While Napoleon waged his battles in Italy, Ciela faced her own challenges in Paris. Having regained her strength after childbirth, she assumed control of the company and embarked on a mission to realize its vision: bringing modern technology to the world and modernizing France in the process.

During her visit to Milan to check on Napoleon's well-being, Ciela informed him of her plans to organize an exhibition showcasing the latest inventions. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the event was postponed and rescheduled for March next year.

On the 20th of March 1797, inside the grand ballroom of the Palais Royale, Ciela found herself surrounded by the elite of Paris society. Dressed in elegant gowns and tailored suits, the attendees walked arm-in-arm, engaging in animated conversations and exchanging pleasantries.

The ballroom exuded an air of opulence and sophistication, with crystal chandeliers casting a warm, golden glow over the festivities. The walls were adorned with elaborate tapestries depicting scenes of grandeur, while the polished marble floors reflected the flickering light of the candles.

Dressed in a gown of deep navy blue, Ciela, with her strawberry-blonde hair cascading in soft waves, radiated confidence and grace as she glided through the grand ballroom. Her tresses were elegantly pinned atop her head, allowing her emerald eyes to sparkle with determination. Warmly greeting the guests, she immersed herself in conversations about the future of technology and the extraordinary advancements unfolding before their very eyes.

While engaging with the crowd, Ciela's attention was drawn to the mesmerizing display of modern technology that adorned every corner of the ballroom. Ornate display tables showcased ingenious inventions and captivating gadgets, capturing the curiosity of the guests. In one corner, a steam-powered printing press hummed softly, its rhythmic vibrations resonating throughout the room. Not far away, a prototype spark-gap radio transmitted messages, its crackling sounds leaving onlookers awestruck.


Guests marveled at the latest marvels of engineering and design. They gathered around a contraption that emitted a soft, warm light – the earliest form of electric illumination. Nearby, a group of gentlemen engrossed themselves in a conversation about a prototype electric motor, discussing its potential impact on industry and transportation.

Amidst these technological marvels, motorized tools took their place in the exhibition. Skilled artisans and craftsmen, representing Ciela's company, showcased the precision and power of mechanical saws, drills, and other tools, all driven by small yet robust electric motors. Demonstrations of an electric-powered lathe and mill highlighted the remarkable efficiency and speed at which intricate tasks could be accomplished. The factory owners in attendance, who were accustomed to using steam-powered machinery since their inception, were particularly captivated by the potential for increased productivity and improved results offered by these cutting-edge electric tools.

Another technology that impressed the attendees was the production of ice. Based on Napoleon's study of thermodynamics and with his help, they developed an ammonia refrigeration system capable of producing ice. The sight of ice cubes floating in their refreshments left the guests in awe, as it was a luxury rarely experienced before.

Of course, the exhibition didn't only showcase mechanical inventions but fashions as well. Alongside the display of technological marvels, elegant mannequins dressed in the latest Parisian designs stood poised on pedestals. Lingeries, underwear, and other garments showcased innovations in the textile industry. Ciela's company collaborated with visionary fashion designers as she planned to start a fashion revolution in France.

She was inspired by the trend that emerged in France in the early twentieth century, the haute couture or high fashion movement. It is a movement that celebrates custom-made, one-of-a-kind garments crafted with exquisite attention to detail. Ciela believed that by combining this traditional approach with the advancements of modern technology, she could redefine the very essence of fashion, further advancing France's culture by the century."Madame Ciela!" A man called.

Ciela turned around and saw Antoine Lavoisier walking towards her alongside Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, Jacques Charles, and Pierre Simon Laplace. They were members of the French Academy of Sciences and the people who helped her and Napoleon create the inventions being displayed in the exhibition.


"Monsieur Lavoisier," Ciela curtsied gracefully as she greeted him. "Are you gentlemen enjoying the day?"

"Indeed, Madame Bonaparte," Antoine Lavoisier replied with a warm smile and the others nodded in agreement.

"That's lovely," Ciela responded, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

Antoine Lavoisier glanced at his pocket watch and then turned his attention back to Ciela.

"Madame Ciela I came to remind you that the lighting ceremony is approaching, it's already five thirty in the afternoon."

