabout to do. Her lips parted slightly while he said the code worked via the link. “Blaze.” His man did not respond. He knew that once that word was said, he hadwork to do.

“What did you...” Riannon looked terrified now and he enjoyed that. Maybe thatwas what he had to do to her from the very beginning, not play nice to her as hedid with the others.“It’s done,” he laughed, coughing up more blood, “Right now... Your packhouse isgone. And you...”Gideon did not let him finish, realising what had just happened. One firmmasterful movement of his leg and the fox’s neck was broken, ending the life ofthe controversial king. He couldn’t let him give any more orders to his spies.Even the intel that he could give was not worth it. Castiel was too dangerous tofor them alive.He then to look at his mate who was already calculating what to do next. Hereyebrows furrowed andFinally, she noticed him and their eyes met. Goddess, how much he missed her!He would give everything to hug her, kiss her, take her... But he knew very wellthat he couldn’t. Everything was far from over.He knew that Kyle and his Gamma would be able to fight off the ones whoattacked the kingdom, but he had to be there to make sure everything wentsmoothly. He also knew that there was a disaster happening in Ria’s pack ifCastiel did not lie about the bomb.“Who is missing?” Riannon asked all of a sudden and he did not understand atonce what she meant.“What are you...”“Who is missing out of our people you brought with you here!” she was next tohim in no time, her nails digging in his flesh. “Gideon! He gave someone an ordervia the mind link! It means that this person was within the range! It’s another spyin my pack! Or yours... But probably mine.”magic


She was muttering word after word but he knew where she was going with it. Thehouse probably wasn’t exploded yet. There was still a chance to save people andeven the building.“I need a phone!” Riannon screamed and a young lycan appeared next to her atonce, handing her what she asked. Her fingers pressed the familiar order ofdigits one by one and soon she heard her best friend’s voice.“Yes?” Maya did not seem surprised. She was waiting for the news.“Get back to the pack. Order to evacuate the packhouse! Now!” Ria screamed,“And every nearby building too. There might be an explosion, so make surepeople are at a safe distance. No one should be left inside. And place peoplearound the perimeter. See who comes back first from the ones you sent andcatch them if you can. I’ll be back soon too.”“Sure you will,” her Beta said and, before hanging up added, “I will doeverything.” Ria gave the phone back to the warrior and fixed the shawl on hershoulders.They couldn’t even spare a second, but when their eyes met again, Gideongrasped her hand and pulled her into his chest. He kissed her hungrily, greedily.As if she was air and he was drowning. As if his life depended on that one kiss.As if it was the last time...“No, Ria, come with me,” he muttered, not willing to let her go again. First he hadto wait for her to feel their bond. Then she was taken from him. And now hecouldn’t face parting with her yet again.She was his. His woman, his love, his Luna, his Queen, his equal. She was hiseverything.“I need to get back to my pack,” she swallowed, glancing at him through herlashes. “I am the Alpha. This is what Alphas do. If the explosion happens, I need

to make sure I am there working with everyone. If it’s prevented, I will bring mypeople to fight on your side as per the agreement of the Union.”“Riannon,” he wanted to object, he was even considering forcing her for the firsttime ever. But seeing the inferno of determination in her eyes, he knew that itwould be useless. He loved an Alpha, not just a Luna. He had to respect that.She had to go and save her people just the way he had to go and save her.“Gide...” she started saying, but he covered her lips with his again. This timeroughly and briefly, but with the same immense desire as before.“This is the last time we are ever apart,” the lycan king told his mate and shenodded, agreeing wholeheartedly.“Last time,” they entwined their fingers together and both their breathing becameragged.“Go,” he told her, “Go before I decide to abandon both my kingdom and yourpack and just run away with you. Just you and me, no crowns, no exes, nopsychos, no obligations...”“The dream,” she smiled and added right before turning into her wolf, “But wewould get bored fast, don’t you think?”She sprinted away, followed by her people, and Gideon made a few orders to thepeople he was leaving in this house, before getting into the car and driving all theway back to the Western Kingdom for the final battle.***Riannon was so close to her pack when she smelled the burnt scent. She howledto let her people know that she was near, she was with them.It was painful to see the house she loved so much in flames. But she knew thatshe still wasn’t allowed to be weak even for a moment. Maya was talking to oneof the warriors, giving him orders on how to put down the fire. She lowered her

