Suddenly the landscape changed, we were in a field of flowers, and above the table there was a round barrier floating with an individual inside burning in Starfire.

"Before we start talking, I want you to know that I don't want to take advantage of you, that's because we want the same thing." (Callidora)

"It doesn't make sense, you seem to be as powerful as the Gods, why would you need me?" (I)

"I've had my eye on you for a long time, longer than you can begin to imagine, but let's not talk about the past." (Callidora)

As she spoke, the creature's body inside the barrier seemed to be falling apart faster and faster and yet no sound left that barrier.

"Tell me what you want?" (Callidora)


"I want to get out of here." (I)

"Don't try to be funny, that's your goal, but what I'm asking is what do you want? What's your plan to get to that goal?" (Callidora)

She already knows what I want to do, but she still wants to hear it from me.

"I want to create a new creature to serve as a Familiar or Servant to help me in battle." (I)

"Yes, exactly what I wanted to hear, but it's a shame you're going to fail, you're not a God to create life out of nothing, and trying to use any creature from hell would be pointless, none of them are actually alive." (Callidora)

As she speaks magic circles, Runes, and strange energy flows begin to emerge around the sphere above the table, it didn't seem to be doing anything but the amount of energy was growing before a second flame formed within the sphere, this flame it was almost alive in the way it moved, its color was dark purple mixed with black, the two flames danced within the spherical barrier.


"My agreement is simple, I will help you by providing the location of all the materials you need, as well as assisting in the crafting process to some extent, but you must collect these items." (Callidora)

"Why would you help me, what's in it for you?" (I)

She smiles at me as the orb above us disappears as if it had never existed, her smile was no longer one of amusement but one of infinite desire as her eyes overflowed with bizarre emotions, the ground around us shook and laughter was heard like if the whole world was laughing with her.

Before I knew it my mother was gone and her hands were around my face pulling me closer to her inches from her face, her eyes were no longer human, they looked like 2 bottomless chasms of complete darkness as dark purple flames appeared burning within those endless abysses.

"I gain what you create, it won't be a Familiar or Servant that you give life to, it will be a new child of yours... a child of ours, who might have the chance to become a God one day." (Callidora)

"..." (I)

"Haha hahahaha... do you know how many times I tried to create a life? How many Souls I tried to shape, how many worlds were sacrificed? Do you know how much time I spent trying!?" (Callidora)

"Entire universes were created and destroyed with me swallowing their fragments at the end while trying to generate at least one life!" (Callidora)

"The Demon race was a failure, they are yet another corruption of the Life that already exists, the True Demons here are also Failures, being purely spiritual lifeless beings born from the deformation of their Souls, my greatest successes are incomplete creatures." (Callidora)

"But you will give me what I want, your power of chaos being one of the main keys to me achieving my goal." (Callidora) "..." (I)

At that moment I knew I was really fucked up, she was much more insane than she let on, Lilith looks like a child next to this freak, she wants to create a God!?

At that moment I wanted to deny myself, I wanted to say no, this crazy woman just said that she devours universes, what does she want to do by creating a life? How come she can't do it even with so much power?

Countless questions simply arose in my mind subconsciously without me being able to answer anything, my mind had gone blank looking into his eyes that seemed like windows to another place that I didn't want to go to at all.

"..." (I)

"Just like I was saying, I want a daughter and you will give me that." (Callidora)

Suddenly the entire reality seemed to change, the moving world full of macabre laughter disappeared leaving the image of beautiful mountains and a pure white desert.

"Why do you want a child." (I)

"I want someone to link me to the physical Universe that I cannot enter without destroying reality itself, but more than that, I want a God of Hell who will be a permanent anchor for me." (Callidora)

"I am an ancient entity, but I am not a God and I never can be, it is not up to me to create or destroy, I am what comes after destruction." (Callidora)

"Are you going to control your own son?" (I)

"No, that wouldn't be funny, he will always have the right to choose in everything he does on my part." (Callidora)

"Will he come with me?" (I)

"Yes, I don't want to raise a child to be trapped inside." (Callidora)

"I think we have a deal?" (Callidora)

"We have a deal." (I)

I shake her hand and a crystal compass appears in my hand like pointers, each pointing in a direction. I think you should take a look at

"Follow these pointers and you will find what you need, a servant will appear when necessary." (Callidora)

"Before you go, a gift for bearing my presence so well, a tip." (Callidora)

She snaps her fingers and flaming letters appear in the air right in front of me.

"What you seek burns within you." (I)

"..." (I)

When I tried to turn my eyes back, Callidora like everything else had disappeared, what was left was just a swamp of rotting flesh from which endless hands emerge trying to reach me, and with a push of my wings, I go as high as I can.

"It burns inside you... what I seek most... I understand..." (I)

--------------- Pov Hela's:

When Lilith finished off the last enemies, the supposed Priest who was used as a vessel to seal the Evil God himself was still motionless, but every muscle in his body is being strained to the maximum while the veins on his body become more and more visible.

We left where we were, I immediately felt that we were being watched, we continued heading to the place Zaya called the Library of the Fallen.

"What are we going to do with him here?" (I)

"An exchange with the Library as an intermediary being the only trusted place to do such a thing here." (Zaya)

"Can we do this?" (I)

"Actually yes, whoever you captured is more valuable, he has 3 Divinity Fragments, none of which are compatible with him." (Zaya)

"He incarnated in a body because he didn't have a Divinity Fragment, but somehow he got 3 that only made him weaker, even now we can hardly feel him being an Evil God, but his strength doesn't matter, just him being a Divinity and have possession of 3 Divinity Fragments." (Zaya)

"The exchange will be more than just gain for the other side, believe me." (Zaya)


Pov Magnus:

All of my brothers set off in different directions, their goals ranging from helping our Father to interfering with the enemy's plans, but mine was something different, my duty was to guide those my Father sacrificed so much to rescue.

Surrounding me were those rescued from the Church of Light, I sympathize with them because my life was destroyed by the Church of Light in the past, so I volunteered to do this.

Those who did not want to remain and had places to return or people to seek out were long gone with an Elder Dragon.

"Sir, I don't think this kind of training will…" (Mabel)

"This training is not about power, skill, Affinity, talent or anything else, this is training for your will, something that every True Dragon goes through at some point in their life." (I)

I was subjecting everyone here to my Aura, crushing them not physically, but mentally and spiritually, for them it must feel like a Titan is crushing them with its foot, the feeling of torment, pain, frustration, weakness and fear of having your Aura Being crushed is traumatizing due to feeling completely exposed.

"Mabel, these people chose to follow my Father, but look at their strength, no matter if they have potential or not, they will never grow fast enough following normal training." (I)

"But if it continues like this they could die." (Mabel)

"That's why I brought you with me, don't let any of them die, and to stop this just give up knowing you'll never fight again." (I)

"I... won't... back down..." (Xagar)

"Looks like the first one has finally emerged." (I)

This is the only Demon in the group, a former Templar of Light who abandoned everything he once was to become the most hated race in the Church of Light.

He stood up, his Aura expelling mine from his body with courage and boldness, an Aura as firm as an iron plate.

"He passes, take him to rest as soon as he reaches us." (I)

"Yes." (Mabel)

After managing to get up he walked towards me, each step faltering with his legs shaking, and yet his knee didn't touch the ground as blood ran from his eyes, ears, and mouth.

When he arrived I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled without saying anything while Mabel healed him before taking him somewhere else to rest.

"(I will make them great warriors to honor the Eclipse Dragon Tribe as Dragon Knights.)" (I)
