Pov Natasha's:

It was as I thought it would be, once it entered his mouth it only took a few seconds before it started, Zenos always takes things very lightly.action

What he is doing may seem the same as what he did previously, but each Fragment of Divinity is unique, they may be Fragments of Essence and Laws from other universes or even from our universe, they may have lesser or greater functions, there may be contradiction with Essences and Laws that already exist in this Universe, may even be completely incompatible with our Universe or the individual trying to take possession of the Fragment of Divinity.

Just as I thought, the space has already shattered around him, his body is covered in cracks and I can hear the screams of his Aura with my Authority.

"If he wasn't so worn out and injured it could be worse."(I)

"His brother is crazy, for someone who possesses the Power of Chaos, he uses this power far beyond the limits of what is acceptable."(Rosane)


"Don't say that Elizabeth already told me that this was the plan from the beginning, was it her mother who chose the Shard of Divinity?"(Natasha)

"Yes, but it wasn't something that was in her possession, it was exchanged with another God since she didn't have a suitable one."(Rosane)

"Divinity Fragment of Fairy Magic... possesses Laws and Essence that are not compatible with our Universe."(Rosane)

"The God of Magic tried to create a Divine Weapon with this Fragment and failed, before that it was in the hands of my mother who tried to create a new sister for us and also failed, that's why she exchanged the past with the God of Magic and now remade it the exchange once more to give to his Brother."(Rosane)

"I don't understand more than the basics about the Essences, I don't want to become a Goddess, I'm not hungry for power and Authority, I also don't have much responsibility."(I)

"But I know that giving this to Zenos isn't just for his sake."(I)


"Yes, my mother wants the unique power of this Essence, this will raise the power of all Fairies as well as Spirits."(Rosane)

"She wants a new race of Fairies?"(I)

"It seems like you don't know, but the Gods realized that it wasn't just a new Race of Spirits that Nix created, the God of Spirits realized that when the Source of Chaos Spirits is in place the power of all Spirits will increase with a power he called the Spirit Rune, a power similar to an individual unique ability for each Spirit."(Rosane)

"Does your Mother want the same for the Fairies?"(I)

From what I know of the Goddess of the Fairies, she is someone who is competitive and does not accept loss very well, not to mention that in these increasingly difficult times increasing the power of all the Fairies is a good thing.

"What I hope is that he overcomes this, it is not just the Gods who have realized the ability of the Power of Chaos to transform an Essence from another Universe into something from this Universe."(Rosane)

"I know, but news can't have traveled that fast."(I)"No, your brother is safe for now, but all the Deities have felt the emergence of a new Essence in the universe, this includes the Evil Gods."(Rosane)

"..." (I)

This was something Elizabeth said too, this was an aspect of the power of chaos that no one thought possible, Evil Gods are desperate to become Gods once again, for them this is a ray of hope and they will do anything to achieve this.

I look at Zenos again, the blood coming out of his wounds had so much magic concentrated that it was transparent like water while retaining the thickness of the blood.

His flesh was twitching as if there was something inside his body, his Aura seemed like that of a monster in a life and death struggle, and his suffering was clear to see, but his vitality had little variation.

The reason his condition is so good is because he has emptied his energy reserves, and also because the body is already quite injured the damage is not accumulating much as the excess energy leaks through the wounds.

"He cannot be exposed, no one but those trusted should know this, there are Demon Gods worse than idiots like the God of Light."(I)

"I know that, look around you."(Rosane)

When I tried to look at the surroundings again I noticed something, the space undulated revealing a different landscape from what I was seeing, we were inside an illusion.

"When did you bring us inside the barrier?"(I)

"I did the opposite, I put the barrier around you, the illusion was so he wouldn't notice, I thought he might misunderstand."(Rosane)

"Thank you, that should be enough."(I)

This barrier separates the inside from the outside almost completely, this should prevent others from sensing what is happening to Zenos.


Pov Zenos:

It's been 5 days since I received the reward from the Fairy Goddess, and I still haven't looked at my notifications, I want to avoid thinking about complicated things while I'm facing the final adaptations of this new essence in my body.

Now I was in an empty part of the Dungeon, a little floor normally used for power tests and I was alone with Layla.

"This time it was almost imperceptible."(I)

"Do you really want to do this today?"(Layla)"Yes, we have to do this before your Divine Awakening, you said you felt it, didn't you?"(I)

I didn't want to see my notifications, but I needed to at least know about this topic and that's why I asked Layla about it, it looks like I'm going to have to do the same thing with her as I did with Nix.

But Rosane appeared a few hours later saying that I should fulfill my promise to Goddess Aine before Layla's Divine Awakening, it seems that after this my influence over Layla will equal that of Goddess Aine within Layla's body due to the various connections throughout the years piling up.

"Do you know what I should do?"(I)

"No, just hold that stupid sphere while I call out to the Goddess... I'm going to feel horrible after this."(Layla)

Layla is now afraid to call the Goddess into her body since she knows the burden of doing so, she was unconscious for more than a day and the pain in her body was so strong that she only managed to recover last night, even now she must feel a little discomfort in the body.

"< I am the living incarnation of the one whose wings dance between worlds and whose gestures generate nature itself. >" (Layla)

"< May your power fill my body and your will fall upon me bringing your power to this world. >" (Layla)

"< The Lady who dances with the elements and the sword that passes through everything, be present and bring balance to the world. >" (Layla)

"< Come Fairy Goddess, Aine. >" (Layla)

As Layla recited the prayer to the Fairy Goddess, her body began to glow and Mana from various elements began to gather around her, when she reached the last word her body changed once again, Layla's skin becoming darker and even brighter as his hair, eyes, and wings turn golden.

Unlike the previous time where we were in the middle of a combat, I must say that Goddess Aine's appearance really is spectacular, she exudes elegance and joy, and her eyes are full of life.

"It looks like you're ready, I was right to give the reward before finishing the mission."(Goddess Aine)

"Did you need me to have an Essence associated with magic?"(I)

"Yes and also associated with the Fairies, what we are going to do now is not the same as an Awakening Ceremony."(Goddess Aine)

"What I need from you is the Power of Chaos."(Goddess Aine)

"What should I do?"(I)

"You don't need to know in detail, leave everything in my hands, I will guide you and you will feel what you need to do step by step."(Goddess Aine)

"In the end, she will be fresh and serene after Spiritual Rebirth."(Goddess Aine)

The Goddess was clearly making a big deal out of this, the first thing she did was look at the seal on my hands, but I didn't know if it was an attempt to save this Demonic Goddess or an attempt to get rid of her more permanently, no I had no way of knowing and I didn't dare imagine what goes on in the brain of a God.

The only thing I'm sure of is that I don't need to worry, in fact, this plan is excellent for me, I prefer not to have any enemies coming after me, so I like to be sure of their deaths so they don't come after me later, especially Divine level enemies that I prefer not to have any other than those from the Church of Light.

"Let's start."(Goddess Aine)

"< Divine Realm >" (Goddess Aine)

The world around me was changing, I felt the power of the Goddess take over the surroundings and it seemed that reality was remaking itself at the will of Goddess Aine, it was not an illusion or something like making the unreal into reality, she was restructuring reality itself.

"You need to use your Divine Incarnation, so don't waste time, my Champion cannot withstand my power for long periods of time."(Goddess Aine)
