"With that, my part is over." (Caitlyn)

"Wait! Is it over? That was the training..." (I)

Before I finished speaking something took my voice along with all the air from my lungs, I looked down at an arm that crushed my spine and tore my lungs into pieces covering the table in front of me with my blood.

"I don't think you understand, it's just my part of the training that you seem to have received very well, unfortunately, it wasn't the punishment I expected as you took everything better than expected." (Caitlyn)

"But now it's finally my turn to train you, you irresponsible brat." (Natasha)

I recognize the hand reaching across my chest, so I wasn't too surprised when I heard her voice next to my head.


I moved my vision from the arm still across my chest to the head inches away from mine, my sister's eyes were shining brightly with pure rage as she withdrew her arm already healing my spine while also stopping the rest of the hole from forming made in the chest to heal.

"You now have an acceptable understanding of the characteristics that mark your Soul and thanks to this you should be able to use your Aura again." (Caitlyn)

"Now you must recreate your body to adapt to your Soul at the same time it would be good to do some combat training, right?" (Natasha)

"Gurhhh!!!" (I)

She was asking a question without caring about my answer, combat training is her excuse for a one-sided beating like every other time, but I feel like this time will be even worse than the previous times, her eyes look merciless.

"I think you, as smart as you say you are, understand how living creatures can adapt, right!?" (Natasha)


"..." (I)

My spine was already healed, but the hole was still there showing no signs of ever healing leaving my newly recovered spine showing when I felt a hand grab my spine pulling my body upward as if my spine was the handle of a suitcase, Natasha places me in front of her face while still standing without trying to be gentle in how she handles my spine.

His words were not difficult to understand, the adaptation of any creature comes from the adversities of the environment in which it is found, which led to genetic mutations over generations, this was the concept of evolution in my ancient world, but I am sure it is not That's what she means, by the cruel gleam in her eyes as she breaks into a smile that I see Lilith do when given a new prisoner to care for.

"In case it isn't obvious enough, know that I will continually break and destroy every part of your body just to heal before resuming your destruction, there will be no rest or respite while I am conscious, and know that I do not need sleep, I will also feed of the blood and flesh you tear from your bones, then good luck finding something to eat." (Natasha)

"Try to keep him alive at least, I don't like doing work that will be wasted." (Caitlyn)

"I don't promise anything..." (Natasha) "You bastard..." (I)

With that, I was forcibly taken away as if she was carrying luggage still holding my spine.


Pov Hades:

We were close to the Moon, knowing this entire solar system is under the protection of the Sun created by the God of Light, I can only assume that is the reason they found us all last time.

So this time we were hiding from the Sun's light since we entered this solar system, we were always in the shadow of a planet, moon, or meteorite when we were using magic to escape the light as we approached.

I was inside one of these meteorites looking at the Moon in the distance waiting for the moment when the Moon will be on one side of the planet and the Sun will be on the other creating a space hidden from its light where we can get closer to the Moon.

"I think there must be people guarding the place this time." (Cinthia)

"I think the same, but I don't see any." (I)

"If I had to guess, they must be on one of the floating islands or hidden in the most complete part of the Moon." (Haku)

"We must explore to find out more about them." (I)

I pick up a crystal, a mere magical seal that has broken clenching in my hands as I watch its pieces fall apart, then look at the other two.

"That should be enough, but we'll have to act quickly." (Cinthia) I think you should take a look at

"We should have enough time, get ready, we only have a few hours." (I)

"Didn't you notice something strange?" (Haku)

"..." (me/Cinthia)

"The last time we were here, there was no miasma or negative energy, I remember that clearly because it was uncomfortable for me, but now..." (Haku)

Haku points to one of the islands made from part of the Moon that broke off, clearly a floating island with Creatures living there, I can see and feel the Miasma in that area as well as in several parts of the Moon, there is even a faint trace of miasma in the surroundings that I didn't notice before.

