Diana's Pov:

While I was drinking a few bottles of beer I started talking to some adventurers I know.

From them, I learned that the goods have been getting more expensive lately, that's because the number of merchants coming to town has decreased because of the Undead attacking those along the way.

Some adventurers have also complained that they are being attacked by the Undead during their quests, one group was unlucky to lose two members to the Undead, the other members of that group are all participating in this special quest to avenge their fellows.


In the late afternoon when I was already on the eighth bottle of beer, Mari stands on the stairs and starts talking using magic to amplify her voice, as soon as she starts talking all the adventurers are silent.

"Everyone pay attention!" (Mari)


"Those who registered for the special mission go to the training ground behind the Guild." (Mari)

"A meeting will start there in thirty minutes, during the meeting all the details of the mission and the distribution of tasks of the participating adventurers will be carried out." (Mari)

After she finished giving her notice the guild emptied in a matter of five minutes, after everyone left, Mari approached me.

"We both go too." (Mari)

"Where's Carlos?" (I)

"He's already there, he will lead the meeting and hand out each adventurer's role." (Mari)


"How many registered?" (I)

"Around two hundred and sixty." (Mari)

"The numbers are too low, how many Grade C and B adventurers?" (me)

"Carlos got twenty Grade -C adventurers, thirteen Grade C, and eight Grade +C." (Mari)

"He also called in two Grade B adventurers, a Mage, and a Barbarian." (Mari)

"Both with fire elemental attributes." (Mari)

"As expected of him, it's only in those moments that he becomes a good Guild master." (I)

"How did he find these two?" (I)

"They're from the same group, they were passing through town to go to the dungeons, Carlos entered the dungeon they were going to call them." (Mari)

"..." (I)

"He's the only one in town who would dare go into a dungeon alone just to call someone." (I)"Come on, you have a lecture to give at the meeting, I won't let you get away." (Mari)

Mari and I go to a double door in the back beside the reception, as we pass through it we see a large plot of land with three arenas made of smooth stone, various training figures, and training equipment in the corners, around the training ground. four rows of stone benches on three sides beyond the wall with the door leading into the Guild.

In the largest of the arenas, there is a makeshift platform where Marcos is standing looking at the growing number of adventurers who arrive at the training ground and wait in front of the platform for the meeting to begin.


I spent thirty minutes talking to Mari while waiting for the meeting to start, looking around I see that the number of adventurers present is similar to the number registered for the mission that Mari told me, so the meeting should start anytime now.


"Heads up!" (Carlos)

Carlos claps his hands and creates a sonic boom that silences all adventurers.

"Let's start the meeting." (Carlos)

"For starters, most of you should already know what the mission is about this time." (Carlos)

"But even so I'll repeat it to everyone, the objective of this mission is to wipe out a horde of Undead near the city." (Carlos)

"The horde is composed only of Zombies and Skeletons, it was discovered that they have come from a tunnel hidden under a dead tree in the Valley of Blood not far from the city." (Carlos)

"Our mission is simple, let's exterminate all these Undead and then clear the battlefield." (Carlos)

"Once that's done the earth mages will be able to start working to close this tunnel that connects the caves to the mountain range." (Carlos)

"Everyone who participates in this special quest will receive ten gold coins as a reward." (Carlos)

"I'm going to call two people to speak now, the first one will give you the terrain and location details and the other will explain to most of you the right way to fight the Undead." (Carlos)

"After that, I will split you into four groups, made up of three attack groups and one support group." (Carlos)

After Carlos gave an opening speech he had me and the guy who did the last investigation take the stage where I first let him give the detailed information of the location and surrounding area.

Once everyone had a clearer idea of โ€‹โ€‹the situation I spent an hour or so explaining how to fight the Undead.

I explained how they shouldn't aim at vital points, the only vital points of the Undead are their cores, the best way to incapacitate Zombies is to dismember them or rip their heads off, for Skeletons, it's best to directly rip or break the remaining core. inside the skull or the ribs.

I taught them that stealth tactics are useless due to the ability to sense the life force that all Undead possess, I also taught that the most effective attacks for Zombies are cutting their limbs and for Skeletons, it is breaking their bones.

I told them that the undead only has a weakness against three elements that are sacred, light, and fire.

So I advised those who have weapons or equipment with light attributes to stand upfront along with those who have an affinity for the fire element, I told others to just support those individuals so they did more damage.

After my speech, Carlos came up to the podium again with a list of the adventurers in the place, he put all the magicians specializing in supporting magic, all the healers and archers in the same group.He gave the archers the task of giving long-range assistance to those on the attack in difficult situations, and to the mages and healers to watch over those on the attack and be ready to give healing or support magic if necessary.

After that, he divided the attack teams into three, with equal proportions of Tanks, Warriors, and Assassins.

The Tanks will protect their groups, the warriors will fight and finish off the enemies while the killers this time will be responsible for running into the fight of their groups cutting the members of the undead thus giving openings for the warriors to finish the fight.


After the meeting was over, Carlos announced for all mission participants to meet in front of the west gate until dawn, then dismissed all adventurers to make their final preparations.

As soon as everyone leaves I approach Carlos along with Mari.

"You did well today Carlos, I almost thought you looked like a Guild master." (I)

"Stop joking Diana, you were great today dear, I'll give you your reward later." (Mari)

"Hahahaha" (Carlos)

"It makes all this work worthwhile." (Carlos)

I was talking to the two for a while before leaving and going to a restaurant to eat, when I have a full stomach, I leave the restaurant and go back to the Inn of the Eternal Traveler.

When I arrive I go straight to my room and change into more comfortable clothes before bed.

When I'm ready to go to sleep I stare at the empty bed and the image of the master pops into my head.

"(I miss the master.)" (I)

"(I miss the others too.)" (I)

"(I ended up getting used to sleeping all together, now having to sleep in a bed alone makes me feel a little lonely.)" (I)

"(Last time I didn't feel that probably because at least Kira was with me at the time.)" (I)

Even though I'm discouraged from sleeping alone today I still have to go to bed early, I have to be fine tomorrow.

Unlike other adventurers I don't need to do a lot of preparation, I came back to the city prepared and what I lacked I managed to do in the morning.

All that's left now is sleep, the mission tomorrow is better for me, so I can get back to the master sooner.

I lie down on the bed and hug my pillow, close my eyes and try to get some sleep.


Ting! Ting! Ting!

The next day I wake up early, bought a magic watch item yesterday on the way back from the Guild to make sure I don't miss the time.

I get up and change into leather armor, tuck my two swords into my waistband and tuck all my stuff into my necklace before leaving the room.

On leaving I go straight towards the west gate which is where the forest is which is the road to the Valley of Blood.

On the way to the gate, I buy some food in the belly of food along the way, by the number of adventurers I met on the way in the belly the others thought the same thing.

As soon as I have a full stomach I head straight for the gate.

Arriving at the gate I see a large group of people taking various items from boxes and putting them in storage items and bags, they must be potions provided by the Adventurers Guild for this mission, I go there and receive two of each that I keep in my necklace.

With everything ready, I'm waiting until the agreed time.
