Chapter 108 IIIusion I  

After floating around in the darkness for a minute, Kyle's vision turned blurry and he lost consciousness.

His body was still floating in the darkness when a crack appeared in front of his body. A young black-haired woman stepped outside from the crack and stood in front of Kyle's floating body.

The woman was beautiful. She gazed at Kyle's body with her crimson eyes.

Her clothes were completely white and a brown color flower was engraved on the back of her hand.

Bia was sitting on top of her shoulder. When Bia saw Kyle, she approached his floating body and called out his name.



The woman looked at Bia and spoke in a cold voice.

"Don't worry he is fine."

"Even if he failed the trial, he won't die."

Bia sighed with relief after hearing the woman's words.

After gazing at Kyle's body once, the woman waved her hand and the pitch-black darkness disappeared.

The woman and Bia both appeared inside a white room. The room was vast filled with multicolor floating books. A single chair and a table were placed in the middle of the room.


The woman approached the table and sat down before picking up a floating red book to read.

Bia who was flying looked at the three floating figures in a corner of the room.

The figures were Kyle, Alec and Jian. All three of them were unconscious.

With a sigh, Bia flew toward the table and started waiting for Kyle to wake up.



A familiar voice called out Kyle's name in a worried voice.


Kyle opened his eyes and saw the figure calling out his name.


A black-haired middle-aged man was standing in front of Kyle. It was Baron Ohan.

He gazed at Kyle with worry.

"How about you play outside with friends until the healer checks your mom?"

With a confused expression, Kyle looked at his father. The man standing in front of him was definitely his father but for some reason to Kyle, he looked younger.

'I feel like I am forgetting something important.'

Kyle looked at himself, his hands were short just like a 5-6 year old child's.

While Kyle was thinking another voice resounded. A black-haired, ten year-old kid looked at Baron Ohan. The kid pitch pitch-black eyes were anxious and showed worry.

"Father! Is mother fine?"

Kyle looked at the boy. It was Neon.


The boy looked at Kyle and blinked his eyes. Baron Ohan looked at the kids with worry. His wife's condition was critical, the doctors were doing their best.

"Neon, Don't worry mom is fine. Take Kyle outside to play for a while."

Neon looked at Baron Ohan and nodded his head before grabbing Kyle's hand.

"Let's go outside." Kyle was confused as to what was happening but he followed behind Neon.

Soon, they left the corridor and arrived in front of the large gate. After leaving the house both of them arrived in a park.

There park was not that far from Baron Ohan's household. It was a large open area filled with feet-sized grass.

Small kids were playing around the park. Seeing Kyle and Neon some kids hurriedly surrounded them.

Neon wasn't in the mood to play. After leaving Kyle with the kids, he returned home.

Kyle looked at Neon's fading figure with narrowed eyes. Suddenly a 6 year old kid standing behind Kyle spoke.

"Kyle, I heard your mother is dead. Is it true?"

Kyle looked at the kid. He had golden hair and black eyes. There was a playful smile on the kid's face.

"No, she is just sick."

With a serious expression, Kyle replied but then he frowned. He felt like something was wrong.

'She is sick?'

The golden-haired kid snorted and pushed Kyle back.

"She is dead! Just accept it. Why are you lying."


Kyle was going to reply when a black-haired middle-aged man suddenly descended from the sky.

The man was wearing golden robes. With an expressionless face, he looked at the kids.

For some reason, Kyle felt like the man's golden pupils were familiar.

The man approached the kids and tried to grab one of the kid. All the kids surrounding Kyle panicked. They hurriedly started running away from the park.

Kyle looked at the man and narrowed his eyes. He felt like he had seen him before but he didn't remember.

"Uncle, do you need something."

The man frowned when all the kids ran away. Now only Kyle was standing in front of him.

With a cold gaze, he grabbed Kyle by the collar and picked him up.

"What are you doing?"

Kyle spoke with frustration. He didn't understand what was happening. With a serious expression, he clenched his small hand into a fist and punched the man's hand.

"Let me go!"

The man raised his brow at Kyle's bold actions. He chuckled and forced something inside Kyle's mouth before throwing him away.

"Cough.. Cough...What did you feed me?"

The black-haired man gazed at Kyle's small figure and started walking away.

"Tsk, be grateful that I chose an ant like you."

The man spoke with disdain before he started floating and disappeared from Kyle's view.

Kyle was coughing nonstop. He heard the man's words.

'An ant?'

Suddenly blood started coming out from his mouth and nose. A sharp pain appeared inside his chest.


He clenched his chest and a tear came out from his eyes.

"It's painful."

After crying for a few minutes, Kyle stood up and wiped his face. He was feeling strange pain but it wasn't unbearable.

"I should tell father!"

He started walking back home with red eyes. After entering the house gate, Kyle walked inside a beautiful garden. The garden was filled with different flowers because his mother liked flowers. After walking inside the large house for a while, he appeared in front of his father's room.

Kyle stopped a little further away from the room door and blinked his eyes. His father and brothers were pacing outside the room.

Suddenly the door room opened and a healer came out from inside. There was a relief expression on the healer's face when he spoke with Baron Ohan.

After speaking with the healer for a while Baron Ohan started smiling. Even Neon and Ray both sighed with relief. After saying goodbye to the healer, all three of them hurriedly entered the room.

Kyle looked at the fading healer and started walking toward the room. He stopped at the door and looked inside.

The room belonged to his father. There wasn't anything expensive in the room but it was filled with paintings and some old antiques.

Suddenly Kyle's gaze landed on the bed. His father and brothers were standing around the bed with happy expressions.

On the bed, a brown-haired pale woman was sitting. Even though she was pale she looked beautiful. She laughed and looked at Baron Ohan with warm eyes.

"I said I am fine! You always worry too much."

"Look even the kids are anxious because of you."

Baron Ohan grabbed the woman's hand.

"I am happy you are fine Nicole. Now we all can stay together forever."

Both Neon and Ray hugged the woman and started expressing their worries.

On the other hand, Kyle was frozen in his spot. He started crying while looking at the pale woman.


Baron Ohan looked at the room door. Kyle was looking at the woman with teary eyes.

"Kyle come here, mom is fine now."

The woman looked at Kyle warmly and waved her hand.

The woman called again but Kyle didn't move. He was just crying while looking at her.

Baron Ohan walked toward Kyle. He bent down and wiped his tears.

"Why are you crying like a baby? Mom is fine now. She will stay with us forever."

Neon and Ray also approached Kyle and started patting his back.

"Father he is an idiot. Always crying!"

Neon pinched Kyle's check and walked back toward the pale woman.

Baron Ohan grabbed Kyle's hand and started walking toward the bed but Kyle grabbed his hand tightly and didn't move.


"What happened Kyle."

He looked at Kyle with confusion. At the same time, the woman sitting on the bed smiled and looked at Kyle.

"Don't you want to hug mom."

Kyle looked at his mom and took a step back.

Baron Ohan frowned.

"Are you gonna let your mom wait?"

With a deep breath, Kyle wiped his tears with his sleeve and looked at his father seriously.

"I remember she died today."

He pointed at the woman with a trembling finger and spoke with a choked voice.

"She is dead."

Baron Ohan's eyes darken, he grabbed Kyle's shoulder tightly and shouted angrily.

"Are you crazy? She is fine!"

While shaking his head, Kyle repeated his words.

"I don't know what's happening but mom is dead."

Baron Ohan's grip on Kyle's shoulder loosened and he fell to his knees.

Under Kyle's gaze, like a mirror everything cracked and his vision turned dark again.
