Chapter 1300 Cap 1298: A Divine Gift  

Pov Selene (Goddess of Blood):

I looked at the wound on my arm that wouldn't close, the void energy around the wound was taking a long time to be expelled from my body, but I don't have time for that.

"I could use his power..." (I)

I extend my other hand and the Black Crown floats there, a Divine Weapon created by him using part of himself as material, I don't like resorting to the power of the Black Crown, I feel like a child who can't solve his own problems.

"I have to be responsible and stop these childish tantrums... he's not here anymore and the Black Crown is my power, failing to use part of my power in a time of need is the kind of stubbornness he rightly disapproves of." (I)



The power of Chaos flows from the Black Crown mixing with my Blood Essence that explodes from the wound that seems to bleed, washing this disgusting energy from my body.

When the energy is no longer contained in my wounds it expands like a corrosive Mist throughout my Divine Realm trying to destroy everything.

"Disappear!" (I)

Now outside my body, it is much easier to destroy this, my Divine Power decomposes this destructive energy in an act of creation, I connect particles of blood merge into a single drop of a new lineage.

"I'll save this for now since it's still incomplete, maybe I can get a Divine Crossbow if I get the right materials..." (I)

I suddenly feel a presence and look in a certain direction, a passage has formed in my Divine Realm and I pass through it while guarding the new bloodline.


Soon he arrived at the Starfalls, the Divine Kingdom of Dravos where waterfalls of pure spiritual power tumble into a sky of stars below while above there are upside-down islands for each element.

Dravos was looking at the starry sky below not far from me, there was a particularly bright star where half of the spiritual energy in liquid form from countless waterfalls gathered, streams of energy from the various elements also flowed from the islands above to this star, there were countless rings spinning around that star in a light show.

I approach Dravos, he had his eyes closed like he has in the last decades taking care of what he calls his master work.

"What do you want, Dravos?" (I)

"Do you know about your youngest son?" (Dravos)

"I know that he created a new Spiritual Essence, I have already spoken to Aine to direct him to his daughter." (I)

"Are you sure about this? He managed to destroy an Evil God instead of sealing him." (Dravos)

"Aline's daughter must be destroyed, you know that that child has gone mad beyond recovery, that's what Aine wants too, to see someone she loves in such a state..." (I)

"She sought this for herself, her greed and ambition for power led her to this." (Dravos)

"Yes, but it doesn't make it any easier for a Mother." (I)

I know well what Zenos has been doing, I have also spoken to the Goddess of Fairies and the God of Beasts to adjust their missions, it is not such an urgent problem, but I prefer to resolve it quickly.

"Don't change the subject, what's the reason for calling me here?" (I) "I need your son to enter the Spirit World." (Dravos)

"No, you have no idea what's going on..." (I)

"I know, but we have no option, to harmonize his Chaos Element with the other Elements he must create a secondary Source in the World of Spirits, I'm sure Aine will ask for the same." (Dravos)

"He is still Mortal, he can almost not be considered a Demigod, entering a dimension where only energies and laws exist..." (I)

"I know, but he should be able to convert his body completely into elemental energy now." (Dravos)

Entering with the physical body into a place where there is no matter is impossible, the body is erased, not destroyed or sealed, but completely erased, which is why no mortal creature can enter the World of Spirits or the World of Fairies.

"I'll let him decide, but only if he is able to convert his body or has an alternative way to create the Secondary Source." (I)

"That's all I ask, you know I have no alternative in this matter." (Dravos)

"Yes, sheltered by at least talking to me before doing anything." (I)


Pov Zenos:

I was now seeing the Evil God with mental powers, he doesn't seem to have a Divine Fragment and his appearance has changed since the last time they spoke to me.

"What is your name?" (I)

"I don't have a name, at least not right now." (Evil God)

"I will save you the trouble, I have heard much about the situation from the minds of those around, I accept to join you in your fight, but I have one condition." (Evil God)

"What would that condition be?" (I)

"I will not subordinate myself to you but to the Living Nightmare, I have more compatibility with her both in personality and powers." (Evil God)

"I can't promise anything on her behalf, but why would you want this?" (I)

"I don't want a target on my head for being an Evil God, I've never cared about being worshiped or being above others, I just want life to be as pleasant as possible and with less work." (Evil God)

"You are a problem, Living Tyranny is a big no with never-ending responsibilities and Living Brutality would drag me into endless battles." (Evil God)

This Evil God was a bigger coward than I thought, but I wasn't in the mood to think about it now, it seems he chose my sister because she was known for her laziness, it seems he is the irresponsible type.

