It's been more than a whole day, I'm not even aware of how many Wild Demons I've burned, even a Demon whose body was already burning with its own power was incinerated by Starfire.

It was at that moment that something changed, these ruins in the middle of this white desert were filled only with Demonic energy, so I was able to notice when this energy started to move in a strange flow.

I discovered that magic circles were being drawn in the ruins around me and so I spread my wings, pushing upwards.

Looking around while feeling the flow of energy I could see people at the top of the Ruins looking at me, they were all Demons looking at me calmly proving not to be the same Wild Demons that I have been burning for days.

I didn't even try to talk to them when I noticed they were doing a magical ritual, I gave a boost with my wings towards them when I was greeted by a barrier delaying my movement long enough for several attacks to hurt me.

Without caring about the pain, I continued my movements against two enemies with humanoid bodies holding war axes, they didn't let me get closer, starting their attacks in sync.


I am pierced by a spear destroying energy while I manage to avoid the other attacks.

I kick the leg of one of the enemies making him lose his balance while my tail goes through his head causing Starfire to spread throughout his body while using my dagger to stop the second enemy's Axe.

"< Star Technique: Moon Blades >" (I)

Suddenly rock tentacles come out of the ground trying to trap me, but I use them to stop the attacks of other enemies by throwing myself back, swinging my sword and dagger 6 times each, creating 12 crescent-shaped blades cutting the enemies in half.

As the Starfire spread through their bodies I began to see the glow coming from the ground below the ruin where it was, the Demonic energy in the area vibrated as a large magic circle formed in the sky.

Soon a strange creature appeared from the sky, it looked like a green scaled armor with two crystal horns of the same color, its body was colossal and it was absorbing the energy of the Demons below as if it were natural as they rushed away.


It was when a woman among the Demons appeared from somewhere standing on his shoulder, I could see a green energy flow from the giant to the woman slowly.

"Your Aura is getting stronger, I can't let this continue." (I) I completely transform my body into that of a Dragon, becoming as big as the enemy, I take the opportunity to try to gather my power in my mouth, knowing about the basic attack for every Dragon, the giant enemy launched a wave of green energy that I had to dodge while still gathering energy.

He approaches from the front as a green metal sword comes out of him floating to his hand, I keep my Authority around me as if I were covered in Starfire as my Aura Relic leaves my body taking the form of two giant spaced in my hands.

I was still gathering energy in my mouth making the enemy attack without stopping, in seconds we exchanged hundreds of blows and I lost a few fingers on my hand while he lost his head confirming that it was just an armor filled with Demonic energy, the woman on his shoulder did nothing but be protected at all times.

When I tried to launch the breath attack, laughing his jaw, he threw himself towards me throwing the sword, at that moment my tail, which is buried in the ground, comes from behind him, crossing the Demon woman's chest, making her fly off the shoulder of the giant armor while covered in Starfire.

The whole time my breath attack was just a bait to confuse the enemy with an exaggerated preparation looking for the right moment to catch them off guard, thanks to this the armor dismantled falling to the ground while I spread my Starfire on top just in case.

As I was returning to my small half-transformed form, I see an army of Demons coming towards me, all wearing the same type of black and red armor as they ran towards me moving without regard to the complex terrain.

"I've already spent a lot of strength... I need to think of something better." (I)

"..." (I)

"< Star Technique: Star Vampiric Flame Curse >" (I)

"< Mark >" (I)

I use my Authority to create a magic circle along with Spiritual Runes, then I spread my wings giving a boost towards the army of Demons, my Aura Relic taking shape in my hands once again, on my chest a black flame symbol with 3 purple stars appear. I think you should take a look at

Thank you my body with armor made from my Aura Relic while I activate my Ki to the maximum, then I start with hit and run tactics, making constant attacks against the outermost layer of the army, I attack varying the time leaving 70% of my Targets burning while the other 30% are marked by my Curse without realizing it.

I continue doing this for hours, sometimes other Demons appear trying to look for opportunities to kill me, but thanks to the army nearby I can use them as cover to escape.

"< Activate Brand >" (I)

Suddenly I had been ambushed by Demons made of shadows, there were thousands of them so crowded that they looked like shadows around me, I had to cover my body with Star Flames while returning to my Dragon body to drive them away from me, burning those that were slower to move away.

But the few seconds of the ambush were enough to leave many deep wounds on my body, I can also feel some type of Demonic poison coursing through my body only to be burned by the Starfire and without wasting time activating the Curse marks.

Soon screams of pain arise from a direction close to where the army of Demons are still marching towards me, by my eye contact I see several Demons burning in Starfire quickly as the shape of a Dragon flying towards me, the remains of the bodies being completely incinerated before reaching me.

As soon as the Starfire Dragons reach my body, they are absorbed, transforming the victims of the Curse into energy to leave me at my peak once again.

With that I let my body return to its previous form, half transformed, small to return to fighting, now overflowing with energy and vitality.


days later.

I was in a field of rubble, half of my face ripped off as well as the entire left side of my body, streams of Starfire Dragons approaching as my body lost vitality like a destroyed dam.

I use my only eye to see the 7 bodies still covered in Starfire, they were Demons no weaker than me, 3 of them worked together to kill me while the others acted alone, 1 of them wanted to capitulate me alive, another 2 wanted to eat me being the only ones without intelligence and the last one was some kind of Demonic Specter wanting to take my body for himself.

The fight was hell to the point that if it weren't for my Stellar Technique that I invented by adapting other techniques I could have died, I've been in this damn place for days killing millions of Demons, I've already killed the Undead more than 10 times last time and Even so, it still doesn't seem to be enough.

"You damn bastards..." (I)

I am covered by the Starfire Dragons as I see the giant Demons finishing burning, others were already coming towards me and I could feel their eyes on me, but as soon as the Starfire Dragons finished being absorbed into my body the landscape was Differently, I was in that damn forest once again and I looked up.

That spherical barrier containing my Starfire as well as another type of fire was there, the ring of death energy disappeared leaving a much larger ring of dark red energy with traces of green like a ring much larger than the previous one.

"You took too long you damn idiot! Couldn't you be any quicker so I can get out of these damn clothes!!!???" (Employee??)

When I turn around and see that wretched Lion Man who threw me into that Demonic desert without giving me any decent explanation, I didn't know whether to burst out laughing or vomit at the horrifying sight before me.

He was a very Large Beastman covered in frightening muscles and fur, his head was that of a Lion complete with his face contorting in rage while his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Unfortunately, his intimidation was not compatible with the clothes on his body, instead, it was a Maid dress with a miniskirt and a tiara with white Rabbit ears, which was ridiculous enough.

Now it was much worse being a horrendous punishment for both him and those who look at him.

He was dressed in a black bra with white ruffles and several details still reminiscent of classic maid clothes, a maid collar around his neck, and a miniskirt so tiny that it no longer hides anything revealing an elephant print panties that cannot completely hide the monster inside.

"A truly hellish vision... I want to tear my eyes out to wash them before I hit my head against the wall trying to get amnesia and forget this trauma forever." (I)