head at the sight of her alpha and gestured for one of the omegas to bring herclothes.“I am sorry, Alpha,” she said, “We were in the middle of the evacuation when thedetonator worked. It is my failure and I will understand if...”“Don’t say nonsense,” Riannon quickly threw on a simple pair of jeans and awhite t-shirt with short sleeves that someone handed to her and started puttingon shoes as well. “Did you manage to get the people out?”“Almost everyone...” the Beta responded, “I suspect that there might have beena few omegas in the storage room. We couldn’t find them after the explosion andwere about to go and search for them. Plus the prisoners in the dungeons. Ididn’t get to them... But I think we got the traitor you were looking for. Ash caughtone of the warriors in the woods. He had a device that looked like a remotecontrol with a radio transmitter, and we suspect that he used it to trigger thebomb that was pre-installed in the building earlier. Do you want to see him now?”“No,” Riannon shook her head, standing up, “There will be time for that. People’slives should come first. I will go inside to look for survivors too.”“Maybe it’s not the best idea,” Maya did not feel comfortable endangering herAlpha. But looking“I’ll go with you,” Brayden appeared in dirty clothes and with smudges of cinderall over his face. It looked like he was helping to clear the ruins. And they coulduse all the help now,Riannon did not care about the looks that Maya was giving her ex. An extra pairof hands was what they needed now.She was walking for a few minutes inside what was her house once. The marblefloors were cracked now and some of the columns were broken too. Thestaircase survived by some miracle but she did not go upstairs. She wanted tolook for survivors.

It was weird to have Bray by her side at a moment like this. And she would havegiven up a lot for it to be Gideon instead.“Would you look at that?” she went up to a huge mantiepiece that was alsobroken now. There used to be a silver-plated spear placed about that, a replica ofwhat the Moon Goddess used, according to the legends. It was gone now. Likemost of her belongings... “I wasn’t such a great Alpha after all. Just a few daysand the packhouse is down.”Brayden stopped walking over pieces of glass that were crunching under his feetand stared at her.“You must be kidding me right now, Riannon,” he said simply, and she turned toface him. “The damage would have been so much bigger without you. Ashalready got the main suspect and Maya managed to evacuate people. You canalways rebuild the house. But the lives are priceless.”“Look at who is back to his senses,” she gave him a vague smile and went to thenext room. Brayden followed her, not saying anything else. She reached the doorthat led to the dungeon’s staircase when he placed her hand on hers.“I feel like I am back to my senses,” he said, standing right behind her.“Everything became so clear to me and, Ri, the way I treated you...”“It’s water under the bridge now,” she brushed him off. This was neither the timenor the place for that conversation. However, it did not stop Brayden.“Whatever you think of me, I deserve it,” he insisted, clenching his fists. “Youwere not just my wife and the love of my life. You were my friend and partnerbefore everything and i betrayed your trust... I paid the price and I keep paying itevery day now. You found your mate and the Moon Goddess knows – youdeserve it. It’s hard to be happy for you... really hard. But I will be trying.Because, Ri, you deserve all the best things in life. You deserve a man who willmake you happy. If I could turn back time...” His voice sounded distant andbroken so much that she felt sorry for him.

“Everything is how it is supposed to be now,” Ria pushed the door and slowlywent down the destroyed stairs to the cellars. It did not look good down there.The floors were flooded and water was splashing from several pipes. She sawsparks of electricity in the distance and was happy that she was wearingsneakers with rubber soles.“What I am trying to say,” Brayden cleared his throat. “I hope that I can at least beyour friend now. Losing you to another man is one thing. But losing you forever isanother. Ri... I am so sorry for everything. I truly am.”There they were. The words she wanted to hear so much in her past life andnever did. She thought that she would feel some kind of satisfaction at thatmoment. But right now all she felt was empty. It did not make her happy orunhappy. Bray’s regrets did not impact her at all. She knew that now.She was finally ready to move on from those horrible memories. What Braydensaid or did was irrelevant to her now.“I know that you will probably hate me forever,” the man added as he knelt tocheck one of the many bodies in front of them to confirm his death.“I don’t hate you,” she stopped and rubbed her forehead, “Brayden, I.”Riannon felt someone else’s presence and quickly turned to see a splash of redlocks in the distance. Something shiny was thrown at her. And the last thing shemanaged to think was – she found the spear...
