Diana Pov:

When I was leaving the Adventurers Guild Mari told me the name of her friend in the Trade Guild.

I leave the Guild and look up at the sky, look at the Sun's position and realize it's almost noon, so I head to the restaurant to meet Kira before heading to the Trade Guild.

I walk the streets seeing people of various races talking, laughing, and working.

I really want to show this city to the master, this is the most liberal kingdom on the continent, the level of prejudice in this kingdom is the lowest on the continent too, here it doesn't matter if you're male or female, old or young, Human or Demi if whether you like people of the same sex or not, the only thing that matters in this Realm is your abilities.

The only reason Demons are not accepted here is so as not to attract the anger of other Realms, I want to show this place to the master, I want to show him that there are places where they think like him.

I arrive at the combined restaurant and go inside, go to a table near a discreet corner and wait, while I wait I order a pitcher of beer and a plate of cubes of meat and cheese as an appetizer.


I don't wait long, in less than ten minutes I see Kira disguised as a White Elf walk in and wave to her while I wait for her to sit down I call the waitress and order another pitcher of beer and another plate of appetizers.

"I thought I would get there before you, but apparently you worked things out quickly in the Adventurers' Guild." (Kira)

"There wasn't much to do, I took my rewards and chatted with Mari for a while, that's all." (I)

"What are you going to do now?" (Kira)

"I'm going to buy the mansion the master asked for." (I)

"Mari referred me to a friend at the Trade Guild, I'll look for him as soon as I get out of here." (I)


"It also said something about a mansion comparable to the Duke's mansion that has a bloody and miasma history." (I)

"This house would be perfect, I realized that since I met the master I am no longer affected by miasma." (Kira)

"I noticed that too, actually it will even be cozier for Érica since she's a Demon." (I)

"Hmmm..." (Kira)

"What are you thinking about?" (I)

"I think I know which mansion this is, from the description you spoke it must be the King's brother's mansion." (Kira)

"Do you know about this mansion?" (I)

"Just a few rumors, it's an old story." (Kira)

"Tell me more." (I)

"All I know is that the King's brother had renounced his right to the throne and moved to this city where he lived for years." (Kira)

"He became a great friend of the current Duke, but one day when the Duke showed up at his house to visit he found everyone dead." (Kira)

"The whole family, the guards, the maids and the employees, they were all dead." (Kira)

"Their dismembered bodies and blood painting more than half the walls inside the mansion, claw marks marking both the bodies and the walls." (Kira)

"Soon afterward miasma began to emanate all over the property, but it never left the perimeter of the land belonging to the mansion." (Kira)"Nobody tried to clear the miasma?" (I)

"The Duke tried everything, he called magicians of the Light, white magicians, priests of various religions." (Kira)

"But nobody has been able to clear the miasma, not only that, but nobody has been able to find out what happened there." (Kira)

"This is a story that every organization in the city's underworld knows, not even the Assassin Guild could find out what happened there." (Kira)

"I've been in this town for years and I never knew it." (I)

"It happened over twenty years ago, townspeople don't even like to comment on it, they think the place is cursed." (Kira)

"The Duke has been trying to sell the place for years now, they say he hopes that if people go back to living on the property and people's lifeblood can ease the miasma." (Kira)

"Others say the Duke just can't stand to see his friend's mansion once full of life and joy in this state." (Kira)

"Regardless of why he wants to sell it doesn't matter, I doubt normal people would buy this mansion." (I)

"Even most adventurers wouldn't want to stay there." (I)

"Only strange people like us could live there, in fact, it's perfect for what the master wants." (Kira)

"It'll be big enough for all the renovations the master wants to do there, it'll also have room for everyone, even after getting more companions like the slaves you're going to buy." (I)

"I still think there will be more people joining our group." (Kira)

"I've been with the master for a short time, but I've met many people, but I haven't found another one who is like the master." (Kira)

"The master is Chaotic and mysterious, many will be afraid of the master, but there will be people who will be attracted to him." (Kira)

"The master accepts everyone, he doesn't differentiate by age, gender or race, he doesn't care about the person's past, all the master cares about is his character and will." (Kira)

"I agree with you, the master still hasn't noticed, but he has the posture of a leader, he's shrewd, he thinks of those next to him, he listens to the opinions of others with an open heart and he's not afraid to make bold decisions to reach your goals." (I)

"The problem is the type of person who will be attracted to him, I imagine those who are not accepted anywhere will be easily captivated by the master." (I)

"Those who don't have a place to go back or those like me who have lost their way." (Kira)

"The master will always be surrounded by problems." (I)

While we were talking we were eating and drinking, I decided to ask her what she was going to do today.

"What are you going to do now?" (I)

"I'm going to the Black Market to buy Érica something." (Kira)

"Try to get some information from the auction too." (I)

"I'll try." (Kira)

I chatted with Kira for a while longer, then I separated from her and saw her enter an alley before disappearing into a shadow, so I go to the center of town where the Commerce Guild is.As soon as I enter the Guild I see a lot of people coming and going, then I see the large number of shops, I go straight to one of the stairs and go up to the second floor where I need my Guild card to get in, that's where I go. sells weapons, armor, special magic items, and other things that the general population doesn't have access to.

Then I go straight up to the third floor where there are trade rooms and the main hall of the Trade Guild, as soon as I got to the third floor I go to the reception desk where a cute receptionist is, he is Human with brown hair and eyes, he has around one-fifty tall and has a delicate face, he's almost as cute as the master.

"Good afternoon." (I)

"Good afternoon Miss." (receptionist)

"What can I help you with today?" (receptionist)

"I'm looking for someone, his name is Wilson Williams." (I)

"I'll let him know of your arrival, do you have an appointment?" (receptionist)

"No, but just give him this letter and tell him that Mari from the Adventurers' Guild sent it to me." (I)

"I'll talk to him, if you want you can wait on one of our sofas miss." (I)

"Thank you, I'll wait right here." (I)

I hand the letter Mari gave me to him, after taking the letter he walks up the stairs and up to the fourth floor, as far as I know only the most influential merchants are there.

"(This Wilson must be someone important.)" (I)

In ten minutes the receptionist comes back and comes to me.

"Mr. Williams asked me to accompany you to her office." (receptionist)

"If you can follow me please." (receptionist)

"Alright, show me the way." (I)

"But one thing, call me Diana, I'm not a noblewoman to be called Miss." (I)

"As you wish, Ms. Diana." (receptionist)

"Just Diana." (I)

"..." (receptionist)

"If you can accompany me Diana." (receptionist)

"Better that way, I don't like formalities." (I)

I follow the receptionist up to the fourth floor, he leads me through hallways to a pair of fancy, well-decorated double doors.

"This is the office of Mr. Williams, Vice Master of the Guild." (receptionist)

knock knock knock

As I'm shocked by the unexpected information, the receptionist knocks on the door to let me know.

"Mr. Williams, I brought Diana as requested." (receptionist)

"You may come in." (Wilson)

"Excuse me." (receptionist)

The receptionist opens both doors and beckons me in, as soon as I walk in the closes the door behind me and walks away.

I look around and see two sofas facing each other in the center of the room with a coffee table between them, I see a wall with pictures of beautiful landscape drawings, the wall on the other side is covered with bookshelves and well. in front of me past the sofas is a large desk with a large window behind it.

Sitting in the chair behind the desk is a man who appears to be between forty-five or fifty, he has graying brown hair, green eyes full of cunning and wisdom, has dark skin, is dressed in a chic but not ostentatious nobleman's clothes, he has the letter he brought in his hands and is in the middle of his reading before he stops and gives me a serious look as if he's sizing me up.
