Chapter 1297 Cap 1295: First Star of Chaos  

Once my Familiars split up going to every corner of the Colosseum, I used magic to fly to the private room where Elizabeth was.

I was feeling great fear and dread, I could feel something strange spreading through my body as if searching for something, it was a desire so primitive that it couldn't even be called instinctive.

My body was in pieces and I knew I had received some damage from Alma, but none of it scared me as much as it does now, this spreading through my body was something unknown to me, I had never felt anything like this before, it wasn't contaminating my body, it wasn't interfering with my energy, it wasn't hurting me, it wasn't doing anything apparently bad to me from any point of view.

What scared me most was not knowing what was happening, being afflicted by something unknown with no apparent effect was the worst possible scenario, it could even be a curse that by the time it showed any effect it would be too late to do anything.

But before I got to where I saw Elizabeth looking at me, I was attacked by dozens of individuals, they were attacks focused on the light element.

"You're in the way." (I)


"< Eclipse Dragon Robe >" (I)

The blood that painted my body becomes alive covering my entire body along with scales of crystallized blood and bones, on my back 2 blood tentacles following my will cut through most of them attacking me directly while the sacred artifacts on the ground also move through my body will attacking those still distant.

The sword cuts the head of a Light Mage from behind, while a couple using a Sacred Ritual of Light had their hearts pierced by the spear, dying in each other's arms.

The whole time it was flying without stopping for even a second, when I got closer I saw the body of three others next to Elizabeth who had blood on their hands.

"What's going on..." (I)

Without saying anything she touches my heart in a literal way, she pierced my chest with one of her fingers touching my heart, then I felt her Authority interfere with the little blood I still have inside my body before she opened her eyes wide.



"I suspected you were going to do something, but I didn't think it would be this, it's still a little early, but I think it's okay." (Elizabeth)

"..." (I)

"Many Gods and Demigods do this, absorbing compatible Divinity Fragments can be useful to heal a God in an injured or weakened state, it can also be used to generate a descendant or even elevate a Divine Servant into a lesser God." (Elizabeth)

"Demigods use Divinity Fragments to increase their Divine Essence or create a Divine Weapon, which Gods can also choose to do." (Elizabeth)

"But what is happening to me!?" (I)

"I feel something spreading through me to the point of reaching my Soul, my Aura and Authority don't seem to stop it." (I)

"The Divinity Fragment is a piece of a literal God, just as your Blood Core is a part of you, it is like an ethereal organ that stays inside the Soul, I don't know how you managed to start the assimilation process, but now it is adapting to you and the opposite will soon be true since you seem compatible... hhmmm..." (Elizabeth)

"Using your bond with your Familiar was a good move, the Divinity Fragment will be shared, but the weight will be less and there shouldn't be many problems." (Elizabeth)

"Ghuhhh!!!!" (I)

The feeling from before is intensifying, I suddenly felt an unbearable strange feeling directly into my soul, it was as if needles were piercing directly into my Soul.

"As I said before, the Divinity Fragment may seem like something physical, but it is only Truth in its broken state, you managed to refine it somehow by implementing the essence of our universe." (Elizabeth)

"This is normally something only a Deity can do over a long time, a grueling refining cycle that takes a few years and maybe even a few decades." (Elizabeth)

"I have several questions, but I'll wait for you to be more... recovered to talk, for now just try not to lose consciousness, believe me, you don't want that." (Elizabeth)

"!!!!" (I)

I was forcing myself to pay attention to my sister's words, but I didn't understand half of what she was saying, I couldn't concentrate and so when she finished speaking, I focused my attention on my Soul.

I felt a flow of power traveling from the Family bond I have with Nix, going through my physical body to my Soul, it was intertwining with my soul in a very specific pattern, it was like the mix of a needle doing a tattoo and another needle doing sewing directly on the my soul using pure energy.

This was not damage to my Soul, but it was modifying my Soul, no that was not right, it was not modifying, it was marking my Soul and I could feel as if it were me guiding the formation of these marks, as if they represented me. "Don't fight it, you're only feeling fear because you're resisting it, just let it happen naturally." (Elizabeth)

"I can feel the Fragment of Divinity imprinting itself on you, will it become just another Divine Spark within you or will it merge with the spark that already exists within you?" (Elizabeth)

I was listening to Elizabeth's voice, but I didn't understand her words, my mind was busy, the power flowing in me seemed to have started to circulate differently, and my body started to cool down more and more before the Starfire surged inside me like an explosion that I directed upwards.



