Rudra's Resolve

(Rudra's POV)

There were many adjectives that the people of the universe used to describe the Supreme Lord.

'Shakuni The Terrifying'

'The Strongest Guildmaster'

'The Undefeated'


'The one who stands at the pinnacle'

'The one feared by monarch's'

There were many glorified names and many historic feats to his name, however, his feat of suppressing the universal queen remained the greatest achievement he had ever made.

To think that such a man would be best described by the word 'Pitiful' was something most commoners would never imagine, however, the current Shakuni was pitiful and at the verge of losing his mind.

The seeds greatly amplified one's emotions, whether the emotion be positive or negative, the seeds altered one's brain chemistry to alter their personality by amplifying what was otherwise suppressed.

Rudra had a stable mind. A strong one that could barely handle the load of having five seeds implanted in his body, however, his rash decision of adding a sixth one became his undoing.


Every man felt some degree of pride in themselves, their strength, their wisdom, their courage.

There were days when they felt narcissistic looking in the mirror and there were times when they felt like they were now past their prime.

Usually, such feelings never messed with one's head as although they might feel some degree of narcissism, if confronted about it, most could play it off humbly.

However, with the seeds amplifying Rudra's emotions, he could no longer play off even the slightest of mood swings.

If a corrosive thought popped up in his head about ' How dare someone insult him?"

The seeds would immediately start manipulating his mind about how the mortals did not appreciate what he did for them and how killing them was as easy as taking a breath for him and how it would deter people from making the same mistake again.

If he felt even a slimmer of self doubt about whether or not he could control the power of the seeds, they would instantly jump on that train of thought and plant even more doubts in his mind saying things like

'Nobody in history has managed to handle two seeds at once, much less six! Do you really think you are three times better than all the celestial's in history?"


'Of course, you can't control six seeds, but you can control who you give them to and make them your subordinates.

Why take the risk yourself when you can make others take the risk for you?"

Every single thought in his head was exploited by the seeds to manipulate his will as slowly but surely they eroded his unshakeable resolve to the point Rudra had to go under self

isolation as he chained and imprisoned himself, telling the queen to only let him out when he had mastered the six seeds and stabilised his mentality.

A very big part of his current misery stemmed from his unintentional injury to Kremeth Junior and his confrontation with Max as the seeds had convinced him after the incident that he was more harmful than useful for the Rajput family and that it was time for him to move on.

Driving him to the point of despair, the seeds had convinced him that he was no longer worthy of communicating with his family and that it was best for him to enter isolation.

Although, Rudra had not completely lost his mind yet and could understand when he was being manipulated, he could no longer be sure if what the seeds suggested was in his best interest or not as his decision power clouded after taking in the sixth seed.

In his mind, he knew that one way to end this misery and to take full control of the power of the seeds was to fully master his emotions to the point where the seeds could no longer manipulate him, but while letting go of his emotions would undoubtedly make him a superior warrior, it would also mean that Rudra would need to sever his attachment to the universe completely.

It was one of the ways one could ascend to the celestial realm if they did not possess the celestial core as completely detaching oneself from emotions was one of the requirements for growing one's own celestial core.

According to the knowledge of the knowledge seed, a naturally grown core would always be superior to a supplemented core, however, Rudra planned to not only grow a natural core but to also add in the queen's core to ascend as a dual core user with at least 7 seeds in his body.

Setting that as his ultimate goal, Rudra decided to walk on the path of detaching himself from all emotions, even if it meant giving up on his attachments to his family as in his mind he was convinced that he was no good for them anyways.

Believing it to be the most painless and best solution for everyone involved, Rudra walked a path of no return trying to balance forces that were beyond the capabilities of any man ever born before.


(Meanwhile Max)


That was the timeline that Max had set for himself to face-off against Dracula.

In these three months he had given the order to DarkSorrow to prepare the strongest legion as he planned to lead the Bloodfall clan into the most consequential all out war!

For now it was a top secret, however, Max did intend to reveal his plans to attack Dracula exactly 3 days before launching the attack to garner support from all the lord's that were willing to follow him into battle.

In the meantime, he honed his skills, raised his level and teamed up with Drax to increase their synergy before the big fight.

Although Drax wasn't a big fan of the idea of filtering out yet another soul's information for Max, since it could probably put him to sleep once more, he could not deny Max the right to become stronger as he understood that this was indeed the fastest way to grow within a short period of time.
