Pov Ibuki's:

I open my eyes and look around, everything is dark at first and then a hand appears, taking me by the shoulder, I was pulled to a bright place, and when I realized I was looking at a white ceiling.

"I thought I died." (I)

"You passed the tests, try to use what you learned in dreams in your real body." (Caitlyn)

"..." (I)

I sit and feel my power coursing through my body, the 3 types of Natural energy, Sacred Power, and my Aura.


My Aura was different, it didn't change as much as I thought at the beginning, it seems more like it evolved, my body was the one that had many changes both in shape and capacity, and the amount of energy I can keep in my body is at least 5 times greater Before, the circulation of energy is faster and I can feel inside me, the Master's Sacred Power pulsing in my veins.

"By your smile, it looks like you confirmed the results, now go talk to Freya, she will explain things to you." (Caitlyn)

"Where are Kira and Érica?" (I)

"They woke up before you, they are making their preparations just like everyone else, we are in the middle of a fight and Freya will let you know the rest." (Caitlyn)


After going to talk to Freya I found out what happened in the first battle, I also found out everything that has happened since we entered Starfire seeking to become stronger, and about Diana who chose a different form than us seeking power.


"Unlike others, I don't have the preparation to do." (I)

"Always have things to do, I know your strength is fighting, so get together with Irius and Ivan in the planning, Diana should already be there." (Freya)

"I'll do that, but before I do, I want to know something." (I)

"Do you regret your decision?" (I)

"No, I would make the same decision." (Freya)

"Then why do you have that look on your face?" (I)

"Not someone without emotions, seeing the 4 of you moving forward so quickly while I fall behind leaves me frustrated." (Freya)

"Don't get me wrong, I know that in Zenos' eyes there is no distinction, I'm not insecure either, I'm much older than all of you combined, but no one can escape frustration." (Freya)

"Could have gone with the 3 of us." (I)

"Everyone has their own path, that wasn't mine just as it wasn't Diana's path." (Freya)

While talking to Freya, another person entered the room pushing a bone door, it was Silvia and I took advantage of her arrival to leave.

"Freya I need to talk to you." (Silvia)"Looks like I still have things to do." (Freya)

"I'll leave you guys, I have to look for Irius, but before you go, know that I'm here if you need me." (I)

"I know, thank you." (Freya)

With that I said goodbye to the two, leaving the room.


Pov Silvia's:

After Ibuki left, I went with Freya outside in silence, she seemed to be lost in her own thoughts and so I left her alone knowing what must be going through her mind.

"When is it going to happen?" (Freya)

"I don't know, I'm not a World Tree anymore to be in contact with my sisters." (I)

"Do you think I can do it?" (Freya)

"I don't know, when you came to me I could only make a suggestion, it's your choice." (I)

"I can only say for sure that you will be able to participate, what will happen next is not something I know." (I)

"..." (Freya)

She stays silent for longer, I know it was difficult for her to make this decision, but all I can do is be by her side, I know she won't tell others even when she should.

"Why did you come to talk to me? Did something happen?" (Freya)

"Yes, I need help with a ritual, the best option would be Sakura, but I'm afraid that her strong connection with Zenos could get in the way." (I)

"To seek her or me must mean to be something related to nature." (Freya)

"This ritual is to communicate with the World Spirit, it's not the kind of thing that can be done easily." (I)I think you should take a look at

"Do you want to talk to the Planet we are going to attack?" (Freya)

"Yes." (I)

"Is this to seek information or help against the Apostles of Truth?" (Freya)

"If possible yes, but not only that, there are many strange things here, in the last few hours I have been checking several things." (I)

"The raw energy flow of this entire star system is wrong and especially around this planet, we saw during the first attack that they are doing something here breaking the natural order." (I)

"But the strangest thing was seeing around these worlds, all these worlds are dead." (I)

Outside the base, I pointed to the surrounding planets, each of these planets looked normal to the eyes of anyone other than me, we were too far away for even Freya with her affinity with nature to feel anything from these planets, but how in the past I was a World Tree, I know something is wrong and I can see the Aura of the World, each of these worlds has no Aura as if it were a dead rock.

"But what do you want to do?" (Freya)

"The World Spirit has a simple mind most of the time, my sisters said that in some newer worlds, the World Spirit only has basic instincts without having a thinking mind." (I)"What I really want is to reach my sister through the World Spirit, she will be able to truly help whether with information or anything else." (I)

"I see, so shall we begin?" (Freya)


Pov Yaramaki (Saint of Life):

"I know it's there, show up before I choose to pay a visit to that world." (I)

"If I do that I'll have to take care of the mice trying to intrude." (Greed)

After my Familiar took the 4 Poison Worlds away, I started talking knowing he would respond, he always liked the sound of his own voice and he knows it wasn't an empty threat I made.

This was my Territory, so everything here was supposed to be under my control and not be able to stay hidden from me, but he manages to do this, taking the area around him as his own just by his existence being here.

When he appeared, the space around him unfolded, his body very similar to that of a White Elf if it weren't for the Celestino wings on his back and the Demon horns on his head, his appearance exaggeratedly beautiful to the point of being unnatural and at the same time, it is impossible to say his gender, normally he would not have any gender, but due to his personality, he must have both genders simply because he wants to.

"Got a new body? How much of you can this vessel hold Evil God of Greed." (I)

"So far he's been holding up well to everything I am, but I'm still not used to it, so I hope we both just watch this show." (Greed)

"You call all this destruction a show? What are you doing Greed?" (I)

"I thought the Evil God of Greed was against destruction on this scale and yet several planets are dead in this place while one is being corrupted." (I)

"Sometimes concessions must be used, getting this body wasn't easy, and having such a delicious ally isn't something I can let slip away." (Greed)

"(Delicious... is he feeding on them?)" (I)

"(Greed... is feeding on their Greed... is treating them as believers or followers.)" (I)

"Do they know what you're doing to them?" (I)

"No and even if they knew it doesn't matter, they can't do anything about it and at the same time it doesn't hurt them." (Greed)

"These people are amazing... hahahahaha.... their Greed is greater than my loyal servants." (Greed)

"That's why I decided to help, they aren't able to see that everything being done in this part of the universe would attract their attention, a protector of life like you wouldn't let something like that go by." (Greed)

As a Saint of Life I couldn't help but feel, for me all lives are lights that I can see and feel, I couldn't help but notice more than one plant dying, much less would my Goddess let something on this scale pass.

I look at him, I may not feel his power, but the pressure being emitted by his presence is very strong

"I'll kill you." (I)

"A Saint of Life talking about leading others to death? How hypocritical..." (Greed)

"But we both know it won't do anything, a battle between the two of us so close to a planet like that and in a situation as 'delicate' as this would be catastrophic at the very least." (Greed)

He doesn't want to fight, if he really wanted to go against me directly he would have already made his move, he is buying time with big words and threats.

"(He wants to exclude me from the conflict as well as my Familiar, but something is wrong.)" (I)

"(There was no way he didn't know that other Deities could come, but he is too focused and calm on stopping just me, is he very sure that others won't come?)" (I)

I knew that a direct fight with him could cause problems, but if he has a body now it will be dangerous to let him go, knowing that I can't hold back this time.

"Not this time." (I)

"< May I be the receptacle of all Life >" (I)
