Chapter 82 Amazing Sight  

As Kyle, Jian and Kelvin walked together everyone was quiet.

There was silence because after Jian stopped talking no one started another conversation.

They took each step with caution and among them the most serious one was Kyle.

After listening to Jian, he was sure they would encounter monsters soon.

They walked straight for a while before seeing three more paths in front of them.

Kelvin looked at Kyle who pondered for a while and pointed toward the right path.


Jian took a deep breath and slowly walked behind Kelvin as they approached the right path with slow steps.

Kyle was also ready to fight anything that pounced on them.

As everyone made a turn to the right with serious expressions, their eyes narrowed because there was nothing.

The small straight path between the silver stone walls was empty.

Not just monsters it was devoid of even a single sound.

Kyle released his held breath and started walking straight again with the others.


Just like that every twenty to thirty minutes later they would see different paths and Kyle would choose as to which path they should enter.

Kyle's rhyme was very easy as first he would choose to go left and then right.

After 6 hours,

Jian's expression was blank as he looked at yet another straight empty path in front of him. Even Kelvin looked shocked.

They both have a lot of questions in their minds.

Were they even inside the same maze?

Where are the hundreds of monsters both Jian and Kelvin encounter during their time?

And Why the fuck is it so quiet?

Jian looked at Kyle who was wearing a serious expression.

He was intelligent and after linking everything together he knew it was all because of this man that they didn't encounter a single monster.

'I think he is the son of the goddess of fortune!'

With a serious expression, Jian immediately decided to befriend Kyle.

On the other hand, after one more hour Kyle was speechless.

'Didn't they say there are a lot of monsters? Why didn't we encounter any?'

After the bright day turned into night. They all decided to stop and rest. Next day early morning, they finally encounter some monsters but all of the monsters were (+E)-Rank.

Together they took care of the monsters within a few minutes and continue advancing.

Kyle's rhyme of choosing left and right also continued.

Soon three more days passed. In these three days, they encounter monsters two more times but because the monsters were quite weak they easily took care of them.

Also, Jian tried everything to become close with Kyle but because Kyle was not talkative he wasn't able to make much progress.

As they made another turn toward the right path a huge circular area appeared in front of their eyes.

Everyone's jaw dropped as they saw thousands of finger-sized bright orbs and small golden boxes floating magically above the vast circular area.

Under those precious orbs and golden boxes, a large familiar white stairway was standing, beside the stairway there was a large stone tablet where 'Choose one and leave' was engraved.

Jian rubbed his eyes not believing what he was seeing before mumbling in a daze.

"I take back the words when I said It will take months to find the exit of this maze."

He looked at Kyle who was also shocked when he saw those thousands of orbs.

They were all skill core!

Also, those golden boxes probably held amazing treasures within them!

After everyone was done taking in the incredible sight in front of them, they approached the center of the area.

No one was an idiot, after seeing the stone tablet they knew they can only choose a single treasure from the thousands of treasures floating above them.

Jian was the first to speak.

"What will happen if we take more than one?"

Anyone will start drooling at the sight of so many treasures.

Both Kelvin and Kyle looked at each other. It's not like they knew anything.

With a mischievous smile, Kelvin looked at Jian.

"How about you try."

Jian eyes widened. How dare they use him as a testing subject?

"Fuck off!"

Kyle was also not idle, after thinking for a while he woke up Bia who was sleeping on top of his head.

'Bia? Bia.'


Bia's voice was sleeping when she opened her round eyes and looked at the surrounding only to become dumbfounded.

-'Wow where are we? Also, there are so many strange boxes and monster cores.'

'Yes, I can see. Go pick up a golden box for me.'

-'Why not.' After speaking with Kyle for a while, Bia flapped her wings and flew toward the nearest golden box, and under everyone's eyes, she picked it up.

Jian eyes widened when he saw what was Bia doing.

"Kyle bro you are a genius."

On the other hand, Bia picked up the box and threw it toward Kyle.

Kyle catch the box and immediately opened it.

Jian and Kelvin also hurriedly walked toward him to see what was inside the box.

A single black dagger was lying inside the box. On the hilt of that dagger, a small black golden color snake was engraved.

Kyle looked at the dagger and blinked his eyes. He could sense the dagger aura, It was (A)-Rank!


Jian exclaimed with excitement before Kyle asked Bia to pick up another box.

But what happened next poured cold water upon their dreams.

Bia figure phased through the treasures. She wasn't able to touch anything else. It seemed one person can only choose one treasure no matter what.

Kyle sighed, his plan of sweeping this place clean completely shattered but because of Bia, he can choose two treasures unlike Jian and Kelvin who can only choose one each.

Jian looked at Kyle with a serious expression.

"Kyle bro what treasure are you going to choose."


After looking around, Kyle pointed at a core but before he could speak Jian shouted toward that core.

"I choose you!"

To everyone surprise after Jian shouted, the core started moving and stopped in front of Jian who looked at it with twinkling eyes.

On the other hand, Kyle was speechless and Bia started laughing.

-'He used you.'

While Kyle was looking at Jian, Kelvin approached him and tapped on his shoulder.

"Um, I wanted to ask what next are you going to choose?"

Kyle left eye twitched when he heard Kelvin's question.

He sighed and randomly pointed at one of the nearest golden boxes and the same scene occurred.

Kelvin took the box immediately in front of Kyle. He opened the box and there was a small bracelet inside the box.

After Kelvin wore the bracelet he was on cloud nine because it was an artifact that had a lot of storage space!

The space inside the bracelet was almost double compared to a supreme-grade storage ring.

Also, he could see a beautiful preserved dark brown flower floating in the middle of the storage space.

He looked at Kyle with a grateful smile.

Jian also absorbed the skill core and started laughing loudly.

"Hahaha, It's an (S)-Rank skill! I can't believe I finally acquired an (S)-Rank skill."

Kyle looked away from the two men who were staring at him with eyes filled with gratitude and decided to choose a skill core for himself as well.