I'll let my sister deal with him, I actually didn't need him for much other than being a good support when we deal with the Mother of Truth.


During the night I was alone in the crystal castle on the top floor of the Dungeon, I use this place as my base of operations mainly, but I love the view of this place surrounded by stars.

"I still can't believe they gave me this..." (I)

"Aren't you going to tell Nicole? I know you want to use this on that doll's body." (Vanessa)

"No, it's better if she doesn't know, she'll want to use it in her experiments." (I) I had in my hands the gift that the God of Spirits sent to me, it was a Divinity Fragment of Sin, it seems that the Gods negotiate with Divine Fragments that they are not able to use because they are not compatible with them, but handing something like this to It was very surprising to me.

"(This will suit her, I can take Sakura's advice now.)" (I)

One of the things I learned was that I can use Divinity Fragments to create Divine Servants, as such this Fallen Saint will be completely loyal to me.

"But still I... Cough Cough... guhhh!!" (I)

"Are you well?" (Vanessa)

"I'll stay... Cough Cough..." (I)


This was another attack, but it was much weaker than before, this time I managed to stand without suffering too much, I was just taken by surprise.

"What is Layla...doing?" (I)

"She went to the Fairy World, I think she will bring the quest." (Vanessa)

"I can already imagine what it must be like." (I)


days later.

I was isolated from others testing the Spiritual Energy of the Chaos Element, I no longer have any attacks and my senses seem more sensitive to Spiritual Energy, thanks to this I can feel a small source inside me, I feel my body absorbing Pure Spiritual Energy and emanating Energy Chaos Spiritual instead, it seems this is what they call a Spiritual Power Source.

I also discovered the Characteristics of Chaos Spiritual Energy, it seems to be more focused on Summoning creatures, corruption, transformation, and a hidden characteristic, it is not something I can use, but I feel it is there.

"I still don't know what this is..." (I)

It feels like something between an Elemental Incarnation and a Transformation, but I can't use it, which is one of the things I'll need to test later.

"Master, Miss Nix says she is ready to receive her Chaos Power." (Haku)

"I am going." (I)


Pov Doll (Santa Caída):

I couldn't believe my luck, I never thought that the naive boy would be the one to get me out of that place.

A countless number of years with endless torture being both on the side being tortured and on the side of the one doing the torture, was the lightest in these cases.

Carnal suffering was something easy, but breaking people's minds was something that even I couldn't stand, I may enjoy killing and destroying, remnants of the madness that brought me to Hell, but even at my worst I'm still nothing compared to that place.

Breaking someone by making them eat their most loved ones, making them watch those they love in extreme situations, making those most innocent become brutal Demons, she made me do the kind of work that was the most unbearable for me.

The Vampire boy on the other hand was different, in his fury he sought my service for eternity, which for me was a sentence of release, no matter what he was going to do to me, be it torture, sexual acts, or beatings, anything would be better of what I was forced to do in that place.

But even sealed in the form of a doll, I could still see and hear, which brought me even more happiness with the paradise that was being next to that Vampire, so many people with smiling faces, so many battles to participate in, so many beauties to enjoy, so much food to taste and the landscape is as beautiful as my years as a saint.

But this whole paradise was overwhelming, they were things I never imagined having again, things I knew I didn't deserve, and as I had nothing to do but think about being sealed in this doll, the thought of not deserving to be here appeared like a disease inside me.

The acts I committed before going to Hell are unforgivable, but what I did afterwards cannot even be described in words, I found myself entering the madness and insanity that I had in those days, I no longer wished to suffer and at the same time I did not I thought I was worthy of being in a place I could only describe as paradise, this duality was throwing me back and forth between sanity and madness.

"(JUST DESTROY ME!!!!!!)" (I)

"(hahahahaha... haha hahahahahaha!!!!!)" (I)
