Chapter 1286 Cap 1284: War Tournament Part 5  

Pov Xagar:

"< Elemental Summon: War Golem >"

"< Demonic Claws >" (I)

I tried to launch a flying blade attack towards him, I had to interrupt his Summon, but at this moment two Stone Golems formed in front of him like shields, interrupting my attack and giving him the opportunity he needed.

Soon the book in his hands glowed when a magic circle rose from one of the pages and stood in front of him, that was when a Golem made of metal and covered in an armor of some kind appeared, I could immediately feel the power of the Metal element and also the element earth.

In my momentary distraction, what looked like a Metal Golem disappeared, its movements were quick and precise as I parried its attack by flying away before landing on my feet.


"This is going to be harder than I imagined..." (I)


Pov Fiona's:

Today as soon as we arrived at the Coliseum I could feel his eyes on both of us, Xagar told me about this "childhood friend" of his yesterday when we returned.

I try not to show that I understand him, I don't want any more problems and Xagar seems to want to resolve things with his friend, if he doesn't want to do it, then I have to force him to do it.

One day he may regret what he didn't do, and his heart may not doubt what he is doing now.


The rest of the day seemed normal, my first fight was against a Mage specializing in the ice element, to make matters worse it was in the oceanic arena, but in a way his loss as I caught him off guard.

As soon as I realized his advantage I remember something using it against me during training inside the Dungeon.

I throw my spear which the enemy was able to avoid, which in that place made my spear lost in the water. After that, the idiot froze a large part of the sea around us, creating a flat terrain with his ice.

For the next few minutes, I was under pressure because I was fighting without my weapon and because he was using ranged attacks against me.

From his decisions during combat, I knew he was not a warrior, but in truth, I would bet that he is a scholar, I must recognize his potential if he is well trained, but his combat tactics were amateurish, to say the least.

Freezing the surface of the ocean leveled the playing field for both of us decreasing his initial advantage, his focus on me was also horrible, he couldn't follow my movements and so he was wasting his magic constantly with focused perception spells, because of this his mind was multitasking, giving me openings where I could escape his attacks.

His decisions were very convenient for me as I took advantage of his ingenuity in combat to make my attack earlier, controlling the distance of the thrown Spear, I made it travel through the ocean right under the frozen area when the Spear came out it was right at the feet of the Wizard with the tip each on his neck.

I made him give up since I didn't need to kill him and he didn't seem to use spiritual energy, so I ruled him out as a suspect moving on to the next fight today.

I tried to follow other fights trying to find possible targets, there were some that I found suspicious, but what caught my attention was one of the fights of Xagar's "childhood friend", he was very cruel against one of the participants, he tortured his opponent while preventing him from giving up and before the end of time he crushed his head under his foot, killing him.

His level of cruelty was unnecessary, it was just a sick pleasure for him, I haven't seen his full strength yet, but I don't need to, I won't fight someone like that and it was after his fight ended that I was taken once again to one of the Arenas, this time it was a lush tropical forest.

When I looked at my opponent, I got scared, the moment I thought about not wanting to face him was when the opposite happened, he was Xagar's "friend".

"I quit." (I)

I remained calm, he wasn't one of the targets or even a suspect, just another cruel idiot who exists to torment others.

I knew he was strong, I could see that just by looking at him, the presence around him is also not weaker than Xagar's, I still couldn't beat him and I must think that this so-called friend must be equally strong, I'd rather avoid problems for our mission.

He just looked at me intensely without saying anything, but I don't owe him or the judge explanations, all that matters are the results and that refers to my withdrawal.

As soon as we left the arena and returned to the participants' area I felt his gaze directed at me, but that didn't mean anything, I just ignored him while I followed other fights until the moment of my last fight, this time I can't lose, 1 defeat yet It's not enough to take me out of the next stage, but 2 defeats are unacceptable.

As I strengthened my resolve to win, I was taken to an arena once again, now it was a swamp and my opponent was the worst possible, one of the War God's battle maniacs.

"< Familiar Summon: Patror >"

He pulled out a dagger that he threw into the air, this dagger shines, and in its place appears a 3 meter tall splinter with 2 pairs of wings, he was very strong and I could see the intelligence in his eyes, it was a Sacred Beast.

"(Call me soon, I'm getting tired of being trapped.)" (Dora)

"(Remember the mission, I'll call if I can't deal with them.)" (I) I didn't want to use my Contracted Spirit, my coordination with her might be acceptable now but it still needs more training and I also don't want to reveal my Familiar Spirit so quickly in the tournament.

"< Campo Natural: Orquestra da Natureza >" (I)

My Aura pulsed in rhythm with my heart and expanded with each beat, my Aura mixing with the environment with the aim of creating a rhythm, a song with each element, something that people might not notice but still be able to feel.

Just as I expected the sound of the leaves and branches of the trees, the sound of running water, the sound of the wind blowing, the sound of the ground being stepped on, the sound of life itself that exists in all things, the sound of nature.

Something imperceptible and that has always been there, always the first sound to be heard at birth and the last sound to be heard at death, nature embraces us throughout our lives and yet it goes unnoticed because it is a constant in our existence.

With my Aura as a medium, this music of life is amplified in the surroundings making nature itself stronger, within this musical field, my power is amplified.

The power of Nature condensing within the field it created comes to me using my Aura as a medium, my whole body becomes faster.

"< Natural Flow Spear >" (I)

I hold my spear firmly while running towards the warrior, he just smiles amusedly as he dodges my attack while also grabbing the handle of my spear just below the blade.

I smile at his boldness, my Aura serving as a path for strands of energy from different elements are brought to my body by this field I created where I use my Aura transforming these flows of Elemental energy into thin threads coming out of my hands as they coil all over the spear.

The opponent's hand holding the shaft of my spear trying to pull it away if my hands made wooden needles pass through his hand along with electric currents.

"Interesting... hahahahaha..."

"< Incarnation of the Wind >"

His entire body was surrounded by a strong wind, it was as if each of his limbs were enveloped by tornadoes, then he tried to punch me, but I turned my spear forcing him to let go while I used the spear's handle to block his punch that It made me go backwards, spinning along with a gust of wind.

It was at that moment that his Familiar attacked, countless feathers coated with Wind Ki were coming towards me like a rain of arrows.

"This isn't going to go the way you want!" (I)

All it took was one thought of mine for a strong flow of wind to throw all the bird's sharp feathers towards my opponent, who didn't expect to receive the Familiar's own attack.

Meanwhile, I ignore the Familiar and concentrate as many lines made of elemental energy flow, I use all my mana and Aura to do this, the blade at the tip of the spear had a multicolored glow with different types of energy flashing at its around making the tip of the spear appear 2 times larger.

When I finished this I threw my spear loaded with most of my mana reserves, all to decide the winner now.

"Let's end this fight now." (I)

A tornado of multicolored energy swirled around the spear in a high-speed attack, but the opponent's Familiar was faster than I anticipated as it placed itself alongside its Contractor.

"I knew you would be fun... HAHAHAHAHA..."
