Pov Alice's:

lightsΝοvel "This plan is ridiculous."(I)

"All his plans are ridiculous."(Karina)

"Does he have any idea of ​​the power of something like that?"(I)

"So far we haven't had to fight one of them, so why at the first opportunity..." (I)

"Where's your courage, Alice?"(Karina)


"We're not even in the worst fight."(Karina)

"You know we don't have a chance in this fight."(I)

"We're not here to fight."(Silvia)

"Yes, I admit that it is still a dangerous situation, the chance of a fight is greater than I would like, but combat is not our objective."(Magnus)

"I know all this, but when was the last time we were lucky enough for everything to go as planned?"(I)

"Stop complaining, isn't that what I'm here for?"(Caitlyn)


"If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it."(Caitlyn)

It's only been a few minutes since we received the notice, we had to rush to drag Silvia along after she finished with the flowers, so we came as quickly as possible.

Silvia, Karina, and Magnus are in their Dragon form while I am on Karina's back, our destination is the World Tree, without the need to hide we went straight to it or as close as we can.

Following the plan, the group of 3 Heroes were the only ones who had time to take care of their Target, the group of 3 Divine Servants were close to their Target, and even in improvisation there is no doubt that they will find a way, but only our group had to run all the way here.

Running directly towards one of the 2 places we've been avoiding the entire time we've been here.

"She's there, get ready!"(Karina)

Not far away we see the undulating space where there should be a mountain, we were so close that it was possible to see the silhouette of a tree and when it looked like we were going to collide with the mountain we crossed, coming across a tree even bigger than the fake mountain hiding it.

The World Tree was formed from countless branches twisting together as they grew, its branches were all different while the leaves were mere mirages made of pure Elemental energy, streams of energy intertwined between the gaps in the branches forming the trunk of the World Tree creating a beautiful light show.

But this amazement at this sight was short-lived as space seemed to become heavier around us, also a mist of spores rising from between the surrounding trees.

"(Just as he predicted, they are trying to take control of us by missing the best opportunity to attack, they have become too naive or too comfortable with their situations.)" (I)

True Dragons cannot be controlled by force, nor does it work with those connected to a Divinity as deeply as me and Karina.

This around us was as harmless as dust, but thanks to that we had enough time for Karina to concentrate her power together with me."< May through us his symbol come down to this earth making us the path for his power to suppress those who have strayed from the path! >" (me/Karina)

"< Light Dragon Impact >" (Magnus)

"< Space Fold >" (Silvia)

Karina and I were speaking at the same time with our Authorities along with our Auras resonating in our voices in perfect synchronization.

We had a magical item that created a barrier for me and Karina that returned to her human form, that's when Magnus' fist collided with the barrier around us, this made the barrier turn into a large transparent ball being thrown by the force of the blow Magnus.

Silvia used her power to fold space several times into a straight path that we were passing through, thus we arrived above the World Tree without any problems at the same time as we finished speaking.

"< Come Totem that represents the Essence of the Eclipse and the power of Dragons, be the Primordial symbol that will tear a new path in the name of Zenos! >" (me/Karina)

"< Eclipse Dragon Seal >" (me/Karina)

Zenos's power was bubbling inside me as my power merged with Karina's as it connected to something far beyond our reach.

The space above us exploded as a Dragon appeared through the great dimensional opening, a Dragon made entirely of Starfire that takes the form of a crystal statue as soon as it emerges, this is the Dragon Totem of Zenos.


The Dragon's roar was accompanied by a column of Starfire that completely covered the World Tree next to the two of us, Zenos' Dragon Totem used Holy Power through both of us to maintain this column of Starfire.

The World Tree is an entity of pure harmony, it exists to maintain the balance of all creation, but it also has the power of Destruction, Nature is an endless cycle of creation and destruction from the balance of this duality comes harmony.

The power of Chaos has always been a part of the cycle of existence and the counterpart of harmony, the only power that can seal this World Tree.


Pov Magnus:

When I saw the column of Starfire rise from the ground rising beyond what I can see as it completely surrounds the World Tree.

"Are you sure they were okay?"(I)

"I should worry more about you, they're coming."(Silvia)

Silvia points with her Dragon Tail in a direction, I soon see what looked like Golems of wood, ice, fire, and various other elements, they all have different appearances.

There were many Golems, but the power in them was not coming from a core, there was no concentration of energy within them while it was visible to see flows of Elemental power that were previously going to the World Tree were now invading the bodies of the monsters nourishing them.

"Don't let them reach the Seal!"(I)

"I perceived."(Silvia)

The monsters wouldn't be a threat normally, Starfire isn't something everyone can touch, it doesn't destroy, it transforms, but these monsters had the Power of the Demonic Fairy God's Authority, I could feel it in them.

"(Your Authority will destroy the seal sooner or later if it reaches Starfire, we have to keep everyone away.)" (I)

I push with my wings and with each strike of my claws their bodies fall apart, no matter if they are made of fire or earth, whatever my claws touch will be destroyed."< Eclipse Breath >" (I)

"< Cataclysmic Breath >" (Silvia)

Our Breath attacks swept a good area, but I noticed that the destroyed bodies were reforming themselves over time until they were buried in a matter of minutes.

"(Why couldn't it be simpler?)" (I)


Pov Caitlyn:

I was inside the Starfire scene looking at the World Tree from the base, I could feel it since I got close, but it took me a long time to notice.

When I touched the World Tree using my power I was able to break through the protections in his mind, in fact, there wasn't even a mind where I was and so I began to search his mind.

It didn't take long for me to find a tree full of fallen fruit and no leaves with chains around the trunk as well as the branches, it even looked like a dead tree decorated with chains.

"Why did you let it get to this point?"(I)

"I couldn't do anything, her power..."

"I'm inside your mind, I know about the queen."(I)


"You had the opportunity, the only opportunity that could have saved this world in the past."(I)

"I made a bet just like her, but we lost, I'm separated from my body still inside it and she lost everything."action

"I can't free you."(I)

"I know, but thank you for coming, thanks to this I was able to awaken my conscience, I at least want to see how it all ends."

"I'm going to do the same, I still need to stay here holding control of your body, even if the difference is small it will still buy more time."(I)


Pov Zenos:

My goal was never to fight head on, even with everything I have I'm managing to dodge his attacks because of his caution rooted within him, avoiding using all his power.

But none of that matters, this time I prepared everything before even stepping foot on this planet, if she didn't accept the plan everything would fall apart, but she was even happy with this plan.

"< I am the living incarnation of the one whose wings dance between worlds and whose gestures generate nature itself. >" (Layla)

"< May your power fill my body and your will fall upon me bringing your power to this world. >" (Layla)

"< The Lady who dances with the elements and the sword that passes through everything, be present and bring balance to the world. >" (Layla)

"< Come Fairy Goddess, Aine. >" (Layla)

During all this time Layla was praying in a low voice and I had this pathetic fight where she could only defend unilaterally to gain time, just a few seconds or minutes before Layla's body glowed.

Her body grows as her skin darkens and large butterfly wings emerge, the elements that attacked us now stand firmly still as the light around Layla disappears revealing the majestic Fairy Goddess.

"I'll leave her with you."(I)

"It's been some time my Daughter."(Goddess of Fairies)

"..." (Demonic Fairy Goddess)
