Chapter 1016  : To Go Our Separate Ways Till The End Of The World (16)

After she had realized that she had fallen for him, she had even felt slightly resentful toward him when she saw him with other girls. She had blamed him for not having waited for her and had been resentful about him not being more patient with her.

Until that very moment, I had not understood how unreasonable my criticisms had been. When I was feeling aggrieved, he actually had physically suffered on my behalf.

A sense of reproach, annoyance, and heartache all mixed together filled Xu Wennuan’s chest, and her body trembled even harder.

“He even said…” Aware that her emotions were already on the brink, Wu Hao stared straight ahead and blinked slightly. His eyes were clear and bright, and he continued speaking to her from Lu Bancheng’s perspective and in his same tone of voice. “That night, I sacrificed myself without hesitation and tried my best to ensure her safety. And from now on, I will continue to do the same.”

Xu Wennuan’s tears poured down like rain.He tried hard to maintain his composure as Xu Wennuan cried her heart out. Eventually, she jerked her head up abruptly and looked toward him. “You’re the one who abducted me, aren’t you?” It wasn’t Jiang Qianqian, was it? Everything happened because of you, didn’t it?”

Wu Hao did not look at her, and neither did he speak. He merely moved his lips slightly and lowered his eyes with a cold expression.


“If it wasn’t for you, Lu Bancheng wouldn’t have ended up paralyzed, would he?” Xu Wennuan suddenly sounded agitated, and she sprung up from the rooftop and glared at Wu Hao with hatred in her eyes. “You made him like that. You ruined him!”

Wu Hao remained silent and didn’t even look up into her eyes; the sound of her voice was a clear indication that their relationship was dissolving. His face became pale and, although he had been capable of speaking earlier, he suddenly could not manage to utter a single word as she continued blaming him for everything that had happened.

Yes, I was wrong. I was absolutely wrong.

But she doesn’t know that in the beginning I had never intended to have anything to do with Jiang Qianqian, that it was her drugs that always seduced me, and I forgot my intentions. If it weren’t for the drugs, I would never have gotten close to Jiang Qianqian.
