Chapter 79: Skewered

Exodus Tales Exodus Tales

Abel was getting slower. Lord Marshall could feel it. He turned around to tell Abel to hurry up, but what he saw had him in total shock.

Every time Abel’s horse staggered for a bit, Abel moved in the same direction slightly with his body. It was like their bodies were synchronized. Forget about Lord Marshall. Such horsemanship would not be expected from someone who was born on a horse. Again, Abel has proved himself to be in a completely different league from the rest of mankind.

“I’m ready, Uncle Marshall,” Abel smiled as he finished performing his mount enhancing technique.

Abel felt really good right now. He had never been so intimate with his war horse before, and nothing could calm him and his partner down except for a good, long race.

“Open the gate!”


As Lord called for the gate to be opened, several guards came and lowered the castle gate. They quickly shut it back after Abel and Marshall went through.

As the two went out of Harry Castle, the low-ranked wolfriders started howling towards them. They wanted to spring at the two humans right away, but their commanders stood stationary at their posts. “Don’t start the attack,” their instincts told them.

As Marshal and Abel’s horses started trotting instead of galloping, Abel could feel himself very excited for the upcoming battle. Again, it wasn’t just him. His horse was ready for action, too. He could feel every inch of its muscles bulging at the sight of the wolfriders in front of them.

As Abel’s horse began to accelerate, it quickly went ahead of Lord Marshall and charged straight towards the wolfriders. Yes, it went solo into the enemy troops, and everyone was watching Abel from inside the Harry Castle. They did not know what their young master was planning, but they certainly felt admiration for his brave decision.

“Combat qi!” Lord Marshall screamed at the top of his lungs, and white combat qi started flashing out his body. Actually, because he was wearing the golden bull armor, it looked more golden than white, which was the color it was supposed to be.

Abel, too, screamed as he released his combat qi. Unlike the one his uncle pretended to have, his combat qi actually had the color gold to it. No one could tell, though. He was wearing a blue set of armor, so blue was the color that was reflected. Besides, since the sun above them was so bright, Lord Marshall looked more like the real deal than him.


“The knight’s charging on a horse technique!”

Almost simultaneously, Marshall and Abel screamed out the name of the Harry family’s secret technique. Suddenly, the speed of their horses was doubled as they charged faster towards the enemy troops. Both of them had dropped their helmets by this point. As the sun shone upon them, two streaks of light, one blue and one gold flew straight towards the same direction.

The wolfriders saw this and all howled at once. It was a matchup of 2 against 150, and neither side was backing down. As disadvantaged as the knights appeared to be, they were becoming faster and more ready at every instance.

Out of the 150 wolfriders that were charging towards Abel and Marshall, a high-ranked wolfrider was taking the lead. While the rest of them were yet to make contact, he was already facing Abel by himself. He didn’t think much of Abel, whose build was much smaller than his. For orcs like him, brute force was all that mattered in a fight.

Just when the two were about to clash their weapons against each other, Abel swung his lance and let the wolfrider take the first strike. He wasn’t going for a block. Instead, he was going to dodge the hit because he knew it wasn’t going to hit him.

Abel was right. He was too fast for his opponent. Within a blink of an eye, his lance was already through the wolfrider’s chest. It was like a hot knife cutting butter. The wolfrider wanted to resist, but he clearly had no way to make a defense.

Abel’s lance was not a regular wooden one. A wooden lance was meant for pushing back the enemy. It was a one-time weapon, something that would be destroyed right after it had done what it was designed to do. The one Abel was wielding was a steel one. Its base was hammered for 120 times before it was set into shape. It was a very heavy piece, but unlike most people, his muscles were sturdy enough to wave it around.

The wolfrider was stabbed in his heart. As strong as the worgens were, a stab to the heart was more than enough to kill them instantly. Abel didn’t stop, though. As the wolfrider’s corpse hung on his lance, he continued to speed up his horse towards his enemies.

A few arrows were shot at Abel, but with the armor that he was wearing, all of them. Abel didn’t even pay any attention to them. He was more focused on his second target, which was an intermediate wolfrider that was coming at him.

Unlike its dead superior, the intermediate wolfrider decided to parry away Abel’s lance with its spear. It was a bad choice. Excluding the weight of the dead worgen, there was about 300 pound of weight in Abel’s lance. A quick fling with it was quite enough to break the worgen’s spear into two.

The rest was pretty obvious. As Abel had his power of the Will fully turned on, he could clearly feel the wolfrider’s bones tearing up and smashed into dust. Even its organs were starting to turn into mush. Pretty soon, its dead body, too, was skewered along with the high-ranked wolfrider.

Despite having two dead worgens on his lance, Abel was not slowing down at all. Because of how fast he was going, both he and his horse were drenched with the blood of the dead worgens.

Another one. Another one. Fourth one. Fifth one. Abel was finally stopped after he charged towards the fifth wolfrider. If it wasn’t for the Harry family’s secret knight’s technique, he would’ve had to stop at two or three.

Lord Marshall stopped his horse as he had finally reached Abel. Whilst chasing behind Abel, he’s also killed a few wolfriders on his way.

“Now that’s more like it!” Lord Marshall screamed frantically. For him, it felt like he was going back to the battle against the Orcs. He was much younger at the time. Much more impulsive and vigorous, too.

Lord Marshall watched as Abel flung out the five dead worgens out of his lance. It was a frightening thing to look at on the battlefield. Fortunately for him, they were fighting on the same side.

“To battle!” Lord Marshall called, and twenty of the bodyguard knights appeared from the underground tunnel. While they were all trained in horse-riding, their decided to fight on foot because they were more used to that.

Even now, the advantage was on the side of the worgens. As efficient as Abel and Marshall were in their attacks, they still had a much greater number than their human foes. That being said, because Abel managed to kill a high-ranking wolfrider by himself, everyone watching from Harry Castle were assured of their victory.

The crowds were starting to quiet down as they looked at what’s happening on the battlefield. Up next, it was the most gruesome and crucial of all, close-range melee combat to the death.
