I spent all night thinking and rethinking what I could do, I thought about the things Viper told in the interrogation, I thought about the things Kira told me, I thought about how I would do if I was going to kill the prince, I even thought about how the other Kingdoms go react to that.

I spent the night considering all this before remembering anything important, I'm not a Hero and I don't want to be one.

With that in mind, I left all the consequences there, the rulers dealing with this mess, all I want is to capture these faceless brothers.

After simplifying my thinking I could think of a good plan, after reviewing that plan I went to sleep.


The next day, in the morning, I woke up and after the drowsiness left my body I started doing simulations in my head to see the feasibility of my plan, thanks to my ability [ Parallel thinking: 2 ] I was able to do two simulations at the same time, one of my plan and another simulation of how I would do the assassination plan.

I've done this a few times always switching to different assassination plans, after doing this for a while I think I have a solid plan this time.


"Master, are you already awake?" (Kira)

When I was finishing my plan Kira appeared through the bedroom door.

"Good morning Kira." (I)

"Good morning Master." (Kira)

"What are the others doing?" (I)

"Diana and Ibuki are training, Érica is practicing her transformation magic and Byakko is sleeping in my hood here." (Kira)


"After everyone eats try to get everyone here please." (I)

"Of course master." (Kira)

"Since you're here let's see the information on the path the third prince's delegation will take." (I)

"Have you noted the spots where you think they should attack?" (I)

"Yes, here is the information." (Kira)

I spent the next few hours with Kira going over the path the delegation should take, after confirming the path I asked Kira to point out the places she thinks the killers should attack.

As soon as she pointed out the locations and explained why she chose these places I went over all the information I knew so far, so one place stood out on the map.

There was a road that is a day away from the city of Valen, there is a stretch of road that has a high elevation on one side of the road, if they attack from there they will have the advantage and will be able to kill all the soldiers or by the least the majority before they approach them.

If they use these magic attack items from a distance they will quickly get rid of all the guards, it's also close to the city which is good for incriminating the city's nobles for their conspiracy plan.

After explaining to Kira why I thought this was a good place for the killers, she agreed.

Halfway through the day, they all went to eat, after we all ate they gathered in my room for me to share the plan I thought for them."Okay, now that we're all gathered, I'll tell you the plan to capture the faceless brothers." (I)

I started the meeting by telling everyone what Kira and I talked about earlier today, telling them about the road the prince will use and the possible place where the killers will attack.

"You now know where we're going, now I'll tell you the general plan if you have something to advise after listening to the plan feel free." (I)

"What I want to do is infiltrate Kira among the killers." (I)

"How am I supposed to do this?" (Kira)

"You have your Illusion Spirit Ring, I want you to use it to put yourself in the shoes of one of the two suspects you found." (I)

"I can mimic your appearance and voice, but I can't stay in disguise forever." (Kira)

"You'll choose the worst of the two, after that I'll want you to watch him, I want to know where he goes, I want to know who he meets and I want to know how he behaves." (I)

"You'll replace him when he's on his way to meet the others." (I)

"But how will I know the meeting place?" (Kira)

"I've been reading a lot lately, one of the things I've found is that spirits can become invisible." (I)

"In fact, we can make ourselves invisible to anyone who is not spiritual energy users." (Byakko)

"Byakko can observe the other suspicious nobleman and follow him for meeting places." (I)

"If I do it that way I should be able to and if Byakko keeps watching over the other, I'll be able to find out about where they're going to meet." (Kira)

"I don't understand why this wasn't for us to go after the faceless brothers?" (Diana)

"After talking to Érica we know that the carriage where the prince, the prince's servants, and the faceless brothers are in must protect them from attacks." (I)

"The assassins must only be able to take care of the soldiers, I do not doubt that the ones who are really going to kill the prince and kill these five assassins must be these faceless brothers." (I)

"I read a little bit about the information on these two suspects, they have high levels and a lot of Mana, but their abilities are low levels and they don't have any real fighting experience." (I)

"They must have used their money to hire adventurers to accompany them and let them take the last hit on monsters, it can help level up and raise stats, but skills don't level up and the person runs out of combat experience. befitting your level." (Diana)

"That kind of person becomes mediocre." (Diana)

"And that's why they were chosen as the Assassins, they must use the Magic Attack Items to finish off the soldiers with a surprise attack, but that will ruin their Mana." (I)

"They must know that the faceless brothers are on their side so they will approach them and as they have no combat experience they will be easily killed by the faceless brothers." (I)

"Thinking about it, I want Kira, who will be undercover among them, to minimize their attack, thus forcing the faceless brothers to act ahead of schedule to finish off the soldiers, at this time the five assassins and the faceless brothers must fight together." (I)"And you want me to take care of them while they think I'm one of their disposable killers?" (Kira)

"Exactly." (I)

"But if we get in the middle of this battle, what are we going to do with the soldiers who are still alive." (Diana)

"I will arrest the soldiers, Kira will let the faceless brothers fight the royal guard to tire the three of them before we enter battle." (I)

"I'm not going to kill anyone unnecessarily, I'm just taking the two faceless brothers, this assassination attempt and the political mess that will follow afterward has nothing to do with me." (I)

"Remember, we are not there to save the prince, saving him is just the consequence of our real objective which is to capture the faceless brothers." (I)

"This plan is the very complicated master." (Érica)

"It wouldn't be easier to let the assassins kill all the soldiers, then let the faceless brothers kill the assassins, the royal guard, the prince's servants, and the third prince, after that we can only attack the faceless brothers." (Érica)

"How cold-blooded." (Byakko)

We all look at the calm way Érica spoke of letting several people die before trying to capture our targets.

"It would really be easier to do it her way, but I want to avoid war if possible." (I)

"Why?" (Érica)

"Because we're going to spend time in this Kingdom and I don't want a war to get in the way." (I)

"But what will we do after capturing the faceless brothers?" (Diana)

"Let's get out of there, the prince and his servants to deal with the dead or wounded soldiers." (I)

"Master wouldn't they look for us after what happened?" (Diana)

"We'll all be wearing status concealment items, we'll also be wearing clothes and masks to hide our looks and races, I'll let Kira buy these for us." (I)

"That's the plan, what do you think?" (I)

"The master might be right in making Kira disguise herself as one of the assassins, as they're just rubbish with no real battle experience the faceless brothers will be underestimating them, they won't expect one of the assassins to attack them." (Diana)

"As always the master's plans are amazing." (Diana)

"I kind of like this town, so I guess I really don't want a war to start." (Érica)

"If we all have our faces and races hidden, the prince will have nowhere to start looking." (Kira)

"Zzzz..." (Ibuki)

"I think the little one fell asleep with all that explanation." (Byakko)

"Alright, let her get some sleep." (I)

During the meeting I was surprised by Érica's idea of ​​letting everyone die, I may not be a Hero, but I'm also not someone who would stand by watching someone innocent die in front of me doing nothing.

That prince doesn't look bad, the information Kira brought back says he cares about his kingdom and his people, maybe I'll even tell him where he went wrong since I respect what he's been doing.

I went over the whole plan with the girls again, told them that we weren't going to kill anyone or at least avoid killing as much as possible.

I've already explained the plan to everyone, now I have to tell them what they're going to do until the day we put this plan into practice.

"(Finally the time for my next evolution is near.)" (I)
