The enemy is happy to sit on the opposite side, his husband and enemy staged love drama, Li qianluo has no appetite at all.

The porridge in the bowl moved a little and didn't eat any more, so he went upstairs directly.

From her downstairs to her upstairs, no one paid attention to her.

Silently wipe tears, Li qianluo dials Yu wanwan's phone call. In the past month, the evening has made a lot of calls to herself, and she has no mind to answer.

"Shallot, you're finally on the phone! What have you been up to lately? " Yu wanwan was on duty in the shopping mall. When he saw Li qianluo's phone call, he immediately went to one side to answer it.

"I'll see you at the old tree Cafe tomorrow." Her voice had lost its vitality and vitality. Yu evening immediately felt bad, "OK, I'll take a vacation tomorrow. See you in the morning."

Hang up Yu wanwan's phone, Li qianluo takes off his clothes and goes into the bathroom. Turn on the shower and put yourself completely under the shower.


In her mind, Qi Zeming, Fu Xinru, Mo Yawei, and Her unborn child.

The sound of the shower covered her crying. After a long time, she wiped her sour eyes and came out of the bathroom.

Si Jin Heng took a look at the bathroom door, his eyes were deep, and immediately moved away.

Li qianluo didn't expect that sijinheng would come in. He just took a look at her. Does she have no place in his heart now?

Absentmindedly, he went to the dressing table and sat down. He turned on the hair dryer and began to blow his hair. She didn't find out when sijinheng left. She dried her hair and went to bed.

The next day Li qianluo got up very early. Even so, when she went downstairs, Si Jinheng was already sitting on the table, and Mrs. Du was gradually bringing breakfast here.


He stayed at home last night? where? And Moya Wei? Or another room?

Li qianluo sat quietly far away from srinheng and ate the breakfast in front of him.

Mo Yawei's feet have been completely good, today carved to dress up before going downstairs.

She wore a lavender suit inside, a black windbreaker coat outside, and black high-heeled shoes on her feet.

Aside from the past, this kind of Mo Yawei is dignified and elegant. That is to say, such a person who looks dignified and elegant on the surface is playing tricks behind his back, killing their children, and pushing them on himself

"Ah Heng, are you ready for today's press conference?" Mo Yawei also automatically ignored the existence of Li qianluo, sitting next to the man, close to his position.

"Well, when you're ready, have breakfast quickly. Don't be hungry." Si Jinheng's words let Mo Yawei have a kind of feeling back when two people were together. Very happy to pick up the sandwich plate, began to eat.

Li qianluo saw this scene and couldn't eat anything. He put the remaining half of the sandwich back on the plate. He wiped his mouth, picked up the bag next to him and walked out.

"Shallot, you're going out." Today, only sister-in-law will care about her. Li qianluo slightly red eyes, to Du sister-in-law nodded. "I won't be back at noon." She spoke softly and left the villa.

The motorcycle is still there in Yu wanwan. She has no substitute and can only walk outside first.

She put on her earphone and played Zhuang Xinyan's music with her mobile phone. The sad song came out from the headset and covered all the noise.

She wore flat shoes and walked slowly on the road of pearl spring villa. She had not walked out of pearl spring for more than ten minutes.

A burst of flute sound from behind her, Li qianluo subconsciously looked back. It was the familiar Maybach, in which srinheng was driving with the co pilot moyawei. They were talking and laughing.

Turn around and try to let oneself side walk, the car just drove past, each other as if strangers brush past.

Staring at the far away car, Li qianluo calmed down his mood and went on walking slowly.

About half an hour, Li qianluo finally saw the gate of the pearl spring villa area, and the traffic made her feel a little unreal.

I stayed in the villa for a whole month, and I was isolated from the world. I didn't play microblog or wechat. In a daze on the balcony, occasionally read books, no other life.

Can you go back to your old one? She asked herself in her heart.

Before going to the old tree, Li qianluo went to the cemetery. I went to see my grandmother and my mother. Their tombstones were still standing there.

"Grandma, I didn't come to see you because of something. Don't be angry!" Li qianluo put Baiju in front of the tombstone of rongxiangwan and looked at her grandmother's smiling portrait. Her tears were like broken beads.

There are so many things in her mind these days.

Later, he came to Ren Lanxin's tombstone not far away and put the bright carnation in front of her. "Mother, shallot is coming to see you. You know what I almost became a mom, just He was killed by that woman Mom, you and grandma have a spirit in heaven, and bless the happiness of qianluo, ok... "

The breeze blows, the carnation sways in the wind, sending out a faint fragranceWhen she came out of the cemetery, a taxi was waiting for her.

She immediately went to the old tree. When she arrived, it was evening and evening, waiting for her in a corner by the window.

"Qianluo, what's the matter with you? Why are you so thin?" Yu wanwan anxiously looks at Li qianluo who smiles at himself. She seems to have changed a lot after a month's absence.

Quietly drank the cup of coffee, Li qianluo did not know how to open his mouth, "late My child is gone. "

Yu wanwan hears the speech and stares in shock. What did she just say? children! No? "What's going on?" Her hands were tightly clasped with those of Li qianluo.

Li qianluo from the day moyawei appeared, all the things, are detailed.

Yu wanwan held her hand hard. "Is it true that she didn't do the affairs of country a? I heard that SL group bought your father's company the day after you returned to country a. the father and son stepped down and paid Xinru's company to declare bankruptcy overnight. This is definitely done by your husband."

"He may regard the murderer that night as Fu Xinru, but as far as I know about Xinru, she won't do such insidious things. If it was her that day, she would certainly appear in front of me and show off her power."

Yu wanwan is really sorry for Qian Luo. At the same time, he scolds Si Jinheng in his heart, "thanks to your husband's great power in the shopping mall, he has no brain in such matters as emotion!"

Li qianluo stirred the cup of coffee without sugar, which was much more bitter than before.

"Shallow Luo, you see!" Yu wanwan points to the big screen in the mall across the road from the window.
