I only woke up the next day when I opened my eyes I was alone in bed with sunlight streaming in through the cabin window.

I still feel tired, my whole body is aching, my head feels like it's going to explode, this is worse than any hangover I dreamed of having in my teens but never could as I couldn't drink alcohol due to my weak body and to the medicines he was taking.

I try to get out of bed, but just trying to move is difficult and I let out a small cry of pain.

"There!" (I)

Soon I heard footsteps approaching so Érica and Kira enter the room.

"You finally woke up, we were getting worried." (Érica)

"How long did I sleep?" (I)


"You've been sleeping since yesterday, it's already mid-afternoon the next day." (Kira)

"We tried to wake you up several times to get something to eat, but no matter how much we called, you wouldn't wake up." (Érica)

"Érica and I were getting worried, but I'm glad you woke up." (Kira)

"Go get water and food for the master please Kira." (Érica)

"Alright, I'll be right back." (Kira)

Kira runs out of the room.


"Where is Ibuki?" (I)

"She's training outside, she was very worried about you guys yesterday, it was hard to get her to sleep." (Érica)

Before long Kira returned with some fruit and a glass of water.

"We know the master likes meat, but we thought it would be better for you to eat something lighter and easier to chew." (Kira)

"Kira found some fruits in the forest, they are very tasty." (Érica)

"Thanks." (I)

Kira takes a knife and peels the fruit for me, then cuts it into small pieces before handing me the plate.

"Can you tell us what happened yesterday?" (Érica)

"As we were talking last night I started to feel anguished and worried." (I)

"I remember that I advised you to meditate to control your emotions." (Érica)

"The problem is that instead of calming my emotions I let myself get carried away by them." (I)

"I acted on instinct, I focused on my emotions and tried to follow them to the source, so I started sharing Diana's senses one by one." (I)

"You said yesterday that she was in danger." (Kira)

"She was in the middle of a big battle, many people were fighting the Undead, I saw explosions of fire and many bodies on the ground." (I)"I saw Diana trying to help someone only to get stabbed in the back and pushed around as monster bait so that person could get away." (I)

"I couldn't stand to see that, so in my anger, I activated my Aura power which followed this connection I had to Diana." (I)

"If my Aura can go to her, why can't my other abilities either, thinking about that I used my healing ability to heal her wounds and used one of my abilities to manipulate her body." (I)

"Then I made her kill all the monsters around and took care of the bastard who stabbed her." (I)

"How did you manage to connect with Diana?" (Kira)

"You and Diana are familiar with the master, as such, he can share his senses." (Érica)

"From what the master described, you managed to share all of Diana's senses." (Érica)

"Not only that, but he also used her as an intermediary for her abilities, that's how he managed to heal her." (Érica)

"I'm still worried about her." (I)

"Kira, I want you to go into town and get news about Diana, try to see if she's already in town or still in the woods and if she's okay." (I)

"I'll leave immediately." (Kira)

"Wait!" (I)

"Can you make it to Valen City before nightfall?" (I)

"If I avoid fighting monsters on the way and run, then I should succeed." (Kira)

"Then go, take what you need from the deposit." (I)

With that Kira left the room to get ready, Érica stays with me giving me the fruit in my mouth as she didn't even have the strength to move my arms.

​ "Do you know why I got into this Érica state?" (I)

"I have an idea." (Érica)

"Sharing meanings with a family member usually has no side effects." (Érica)

"But in your master case, you shared all her senses, only that overloaded your mind with information." (Érica)

"As if that wasn't enough, you still used your skills on her, which very few are able to do with their kin." (Érica)

"If you had used a spell the effect wouldn't have been so great on you, but as you used your abilities on it, you overloaded your body and mind." (Érica)

"To some extremely rare cases in the book I read about wizards using abilities through their kin, some were in a similar state to yours now, others died." (Érica)

"Was what I did that risky?" (I)

"Yes." (Érica)

"Using an ability through someone other than the owner makes you feel pressure in the body and mind, what happened is you took your ability into her body and activated it there." (Érica)"And as if you had stretched a part of her body to her and kept it there, it made her body and mind experience great pressure, if you had continued you could have died from that pressure." (Érica)

"Someone's abilities are in their souls, so you can't share an ability with another person, trying to do that sort of thing can cause death or worse, hurt the soul." (Érica)

"What do you mean to hurt the soul?" (I)

"I don't know, the book doesn't explain more than that, but I guess it's no good." (Érica)

I talked with Érica until Kira came back ready to leave, after saying goodbye to Kira she headed towards the city of Valen.

I spent the rest of the day in bed reading some books to pass the time as I couldn't get out of bed.


In a castle surrounded by forests and mountains with a starry sky having a single bright red moon.

At the top of the highest tower of this castle has a large balcony, a woman with a red dress and hair wearing a black crown is enjoying the view.

"How long are you going to stand there and say nothing." (mysterious woman)

"If you have something to say, then say it, after all for you to invade my Divine Kingdom you must have something important to say." (mysterious woman)

As soon as the woman finishes speaking, behind her two hands appear out of nowhere and hold the air and tug in different directions tearing through the space making a hole that only has many shapeless colors inside.

From within this hole in space a man who appears to be in his forties with six feet tall and a muscular body with no shirt and white skin appears, he has short white hair, wolf ears, a lone wolf tail, and golden eyes Wild, the man has several scars all over his body and even though he doesn't carry any weapons he seems to be ready to fight at any time.

This man stands behind the woman and looks at her calmly.

"I know what you did." (mysterious man)

"I do not know what you're talking about." (mysterious woman)

"I felt him the moment he connected with my descendant." (mysterious man)

"You don't need to explain anything to me, this is the second time he's saved her, I've been keeping an eye on her for a long time, so I appreciate you saving her and treating her so well." (mysterious man)

"So have you noticed, you intend to make her your champion?" (mysterious woman)

"Whenever she is ready, her personality and character suits me, she also has a lot of talent." (mysterious man)

"But you don't need to worry, I won't take her away from him, if there comes a time when she's ready, staying by his side will be better for her duties." (mysterious man)

"If even you, who only thinks with your muscles, realized the situation we are in, why doesn't that idiot of Light realize it." (mysterious woman)

"Keep what you've discovered a secret, no one should know about it yet." (mysterious woman)

"Don't worry, no one will know, as he was born from your blood they'll just think he's your son, but what about when he takes on human form?" (mysterious man)

"I've already thought of a plan for this, but he won't like it, but it's the way to hide it from others, few people will notice him." (mysterious woman)

"Someone Chaotic like him will be important when things get complicated, hopefully, he'll be able to do something as we can't directly interfere in the world." (mysterious woman)

"I hope you're right, the Dragon will notice him sooner or later too, but you don't need to worry, he and I agree with what you're doing." (mysterious man)

"Things will be hectic soon, a Chaotic element may help in what's to come." (mysterious man)

"..." (mysterious woman)

"I have to go now, just make sure history doesn't repeat itself again." (mysterious man)

As soon as the man passes through the hole in space again it closes, again the woman is alone looking at the red moon with a big smile on her face showing her fangs.

"History will not repeat itself, everything is different now, he is different now." (mysterious woman)

"I am curious to see the chaos you will wreak in the world my dear Zenos, the one who embodies chaos." (mysterious woman)
