Chapter 116 A random kick  

With a shocked expression, Alec who was standing beside Jian pointed his finger at a distance.

Jian looked at the place where Alec was pointing. It was almost in the middle of the hall. Under their shocked gaze, Kyle's figure appeared on a faraway black tile.

The moment Kyle appeared on the black tile, with a loud sound another statue moved and tried to grab Kyle.

Kyle looked at the approaching statue's hand. This time he was prepared. Without waiting for even a second, he mumbled under his breath.

"Instant teleportation."

The statue's hand arrived above the tile but before it could grab Kyle. His body once again disappeared and appeared almost at the edge of the hall.


Kyle's body appeared on another white tile but this time he didn't trigger any trap. He looked ahead. Now, there was only a single tile in front of him.

He was panting heavily because just now he used 75 percent of his mana but there was a smirk present on his face.

Kyle turned around and waved at the dumbfounded duo who was blankly staring at him and jumped out from the tiles.

"If both of you survive we will surely meet again in the future!"

He shouted and started walking toward the doors present at the end of the hall.

Bia who was flying around gazed at Alec and Jian. Their worldview seemed to have been shattered.


-'I did say they would probably have one or two heart attacks if they stayed with Kyle.'

Even she was surprised when suddenly Kyle disappeared but the next moment she remembered he had a very useful skill called 'Instant Teleportation'.

-'Just how the hell did I forget about the skill.'

With a sigh, she immediately flew toward Kyle who was already standing in front of the doors.

After a few seconds, Alec and Jian finally snapped out of their daze and looked at each other. There was a bitter smile present on their face. With a dry laugh, Jian questions Alec.

"Now that our meat shield has escaped who is going to be the next meat shield."

Alec looked at Jian and stepped on the tile where Kyle was standing a few seconds ago.

"How about we take turns?"

Jian chuckled and shook his head. It seemed it would take a long time before they reached the end of the hall.

At the same time, Yon the 9th-floor guardian who was laughing at the trio while sitting on a comfortable cloud bed almost lost his balance and fell to the ground due to shock.

"How the hell....?"

He questioned and looked at Kyle's fading image with wide eyes.

"Huh... I need to calm down. It's not a big deal he just used a skill."

Yon took a deep breath and dismissed the fact that Kyle easily crossed the hall. It was just a coincidence that he had a teleportation skill.

This skill was useful in the hall but it wouldn't be much useful inside the next rooms! Right?

On the other hand, after leaving the tiles. Kyle stood in front of the doors. There were a total of six doors. All of them were similar in shape and structure.

After thinking for a while he lightly pushed the left door. With a creaking sound, the door opened and Kyle looked at what was inside.

It was an empty large room with a large stone table present at the end. He stepped inside the room with Bia flying beside him. When Kyle took a few more steps towards the stone table, the door present behind him closed.

Kyle looked back and tried to open the door but no matter what he did it didn't even budge from its place.

With a sigh, he approached the Stone table and saw some herbs and square-shaped rocks present on top of the stone table.

He didn't think much about the herbs and rocks and immediately grabbed everything and threw it inside his storage ring. He didn't even leave the rocks!

After sweeping the stone table, Kyle looked at the wall behind the stone table. Unlike the other brown walls, it was silver. There were also some weird symbols engraved on the wall.

He walked toward the wall and his feet collided with something.

Kyle looked down and saw some broken pieces of vase.

"What's that?" He bent down and picked up the pieces but then suddenly his eyes narrowed because some wet droplets dropped on his back.

He hurriedly gazed at the ceiling and saw water droplets coming out from a small hole present on the ceiling.

"What the hell?"

Kyle frowned and stepped to the left to avoid damping his clothes but then suddenly Bia's surprised cry rang out inside his head.


"What happened...?"

Kyle turned around and his eyes widened. Not just the ceiling, water was coming out from each hole present within the room.

He looked down and panicked. The room was slowly filling up with water. That means if he didn't find a way to leave this room quickly then he would be in trouble!

With a deep breath, Kyle calmed down and seriously looked around the room.

Bia also started looking around the room but even after a few minutes, they didn't find anything.

In the end, Kyle stood in front of the silver wall. It was the only thing that was out of place. He first gently knocked the wall but after getting no response he punched it but nothing happened.

The water filling the room was already touching his legs.

With a frustrated expression, Kyle kicked the stone table present in front of the silver wall, and to his surprise, instead of flying away the upper part of the table slid down like a lid and revealed a tunnel.

Kyle gazed at Bia and both of them immediately entered the tunnel with relived expressions.

Meanwhile, Alec and Jian both took turns to step on the tiles.

They triggered some traps but they survived because the traps were not life threatening.

Jian did trigger a trap where he almost perished but Alec used the system's double power skill and saved him on time.

After suffering some minor injuries and spending two hours inside the hall both of them arrived in front of the doors with heavy breathing.

They looked at each other and immediately chose the door where Kyle entered.

After they entered the empty room, their gaze landed on the stone table present in the middle of the room.

The upper part of the table was slid off, revealing a dark tunnel.

While they approached the stone table, the door behind them closed but unlike Kyle who panicked after seeing water coming out from the holes present within the room, they immediately entered the tunnel. It seemed Kyle accidentally cleared the path for them!

Meanwhile, Yon almost coughed out blood when he saw Kyle entering the tunnel. He grabbed his head and looked at the screen with a blank expression.

"Didn't he just kick randomly?"
