Seconds became minutes when the feeling of power without coming finally subsided and I noticed that my body was back to perfection, my vitality fully recovered and my blood had returned to normal while my memory of events were still fragmented as I acted more on instinct. than following my mind.

"(So my Aura Relic can be used to heal me?)" (I)

I tried to feel my Aura and realized that it was very weakened and at the same time it was more difficult to control.

"(It seems like I can't use the Aura Relic in succession, I could try to force it, but I don't want to test with my only protection in this hostile place.)" (I)

I looked around and I was in a crater which must be where I fell along with that Spectral Dragon, but now I only respect the bottom of the crater, I don't see a trace of the Dragon.

What I saw was the Demons waiting in the surroundings, some of them fearfully walking back while other mindless ones were roaring or shouting from the edge of the large crater without daring to enter.


"Why are they acting like this?" (I)

I didn't understand what was happening, but as soon as I tried to move my bones began to crack while my blood seemed to harden in my veins.

"(A reaction for using the Aura Relic!?)" (I)

I couldn't stay in this place for long, the longer I stay in one place these Demons increase in number.

I open my wings and with strong impulses, I fly faster than they can follow, as soon as I see the first forest I enter, more complex places to move like this are better for fighting larger numbers of enemies.



I stop near a water fountain, I didn't see many in this place and I needed something to drink, but as soon as my hand got closer a hand made of water grabs my hand and I jerk back, already transforming my arms into its shape. of Dragon.

"Who's there!?" (I)

"Don't worry, we don't need you."

"I won't do you any harm."

"I just want to make a trade."

"Fair for both sides."

From the water a figure stands up emptying the small water fountain, this figure was entirely made of water with a feminine looking body, she began to speak catching my attention before the others.

Just when I thought this was strange I heard more voices and realized that one of the trees was changing shape to a more Human appearance, even the earth where it thinks moved as someone left the ground, then the air gathered in a whirlpool that little by little took the shape of the tree translucent form of a girl.

I was surrounded wondering if I had entered a den of tigers only to realize I was surrounded with no way to escape.

"Who are you!?" (I) These things do not emit cursed energy, they do not emit death energy or even Demonic energy, their speech is calm with each word shaking me in my Soul as if the vibrations of their words were going through my Soul.

"You know who we are."

"You can feel."

"We deny its existence."

"In the same way, you deny what we represent without understanding the truth."

"..." (I)

I thought they wanted to surround me with each one appearing on one side, but as they speak I can feel the amusement in her voice as if she wanted this from the beginning, stairs one of them gathers in front of me, I thought they wanted a head-on confrontation, but I soon realize that I made a mistake once again when the bodies of all of them merge into the body of a 2 meter tall muscular man.

"You feel who I am but you don't understand and I won't give you that answer, there would be no fun in that."

"(She's playing with me.)" (I)

The figures of the various elements before all had female voices and outlines, but when they merged together he became this large naked muscular man with something almost my size between his legs, as soon as he speaks it is a completely female voice once again with his words ending in a smile.

There was no doubt that she was toying with me with these breaks in expectations.

"Don't be so serious."

"I thought a little humor would be good."

"Would you like some meatloaf? Just don't ask where the meat came from."

I couldn't understand what this creature was, first I thought it was some kind of Hell Elemental, then I thought it was some kind of Demon that uses illusions and now I'm not sure anymore.

He disappears from in front of me and I turn looking down to my right seeing a three year old girl of the Gray Elf race looking up at me as she holds my hand, her childish voice still with that hint of amusement. I think you should take a look at

When I walked away the child had disappeared at the same time I felt someone hug me from behind, a face of an adult human woman next to my head whispering in a sexy voice in my ear as she presses her breasts against my back in a very suggestive way.

When I tried to use my tail to pierce her body at the same time as I spread my wings trying to move away once more, there was nothing, then a voice spoke from behind me once again and when I turned around there she was, a Demon Woman, her red skin with straight black hair and golden eyes, she was sitting at the table with a chair clearly for me to sit on, a meatloaf with two plates and a jug of wine on the table, this time her voice was more mature and still carries a little of the fun that the slight smile on your lips shows.

"..." (I)

"Come on sit down, don't make me make you sit down."

"(What's one more stab to someone who's dying?)" (I)


I sigh as I relax my body as much as I can from the pain and stiffness I feel as I sit in the clearing in front of her, I cut into the meatloaf realizing the sauce on top was blood, and place a piece on a plate I offer for her before taking out a piece for myself, then I do the same with the wine taking two glasses from my storage item filling first for her and then for me.

"How kind of her, I'll even forget her previous disrespect." "(I need to play her game for now.)" (I)

Before I knew it there was cutlery in my hands and in their hands, I could feel the texture and weight of the cutlery, bottle of wine, plate, and meatloaf, I could even smell the odor of the wine and food, if it was an illusion It was at the level of my sister's nightmares to the point where I couldn't tell if it was real or not.

"What made you change the way you behave?"

"(There must be some way out of this, I must have something she wants, there is nothing else I can think of for her to go to the trouble of doing all this to show the difference between us.)" (I)

"It doesn't make any difference what you do, I don't know if this is some kind of illusion or if it's real, but the simple fact of this doubt shows the difference between us, so why try to be hostile towards someone above me." (I)

"I like your ability to remain calm, there were many people in the past who tried to attack me, went crazy, or whatever else happened to fall into despair in the face of an overwhelming difference."

"It seems Selene's children at least have strong hearts."

"Would you at least answer who you are?" (I)

"(She knows who I am, she could be a Deity or something, there's no way my identity is known to the creatures in this place.)" (I)

"I am not a Deity and make no mistake about the information about you, many individuals you killed are here, as well as some acquaintances who were sealed here as the Evil God of Corpses."

"..." (I)

"You can read my mind." (I)

"As easily as hearing your voice, nothing here is hidden from me."

Nothing she says makes sense, she can read my mind without me noticing, she can change her shape, and create completely real illusions, her presence is intense at the same time as imperceptible, since I sat down my instinct seems to have turned off as if there was no nothing he could do against her.

"You really can't say who you are or don't want to?" (I)

"I already told you, you know who I am, you know from the moment I held your arm near the water, that's why you didn't try to attack me once, even when I was in front of you with a male body, you didn't even try to run because you knew that there was nowhere to run."

"Even now you know why I don't answer, you also know who I am, the only question you really want an answer to is "why?"... ha hahaha..."

"..." (I)

"(There's nowhere to run... there's no way to attack... you know what's going on in my mind... you know who I am... the first Creature that seems to maintain rationality so perfectly... claims that I know who she is... your presence... yes... your presence...)" (I)

Someone like her should be able to hide her presence, but she reveals it, and yet I can't differentiate or see the depth of her presence, her Aura blends with the world in a way I've only seen a few times.


"I know who you are..." (I)

"Say, I want you to talk."

She is laughing, her smile reveals all her teeth, and yet it only accentuates her beauty showing a touch of arrogant amusement, but her eyes are pure cruelty to the point that until now I have not been able to look directly into her eyes and I only realized now this fear.

"You are Hell." (I)

"I don't like that name, so refer to me as Callidora, I believe you understand the meaning." (Callidora)

"She who has the gift of beauty is not the name I expected." (I)

"I have many names with many meanings, what is one more name in the infinities I already have?" (Callidora)