"Oh, that? Don't worry, I haven't forgotten," Ciela replied with a playful glimmer in her eyes. "In fact, I was just about to make my way to the courtyard. I wouldn't miss the lighting ceremony for the world."

Antoine Lavoisier's smile widened, relieved that Ciela was well aware of the impending event.

"Excellent, Madame Ciela. Your presence will undoubtedly enhance the significance of this moment. I must say, Monsieur Coulomb couldn't wait to see the light bulbs in action."

"Why wouldn't I?" Coulomb interjected. "I'm the one who helped create the system, and to see if it will work later in the evening fills me with anticipation."

Ciela giggled. "I'll see you there gentlemen," she said, bidding them farewell with a graceful nod before resuming her journey around the ballroom.

Thirty minutes later, the guests inside the ballroom were ushered out into the courtyard as Ciela invited them to participate in the lighting ceremony. Outside, the night is slowly giving way to a blanket of stars, and a gentle breeze rustles the leaves of the trees, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

In the courtyard, candlelights illuminated the area in a soft, warm glow, casting a magical ambiance over the space. The guests gathered around a large open area in the center, eagerly awaiting the moment prepared by Ciela.

Ciela walked towards the podium elegantly, like an angel floating through the crowd. Her gown billowed gently with each step revealing intricate patterns of delicate lace that seemed to dance and intertwine with the soft currents of air.

As she ascended the steps of the podium, the celestial glow of the moon bathed her in a silvery luminescence, casting an ethereal radiance upon her porcelain skin.

The men let out a sigh of admiration, mesmerized by her beauty. Seconds later, Ciela cleared her throat and began speaking.

"Gentlemen and ladies, you all must be wondering why I called you out here. Well, it is simple, I have something magnificent to show you. You see, Paris or every major city across Europe is lit by oil lamps, candles, and torches. It was the source of light that allowed us to walk in the night, guiding our way and illuminating our paths. But tonight, we stand at the cusp of a new era, a revolution in illumination."

The audience leaned in, captivated by Ciela's words, their anticipation growing with each passing moment.

Ciela continued, her voice filled with excitement and conviction. "Today, we witness the birth of a new form of lighting—one that will forever change the way we perceive the night, powered by a flash across the night sky. A technology that will illuminate our homes, our streets, and our lives with a brilliance never seen before."

She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in, and then gestured to a team of engineers standing nearby. With a flick of her finger, the candle lights in the courtyard were snuffed, and the lights illuminating the Palais Royale were also extinguished.

The attendees gasped as they found themselves enveloped in darkness. But moments later, light bulbs that were installed inside the Palais Royale and in the courtyard burst to life, casting a dazzling glow that dispelled the shadows. The courtyard was bathed in a soft, steady illumination, emanating from the electric light bulbs suspended above, creating a magical and futuristic ambiance.

A collective awe swept through the crowd, their faces illuminated with a mixture of surprise, wonder, and excitement. One thing they noticed was that the light bulbs above glowed brighter than anything they had ever seen before. The warm, radiant glow enveloped the courtyard, casting a gentle, inviting light that illuminated the guests' faces.

Ciela stood at the podium, her eyes sparkling with pride and satisfaction as she witnessed the mesmerized reactions of the attendees.

"In the mid-seventeenth century, our country was dubbed as the 'Ville de Lumière,'. Today, with the advent of electricity and these remarkable light bulbs, we can proudly reclaim that title. Paris shall once again shine as the City of Light both literally and figuratively," Ciela proclaimed, her voice ringing with triumph.

The crowd erupted into applause, their enthusiasm echoing through the courtyard. Ciela bowed her head graciously, acknowledging the overwhelming support and appreciation from the audience before stepping off the podium.

As the cheering continued, Citizen Barras, a member of the Directoire, glanced at his man to the right. "What do you think, Lieutenant Hippolyte?"

"I think she is the one, Citizen Barras."

"Be careful now, Hippolyte, she already has a husband."

Hippolyte scoffed, "Do you think I care about that? She is the one, Citizen Barras, and there's nothing stopping me from taking her."
