Pov Silvia's:

I was floating outside the atmosphere of the Saint of Life's Familiar, beside me was lady Natasha, we were both looking at the solar system in front of us.

"I suppose I can't see them." (I)

"No, but that's what Nicole exists for." (Natasha)

"< Activate >" (Natasha)

Natasha throws a magic crystal that breaks revealing a large amount of magic and Holy Power mixed to form 37 interconnected magic circles before condensing into a holographic screen.


Natasha seemed to know how to operate this magical item as she used the Aura in her hands to interact with the screen, moving it to show the Swarm moving through the star system, mainly around one of the Planets.

"There seem to be many just outside the planet, but from the looks of it they are not strong individually." (I)

"They are just numbers, they will slow us down and be used to expend our forces, perhaps even reveal our power before the real war even begins since the numbers are so large." (Natasha)

"I don't think we can avoid them." (I)

"Combo the size of this thing, they should already know we're here." (I)

"Wait, what is this?" (Natasha)


Natasha, who was moving the image to show the Insects and their positions, suddenly returns to a place she just passed by, I thought I was seeing the insects in the area, but I didn't see anything important.

"We're in trouble, it was a trap, the Bugs are bait for us to believe they're just numbers, look at this." (Natasha)

"What is this, a moon?" (I)

She pointed to a place on the screen where there were no Insects around, but it looked like just an unimportant Moon, or was that what I thought until Natasha explained.

"That's not a Moon, they're just making it look like a Moon." (Natasha)

"That's a Poison World." (Natasha)

"Poison World..." (I)

I've heard about these things through other World Trees, a planetary nest of poisonous insects that takes thousands of years to create, a living poisonous planet that contaminates everything around it, has billions of poisonous insects inside under its control, its poison can contaminate everything.

"What we do?" (I)

"Nothing, they are for me to take care of, all 4 of them." (Yaramaki)

Suddenly the Saint of Life appears next to us pointing in 4 directions, one of these directions was where the Poisonous World that Natasha found was.

"Even a World Tree isn't immune to the poison of these things." (I)

"Don't worry about me, I won't fight directly, I will arrest the 4 in my Territory, these things have contaminated half of the surrounding Planets causing destruction, a large number of lives have been lost and worlds with the blessing of life have been contaminated with their poison." (Yaramaki)

"I won't let something on that scale pass." (Yaramaki)

"This will help, but the way they used this trap, the Swarm Bugs are direct in their way of acting, this was not thought of by them." (Natasha)

"We already knew that the Apostles of Truth are here, this just confirms it." (I)

"Let's go there, using that spot as a location for our base will be good enough." (Natasha)

"I'll warn the others to be ready." (I)


Pov Hades:

I'm currently on the back of an Eclipse Dragon along with Hela, Irina, and Layla heading towards the Bugs.

"Be ready, we only have one chance." (I)

As I spoke, we entered the star system when the insects came towards us, the space shook and rippled as the Saint of Life's Familiar appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the star system, space contorted creating vacuum flows as the 4 Poisonous Worlds they are sucked closer to the Familiar, disappearing along with it soon after.

"Now!" (I)

"< Eclipse Magic: Eclipse Dragon Summoning >" (I)

"< Gates of Death and Rebirth >" (Hela)

"< Holy Blood Magic: Blood Rebirth >" (Irina)

"< Garden of the End Fairy >" (Layla)I think you should take a look at

In front of me, the image of an Eclipse is formed with thousands of shadows that turn out to be Dragons with metallic-looking stellar scales.

Hela invites a large gate of bones from her Shadow that, upon opening, an army of Skeletons appears led by a Skeleton covered in Runes holding a scythe.

Irina creates a sphere of red light that at first glance does nothing but shine, but this Magic will use the blood that is spilled to create Vampiric incarnations to fight on our side.

Layla on the other hand smiles when the space seems to give way to strange trees growing sideways, upside down, or at any other angle, all kinds of trees and still being able to move as if they were alive.

We each used several magic crystals to try and decrease the amount of energy being wasted, we were also not fighting with our entire army to conserve our strength while hiding so as not to filter out our real strength.

I avoid using any other powers, the surrounding enemies are individually weak to the point where just my normal attacks can destroy one of them.

I spread my wings running between the enemies, but I feel like I'm fighting just one individual splitting into many creatures.

The Insects were able to move in perfect coordination, I was constantly being attacked from different directions, and every time I killed one of them I was falling under attacks from another 10, they were creating traps for every kill I made, dozens of traps per second.

"(There must be Insect Empresses in the surroundings.)" (I)-------------------

Pov Nicole's:

I had my energy wings open monitoring the battle from within space, a dimension between spaces where I cannot interact with the world and also cannot be the target of interaction with the world, a state that only someone with high Space Elemental Affinity can experience would be able to notice the presence.

Thanks to this I can monitor the battle without fear of being attacked or noticed, in the remote case of being noticed and attacked there is no problem in returning to the normal world since fighting inside an unstable dimension can be dangerous in unforeseen ways.

"< Hyperfocus Sensory Divider >" (I)

"[Divided Consciousness 01.]"

"[Divided Consciousness 02.]"

"[Divided Consciousness 03.]"



I utilized meditation, my unique mind capable of multitasking far beyond any other individual, and Spiritual Power to create ghost-like spiritual clones with my sensory capabilities, then spread them using the Aura technique copied from the Insect Empresses to control Swarms.

Thanks to this I can collect large amounts of information and adjust the difficulty to prevent the death of allies.

"(Found joining signals of thousands of Aura threads in 49 places so far.)" (I)

"(Best alternative to keep the targets working so as not to be noticed ahead of time, wait for a greater danger signal for more direct interventions on my part.)" (I)

Following my observations, the Dragons Summoned by Hades are being isolated and treated individually, being able to transfer a large part of the initial enemies in their direction, during this time a large amount of blood spilled is increasing the numbers of Blood Vampires created by Irina.

The increase in our forces becomes increasing with the Skeletor commanding Hela's Undead army, actively acting to turn all the bodies into Zombies.

Layla's forest is also serving to confuse the Aura of the supposed Insect Empress, the trees move, tearing those who enter into pieces while rays of Elemental energy surround the leaves that move as if moved by the non-existent wind, tearing the bodies they pass into pieces pass.

The more time passes things change quickly, predicting based on the information obtained I can be sure that without any new factors emerging this battle will end in our victory within 5 hours in a very safe estimate, being certainly capable of ending even sooner.

"(Something is wrong...)" (I)

The movement of the insects was strange when they should have been adapting to what was happening, they were throwing themselves to their death, and that's when I noticed a flow of energy being sucked from the bodies at the moment of death.

"(I need to find out...)" (I)

Continuing the analysis I can notice a strange flow of raw power, but when I was trying to analyze this type of raw power a hand holds my shoulder greatly increasing my sensitivity to this type of flow of raw energy.

"(The power flow in this place is strange, see.)" (Layla)

"(It appears that the power contained within them is being channeled elsewhere through this flow of raw energy.)" (I)

It was when I was able to trace this type of power flow that I realized that the 49 areas where I suppose there were Insect Empresses were areas with a node capable of changing the direction of this power flow.

I continued to trace the flow of natural raw energy and each of the 49 nodes I found, the diagram drawn was a magic circle similar to the physical reshaping of the Undead from Necromancer magic.

I was only able to discover this because of Layla, if it weren't for her it would have been very bad for all of us.

"This is not good, they must be stopped." (I)

"[Locking aim across multiple sensors on 49 confirmed targets.]" (I)

"< Blood Eclipse Arsenal: Activate Multi-Level >" (I)