"It seems to be being attracted to the Moon, it wasn't like this before." (Haku)

"What do we do now? Do we continue with the plan or back off?" (Cinthia)

"We continue, we won't have another opportunity with this and I've already broken the seal, the Monster Wave will start to form soon..." (I)

"You mean that Monster Wave?" (Haku)

I look at the direction she pointed, it was the same direction where we hid the Evil Seeds and Heart of Darkness that Master created.

But these miasma clouds and this amount of monsters gathering is greater than I calculated, there was also something wrong, they were coming towards us while gathering.

"That doesn't make sense, they should spread out and not do that..." (I)


Hours later things were very different from what I expected, I know I used more than 10 thousand Evil Seeds in a magical ritual with the core being one of the Hearts of Darkness that the Master created, this Magical Ritual did what we expected, it created monsters.

Unfortunately, it went far beyond what we expected, monsters much stronger than me were appearing by the hundreds, and a true holy war was going on as millions of the Army of Light led by the Demigods of Light were fighting an endless Wave of Monsters.

A black cloud of pure miasma far larger than any amount of Evil Seeds I have brought here could muster has formed around this part of the solar system to the point of obscuring the stars, the problem has become so great that I can foresee intervention of the God of Light if things remain this way.

During this time I didn't let anyone do anything until a real opening formed, which has happened now that the enemies have completely abandoned the Moon to fight the monsters and are also too busy to notice our movements.

I nod to them who know what to do, the 3 of us ran around the moon placing magical Crystals in very specific points, due to its large size it was something that took hours as we traveled at all our speed without rest, luckily the enemies were too distracted to let us notice or we would have spent days, maybe weeks doing this slowly in hiding with greater chances of being discovered.

But one thing I noticed while scattering the magic crystals, was that this Moon felt completely different from before, I felt familiarity with this Moon much like I felt from the Dungeon of Nix.

I didn't understand what was happening, but when I was positioning the last Magic Crystal I noticed a magical ritual made of light absorbing the miasma to the Moon, it wasn't difficult to realize that the Church of Light wanted to seal the miasma on the Moon, but the ritual still it was not active and something was different, the light from the magic circles were stained with silver in 90% of its entirety, this silver light was coming from the moon itself as if corrupting the magic circle of the ritual.

When I got closer I felt something resonate with me and part of my Aura was sucked into the ritual circle that activated itself, when I tried to destroy the magic circle a rock rose from the ground like a wall pushing back, I looked around but there was no one.

"What's going on here? Is this still a Moon? Who's doing all these things?" (I)

"(I can't waste any more time, we have to get out of here faster than I thought.)" (I)

At that moment the other two came closer to me, Cinthia also tried to destroy the magic circle but was thrown back by a column of rocks coming out of the ground, I looked at her in denial and the two approached me confirming the end of their duties, I raise my hand and we all begin to overlap our hands.

Our Auras, Sacred Power, and power of the Space element mixing in our hands before I pull out a Dragon scale with magic circles drawn on it, at that moment when we join our powers to the magic circle I feel the silver energy come out of the moon and gather in the scale from Mrs. Navar.

With no time to do anything else all the magic crystals shot out at the same time, all of them filled with the power of lady Navar creating a massive space element magic circle around the Moon and its pieces at the same time as the magic circle of silver light completed it also sucked in an endless stream of miasma.

Soon the Moon disappeared becoming a transparent bubble shaped crystal sphere revealing the moon within, the magic still working with endless amounts of miasma being absorbed by the sphere in my hands.

I look at the other two and we all break a bracelet we carry appearing in the exact spot on the far edge of the Solar System where I placed a magic circle for our escape Teleportation along with the vehicle we used to get here.

With no time for conversation, we ran to the vehicle as we moved away from this place as quickly as possible, the place we were at was on the other side of the miasma clouds and I could see the miasma stream still forming coming towards the crystal, if this continues so they can get to us, we have to get out of here.

"I don't know what's going on, but we should run, Now!" (I)
