Chapter 1806: Artillery God, Human Weapon!  

“We are now entering DEFCON 1! I repeat, we are now entering DEFCON 1! Lock onto the target and await further orders!”

The sound of swiveling soul tools rang out across the entire northern front. Many long-range artillery units from the three naval legions had surfaced on the sea, and all of them were aimed toward the distance, silently waiting.

Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the critical moment, the one that would perhaps decide the survival of the human race!

Dong Zi’an was currently situated at the very front of the Western Legion’s defensive line, and his Fierce Wolf mecha was as eye-catching as ever.

At a time like this, only by leading from the front could Dong Zi’an raise the morale of the Western Legion.

He was prepared to use his own blood to wash away the grave error that he had made.


He raised his hand and dialed a number on the military communicator he wore around his wrist, and his call was almost instantly answered.

“This is Yu Guanzhi speaking.”

“Old Man Yu.” Dong Zi’an’s voice was a little shaky as he spoke.

“What do you want? I have to get back to work,” Yu Guanzhi said.

Dong Zi’an continued, “We’ve been fighting and bickering for decades, and I’ve never been willing to submit to you. I’ve never felt like you were better than me; you simply hit the jackpot with your upbringing. I had to work countless times harder than you to get to this point, but our feud ends here today. I still don’t think you’re better than me, but I have a request to make.”

“Go ahead,” Yu Guanzhi prompted.


“After I die, don’t put my name on the pillar of shame,” Dong Zi’an requested.Yu Guanzhi was silent for a moment before replying, “Dong Zi’an, you f*cking better come back alive!”

“Hahahaha, you know me; the old Fierce Wolf won’t die that easily!”

Dong Zi’an ended the call before jumping into his Fierce Wolf mecha, and as he did so, the mecha closed before opening its eyes, which gave off an intimidating gleam.

“Listen up, brothers of the Western Legion; this is Dong Zi’an speaking! No one is to take a single backward step, and I’m going to lead the way!”

As soon as he finished this declaration, his Fierce Wolf mecha sprang up into the mid-air, arriving at the very forefront of the Western Legion’s defensive line.

In the main control center, YuGuanzhi clenched his fists tightly as he murmured to himself, “Old Man Dong, you’ve always been the man I’ve looked up to the most. You’re right; if it weren’t for my upbringing, I wouldn’t have achieved as much as you.”

Chen Xinjie patted him on the shoulder, and said, “If both of you survive this battle, I’m sure you’ll become good friends rather than rivals.”

Yu Guanzhi smiled, and replied, “I’m also sure of that.”

“35 kilometers!” the advisor declared.

Yu Guanzhi arrived before the large screen and stared intently at the advancing Blood River Godslayer Array on the screen. His entire body was completely tensed up.

Right at this moment, the powerful beings of Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect began to rise up into the air, and from their positions, they were also able to see the giant purplish-black light barrier in the distance.

Tang Wulin gave Ling Zichen a nod, and a serious look appeared on her face.

Specks of pink light began to appear all over her body, and she was instantly encased in her divine-grade mecha before rising up into the air on her own.

“Everyone, protect Zichen and prepare for battle!” Tang Wulin yelled.

The vast majority of people present didn’t know what he was going to do, but they all followed his orders.

Ling Zichen’s mecha was slightly different from before. There was now a red rhomboid gem on its chest, creating a nice contrast with her pink mecha.

Ling Zichen’s mecha was slightly different from before. There was now a red rhomboid gem on its chest, creating a nice contrast with her pink mecha.

Currently, the red gem was glowing brightly, and it suddenly flipped over to reveal a series of intricate metal parts that formed a stand, atop which sat a cannon barrel that was around half a foot in diameter and roughly two feet in length.“Wulin, help me stabilize the barrel!”

Tang Wulin’s expression changed drastically at the sight of this setup.

“You really are insane!”

At this point it was clear to him what Ling Zichen had done: she had installed Eternal Heaven into her divine-grade mecha, making it her mecha’s main cannon!

This thing was a ticking time bomb, and if it were to explode, not even a single cell of Ling Zichen’s body would remain!

Ling Zichen smiled, and said, “I didn’t have enough time to do anything other than to make my mecha the stand for the weapon. Do you think Eternal Heaven is that easy to modify? Hurry up and position yourself behind me to help me stabilize the stand. The recoil is going to be very strong, so brace yourself.”

Everyone’s reaction was much the same as Tang Wulin’s.

This woman was using her own body as a battery for the most fearsome weapon that humanity had ever created!

Cao Dezhi and Zang Xin felt as if their hearts were about to leap out of their throats! Never did they think that Ling Zichen was insane to this degree!

Essentially, she had transplanted Eternal Heaven into her mecha, and the core of her mecha was her body, so in a sense, she had become one with Eternal Heaven!

She was a walking weapon of mass destruction!

All scientists had a deranged facet to their personalities, but Ling Zichen’s insanity had definitely far exceeded that of the vast majority of scientists. Setting aside how much danger she was exposing herself to during the fusion process, was she even going to be able to handle the energy eruption from Eternal Heaven as its battery?

At this point, regardless of how stunned and dismayed everyone was, there was no choice other than to do as she instructed.

Tang Wulin aimed a vicious glare at her before yelling, “Everyone, retreat to five kilometers away! Let’s go.”

She wound an arm across Ling Zichen’s waist as he spoke, and the two of them rose up into the air together, opening up some distance between them and the secondary tree of life.

Ling Zichen chuckled, “Are you scared?”

Tang Wulin replied in an enraged voice, “That’s beside the point; how could you be so reckless with your own body?”

Ling Zichen replied, “That’s also beside the point. As a scientist, I care only about the success rate, and the option that grants the best success rate is to use my body as the battery. I daresay that my understanding of source positive circulation cores is unmatched, and that’s the foundation of Eternal Heaven, except it’s more advanced than what I had been researching. In order to modify it to transform it into a super weapon that can be used repeatedly, minor adjustments have to constantly be made to the source positive circulation cores, and some adjustments also have to be made during the firing process.

“I’m not a Soul Master, but my body already contains many source positive circulation cores, and I can only maximize my control over Eternal Heaven by making it a part of my body. In doing so, the success rate compared with setting up the battery independently of my body is increased by 18.5%. Do you know what that entails? It means that the overall security will be raised by close to 20%, so there’s no reason for me not to do this. Also, now that I’ve succeeded, I’m a walking super weapon! If you wouldn’t be able to withstand a direct blast from me. Hahaha, from now on, I’ll be the Artillery God of our Tang Sect!”

The fury in Tang Wulin’s heart gradually faded as he listened to her excited speech, and it was replaced by a special emotion.

For science and research, this woman had given everything she had to give.

She wasn’t even purely human anymore, and she had done all of this for the sake of Tang Sect and soul technology.
