Chapter 1222 Cap 1220: They are under my protection  

Pov Hades:

"< Territory... >" (I)

"I told you not to use the Territory!" (Haku)

"Look around, we have nowhere to run or anything to do, they keep coming, I have to do something!" (I)

The first insect ambush was already a bad situation, something we overcame with the help of the Starfire Dragon, mother even that can't help us now, these enemies were just bait to get our attention and it took us a long time to realize that.

Soon another 2 even larger Swarms of Insects appeared along with the construction of a unified Territory by the Insect Empresses trapping us all together inside which was a forest with trees reaching up to the heavens hidden by the foliage of the trees while the ground had countless holes giants like endless caves from which a multitude of insects emerged.


Since this Star Fire appeared in our bodies we have not been able to use our Sacred Power and much less our Territory, even the power of our Authority was being negatively affected making possible the precise control necessary in building a Territory.

The Starfire Dragon was being contained by barriers made from the insects' own living bodies, whenever the Starfire Dragon broke through a barrier another was quickly created before it could move away, so we were left in a fierce fight against a overwhelming numerical disadvantage.

In a matter of minutes, Cinthia who was furthest away from us was seriously barely able to reunite with us, I myself was very injured with smaller insects trying to enter my body through the wounds I had only to die with the Starfire burning inside me now that the Moon has stopped absorbing these flames.

Because of this situation, I tried to create a Territory to forcefully push the enemies' control over this area, but I couldn't do that in this situation and just because I tried my body burst into flames causing many of my scales to break, at least this destroyed several enemies Upcoming.

It was at that moment that someone appeared among the enemies, he wasn't a Bug, and he also didn't look like one of the flesh abominations of the Apostles of Truth, he wore a long dark green coat on top of a gray cloak, clearly, he was a Vampire since I could see his teeth as he smiled as he approached, making the insects stop attacking.

"You are more resilient than I thought, how about you join me, your powers are limited serving such a weak Demigod..."


"< Eclipse Breath >" (I)

"< Blood Execution >" (Haku)

"< Blades of the Demonic Dragon >" (Cinthia)

"Child's play."

He doesn't even move as his Aura filled with the power of Authority and Holy Power concentrates in his hand which he uses to grab one of the hundreds of blades surrounding his body, he uses this blade of pure energy to cut through my breath attack before launching the energy blade to explode the blood skull that Haku created. The entire time he didn't move anything other than that arm and managed to defend himself from our 3 attacks, he was clearly superior in strength and was not an ally.

"You have no choice here, before I was kind enough to ask, now I demand your submission to me in one way or another."

"< Holy Curse: Shackles of Greed >"

He was laughing when a golden liquid appeared from the mesh of his hand and solidified in the form of metal chains covered in extremely fast Runes, I threw Cinthia and Haku away as my body was the biggest knowing that there was no way to completely dodge this attack.

The chains break my scales, crossing my heart while the others continue behind Haku and Cinthia, avoiding my body as if they were alive, piercing their hearts.

"When I want something, I get it!"

"I never thought I would find Divine Servants so weak, what a waste of potential."

"..." (I)

I tried to free myself but my body was still, golden chain marks were spreading across my body with the chain penetrating my heart being the source, I could feel this power stain my body trying to expel the connection I have with my Master, the Flames are burning the chain as well as the marks, but it's not fast enough.

"(I have to do something!)" (I)


I forced my boats to move as I grabbed the chain on my chest trying to pull it out of me, but as soon as I tried to pull out several golden chains came out of me riding their way out as my body was being defiled.

I could feel my connection with the Master being achieved by this intrusive energy, but as soon as this energy came into contact with the connection I have with the Master I felt a wave of incredible power as the Star Flames sprouted from within my body much stronger filled with the power of Authority as my blood flows out of my body and gathers in the air.

"This presence is not that of a Deity and does not belong to this Dragon either, so show yourself the one who dares to come in my way."

He was right about one thing, this power wasn't mine, but it was still something familiar to me, it took me a while to notice who this power was when I realized it wasn't master Zenos's and at that moment the blood together above me became a thin hundreds of meters long sheet of blood that reflected the stars, two different colored eyes open within the large blood mirror as a powerful Aura emanates outwards.

