Chapter 1295 Cap 1293: Fighting an Evil God part 2  

Pov Elizabeth's:

The God of War disappears, leaving only me alone in the private room looking at the Arena, my brother's Saint gathering all the Spiritual power as well as the Infant Spirits that this Evil God prepared.

The entire Sacrifice ritual around the Colosseum was interrupted with the death of those who prepared it, his children were quick to find the source of the ritual minutes after it began.

"Did they show up?" (Natasha)

"No, but they know, Zenos is still naive." (I)

"He has no way of knowing, this isn't the kind of thing he can understand without experiencing it, he barely meets the requirements of a Demigod." (Natasha)


"It doesn't matter, he has to grow up fast, not only grow his power but also his mind, his enemy types from now on won't be weaker than a half-broken Evil God." (I)

"Oros will probably be the one to appear, his pride must be more than hurt by what happened that day on the Moon of that planet." (I)

While talking to you, my sister, I kept looking at the cracks in the sky, the Saint closed many, but more were appearing, this time shock waves containing a large amount of Holy Power or condensed Spiritual Energy, of course none of this reached people since the worshipers of the God of War began to interfere.

"He's an idiot, all this just to train someone, if he wasn't our brother but someone random half the people here would be dead and Mutant Spirits would be running amok everywhere." (I)

"Hatlas wouldn't let it get that far, what Zenos did could be considered disrupting his plans, he must be looking for a Hero or perhaps a Champion for himself." (Natasha)

"He wouldn't accept someone who runs away from a difficult situation or fears facing someone stronger..." (Natasha)


"He arrived... the idiot descended into a worshipper." (I)

"Are you going or am I going?" (Natasha)

"Caitlyn is already there, we will continue observing, other Deities of Light should arrive now that they know Zenos' whereabouts." (I)

Oros may be a Divine Beast, but he acquired his own Divinity by becoming a Minor God, all Gods can share what their worshipers know or have witnessed to a certain extent, this is what they call omniscience. Just being seen by worshipers will not be enough to draw attention to you, but when your Sacred Power or Aura is felt so comprehensively it will be like sounding an alarm to the Deities of Light about our position.

I knew that in this place it would only be a matter of time for our enemies to notice our presence, the God of Light may be left out since other Gods are present, but his servants will act in his name.

"Are they going to attack our base?" (I)

"Unlikely, they don't know the base exists." (Natasha)

"We can't hold it forever, he only has a few hours to end this." (I)

"Let's trust him, at least in these moments he is trustworthy." (Natasha)


Pov Zenos:

The space around us was covered in cracks, some so large that the bizarre Planets in this Territory were destroyed by the cracks.

The Evil Goddess had her entire body fragmented, the blood corruption that was supposed to finish her ironically was what held her parts together.

My body was not in the best condition, the blood was not even draining from my body, this was because it was evaporating through the wounds still inside my body.

My body was as hot as the heart of a volcano, I was fooled into thinking that she wasn't able to use her power like before, I let my guard down indulging in an all-out hand-to-hand fight only to have Fire Spirit Runes branded directly onto the my body.

My scales were torn off, destroyed, or cracked, red vapor was leaking all over my body while one of my eyes was frozen and all the bones in my spine were broken, I was having to directly control my body through a skill while several holes existed in the my back.

Even though I was in that state I could still fight as well as before, the pain wasn't something that bothered me for a long time, and I wasn't in danger of dying with just that degree of injuries, the physiology of a Demigod was ridiculous at that point and the The same applies to an Evil Goddess whose broken body is held together by a red crystal expanding through her body.

I knew I needed to get rid of the Fragment of Divinity in her chest, but it was easier said than done, she knows her weakness well and more than once used her weakness as bait before a big attack, that's how I lost my back and I had these Spiritual Fire Runes marked on my body.

Every blow of mine was reciprocated, but even so, I did everything I could to not let her get away, our Auras also clashed continuously with me still losing even with the Auras of my 6 Familiars added to mine, but at least I was able to hit her head on in that respect, which was enough.

"Why can't I become a Goddess Again!?" (Evil Goddess)

"I have not tried to do anything against any God, I have not attacked any existing religion, I have kept Sacrifices to a minimum by choosing only those who are strong, I have never hurt weak people or caused others to suffer for no reason!!!" (Evil Goddess)

"Even now I just wanted to create my own Spirits, I just wanted an opportunity to sit next to the God of Spirits as an equal!!" (Evil Goddess)

"I don't care, I don't even know how things work at the level of Gods, I'm just carrying out a mission against an Evil God who sacrificed many people and Spirits." (I) "< Holy Breath of Chaos >" (I)

"< Space Cyclone >" (Evil Goddess)

I could see the endless fury in the Evil Goddess's expression as she sought justification for all of this, she speaks as if she were doing something normal, treats sacrifices as something unpleasant and unfortunately necessary while speaking of her ambition like sitting as a Goddess Spiritual was something obvious to her, something that was her right.

Her arrogance and obsession with words was insane, speaking so much nonsense in such a serious and normal way as if it were something obvious, it seems like she lost her sanity searching for something so obsessively that she stopped caring about the path to get there.

I wouldn't waste my time talking to her, because she was clearly not trustworthy, justifying sacrifices and even fusing with her servant are horrible acts, she says they became one, but her Aura didn't change much after the fusion.

An Evil God was once a true God, his mind, Aura and essence are levels above that of a mortal who was not even close to being a Demigod, his mind and Soul were completely consumed by his Goddess in whom he believed.

In this last attack, I tried to use my breath now that it was weaker, but it defended itself by creating a cyclone funnel with the space element, when my attack hit it followed the flow of space, turning sideways.

"(His blood has almost been completely evaporated, it must end this quickly, Master.)" (Orion)

"(Idiot master, stop wasting time and finish her off, it's not that hard just rip off every damn limb and hit her with your own arms...)" (Layla)

"(Master forget about that Fairy and concentrate, she is coming.)" (Nix)

"< Spiritual Starfall >" (Evil Goddess)

"< Holy Breath of Chaos >" (I)

At some point a large multi colored sphere appeared overhead, I could still see space unfolding around it with millions of Runes swimming within the sphere, somehow it created this within a separate area of space hidden from me.

I felt my body stuck in place, I wouldn't be able to escape this thing that was falling at an increasing speed towards me.

Without a choice, I concentrated my power in my jaw, releasing a more focused beam of energy, but this was just an act.

I could see the Goddess's body being increasingly consumed by the red crystal and part of her face just exploded while even her Aura was weakening to a great extent.

"(Hinata, now!)" (I)

"(Yes...)" (Hinata)

As soon as the attack was very close, I realized that the sphere obscures the Evil Goddess's vision, if I couldn't see or feel her because of the power of this energy sphere, then I had to consider that the same applied to her.

At that moment before I was hit, a large eye opened in the space behind me, but what came out of the eye was a large tongue that pulled me in before the eye closed.

Soon after, I see teeth in another direction opening and I came out with a great impulse of my wings already with my jaws open, I was already able to move when I left the sphere and as soon as I appeared outside again, I was on the side of the Evil Goddess who trembled.

This time I was very close and managed to catch her by surprise.

"(This time you don't escape me!)" (I)