<[ Your Soul has been strengthened by fusing with [ Spiritual Essence (Fragment) ] due to High compatibility ]>




<[ You used your [ Chaos Essence (Partially Sealed) ] through the [ Chaotic Devourer ] skill to refine [ Spiritual Essence (Fragment) ] ]>



<[ You have successfully transformed [ Spiritual Essence (Fragment) ] into a new essence of the Spiritual type of this universe creating [ Spiritual Essence of Chaos (Partial) ] ]>



<[ You Awakened the [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partial) ] as a [ Demigod ] ]>



<[ All your Spiritual-type attributes and abilities are strengthened ]>



<[ Your Aura has Spiritual Elements, being able to physically interact with Spiritual elements ]>



<[ Your Authority has been strengthened to Spiritual elements ]>



<[ Your Spirit Familiar Nix (True Night Spiritual Dragon) has been implanted with [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partial) ] and must return to the Spiritual Temple for the Divine Awakening process ]>




<[ You won the Titles:

? [ Chaos Spirit Demigod ] ? [ Evil God Slayer ] ]>




<[ You have awakened the skills:

? [ Spiritual Incarnation of Chaos ]

? [ Chaos Element Spiritual Source ] ]>

My whole body was twitching, making my injuries much worse, but my right arm was burning, and marks were appearing from the inside out as reflections of those that appeared in my Soul.

I, who was already without the top part of my clothes and in fact was almost naked due to the Starfire, could see the marks that I always had all over my body changing on my right arm, forming new patterns similar to clouds and stars.


"Haaa... haaa... haaa... haaa..." (I)

"It looks like you did it, your Aura is stronger and damaged now, congratulations little brother." (Elizabeth)

When the marks on my right arm finished forming, I felt everything improve, the feeling of discomfort, the strangeness throughout my body, the fear and dread, all of this disappeared, leaving only relief.

"(The first Chaos Star is in place...)" (I)

I couldn't help but smile when I realized that my plan was a success, I could always take the power of those I devoured for myself, now that I'm a Demigod I thought about trying to steal a Divinity Fragment, but it had to be directly from the Evil God, too I didn't like the idea of sealing an Evil God, leaving an enemy who could come after me later is not a pleasant thought.

My plan was to use my ability to try to destroy the Evil God at the same time as acquiring the Divinity Fragment, killing 2 birds with just 1 bite or that's what I thought, unfortunately I couldn't destroy the Evil God on my own and I resorted to the power of Santa Caida.

"Are you well?" (Elizabeth)

"Haaa... haaa... I'm fine... haaa... just give me a few... minutes... haaa... haaa..." (I)

"We don't have time, we have to go now, we have everything ready, I'm just waiting for the others, I'll explain later." (Elizabeth)

"(Something happened...)" (I)


Pov Caitlyn:

I was standing in front of the Adventurer possessed by Oros, he has pink skin with golden hair cut very short, and his leather clothes are more than just reinforced for combat.

"(An Adventurer, why did someone like that have to worship an idiot? Is he himself an idiot?)" (I)

"You won't do anything Oros." (I)

"Even using this Adventurer's body you don't..." (Oros)

"..." (Oros)

"You may be controlling his body from his Soul, but I can manipulate his brain directly now that there's no one at home to defend." (I)

"The brain controls the body, you can't fight me with a borrowed body no matter the power." (I)

"Now I allow you to speak." (I)

I controlled his body so he wouldn't move or speak, I won't waste effort on meaningless fights, and I also don't care about anything as long as he doesn't move forward.

"You are going to die, your younger brother committed many sins, you can't protect him forever!" (Oros)

"I don't need it, I just give him minimal help like now, in big matters he has his own way of solving things." (I)

"(Everyone is here, come back.)" (Elizabeth)

"Now it's time for me to sleep, so try to die so I don't have to meet you again." (I)

Saying this I open a dream gate traveling to the marked person if they are asleep, which in this case was one of the Saints of Zenos who fell unconscious.