"I don't know who you are, but this will be your only warning, leave now!" (Karina)

"As a Priest of Greed I go where I want and get what I want, do you think I don't realize that this power is not yours!?"

"This power is granted to me to use and your warning has been given." (Karina)

Karina's voice sounded different, her voice was heavier with a great power traveling through her voice as the mirror began to ripple, that was when someone walked out, just as her scale covered legs touched the ground across the Bug Territory It broke, revealing once again seeing the stars around us along with Karina's complete body as she came out of the mirror made of my blood.

Its height was 1 kilometer, its body was completely humanoid while scales grew from its body in the right measure serving as a natural armor adjusting the curves of its body, its tail had a blade with the crystallized image of an Eclipse, its 3 pairs of Open rooms looked like windows to another Star System. In her hands was the Master's Star Sword and as if it were the master himself here, an endless power emerged when the blood mirror shattered revealing an opening in space where the Dragon Totem appears.

"Come he touched by the sacrifice of Zenos." (Karina)

Karina slashes with her sword creating and destroying stars with just one swing of that sword clearing a path through tens of thousands of insects before landing on the barrier trapping the Starfire Dragon, the barrier only cracks until the Dragon emerges from within breaking through this exit until he reaches Karina, his size much smaller than before as he sits on her shoulder.

During this time there was no enemy attack, but I could feel a flow of power draining from the insects to the man in front of us as their presence grew larger and larger until it surpassed what I could feel from Karina.

"That's the difference between us, you borrow your power from others, and I take as much as I want!"

His body grew with each word until he was a little taller than Karina, the Dragon Totem glows becoming an inscription on the blade of the Star Sword, this further increased Karina's presence without increasing her size at the same time as the Fire Dragon Starfire fell apart as her strange flames covered Karina's entire body before crystallizing, the scales and Crystal Armor complementing each other beautifully.

"As long as Zenos is not here, they are under my protection!!" (Karina)


Zenos POV:

This place is crazy, there are infinite Auras exploding full of horrible intentions, and the smell of blood was permanent as if it were part of the air here, but it wasn't the tasty smell, it was something more bitter and at the same time sour, it was a disgusting odor.

The climate and geography here also don't make sense, I saw a desert where it didn't stop raining, a swamp full of trees where the water is mud was replaced by magma, rivers where there was no liquid at all and it was just bones flowing through the dry river.

Nothing here made sense, not to mention that it was impossible to record where I was going or where I had already been, it was as if things were changing places or I was incapable of distinguishing directions, I still hadn't discovered which of the two possibilities were true.

The only constant in this place was the energy of Death and Curse predominant in everything as if everything here was made of this, the decay of this place was not something to be seen but felt continuously, not to mention that since my first minutes here I have been attacked by countless creatures.

"< Explosive Flow Cut >" (I)

I hold my sword and dagger and pass through hundreds of enemies, always cutting a vital point such as destroying their heart, cutting their head off, or piercing their eye until reaching their brain, each blow was part of the same blow that accumulated strength stealing from the enemies to explode on the last of them.

They were all of the Demon or Undead race, but they were mere wild beasts with no intelligent thought to realize the difference in strength between us, but the one behind them was different, it was a woman with gray skin, two cracked white horns, and empty eyes, but as soon as I got close she ripped her own arm off to hit me.

I continue my attack breaking her torn arm in two only for her hand to grab my face, even so I remain calm as I rest my sword on her waist pointing diagonally upwards making this the last blow that with great power splits her body in two before before I finish with the dagger in the middle of her forehead, only then do I remove that hand from my face before running knowing that they will all get up in a few hours.

"Of course, who would die in hell? They're all already dead." (I)

"To die here you would have to be an IDIOT WHO ENTERED HELL ALIVE!!!" (I)


"I had to scream... and so close to a... whatever this is..." (I)

I was running alongside a river of bones when half of the bones started to bleed and come together forming a clump of mismatched skulls tied together by blood red tentacles in the shape of a 6-legged beast that quickly ran after me.

"Stop running after me, I have few bones in my body, go get that pile of bodies I left behind, stupid creature!" (I)
