Chapter 1225 Cap 1223: I am the Incarnation of War  

Pov Natasha's:

"< Divine Incarnation: 20% >" (I)

The Stellar flames try to stop my transformation, but it is a futile effort when I use my Authority to temporarily seal the flames in my left hand.

Meanwhile, most of my Authority consumes the Holy Power that those flames did not burn and mixes it with my Aura while incorporating it into my own body by elevating all of my Authority into a trace of Divinity using my Holy Power.

I feel my whole body change as my speed increases, I arrive in time to kick Karina away, making her dodge an attack that would have taken one of her legs off at the very least.

But I don't use this opportunity for a surprise strike, I see the surprise in this Priest's eyes as his eyes change to a golden hue for a second causing a smile to appear on his face before his eyes return to normal with the smile disappearing just as quickly how much it came up.


"(Now, that makes a little more sense.)" (I)

I see him step back as he looks between me and Karina who was looking directly at me.

"Back off, I'll handle it." (I)

"But this is my duty as a Saint of..." (Karina)

"Karina! That wasn't a request or advice, it was a statement, you will back down now!" (I)

"Without Zenos here you don't have the power to efficiently use what is in your possession, you are also trying too hard to control these objects, stay away." (I)


"..." (Karina)

The bitterness in her eyes is clear, Dragons hate feeling weak and I'm doing this to her without mercy, I hope this motivates her to get stronger, but just to make sure she doesn't return to battle, I crush her Aura with my own Aura enjoying the increase in power due to my Divine Incarnation.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." (I)

"Don't try to fool me Living Brutality... you were ready to attack me at the slightest movement."

"It seems that Greed has learned to choose his Priests better." (I)

"Can we stop this spectacle? Why are you attacking?" (I)

"Don't try to talk big..."

Suddenly the Priest's presence changes once again as a face made of energy appears in front of his like some sort of mask, the eyes once again turn golden once again as the energy face smiles.

"Natasha, how did you find out about me? Was it the oversight from earlier?" (Greed)

"I've fought against you several times, I know you consider your Priests as part of your power and extensions of yourself, but I was sure you were paying attention here because of your slip-up." (I) "Then I'll be blunt, hand over the Divine Weapon now." (Greed)

I look at Karina shrinking in size, the Flames that previously served as her armor are now concentrating into a sphere.

"This doesn't belong to you." (I)

"As long as I say it's mine, then it will be mine, don't try to go against me in such a weakened state like this, hand over what I want." (Greed)

"That won't happen, controlling your Priest's body doesn't make him stronger, it just makes his movements and capabilities in their most perfect forms, which against me would be useless." (I)

"Besides, he can't use his power and I don't believe there are another of his Priests around." (I)

"< Incarnation of War >" (I)

My already power-filled body deflates by half as a bloodstained and scarred sword emerges from within me using my Blood Core as its center before floating to my hands.

As soon as I touched the hilt of the worn sword, a Territory forms around us representing a battlefield that stretches as far as the eye can see, bodies scattered in every corner, all kinds of damaged or broken weapons buried in the bodies, rivers of blood from all who fell in battle and the unmistakable feeling of desolation that only survivors have the pleasure of feeling at the end.

This was not a Territory itself, just an illusion caused by the sword, a reflection of the countless battlefields I had participated in.

"Let's start this game." (I)

My body was the size of his, from my Dragon form only my bosses remained while my body is clad in red scale armor, my sword is in my right hand with its ordinary appearance while my wings propel me forward.

"I always get what I want!!!"

His giant body changes as a bone comes out of his arm only to be held by his other hand as he transforms into a greatsword covered in Runes that simply appear on his blade.

I slammed my sword against his making them both flinch, but that only made me give another push as I collided again and again.

With each blow the emotion inside me increases as I see the enemy's sword lighting the Runes on the blade with golden energy, it seems that Greed is lending part of his power to his Priest treating himself as disposable since this will cause his death sooner or later.

"< Bloodblade: Essence of War >" (I)

"< Cumulative Impact >" (Greed)

We exchanged hundreds of blows in a few seconds it was clear that his sword was constantly absorbing part of the impact of our collision, I couldn't let this continue and I pass my hand on the blade of my sword leaving a cut where my blood flows into the sword that absorbs leaving its blade completely red with blood flowing on its surface.

When I cut forward, hundreds of blows appear behind me as if I were commanding an army advancing in front.

The enemy points his sword towards me, creating an impact wave hitting my technique, the two seemed equal in strength, at which point I take a step forward, passing through the impact of the two blows to appear in front of the enemy, giving a kick to knock his weapon out of his hands before ending up with my sword going through the energy mask along with his head.

Soon my sword begins to absorb the blood and vitality from his body leaving only a dry shell behind as the Evil God of Greed's energy face flickers almost disappearing.

"Don't expect the same result in the future... Selene leaf." (Greed)

When the mask disappears I see the Priest's body crack and turn to dust as if the only thing supporting his body had disappeared.

"< Remnant of War >" (I) Without moving from my place, my sword shines releasing red energy that takes the form of thousands of knights, archers, and warriors pointing their weapons at the 2 who tried to attack me from behind, they were simple copies of the enemy I just defeated.

With a thought hundreds of attacks occur and with a swing of my sword I cut off the head of one of them while cutting the other in half, the eyes of both were completely golden.

"I knew you'd try something like that." (I)

"This isn't over yet..." (Greed)

Making sure that no trace of enemies could be felt or seen in any direction I began to spit out burning blood halfway while returning to my normal body.

The sword in my hands disappears with my Blood Core returning within me and the image of the battlefield fading to reveal the dried remains of the Bugs floating aimlessly now that they are dead.

When my armor disappears I look at my left arm where the flame was sealed, it was blackened with cracked skin and the very bones burning inside.

"That was harder than I expected." (I)

I look at the others approaching, from what I could see Cinthia and Hades are unconscious, and Haku was heavily injured but was awake.

Karina was once again unconscious with Starfire covering her body and a sphere floating above her continuously absorbing these flames, it was doing the same to Caitlyn and the 3 Divine Servants of Zenos, as I approached the Flames destroying my arm were also taken away largely making it easier to heal my arm.

"I was tired of waiting, how are the injuries?" (Caitlyn)

"All my organs destroyed, left arm useless and several bones broken." (I)

"It could have been worse." (I)

"Let's go." (Caitlyn)

Caitlyn and the others were sitting on a very large bed, I join them when Caitlyn throws a door forward that grows very large before opening the door we passed along with the bed we are in, we should be home in a few minutes.


Pov Irius:

I was finishing burying the last person from this city when Silvia came back with Irina, it's been more than 2 weeks since we've been massacring the people of this world, but for the two of them to be here it means there was some problem or there is no longer a city to destroy.

"Did something happen?" (I)

"No, the people of this world are too weak and were already limited in their numbers due to centuries of futile fighting." (Irina)

"I still don't like it, it makes me feel like I'm back in the days when we were part of the Inquisitors of Light." (I)

"These people were already dead, everything on this planet will die before being reborn and it has already started." (Silvia)

I look around without seeing anything different.

"I don't see anything different." (I)

"With magic as large-scale as this, we won't notice the changes until it's too late, but I've been warned that we have 2 days to get off this planet." (Irina)

"There must still be many who have escaped the cities and gone into hiding, but we cannot help everyone, I hope their Soul is not destroyed when the magic reaches them." (Silvia)

"..." (I)

With everything finished, we left the city that I just destroyed, heading to our transport to leave this planet, it was time to return home.
