Chapter 1212 Cap 1210: Tower of 4 eyes  

Pov Hela's:

Right now we are being guided by Zaya, the Lady of the Grave that this Phantom World put in our path, I told her what we were looking for and she was surprised, I won't reveal to her our true objective before getting to know her and this suspicious world better.

"As I've said hundreds of times, please don't try to cause a fight on the main streets or busy areas of either city." (Zaya)

"I can't even stab someone in the back or throw them into my shadow to play with later?" (Lilith)

"Space techniques are difficult to use within the city, even capture magic like this using shadows has characteristics of space magic and will be interfered with within the city, reducing the speed of use significantly." (Zaya)

"In other words, it makes escape, concealment, and capture techniques more difficult to use." (I)


"Yes, as I said before, most of the population of this world comes from outside, they are people treated as criminals or marginalized outside this place, and the majority have peculiarities in their behavior." (Zaya)

"Even if there are no laws or rules anywhere since there is no type of government, I must repeat that there are still unwritten rules of coexistence that people themselves have learned to respect to avoid unnecessary fights." (Zaya)

Zaya has said the same thing many times, but for Lilith, it seems like all this conversation is going in one ear and out the other, it seems like a disobedient child insisting on the same topic expecting a different answer.

I looked at Lilith and she was anxious constantly looking in various directions, I also noticed the instability in her Aura and the tremor in her hands.

"Come on, it can't be that..." (Lilith)

"Lilith, are there many?" (I)


"Many is not enough to say, there are so many that I can feel like someone who went hungry for a month being forced to sit in front of a banquet table without being able to touch the food..." (Lilith)

"That was very specific." (Zaya)

"She is a Priestess of Vengeance." (I)

"I realized, that's why I keep repeating my warnings, she is not the first of her Religion to appear here, everyone always ends up dead in a horrible way after being the spark that causes a massacre, it is always my people who have been busy cleaning up tens of kilometers in the end, have you ever tried to remove cursed blood stains from your clothes?" (Zaya)

"If you use holy water with a potion of liquid soap it gets clean super fast." (Lilith) "There is no holy water in this world, in fact, there is nothing blessed by any Deity here, but if we talk about curses, then that is even in the air we breathe and that is why you should be careful." (Zaya)

This place is simply unassailable for any kind of living creature, now I understand why it had to be the two of us who came here.

"Let me take care of Lilith." (I)

Saying this I pull Lilith into my arms stealing her lips, and then I cut my tongue on her teeth forcing my blood to flow into her mouth, this seems to clear her mind as I feel her hands stop shaking and her Aura stabilizes.

"Do you feel better?" (I)

"Yes, but her blood isn't very tasty, at least it's rich in nutrients." (Lilith)

"Just do your best not to attack anyone unnecessarily in this world." (I)

"I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything if someone else provokes me first." (Lilith)

For the rest of the way, Lilith demonstrated more restraint, but her eyes still glowed brightly with murderous intent.

We soon arrive at a place that Zaya claimed to be a large city, but as soon as we enter I realize that more than half of the population are Undead.

"..." (I)

I look at those around us, no one gave a second glance to the large Skeleton Dragon landing near the city gate, but I noticed that everyone glanced at Zaya more than once before looking at us with malicious eyes.

The city itself had a strange population, just as Zaya warned, I noticed many Undead, all with Souls as they have Aura with depth, something that creatures without Souls do not have.

The Undead were of two variants, highly customized Zombies with very specific body parts with high compatibility and Skeletons strengthened with bones undergoing many types of techniques to create a more powerful creature, I have seen Elf-type Undead that had skin Out of 3 color variations corresponding to the 3 main Elf races, I also saw Skeletons with bones that could almost pass for white metal carrying several Runes throughout the structure of their bodies.

Through the Auras I also felt the power enslaving most of them, they are servants and slaves for the most part, probably doing different jobs for their Masters, those who were not under this effect looked at me more than once, I am sure they are intelligent and perceptible enough to feel the energy of Death in me, that's the kind of thing I can't hide perfectly.

As we walked through the city I realized that the population was the least disturbing, the houses or buildings were bizarre, houses made purely of bones, a tent inside a giant's skull, a giant tent made of Human skin, the ground was paved with blood crystallized and I was able to feel the Evil energy coursing through the floor.

"The floor is part of the spatial protection around the city, it also prevents some types of people from entering." (Zaya)

"I thought no one was refused entry here." (I)

"People who don't have murderous Aura are repelled for obvious reasons." (Zaya)

"I understand." (I) Someone without a murderous Aura is someone who has never killed another person or wished for the death of a person, someone like that here would certainly be an enemy to someone or everyone here, even though this type of person is rare to find in the higher echelons of force, It would still be good to keep these people away.

I keep following behind Zaya while looking at the city, if I change my focus from the buildings and the Undead, I can also find Humans, Elves, Demons, Vampires, and even Beastmen, I haven't seen any Dwarves or Runic, but there are large Chance of them being somewhere around here, the diversity of races is great as is the caution that each one has towards the other.

People are dodging each other, I also notice many types of activated protections and positions that demonstrate the preparation to fight at any moment.

The only thing in common with everyone was the use of Auras, it was like a proof of identity as well as a warning whenever they approached each other on the path.

When we entered what looked like a restaurant, I realized it was made of wood, but the wood was filled with cursed energy coursing through the interior and there were distorted magic circles inside, the Owner was another Lady of the Grave who exchanged glances with Zaya before pointing to Up, nodding, without saying anything we continued to the second floor, entering a room with a large window.

While we were sitting in our seats around the table, a Zombie with empty eyes entered right behind, placing cutlery and plates of food for everyone, he has 8 arms that are handled with great precision.

As soon as he left I looked at the dishes, I was able to see that they are people's meat and a soup made from eyes, from the shape and feel I know they are all from Elves, the main dish was the direct thigh of a White Elf.

"I hope you don't mind the meal, many are uncomfortable with the food." (Zaya)

As she spoke I was taking the Elf's skin out of the way before taking just a portion of the meat for myself, Lilith was pulling her part of the already roasted thigh meat to throw into her eye soup and my Familiar was taking just the eyes of your soup to chew.

"All living creatures are food, I'm part Vampire just like Lilith, we feed on blood often." (I)

"You talk like it's normal, but outside of our house this is strange even for Vampires and Demons." (Lilith)

"I guess so, but they're always enemies, so it doesn't matter in the end." (I)

"I liked the food, especially from a criminal, the taste of revenge is always the best." (Lilith)

"I'm glad you like it, but I came here for more than just eating." (Zaya)

"This restaurant has a direct view of the bone tower, see?" (Zaya)

"Yeah, it was hard not to see something that big." (I)

I look through the large window seeing a completely gray tower with a square shape, at the top of the tower there are 4 giant eyes looking at the surroundings, this tower is emanating a strong energy of death mixed with miasma.

"This city largely belongs to the Necromancers, this tower is a place where they hold meetings and experiments, the item they want is at the top of the tower under the protection of the 4 eyes that are powerful guardians." (Zaya)

"I see, I... Urgh!!!!" (I)

As I looked down the street and the tower, a great pain ran through my mind as flames that seemed to be made from the night sky appeared from within my hands and I felt them appearing in my eyes as well.

"(What's happening, so much pain, so much power...)" (I)

I couldn't think straight when my mind momentarily clouds.

"Why did this have to happen..." (Zaya)

"< Secret of the Cursed Grave >" (Zaya)
